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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. You're the one telling others not to renew because the team isn't winning. That's the definition of a fair weather fan, you moron.
  2. Then with our schedule, we'll be able to get a real good one in the draft since if Edwards bombs, we're 2-14.
  3. I know this isn't much help after hearing Jauron is back for 2009, but Ralph did the same stuff over 20 years ago. When the Bills went 2-14 in 1984, Ralph kept Kay Stephenson & fired him during the 1985 season. When the Bills finished 2-14 in 1985 & it was obvious that new coach Hank Bullough was in way over his head, Ralph kept him for 1986 & fired him in the 1986 season. When he hired Marv Levy, a lot of the pieces were already in place for the upcoming championship runs. I think Dick Jauron is on a very short leash. Ralph sees a lot of head coaching vacancies elsewhere and really doesn't want to compete against all these other teams for a new head coach right now. He knows he doesn't have much to offer, since the Bills have a really tough schedule next year and need to upgrade talent in order to get any decent coach to come to Buffalo. So, here's what I see happening: Ralph kept Jauron. He keeps upgrading the talent this offseason & has a mildly competitive team, albeit one with a real tough schedule. If Jauron is something like 1-6, he fires him, makes a guy like April interim coach & gives him a tryout. If the team suddenly improves, April is kept for 2010. If Jauron doesn't bomb in the first half of 2009, he stays. So now say he gets us to 6-10, 7-9, or 8-8, Ralph says it's not good enough and fires him at the end of 2009 and looks for a real coach in 2010 when there aren't all these openings on other teams. I still think this team is heading in the right direction, it's just going to take a little longer. Now 2009 might be a sacrifice season & I know a lot of you don't accept that, but a cold hard look at the schedule makes success in 2009 difficult no matter who the coach is. Since we're likely bringing in a new guy in 2010, he will need to know the answer to several questions including if Trent Edwards is the answer. Jauron is being sacrificed in order to answer the questions, at least the new guy will know how much he needs to bring this team up to snuff. If Edwards is the answer (and I believe he is), the new guy is in a similar position that Levy was in with a young Kelly in 1986. If Edwards isn't the answer then at least the new guy will know he needs to upgrade at QB immediately when he comes in and can do what Jauron can't do in 2009. I'm not going to panic, cancel my tickets or go picketing the stadium. If Dick pulls off a miracle & does well next year, meaning deep into the playoffs, he stays, otherwise we all get our wish for him to go by this time next year. It's only one year at most folks, so let's all chill out a little today.
  4. So what you're saying is, you're from a family of fair weather fans who will only support a Super Bowl team. Screw your advice not to renew.
  5. The Bills had the wind at their backs. A throw would not have been against the wind. It was in my end zone-I'm positive on this one.
  6. My hope that fate will work the same way for the Bills and that if he leaves this year, we'll be a lot better next year. Basically, I was implying the guy is cursed in his NFL career and right after he left, fate slapped him in the face once again-he missed by one year of playing in the Super Bowl. I just don't think Dick ever acquired a hatred of losing because he just got so used to losing playing on bad team after bad team. He accepts losing much easier than he should.
  7. My point was that the guy never played on a winning team & never learned how to win. Now he may not have been responsible for the W-L records himself, but he may have learned to accept losing during his playing days & he obviously accepts losing as a coach. Look back at the guys who played during our Super Bowl years-they HATED to lose. For Dick Jauron, losing is a way of life in the NFL. He doesn't seem to mind it that much and nobody can ever say Dick Jauron hates to lose.
  8. Dick Jauron played from 1973-1977 with the Detroit Lions. Their records were: 1973: 6-7-1 1974: 7-7 1975: 7-7 1976: 6-8 1977: 6-8 He then went to the Cincinnati Bengals from 1978-1980. Their records were: 1978: 4-12 1979: 4-12 1980: 6-10 The total record for his teams during his playing days: 46-71-1. The year after Jauron's career ended (1981) the Bengals went 12-4 and won the AFC. The man does not know how to win!
  9. Slumdog Millionaire is a great movie. I watched it 2.5 weeks ago without having a clue what it was all about before I entered the theater. My power was out for 38 hours & I went to the movies with a friend who also had no power. We chose Slumdog Millionaire because there weren't many other selections at the time we arrived at the theater. When I saw it was from India, I was concerned it was going to suck. Then I remembered seeing a review where the guy interviewed the star & raved about the movie. It's as good as the reviews say it is.
  10. I hope they practiced it-Edwards punted twice in college in 2006 and averaged 55 yards per kick per Mel Kiper's 2007 Draft Report.
  11. Belichick was a big bully yesterday: 1st he gave Jauron a wedgie. Then he pantsed him. That's the only way I can describe how thoroughly outcoached Jauron was yesterday.
  12. Every year, with the exception of 2004, his rookie year, the Giants have made the playoffs with Eli Manning at QB. What is your point? Look it up, the Giants won the NFC East in Manning's 2nd year, 2005; made the playoffs in 2006 even after Manning had an Edwards like collapse when he lost a WR & OT (similar to when Reed & Butler were out in 2008) ; won the Super Bowl in 2007; won the division & are top seed in 2008. I'd have loved for JP to have lead the Bills to similar results.
  13. JP isn't the problem. He was a bust as a 1st round pick. Every year there are 1st round busts. The problem is with the irrational fans of his who blame everyone & everything except JP for his failure. They keep saying how he's better than this QB or that QB when the truth is JP just isn't good enough to play in the NFL. So we keep hearing over & over again that JP was screwed by this coach, or the one before him when they benched a guy who wasn't getting the job done. We keep hearing that competent coaches would have made JP a good player. Look, nobody could make Joey Harrington, Akili Smith, Ryan Leaf, or any other 1st round busts who were drafted a lot higher than JP into NFL QBs. Sometimes you just have to accept the fact your team messed up when they drafted a guy not good enough & stop blaming his coaches, other players etc for his inability to play in the NFL. Most of us who post negative things about JP do not have any ill will towards JP-we're just annoyed that the JP supporters go to such lengths to ignore his lack of talent, that it appears we're lashing out at JP, when in reality we're just trying to slap some sense into his fans who can't admit he's a bust & will never be a quality QB in the NFL.
  14. I said JP said he was gay. I didn't say JP is gay. The link of him saying it was on the board last year. When is quoting someone acting like a child? My point isn't whether JP is or is not gay, my point is that no matter what he does or says, people will find an excuse to explain it. If you know better, that is a much better reason than just saying he messed up his words when he spoke. The majority of people who immediately drew the conclusion that he didn't say what came out of his mouth did not have the benefit of your inside information.
  15. How does directly quoting JP draw you to that conclusion? JP said it, find the tape & listen. I'm just stating what he said. If JP is gay, so what? Does it change the fact that he can't play QB in the NFL? No, it doesn't have anything to do with it. The reason I quoted him was because people are in such denial about him and they even find a way to deny something he actually said. He said it, I'm just quoting him. If you want to deny it, fine-he said it.
  16. As Jack Nicholson once said "You can't handle the truth"
  17. Man, you JP guys come up with every friggin excuse in the world for everything JP does or says. Last year, when JP outed himself, you all went into denial & even made an excuse for that. When JP said "Being gay, being an athlete" when referring to himself the JP defenders all said "he said 'Being a athlete". Now JP may not be the smartest QB around on the field, but he doesn't say "being a athlete". You JP supporters are in denial about everything he says & does-WAKE UP!
  18. If I was trained in college to do the job, and paid millions of dollars based on what I did in college, and I was too stupid to bring my level of expertise up to a professional level-it would be my fault, not the people who hired me. Their fault would be in hiring someone intellectually unqualified to perform at the level they expect. Nobody ruined JP. JP wasn't good enough-it's that simple. Even Ryan Leaf admits that's the reason he failed-eventually JP will have to look in a mirror and do the same-just as his excuse making fans will.
  19. There are a few ways to look at next year: 1)The schedule is tough & Ralph keeps Jauron so that he can fire him if the Bills don't improve enough to make the playoffs and not subject a new coach to that hard a schedule. 2) Knowing a new coach gets a year's free ride, he fires Jauron & brings the new coach to suffer through a tough season. 3) Ralph spends a lot of $ in the offseason, abandons cash to cap, has a strong enough team so that either Jauron or a new coach succeeds.
  20. Just speculating that Ralph can fire Jauron as coach, but gets something back for the $ he's paying him instead of letting him go out the door and cash checks without reporting to Ralph.
  21. None of the above-He'll make Jauron part of the inner circle by kicking him upstairs to share personnel decisions with Modrak & Guy. He won't be fired, but he won't be coach.
  22. I thought the best part was when they blew up Giants Stadium-I cheered. With the power out last week I saw 2 movies-The Day The Earth Stood Still-very average & Slumdog Millionaire-an excellent Indian movie that I highly recommend.
  23. My opinion on why all the assistants hired for their 1st head coaching job have failed in Buffalo is because we never hire the real hot assistants, like the Spagnuolos out there, because Ralph wants a 1st time coach to sign a low $ contract. So instead, we get the 2nd tier of available assistants, while the more sought after guys get paid like, sought after guys. Even though he's been a failure in Cincinnati, Marvin Lewis is a prime example. The main reason he didn't want to come here when he was the league's hottest assistant was he didn't want to be paid what Ralph was asking-he thought he was worth more (He also thought he had the Cleveland job at a much higher salary but then they turned around and hired Butch Davis & killed his original plan). So we ended up with Gregg Williams, who was paid so low, he got a raise when he went to Washington after his coaching stint ended in failure in Buffalo. Until Ralph is willing to pay big $ to the unproven guy, the top unproven guys will sign elsewhere.
  24. Cribbs was the last pick left in the OJ Simpson trade to SF. He only missed the 1984 season with the Bills, so it was not like he left after 1983 & never came back. He played more than half the 1985 season with the Bills, but didn't want to be here even going as far as to put tape on his locker vertically like a jail cell to indicate he was a prisoner of the Buffalo Bills. He was traded before the 1986 season to San Francisco for a 3rd in 1987 (FB Jamie Mueller) and a 5th in 1988 (Kirk Roach, the barefooted kicker who got injured and never kicked in Buffalo, exiting as a plan B free agent).
  25. Stock up: Bill Polian-Indy qualifies for the playoffs again. Stock down: J.P. Losman-The most he can hope for is to sign a minimal contract with another team just to go to camp to compete for a ROSTER spot. If they still allowed the type of stock deals where you basically bet a stock would go down, we could have made a killing betting JP before the Miami game.
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