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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Because there are enough colleges & universities in the Albany area for the fans to support local teams. Why would you expect someone from Albany to support Syracuse over Albany State? Another reason is we're as far from NYC as Syracuse & have more of an NYC feel to our sports support than anything as far away in the western direction. I grew up around NYC & nobody gives a rat's @ss about Syracuse football there. Albany is consistent with the NYC fans.
  2. There are plenty of Bills fans here, but the Giants are the most popular team by a wide margin-they were that way long before the Giants brough camp here.
  3. Mine came back around 3:30 PM Saturday. I was long gone from the house by then as I took refuge where the indoor temperatures were above 50. I returned home around 6:30, 3 hours later when the furnace had enough time to warm the place back to 70. I then went down to the basement to sweep some water into the French drain. At its peak there was 2" of water covering the floor since the sump pumps don't work without electric & my whole basement flooded. I figure in a day or 2 the basement floor should be completely dry. The worst part was I was planning to watch it on a new 46" HDTV and I had to postpone delivery so instead I'll still have HD, but the screen is only 19".
  4. Here's the deal: Under the original plan proposed, the concession guy gets hurt because there's nobody in the stadium to buy his products. So if anything, my plan is a wash for him.
  5. My most important points got missed because I went off on a tangent. He still was a RT, not a LT & he still weighed way too much for any of the experts to place that high a rating on him and be correct. His weight was & still is out of the range of successful NFL players. Kind of the rich man's Jamie Nails-who had limited success at RG, but couldn't cut it as a tackle.
  6. Wrong again-Since you keep citing Kiper, you should look at his 2002 book 1st. Kiper's mock draft: Bryant McKinnie 5th to San Diego, Mike Williams 9th to Jacksonville. You are right, "Where Kiper had the player rated in terms of overall players is not the same as where a guy is rated to be drafted." Williams was Kiper's 8th best, but expected to go a slot BELOW that by Kiper.
  7. People who are hospitalized in mental institutions are more sane than Hannity***. ***-Or more real. I've always though that Hannity doesn't believe half the shiit he says, but knows that it makes him rich.
  8. McKinnie-still in NFL with the team that drafted him. Williams-a distant memory.
  9. Mike Williams had 2 major question marks coming into the draft that year-1) He played RT in college and was being drafted to be a LT, 2)he weighed more than just about every successful tackle throughout the NFL's history. Anyone who tries to do something with the 4th pick in the draft like move him to another position or pick a guy whose weight is usually in the range of NFL failures is begging to get a bust. For the record, since you brough him up, Mel Kiper in his 2002 Draft Report didn't even have Mike Williams as the top tackle in that draft. He had McKinnie as the top tackle at 7th best & Williams at 8th-that's not top 5 if one can count from 1 to 10. Frank Coyle had Williams 7th best, McKinnie 3rd best player overall. So based on the Experts, the Bills should have drafted Bryant McKinnie, not Mike Williams. They went for off the field character over a guy with a much better build to last in the NFL & was a proven LT in college. Unlucky-no, stupid -yes.
  10. You can't coach a frog into a prince. The NFL isn't a fairy tale.
  11. I have a better idea that you should like & approve of: Since the tickets are paid for, it's counterproductive to waste them-that certainly doesn't hurt Ralph's bottom line, it only injures the fan who in effect has paid for nothing. But, if you want to protest in a way that will hurt the Bills in the pocketbook & send a mesaage-Boycott the stadium lots and the concession stands & make sure the Bills know exactly why the lots are empty & nobody is buying anything inside the stadium. Go to Hammer's lot or a similar place. Let the Bills know we're not going to further enrich them until they get their "zhit together". I'm not willing to sit home in Albany or drive to Buffalo and stay outside the stadium. But I can certainly avoid the stadium parking & concession stands. Edit: If you're artistcally inclined-show your disdain with banners all over the stadium saying how sick & tired you are of losing football. Placed strategically, they will have to appear on the tv broadcast. Remember-Ralph promised not to edit fan outrage when he fired Donahoe. So as long as it's not obscene, a disgruntled fan's sign shouldn't be removed based on the "Wilson Doctrine"
  12. A better situation is semi-pro football, because in 3 more weeks (+ a preseason in someone's camp) his NFL career is over.
  13. JP's NFL "career" is down to 3 more games. He won't be on anyone's opening day roster. Whoever signs him to his new miniscule $ contract will cut him by September 2009. It's not that he doesn't care, it's that he gets worse every game. The week of reps really made a diffrence. No reps, he looks like a viable 3rd stringer. Reps & he looks like a guy off the street.
  14. Ellis is on IR. I'd rather find out who Steve Johnson is than James Hardy.
  15. Until the team has a real front office, we're going nowhere. How does John Guy keep his job? If Ralph is afraid of firing a minority, can him & hire a more qualified minority-there has to be someone out there who is better. Heck, Allen Wilson couldn't do as bad a job as Guy. Year after year we sign duds as free agents. We have no football guy as GM. Marv wasn't even a normal GM when he was here. We've proven in the past how important it is for a football guy to run things. One bad experience with a power mad Donahoe has driven Ralph back to the dark ages. Was firing Donahoe the right thing-Absolutely! The Gestapo atmosphere at Ralph Wilson Stadium, the bad coaches, and the mediocre record shows he deserved the boot. Not hiring a good football guy with enough control is the problem.
  16. The whole point of the Toronto games is to generate more revenue. If we got tickets at Buffalo prices that would negate the reason. If we were ordered to buy the games at Toronto prices, most of the season ticket holders would revolt. They handled it just fine-we were given the option of buying the tickets separately if we wanted to pay for them. Doing the math, I believe most of us chose to not go to the games in Toronto. The ones who did want to go are either already in Toronto, on their way, or leaving soon. I doubt there is one season ticket holder who wanted to go, could afford to go, has access to transportation to Toronto, and is not attending. All season ticket holders have exercised the option to attend the game or not attend the game, based on our weighing of all the factors. Our season ticket bills were lower this season as a result of losing one pre-season & one regular season game. Next year our season ticket bill will go up since we don't have the exhibition game in Toronto.
  17. Anything is possible-as long as Ralph is motivated. What has motivated Ralph in the past has been losses & empty seats. The only time Ralph has ever gone for a big name coach (not counting Saban II) was Chuck Knox. That was 30 years ago & Knox had had enough of working for Ralph by the end of 5 years. In Knox's 2nd season we lost the #1 pick in the draft to the CFL. That really strained their relationship. During the USFL days we lost Joe Cribbs who jumped to Birmingham & Jim Kelly who signed with Houston. Then Ralph turned around & brought Cribbs back in 1985 and signed Jim Kelly to the biggest contract ever in 1986. In conclusion: At times Ralph has been a cheapskate to the point of making the Bills the laughingstock of the NFL. However, when motivated, Ralph has spent tons of money. What Ralph, at 90, will do is anybody's guess. But his track record, for the most part, is going cheap on head coaches.
  18. If you really believe that he faked a groin injury & missed practice today to make it look good, you need mental help.
  19. JP proves nothing by the Bills' beating the Dolphins. The only thing taking a beating around here is the dead horse that is JP's career. So by this insane logic, if we get 3 turnovers and a kick return for a TD, JP stays at QB.
  20. Considering the fact that Edwards sat out practice with a GROIN INJURY I'd say you're the one who is being ridiculous & any media speculation to the contrary about the groin injury IS just plain stupid. This staff has NOT proven that they will "fiddle!@#$ with the QB position". They walked a fine line last season between injured QBs & settled on the one who they felt was better. That's not messing with the QB position. Only those with blinders on would have thought they were benching their chosen QB for the guy who they have decided is in his last season with the team. Nobody benches a guy after a half when one week before he helped the team come within 4 points of the team record. Sorry, but if you buy into the conspiracy, you're a conspiracy nut-at least this time.
  21. I'm confident that if JP gets any significant playing time, he'll play himself right out of the league. He'll probably sign a 1 year deal with some team & get cut before opening day.
  22. Half the stuff Pitts & Boselli said made no sense. I screamed at the TV numerous times based on their idiocy. So for one of this clueless duo to say Edwards was benched would be in line with the rest of their unqualified statements.
  23. I'll stand by my thoughts that Edwards will be a star. He'll be the Bills QB, going to multiple Pro Bowls for many years long after Brett Favre has retired.
  24. I've had groin injuries. I could have sat outside in the cold all day. In fact, I've watched Bills games from my seats in December with a groin injury & was no worse off. I've run miles with a groin injury. The main thing I couldn't do is shift my weight in a non straight path (running) motion without pain. That's why I believe the push off problem and also can understand how any lateral movement would have been tough.
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