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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. QB Tommy Maddox-the XFL springboarded him back to the NFL where he ended up starting for the Pittsburgh Steelers. One time HBO's Arliss did a parody of the XFL where Kirby got a job as a coach. The league in the Arliss episode had a slogan "Big hits and big t*ts" If you remember the XFL, you'll remember the cheerleaders, who looked & acted like they were recruited from the local strip joints. I think Flutie was in that episode & the league was trying to sign him.
  2. I went to a game. March 3, 2001 Los Angeles Xtreme vs the NY/NJ Hitmen at Giants Stadium. I went on a bus trip from Albany. Jerry Crafts was on the Xtreme. I went mainly because I never went to a USFL game & regretted it. I still have the program from that XFL game.
  3. Actually, many had him as a late 1st rounder/early 2nd rounder. Kiper & Coyle both had him as a 2nd rounder in their draft guides' mock drafts. There were plenty of rumors on draft day that St. Louis or Green Bay was going to take JP in the 1st round. The big problem was, that considering how much the Bills gave up for JP-a 2nd, 5th & the following year's 1st, I find it hard to believe if Donahoe had offered a team in the latter part of the top 10 our 1st at pick 13, our 2nd, our 5th & 2005's 1st, they wouldn't have made the deal for us to draft Roethlisberger. Instead, Donahoe probably got too cute with what he was offering to move up & the other teams laughed him off. Then he let Parcells pick his pocket when the draft got to pick 22.
  4. I saw a report on the evening news that said the average price for a house in Detroit is $18,000. Just think of how much house you can buy on an NFL salary. Detroit is the place to be.
  5. Things can't be looking good for JP Losman & his agent. There are too many available QBs with better resumes, some who will gladly accept a backup roll, for JP to be on top of any team's lists. Let's take a look. Potential Starters: Warner Garcia Leftwich Veteran backups with much more accomplished than JP: Frerrotte Huard Batch Grossman (won a conference championship-playoff & SB experience) Guys on a par with JP, who have no delusions of being a starter: Boller Frye Harrington (the original JP) O'Sullivan Orlovsky Ramsey Simms Wright All these guys have started at some point in their careers. Most have a better W-L record in games they have started. I can't see anyone choosing JP until most, if not all of these guys are gone. Where can he go, besides Canada?
  6. "Royal is an interesting player. He's got some receiving ability, as he caught 33 passes for 351 yards (both career highs) and a touchdown last season. The Bills cut him because of cap considerations (he was due to count $8 million) and he battled injuries last season." It's amazing how these writers from other towns know so little about other NFL teams. 1st as mentioned in other posts, No way Royal was due to count $8 million on the cap. 2nd Royal was released because he was the Bills' biggest bonehead. If Cimini would bother to look at some film instead of a stat sheet, he would see that Royal would constantly make critical errors in important points of games. A team cannot tolerate a starting player who is that error prone. I lost count of how many times Royal did something bad & I screamed "get him out of here".
  7. Fowler has a pact with JP. Every hour one of them calls the other. They do this so they can claim their phone has been ringing in case one of their mothers calls to see how free agency is going for her boy.
  8. There was no risk. They could have traded him somewhere for less than the Chiefs offered. or if the market totally fell apart, just released him any time the $ were too much of a problem for their cap & paid him nothing. They couldn't be in any worse case a scenario than letting him walk as a UFA.
  9. So, when the Bills signed Fitzpatrick, did they suddenly lose all interest in a Cassel trade? Maybe Cassel's mother, or her coworker, didn't know wtf they were talking about to begin with.
  10. Dockery is not satisfied with robbing Ralph of millions the last 2 years, so he's headed to Detroit to personally steal a few more $ at Ralph's house.
  11. The same universe that JP Losman will be starting for another team & lighting it up.
  12. Not much suspense on who was in when it was down to Kris & Megan Joy. There was one girl already selected, there has to be a guy so if it's the girl then the other girls who are still seated and haven't been called yet are out. Since they couldn't do that to the ones still around who hadn't been called up yet it had to be the guy. Also, everyone knew Adam was going through, so there was nothing left to figure when those two were on the stage. In the end, they just couldn't resist bagging on Nick/Normund one more time. Jamar (Gokey's buddy) should have been in there instead of Nick/Normund when they cut to 36.
  13. The obvious place for Coles is Miami, reunited with Pennington.
  14. With free agency just 3 days away, one could say the players are making their way to much money.
  15. Let's see, Mister Defense actually thinks that the guy the Bills demoted to 3rd string in the last 2 games, behind Hamdan, will be re-signed to be the 2nd stringer. MD: Please put down the crack pipe & get yourself to rehab.
  16. Ricky Braddy is a shoe in for 1 wild card spot. He was the best singer of the night.
  17. What someone really needs to do is hand the keys to an 18 wheeler to a senior citizen who is no longer capable of driving & let him plow through the protesters like he would a storefront if he was behind the wheel of a car. Then we can hear another "I hit the gas instead of the brake" excuse & have something to rejoice over.
  18. Are you related to the guy who posted Mitch Frerotte died last June, today.
  19. It means he's the starter until Stafford is ready. They're either taking Stafford or trading the pick, and nobody with a QB situation as bad as Detroit trades the pick. Give Martin Mayhew a little credit that he's no Matt Millen.
  20. Here's your exact quote "This guy was downright awful in every meaningful game down the stretch". 1st off, if you include SF, which was AFTER the KC game, you can't say every, since KC would be included in every, then change it to majority to fit your response. 2nd, "Down the stretch" means heading towards the finish. You can't selectively start the stretch in the middle of the race-it doesn't fit the definition. So maybe your problem is with defintions of the word every & the term down the stretch. Or you just don't want to give Edwards a fair shake.
  21. A little bit of selective memory there. You convieniently leave out 2 road games in the middle of that stretch: KC & Denver and call a game where he came out of the game at halftime with some form of injury (SF) awful. Personally, your analytical skills in analyzing him "down the stretch" are awful.
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