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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Now I know we're not in the league of the elite teams, like the one we played last night, but this trash everything based on exhibition results is ridiculous. A lot of you don't remember how awful Frank Reich used to play in preseason, because he needed a game plan to play well. Now I don't know if Trent's preseason is similar to what Reich used to experience, but I'd like to see this team in real games before I'm thinking the season is a waste. Pre season can be very misleading. Detroit went 4-0 last preseason & didn't win a game. This team may well indeed be bad, and Trent may prove unworthy, but you just won't know that until the real games are played. Also, those who really think we'll be the worst team in football are nothing short of insane. The Bills are a mediocre team. Sometimes they'll look good (like against Chicago this preseason) & sometimes they'll look bad (like GB & Pittsburgh preseason games). This translates to a 5 to 8 win season-not what anyone here wants, but definitely not in the worst teams group.
  2. Introduce him to Mike Shanahan and tell Dick that Mr Shanahan will need Dick to clear out his office ASAP.
  3. With respect to my buddy Petrino, Ode to Chuck Knox: His offense had a huddle and he drafted Perry Tuttle He was sure about Booker Moore and before he was done, he cut Gary Anderson.
  4. I don't know when Edwards' contract is up, but I'm sure of 1 thing-He is not going to be an unrestricted free agent-this is only his 3rd season, so if his contract is up, we just have to tender him the highest minimum & then see what happens. Chances are if he's good enough, we'll extend him or match any offer. If he's still a question mark, nobody is going to give up the draft choices to sign him & he'll be back next year with one more chance to show he's worthy of big $.
  5. It depends on what Mort's son wants to do after he gets cut by Tennessee. Right now the answer is JP, but I doubt JP is making very much to play 6 games of minor league football (IF the league ever plays those 6 games). Fortunately for JP, if he didn't do anything stupid, like become a Madoff client, he should have tons of money & can basically play for free for as long as he wants to. To put things in perspective, JP made more last year than many people will for their entire working lives.
  6. You were really close on the conversation, but I corrected your one oversight.
  7. I'm not sure why the game ended on the play with a safety awarded. He can be in the endzone all day long & it's not a safety until he goes out of bounds or is tackled, since he can still punt it if not tackled. So my question is: If he went out of bounds, then there's got to be time left & the Bills should have received a free kick. If he didn't go out until after the clock expired then it is not a safety and the Bills shouldn't have been awarded 2 points. I seriously doubt he timed it perfectly where the clock expired at the exact moment he stepped out. My guess is the refs messed something up.
  8. For a few seconds I thought Ralph was going to talk about affordable health care for people in need, and that he was appalled by the fact these people couldn't afford to get the kind of care that he can. I didn't think it was the time or place to talk health care. Then, when he continued, I realized that he had just said the wrong word.
  9. FYI-Terry Bledsoe didn't die, he recovered from his heart attack & was fired. Now it's difficult to find anything on Bledsoe, but in 1992 he was involved in an attempt to start a new team in a new league in Tampa.
  10. Anyone who listened to Ralph last night no longer can post the moronic Ralph is senile BS. It's about time for the Ralph is senile posters to admit that Ralph has more on the ball than they do.
  11. Other than the assumption that she hasn't done much work since high school, everything else is contained in the story. 27 years old-check lives with mommy-check 9 years out of high school-unless she's really dumb, dropped out & then came back-OR WAS REDSHIRTED numerous times-check Filed a frivolous lawsuit -what else would you call suing because you can't find a job 3 months after graduating? -check
  12. She's 27, which means it took her 9 years from high school to get her degree. What has she been doing in the 9 years that usually take a person 4 to complete their degrees-obviously not working, otherwise she'd have some means of support and could have turned the right part time job into a full time one. Maybe the fact that she's 27, hasn't done much work since high school, lives at home with mommy, and just finished college screams out LOSER on job interviews. It is not the responsibility of a college to find employment for its graduates. It is the responsibility of the graduates to find their own job. I hope the judge throws out the case & fines her the legal fees-not that she can afford to pay them. However, if she found a lawyer to take this case, I hope that the lawyer has to pay the cost of this frivolous lawsuit.
  13. Has the post office taken away any mailboxes near you? They removed the mail drop box down my block and I noticed another one removed in my neighborhood. It looks like a cost cutting move. I don't know if it's just a local thing or nationwide.
  14. The difference is, is that when a QB busts, he sets the franchise back by years. Now he may not be the biggest bust, but he was one of the biggest busts, at the most important position on the field. The same can be said for Rob Johnson since he cost a 1st & 4th and wasted the Bills time, and to a lesser extent Drew Bledsoe, because he cost a #1 and only lasted 3 years. Every time the Bills have found a starter post-Jim Kelly, he's set the franchise backwards and wasted not only the years he played, but others as well. If the Bills hadn't invested in JP in 2004, they would have chosen Cutler in 2006. If Edwards doesn't work out, then the franchise has again spun its wheels & lost valuable time. A QB bust is a franchise killer.
  15. I'll watch the UFL IF they play. I'm concerned that the league is about 2 months away from playing & they don't have a schedule yet. They don't know the dates when & where they are playing & have not put single game seats on sale. All they have is a waiting list. They have very few players under contract. Now I know they're waiting for NFL cuts, but this lack of a schedule & ticket sales is a major red flag. I think it's no better than 50-50 that they play this year.
  16. It all depends on what his play actually looks like on the field and not on a stat sheet. If he's running for his life but making plays when he can, then yes, it would rest on the O-line. If he plays like the 1st half of last year's Cleveland game, then it's on him & it's time to move on. If he plays like he did before the concussion, then get your playoff tickets & watch him be named to the Pro Bowl (which in my wildest dreams, no Bill is permitted to play in)
  17. No, there are insane people who believe Bush was responsible for 9/11. Not a lot and since when does an insane person's beliefs have anything to do with political leanings-they're insane-in other words incompetent to make a rational decision. That describes people on all ends of the spectrum. The easiest way to shut up a 9/11 conspirator who says the planes didn't hit the Pentagon-Ask what they did to the people on the planes. None of them have the footballs to say what should be their logical(?) conclusion- that the government killed them all, including Olsen's wife. They know they'd immediately be put in the crackpot wing.
  18. When I saw this woman screaming that Obama is from Kenya, not the USA all I could think of was she forgot to bring her sheet. When she said I want my country back, she should have had the guts to say what she was really thinking (...from that n*****). The birthers are nothing more than a bunch of raging racists without the balls to let their true agenda be seen in front of the camera. I don't know if Rush is actually a racist or just plays to the racists because it puts more money in his pocket, but if you want to hear racist BS on mainstream radio, Rush doesn't disappoint. His nonsense got him fired by ESPN, but he knows the racists are a part of his base & keeps them happy.
  19. Great comeback. If you're too STUPID to understand analogies I can't discuss things with you. So instead I'll state this clearly. You have the intellect of a 5 year old, and that is NOT an analogy.
  20. They can still waive him with an injury settlement. He'll get more $ than if he had stayed healthy & just been cut. If they put him on IR, then it means they think he may have a future.
  21. So say JP lights it up like Hamdan NFLE 2006-what's the NFL going to offer? A back up spot If you are right than JP is even dumber than you!
  22. Yes I am a HATER of dumb@sses, not of JP. Right now I'd have to say you're vying for the king of the dumb@sses, with your response. See let me explain a few things-I didn't compare the UFL to 5 year olds-I compared JP in the UFL with an adult (probably with no football skills, like me) playing with a bunch of kids, my statement said just because you (the adult) plays well vs the kids, don't go thinking you can play in the NFL. If JP plays ok in the UFL (see Hamdan NFLE) it means nothing. In other words, minor league stats don't equal NFL jobs. As far as my 2nd use of the 5 year olds in the post, it was a carryover-ever watch something where something referred to 20 minutes earlier is brought back for comedic effect? After watching the 5 year sitcom of JP at QB, that's what I was doing. You have to be pretty STUPID to think I was actually comparing adult minor leaguers to 5 year old kids. As far as the # of coaches. The NUMBER has to increase by at least 2 if JP's so called "plan" works out. If he's been screwed by the # the Bills had, exactly how is more inconsistency in 2 more entirely brand new systems going to "unscrew" JP? Your premise that JP CHOSE to to play in a minor league rather than accept a back up job in the NFL is absurd, especially since you believe having multiple coaches screwed him. It would make a lot more sense for him to learn a system and show a team something in exhibition games & practice than going to a SIX GAME league. If they do have any exhibitions (they haven't even announced their regular season schedule yet & it's getting kind of late) I doubt they'll have enough structure to help JP settle into the system he'll be using for an entire six game schedule. If JP was seriously trying to develop his game, which after 5 NFL bust seasons is pretty much a lost cause (look at the history of busts & see how many, if any developed their game after 5 years-especially in the salary cap era), he'd have gone to the CFL where they play a lot more than 6 games. The UFL season is not much more than the NFL exhibition season-JP will play 1 more regular season game than the Bills play preseason games. The bottom line is if JP could have signed anywhere other than the UFL, he should have or would have. Should have if there was a chance, would have if (a big if) after stupidly shunning backup offers, the only place left was the UFL.
  23. The Bills didn't play in the NFL until the 1970 season. Therefore, Harris did not become the 1st black NFL QB to start a season opener in 1969, nor was Briscoe the 1st to start a modern era NFL game. They both attained these milestones in the AFL. The AFL deserves the credit for helping to bring football into the 20th century, the NFL had nothing to do with Harris or Briscoe until the 1970 merger.
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