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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. This thread, headed by the original post is a classic example of why some people have labled me & others "JP haters". Guess what, we're not JP haters, we're stupidity haters. I have nothing against JP other than he wasn't good enough to play in the NFL and retarded the Bills progress. However, I have a huge problem with posts like the opening one. Here are my points: 32 NFL teams determined that they have better, cheaper, smarter, whatever better QBs on their roster than JP. That's 0 for 32. The worst teams in the league passed on JP because they felt someone else in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd string spots gave their team a better chance than JP. JP signed with a minor league team. Just because he's coached by a former NFL head coach-who was subsequently let go as an offensive coordinator by one of his closest friends and couldn't get a real shot at another NFL HC spot-it doesn't make the level of competition anywhere near the NFL level. It's a 4 team league that's going to be filled by rejects. If JP plays well, it proves nothing. It's like one of you going out and asking to play in your 5 year old's game. If you play well, you better not start dreaming of an NFL career. Speaking of minor leagues, Gibran Hamdan played so well in NFL Europa that he was the MVP in 2006. That year he completed 63% of his passes and had 12/3 tds /ints. After his MVP season he then got waived by 3 more teams and eventually landed on the Bills. The main reason he's been able to stick with the Bills is because he's best buds with the starting QB and helps him out on the sidelines. If he was as distant with Edwards on the sidelines as JP was last year, he wouldn't have been invited back. Just look at what the Bills did early on in free agency-they didn't ever think of Hamdan as a possible #2, they went out & signed another QB for #2. Point: Minor league stats don't mean a lot when it comes to NFL teams evaluating players. The more JP Losman played, the worse he got. It's no coincidence that he had his best year in the middle of the one year he was a full time starter. JP got in some decent games against some bad teams & his supporters were all claiming he turned the corner. Once D coordinators got some film on the guy, his career was over. He had one good play in the 2006 season finale and was bad the rest of the game. The original post is typical of all the nonsense we've seen from the JP die hards over the years. The nuts jobs have subjected us to these gems over the years: JP has had too many coaches, systems etc-guess what-he's now in another new system, coaching staff etc. Do we even know who his QB coach will be? The only thing we do know is if the guy's a UFL QB coach, no NFL team wanted him. So I guess they'll have anothe built in excuse if he doesn't dominate the 5 year olds. JP was screwed because the coaches didn't like him. Mularkey realized early that he wasn't going to win with JP. His entire locker room was torn up by veterans demanding JP be replaced. He chose Holcomb in an attempt to win & all the JP fans went nuts & because the subsequent QBs don't have the gun JP has (which is NEVER a guarantee of NFL success) keep labeling his fellow QBs "noodle arms". When Jauron came in and gave JP the job , mainly because there were no other competent QBs on the roster (the Nall signing didn't pan out & they were stuck with JP), he & his staff soon realized something was missing. They looked at JP, rightfully so, as a guy who you're always looking to replace-sort of like Keith Ellison at the QB position. Finally the dumbest conspiracy theory came from the JP fans: In 2007 the Bills chose not to play JP because it would increase his salary by millions for the 2008 season. This one was so crazy-they never understood that if JP had met the incentives he would have been waived. There was no way the Bills were going to pay him $5 million as a backup. A similar conspiracy was the Bills didn't want JP to be in the position to demand a long term $60-70 million contract. That, when they had already figured out JP was never going to justify ever demanding big $.
  2. JP is certainly in the right circumstance. Playing in a 4 team minor league with & against a bunch of NFL rejects. If he plays well what has he proven other than that he can suceed in the minor leagues? Gibran Hamdan played well in the minors & can't get a sniff beyond NFL 3rd stringer. At this point, NFL Europe was a superior league to the UFL.
  3. A few seasons ago at the home opener, the guy doing the Bills' pregame show on WGR was amazed when a couple walked by with the man wearing an Erik Flowers jersey & the woman wearing a Hines Ward jersey.
  4. For $7 million I would maintain a monk like silence.
  5. That opening day ticket is huge. I don't know where I'm going to carry it at the tailgate party. I usually just put the ticket in my wallet, but this one won't fit.
  6. That's a very poor comparison. Rose was banned because baseball has a rule that states you can't be a participant in major league baseball & bet on baseball. It is posted in every locker room. Although I've never been in an NFL locker room, I'm pretty sure there are no signs posted on the walls stating that one cannot finance a dog fighting operation, bet on fights and kill dogs. Baseball has posted the equivalent of a no trespassing sign (for betting on baseball)in their locker rooms. PS- Rose the player should be in the Hall of Fame unless someone can show he bet on baseball as a player. If he had been elected to the Hall of Fame as a player & then kicked out as a manager, would they have kicked him out of the HOF? If Rose had never managed, they would have had no grounds for banning him as a private citizen betting on games. "Rose he knows he's such a credit to the game..." -Billy Joel.
  7. Do you know why thousands of companies don't want to hire convicted felons? It's because they don't want a repeat of the criminal activities at their place of business. So what is Vick going to do, hold dog fights in the dead of night at the stadium of the team he plays with? The odds of Vick being involved in any criminal activities at an NFL stadium are pretty darn slim. Whether he could have played the last two years or not, Vick has already lost 2 years of a very finite career. To ban him any longer would be the longest ban other than a lifetime ban. The legal system has released him from jail, if he messes up, he'll go back. He should be reinstated and then we can see which team is stupid or desperate enough to hire him. Odds are much higher it will be the Dolphins than the Bills.
  8. I don't smoke marijuana, but I know plenty of people who do and have no problems with it. You might be surprised at the amount of people who smoke marijuana. I was amazed at how many of my co-workers who do and lead very normal lives. It's hardly as dangerous as you make it out to be. Some grow their own and never deal with the criminals who are selling it. Also, many of your so called criminals are pretty harmless and would never get into any life & death battle with the law enforcement people. It's more at the much higher level of the sellers (like organized crime & big players) where lives are endangered than the local drug dealer who sells the average joe some weed. Also, if you decriminalize it, your arguments against it go away. So isn't it simpler to decriminalize it, tax it & do away with all the reasons you state why it's dangerous?
  9. If this clown knew anything about what went on in our secondary last year when Ted Ginn Jr. was beating McGee, "our #1 corner" when McGee was playing on one leg while our coaching staff refused to put McKelvin in, he'd understand why nobody here can take him seriously.
  10. Rae Carruth & Travis Henry will both attempt breakouts this season.
  11. We had a heavy thunderstorm here a few minutes ago & it messed up the digital signals. There was breakup & the stations that didn't need the booster used on the antenna in order to receive them, needed the booster & still broke up slightly. I guess they haven't quite mastered a thunderstorm around Albany yet.
  12. Because he wasn't eligible for an earlier draft & you can't sign a player who has never been eligible. If you could, then there would be no need for a supplemental draft or underclassmen declaring for the regular draft. Imagine if an underclassman declared he was quitting college right after the April draft. Under your question, the best underclassmen would make themselves free agents after the draft by quitting school & then would get to pick their teams & drive up salaries with bidding wars. There's regular & rookie cap effects to consider as well. As long as there's a draft, there will always be a supplemental draft to prevent players from going from school to the NFL without giving teams a shot at drafting them.
  13. Proof that there is no such thing as a hot politician. Sure she's better than Janet Reno, Madeline Albright & Hillary Clinton, but really, Palin is a very average looking woman. There are millions of women out there a lot hotter than Sarah Palin.
  14. They had one in Mitt Romney. Unfortunately, he reversed his Mass Gov policies on social issues because he felt he had to cowtow to the social conservatives to win the Republican nomination. Instead he was knocked out by McCain in the primaries because the social conservatives didn't trust him after all his flip flops. Until the Republicans take back their party from the religious right they'll end up with people like Palin getting the VP pr Prez nomination. The Republicans could have nominated Tom Ridge, a man much more qualified for VP than Palin last year, but the single issue anti abortion people within the party let McCain know he was unacceptable. When I was younger, I voted Republican a lot more because their party hadn't yet been hijacked by a bunch of wackos who don't care about the issues that really matter-like the economy & national security. They would rather have a recession & kick out qualified gays from the military than elect someone who doesn't agree with them on social issues. Back when Guiliani was the Republican front runner I was telling everyone there was no chance the religious right would accept someone with his social beliefs. What did he get, something like one delegate?
  15. There's an entire thread like this one on the football board. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=91506
  16. The "average fan" has probably either never have seen Trent Edwards play or might have seen a game or 2 in his career. The opinion of the average fan is meaningless. Most of their opinions of players they don't watch is based on what the guy who is on the radio at the time they are commuting thinks.
  17. When I lived in an apartment complex I became friends with an elderly lady who used to walk around the complex for exercise. One time she fixed me up with a woman who had moved in next to her. I was running & they stopped & I was briefly introduced to this woman. I talked with her on the phone for a couple of hours & realized she was a psycho & I didn't want to go out with her. (One of the 1st things she asked me was what's going to happen when I can't go to football games any longer-not even one date & she was already contemplating ways to make my life miserable) I called her back the next day to break up before we even had a date. During the conversation I was trying to be diplomatic because I didn't want to offend my elderly friend. The psycho wouldn't just take no for an answer without a complete explanation & after a while I'd had enough & told her that she was the most depressing person I'd ever spoken to & that's why I didn't want to get together again. A month or 2 later I see my friend & I start apologizing to her that it didn't work out. She then tells me she didn't know the woman at the time but that she later found out she was totally crazy. She said the woman calls her up some mornings just to say f-u and then hangs up. When I told her what I said to the woman about her being the most depressing person I had ever spoken to, my friend said she was glad I said that. Dodged a bullet with that one. If you think someone is crazy, they probably are.
  18. They really need to limit the internet access at the mental institution you reside at.
  19. Dykstra has now declared bankruptcy. The post by someone asking for stock tips reminded me to post the story of Lenny Dykstra. Anyone who watches Real Sports on HBO has seen the profiles of Lenny when he was riding high & the latest one where he's living in a house sans wife & furniture. Lenny was once the darling of Cramer & his people, now he's just another guy who gambled & lost. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/money_co/2...led-for-ba.html
  20. The most honest evaluation was quite evident: Any player who is signed for a minimal salary and gets waived before camp is, in the team's evaluation, no good. The only rookies who get cut before camp are considered as no good, otherwise they would have one of the 80 spots. Either that or the Bills are so loaded on their O line that they can afford to cut NFL caliber players before camp.
  21. I'll watch, I'll try to go to the game that is in Hartford. I hope it's vs Las Vegas so I can see JP play one more time. I used to watch the USFL on tv & my biggest regret was not going to the final championship game-it rained at least part of that day & I just didn't feel like driving to NJ in the rain. I never got to see a USFL game in person & I'm sorry I didn't even see one in 3 years, because I was only about 50 miles away from Giants Stadium when the USFL was around. I did see an XFL game, LA vs NJ, so I got to see the league champion (Jerry Crafts was on that team) in person. I saw a bunch of arena games when the original Albany Firebirds were around & I even saw a NY Knights game at Madison Square Garden in 1988. If there's another league, I'll try to go to at least 1 game, so I have no regrets like the USFL ones. PS-I don't expect the UFL to last very long. Also: Here's my best USFL story: I'm in my car listening to a Generals-Gamblers game. In the 1st half Kelly goes down with a knee injury. The guys on the radio are saying it's a tough blow for Houston because Kelly will probably miss a few weeks. So who is the QB for Houston in the 2nd half? None other than Jimbo! I knew right then & there he was one tough son of a gun & looked forward to the day he'd be a Bill.
  22. quarterbacks under duress to ground the ball inside or outside the pocket So now when JP gets sacked & fumbles, he'll say "I was just grounding the ball" to the ref.
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