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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. The best part of the story was Jimmy Johnson actually called someone to get more info on the guy & was not amused.
  2. The real answer to the Why the 49ers won't draft Stafford is because he will be long gone before the 49ers pick. How about this for Stafford's reaction: Some shrink representing a team that has no shot of drafting me is asking me some pretty personal questions. Now if he was the Lions or Rams shrink, I might be more inclined to put up with this s**t, but the niners, give me a break.
  3. What is the availabilty & price of high def on DTV?
  4. Let's see: Bill Pollian has won 4 conference championships & 1 Super Bowl. In Buffalo he was instrumental in drafting Bruce Smith as the focus of his defense. In Indianapolis he drafted Dwight Freeney. I rest my case.
  5. No trades, no signings, no moves up or down in the draft. Around here that is thinking outside the box. In the Bills front office it's called business as usual.
  6. For a team with no QB into the future, I think a team would be willing to acquire the #1 pick to take Stafford. The most logical team to take Stafford at #1: DETROIT I think Detroit is crazy to not take a QB inthe 1st round.
  7. Great, another article by a stat boy who probably has never seen Edwards or Cutler play in a game on the field. Cutler=stat boy's wet dream.
  8. I hope all you people excited at the prospect of the trade realize that the friend who e-mailed Astrobot is not Martin Mayhew & Mayhew & the Lions may not be thinking the same as one of their fans is. Also, if Stafford ever fell to pick 8, I'd be shocked. The 1st QB in the draft hasn't been 8th or below since the 2000 draft when Chad Pennington was the 1st QB at pick 18.
  9. RL's post is as stupid a post as the time someone on another Bills board used some QB statistics to show that JP Losman was better than Jim Kelly at the same stage of their careers. Jay Cutler couldn't hold Elway's jock. The one thing that Elway didn't do that Cutler does is make critical mistakes. Until Cutler cuts down on his errors, such as throwing the INT that cost Denver a chance to win against the Bills, or the fumble against SD that the refs bailed him out on, he won't be a championship caliber QB. The reason that Denver was interested in trading Cutler for Cassel was because McDaniels watched the films of his new team & realized that Cassel doesn't make the critical errors that Cutler makes which costs Denver wins.
  10. I would guess that after the year Hardy had wearing #81, he'd want to get as far away from that number as possible.
  11. Here's his reply: Quote 1: What I wrote was "the likes of Trent Edwards and J.P. Losman," meaning the type of QBs the BIlls have had lately, as compared to "the likes of" Jim Kelly. Admittedly, I should have made the analogy clearer. Quote 2: I've known Jerry for years. He "loves" the acquisition of T.O. because, for the first time in some years, there's finally going to be something exciting to write about the Bills. Jim D.
  12. The article from the Providence Journal on the front page was a hatchet job, here's what I e-mailed the author. The hatchet job you did in your column about Terrell Owens going to Buffalo cannot go without me providing you some feedback. I'm a Bills fan, living in Albany, N.Y. who cannot believe your lack of professionalism or ethics. Lets examine your indiscretions. Quote 1) "Still, it seems T.O.never gets the ball thrown to him often enough, as he often points out. It's always all about T.O. Considering that he complained about talented quarterbacks Donovan McNabb in Philadelphia and Tony Romo in Dallas, how long will it be before he becomes frustrated with the likes of Trent Edwards and J.P. Losman in Buffalo?" J.P. Losman is no longer on the Bills, he has been replaced by Ryan Fitzpatrick. A professional would check his facts and know who was on a team before he wrote about that team. The fact that you didn't shows your lack of professionalism. Quote 2) Joy is not exactly flowing in the streets of Buffalo over T.O.'s arrival. As Jerry Sullivan, the Rogers High of Newport grad who’s a columnist for the Buffalo News, wrote last week of Owens' signing: "This is a desperate move, a sure sign that (coach Dick) Jauron, the embattled head coach, needs to win this year and will do anything necessary to get there." Why did you take this out of context to fit your agenda that implied Mr Sullivan was not happy with the move. You knew very well that the paragraph indicated Jerry Sullivan loved the move, hardly equal to your "Joy is not exactly flowing..." statement. Just to refresh your memory here's what the part of his column you convieniently edited to fit your agenda, you even started the statement in mid-sentence. "You know what, though? I love it. Once I recovered from the initial shock, I realized it was the most interesting thing to happen to the Bills since they acquired Drew Bledsoe in 2002. All right, so that didn't turn out so well in the long run. And yes, this is a desperate move, a sure sign that Jauron, the embattled head coach, needs to win this year and will do anything necessary to get there. But what the heck. At least they're willing to try something bold and daring. " The readers of your paper deserve better.
  13. We got Larry Fitzgerald too? He's the most talented WR in the league. Owens was the most talented WR available, and no matter what anyone else thinks, we needed a 2nd talented receiver to get the offense moving. I'd say Trent is a lock to be playing in the Pro-Bowl now, but since the Super Bowl teams' players won't be playing in the Pro Bowl, he's only a lock to be selected.
  14. He probably spent last night at the Canadian Ballet.
  15. I was listening to ESPN radio last night right after the Owens signing & I think they were going to talk with Bentley. Right when the interview was about to begin, the local station switched to a hockey game. Did anyone hear him on ESPN radio last night?
  16. Midway through the Super Bowl when we are up by 14 points & Lee Evans has all the receiving TDs.
  17. The reason I feel optimistic is because I feel we have a decent enough team with a few more additions like another offensive lineman (G or C) and TE, as long as we get production from our QB. I believe Trent Edwards will be a special QB who has all the intangibles to be a great one. I think he really suffered after the concussion and basically wasn't right the rest of the season, even though he still had flashes of brilliance like the SD, Denver & KC games post concussion. If I'm right about Edwards, we will be a contender next year. Basically, I'm believing the Bills management is right puting all the eggs in the Edwards basket. If they're wrong, then the pessimists on this board will be totally right, because a team goes as its QB goes. This season will really tell whether Edwards will be the great QB that both the Bills & I expect him to be, or the injury prone loser that his detractors on this board claim about him. If the detractors are proven right, then we will truly suck & have no thoughts of being a contender for at least 2-3 years. If, on the other hand, I'm right, we'll be in the playoffs this season. Since I think I'm right, I'm very optimistic on this team's future.
  18. They did not give up a 1st for Jolley. They traded their 1st for Jolley and (at least) Oakland's 2nd. They did this because they wanted to draft Nugent & didn't want to use a 1st rounder on a kicker.
  19. That applies more to assistant coaches than players. Assistants get fired when a coach does. Players usually outlast a coach if they're that good.
  20. It's done all the time on this & other message boards. I see scouting reports on most of the guys we sign posted somewhere. I always look at pre-draft reports on guys we sign, just to see what the scouts thought. Funny thing, I read Rob Johnson's college scouting reports 11 years ago & it said he had leadership flaws & held onto the ball too long & took too many sacks. Sometimes that data can give you insight, even years later. As I've said, I think if there's data about a new player, no matter what it is, that nobody else has posted, it is worth posting. Since it was a character issue, possibly due to stuff he wouldn't think of doing today, fine-but why does everyone feel that they would rather not know the stuff?
  21. My whole point in posting the info to begin with was to state some data about the guy that I hadn't seen posted. If you don't want to know things about Bills players, why are you here to begin with? Maybe YOU have too much time on your hands if you have nothing better to do than criticize information about a new player because you don't want to hear that information. OK-Marshawn Lynch has never done anything wrong either-happy now?
  22. Then I guess you're not happy that he was suspended and had to do the community service & go to the awareness classes. Why did he not protest the suspension & the other stuff if he was so innocent? Really, I don't care what he did 5 years ago either-as long as he's grown up since then. The only thing to remember is that he or some innocent could have been killed that night if he was drinking & driving. That's something the drunks on this board still don't seem to understand.
  23. Here's something I found in his scouting report in PFW's 2005 Draft Preview: " Arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated in March'04. Also accused of shouting racial slurs at black passengers in a vehicle in front of him at a fast food restaurant along with teammate Cole Smith, who was charged with public intoxication. Hangartner denied making any racial slurs, and he took a polygraph which corroborated his claim. Both players were suspended from all spring practice and forced to attend a multicultural course, perform 24 hours of community service and complete an alcohol awareness program. Hangartner fulfilled those requirements and returned to the team in the summer. The DWI charge against him was eventually dropped due to lack of evidence."
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