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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Sign me up for your list and when the Bills win the Super Bowl with Trent in 2 years, be sure to post our names.
  2. Three of my TVs & two of my VCRs have digital tuners. Two of the 3 sets are hooked up to cable boxes, but my 3rd TV & the VCR/DVD recorder hooked up to it are not. Some interesting things happened when I rescanned the TV & VCR/DVD recorder that I don't have hooked up to cable. There were 2 channels that did not get picked up when I scanned. I could not just play with the antenna & punch in the station. I ended up bringing the set & recorder to the opposite side of the house & rescanned. Those 2 channels got picked up & then, when I moved the set back into the room I took it out of, I was able to get one of the 2 channels by playing with the antenna. Since I don't watch the other one, I don't care enough to find out where the antenna needs to be to get it. So-if you rescanned yesterday, make sure that you have all of your local stations. Depending on where the signals come from, you might miss a channel or 2 if you're on the opposite side of the house. There are still 2 analog stations left in Albany, I wasn't expecting this after 6/12.
  3. I believe that it's ok to change teams when you move-provided that you now attend some of your new team's home games and you have grown attached to that team as a result of attending the games. It's much easier to follow the home team & go to their games than the team from the place you moved from. Also, if you move & want to feel more a part of your new place, while leaving the old place in the past, it's ok to convert. It's always best to root for a team in a city that you currently live in or have lived there in the past. There's really no excuse for kids who grow up in Buffalo rooting for the Dallas Cowboys. Now, there are many fans who live in areas with no major league teams. These people need to pick a team, for whatever reason they choose, and stick with it. I don't agree with bandwagon fans who live in an area with no teams & change to the top teams every few years. The annoying fans are the ones who were last year's Patriots fans and this year's Steelers fans.
  4. You must really hate the Vikings for taking Winfield & P. Williams away from us.
  5. Please define "right before the finale" A day, a week, etc. The TV Guide story was at least a week or 2 before the finale. The fact that he called his life an open book many weeks before the finale is hardly keeping a lid on it. All he did was not get blatant about it because Idol honchos don't like any controversy.
  6. That's not true. Before the finale, TV Guide had a story & said that Lambert was attempting to become the 1st openly gay winner of American Idol. There were also stories during the season after photos of Lambert kissing a man became public where Lambert said he's not worried about any scandals because his life is an open book. He never tried to hide it, he just went along with American Idol's don't ask don't tell policy. During the 1st season of American Idol there was an openly gay contestant, Jim Varraros, who in an interview after season 1 was over said that the folks at American Idol didn't want him to talk about any gay stuff while he was on the show.
  7. Both guys who rose to power are from downstate. Outside of Golisano, Mr Florida, where do you see a victory for WNY?
  8. I can't see any lengthly court battle, here's why. The senators can switch parties any time they want. At the moment, the 2 senators have chosen to remain Democrats, but caucus with the Republicans. However, if they needed to switch to Republican in order to make it "legal" they'd do it. There is nothing a court can do to stop Democrats from switching to Republican or vice versa. Just look at Spector at the US Senate level, and many others before him at all levels of government. There is no case, anything brought by the Democrats is a total waste of everyone's time.
  9. Two horse race between Dunkirk & Charitable Man-but that doesn't mean they will run 1-2. One of these two wins, the other could run out of the money. Dunkirk probably wins or runs up the track. Charitable Man will hit the board. Mine that Bird will run somewhere between 2 & 4, won't win.
  10. That's only true when your #2 doesn't fill that role, which is what most #2s are supposed to do when not pressed into action. Fitzpatrick is a typical #2-braniac with some starting experience. The Dorsey type only gets a #3 spot when there's a young QB of the future on the roster who is filling #2. The #3 spot is usually the young developmental guy who makes around the league minimum. Hardly any #3s are the type you describe. The only reason Hamdan handled that last year was because JP coudn't
  11. I'm expecting to see some gorgeous woman with big snow cones & instead I get a story about poisoned snow cones served. Boo!
  12. We now know the real reason JP hasn't signed with another team & still lives in Buffalo. He keeps riding by that billboard on the Niagara Thruway & thinks he's still on the team. Edit: In Sunday's Buffalo News, they list key additions & subtractions from AFC East teams. JP wasn't even listed among the subtractions. He's just a forgotten man as far as the NFL is concerned.
  13. Based on your posts, it's hard to believe you've ever had a great idea.
  14. I have to agree with you on this one. If the people who supported gay marriage thought the vote was unconstitutional, they should have brought suit to get Prop 8 off the ballot before the election. Instead, they waited until after the election & tried to get another bite at the apple. If one feels something is truly unconstitutional, one brings legal action at that time, not after a vote on it is held and they lose. It's like electing a Governor & then voting him out of office. Oops, they allow that in California, so I guess they thought anything goes. Here in NY, we wish we could recall our unelected Governor-he'd be long gone by now.
  15. Notice that two WOMEN got sent to jail. I doubt there are any men there. Just another case of a country run by Islamic men who hate women who don't look like they just came from the bee hive.
  16. Haynesworth is forced to play his contract with the Bills, but will count against the Redskins cap.
  17. A few years ago I saw an old tape of another team's players singing the same song, with the same tune, before the Bills started singing it. I believe it's a common song that a lot of teams have sung over the years.
  18. You've got things kind of @ss backwards here. He was getting pulled because he was bad enough that the team couldn't trust him. You know he only had two head coaches in 5 years-that's hardly a formula that guarantees that a QB will be ruined. You make it sound like he had 5 head coaches. If Turk has been an assistant for 10 years, he must be doing something right, otherwise he would have been unemployed long ago. The coaching staff is hardly a QB killer, but from day one nothing has disproven a former poster's claim that JP is a coach killer on the day we drafted him. If anything, 2 head coaches realized what a coach killer he is and exiled him to the bench. Funny, but it's JP who is having a tough time finding a job. I believe there are several reasons for this, the Jets game being way down on the list. That list includes his scatterbrain which makes it virtually impossible to a)calm him down & b) for a coach to be able to teach him anything. Then there's the whole reaction to losing the starting job in his 4th year. Instead of doing everything possible to make himself valuable to the team & any subsequent team, he went into a funk, asked to be traded & then basically ran himself out of the league when given an opportunity to play. The fact that he thought his "talent" was good enough to expect another team to want to trade for him after he lost the job in Buffalo indicates he just doesn't get it. Then, where is he when free agency begins?-Instead of trying to maximize his chances by being available to visit any team that might have a slight interest in him, he's on vacation in another country. If he wasn't bright enough to be available on a 24/7 basis, don't you think his agent should have told him get your @ss back to the USA? Finally, there's a lot more wrong with JP than anyone here can figure out. The fact that nobody has shown any interest in him indicates that there's something in his attitude/scouting report that screams out lost cause.
  19. The easiest solution would have been for the school to order something to paste over the photo with glue strong enough that the page would come off if someone tried to remove the sticker. They could have done this without having to reprint anything.
  20. JP's years in the NFL work against him being a 3rd stringer. Most teams want a minimum salaried player as the 3rd stringer. JP has 5 years in the league & his minimum is more than a player with less experience. Look at the 3rd stringers & you won't find many who have been starters for a season or more. If you're a veteran & you can't get yourself a 2nd string slot, you're on the street until injuries open one up & the team feels you're the best option from the street guys.
  21. He can definitely be a pro bowler. He has all the physical skills. All he has to do is get himself down to those alleys every day & practice, practice, practice. Who knows, he could be the next Earl Anthony.
  22. So if McMahon booked Ralph Wilson Stadium & the Bills were forced to move a semi final round playoff game to Toronto, you'd be ok with that. That's what this is equal to. Basically a circus act trying to toss out the main tenant of the building which could result in the team losing a championship. Denver needs that home court advantage if they have any hope of winning this series because the series is too close to just throw away a home game.
  23. I don't see any team showing an interest in Vick-and he's not even close to being reinstated yet. Any speculation that the Bills or any other team is interested in bring him in is absurd. What Vick is going to have to do is 1st get reinstated. 2nd-display himself in a method similar to the way college guys showcase themselves for the draft. There will be a Vick personal workout where teams are invited to see what Vick has left. He'll have to do his own combine including running & throwing for the scouts. If he shows he's still physically gifted, he's then going to have to wait until someone gets a significant injury where they actually need him. Right now just about every team has their QB plans pretty well set. A team that does not have a QB of the present or the future is about all Vick can hope for. Right now I can't see one team that in their own estimation, despite what some of their nuttier fans think, needs Vick. He's poison from a PR point of view. Does anyone in their right mind think Ralph Wilson wants the PETA wackos picketing his stadium. In conclusion-Florio is f'n nuts or just had to fill a column & had nothing else but to use his pea brained "logic" in picking a probable team for Vick.
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