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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. He's probably going on the Practice Squad tomorrow & will be available if needed.
  2. Last year's draft reaffirms my long standing philosophy that you can tell in year 2 whether a QB is a bust. The Packers are not afraid to put the bust label on 2nd round pick Brohm after 2 camps and a season. The Patriots felt the same way about the weatherman O'Connell. A guy certainly can improve beyond his 2nd year, but you can tell the busts quickly enough. The excuses we've seen that Johnson & Losman just needed more time were proven wrong-the more time just meant a longer than necessary ticket out of the NFL.
  3. Unless they want to hire 1 of the 2 other fired OCs who else is out there in September? They had no choice but to hire from within. Based on the Bills offensive record, who within the organization would have satisfied you? If you have a name, tell us who you want.
  4. I live about 295 miles from the stadium & try to make every game. From 10/21/90 through 11/4/07 I never missed a regular season or playoff home game. The streak ended on 11/18/07 with the Sunday night New England game. I had to visit my parents for Thanksgiving & had to get there early because my mother was having an eye implant that Monday. My father ended up in the hospital, the day before the game (Good thing I hadn't traveled to Buffalo) but we got him out for Thanksgiving. It turned out that was our last Thanksgiving together, they both passed away in 2008. I'm so glad that I missed that game, I can't think of a better way to end a streak than the extra time I spent there Thanksgiving week.
  5. DBs: McGee McKelvin Corner Florence Lankster Whitner Scott Byrd Wilson Wendling or Simpson That's 10 DBs.
  6. After the Bills shock the world & beat NE "Who here thought we'd win? You're a liar, you're a liar, you're a liar"
  7. WTF? I was being sarcastic about the idiots who have written off our season based on a few meaningless exhibition games. How do you get that I'm a Giants fan from that?
  8. That wasn't my point. Corner had the team made day 1. My point was that Jauron, while praising Corner, was cryptically saying why he's letting Youboty go-he wants reliable players, like Corner on his team, not guys who don't show up all the time, like Youboty.
  9. Carucci just said on the postgame show that he expects Youboty to make the team. I disagree. My opinion is based on what Jauron said about Corner in the post game press conference. Jauron said Corner is always there, games, practices etc. I think it was a final slap at Ashton Youboty while praising another CB.
  10. He was a DE who was erroneously listed in the 2005 media guide as a 6'4" 275 lb cornerback.
  11. For all those who believe pre season means anything- We're winning opening night!
  12. He was suspended months before he went to jail. Vick wasn't in jail 2 years, he started his jail time in November 2007 (about 3 weeks before his actual sentence. No matter how you spin it, he WAS suspended before, during & after his prison sentence was served or even determined. In fact, he was suspended while still "innocent until proven guilty" So until you know what you're talking about, you would be wise to refrain from calling others stupid.
  13. I think he was in for a visit this year & left unsigned.
  14. When he lights it up against Tampa Bay, on opening DAY*, nobody will care what happened in the 5th preseason game when most teams only play 4 & still don't play most of their starters. *not crazy enough to say he'd light it up opening night.
  15. ...and you can do that for about half that in Buffalo.
  16. Crum has never played a down of pro football & nobody in the NFL wanted him. Prude had 1 decent NFL season & got waived out of the league a couple of seasons later. Sams is about the only non no-name California has. Pettiti started for the Cowboys & Murphy was in & out of the NFL for a few years.
  17. I give up, I'm just going to listen to the Bills game on our local radio station & watch the Jets & possibly surf the Giants since both are on in Albany.
  18. I was going over the UFL rosters & I found some interesting names. Just call them the Las Vegas ex-Bills: J.P. Losman, Lauvale Sape, Teddy Lehman & a guy we cut in pre-season George Gause. The only other ex-Bill I could find was Florida's QB Craig Nall. Here are some other familiar names: Las Vegas: Wendell Bryant, David Kircus, Tony Parrish, Tim Rattay (who could end up beating out JP as the QB if JP falters); NY: LaBrandon Toefield, Quinn Gray, Cecil Sapp; Florida: Bob Pettiti, Zach Pilar, Bo Schobel, Jermain Wiggins, Curtis DeLoatch, Frank Murphy. California is fielding a bunch of no-names. Based on the "I've heard of him" factor I'd rate the teams 1)Florida 2)Las Vegas 3)New York 4)California.
  19. I figured it was time for his first flaming since he couldn't even spell Cowher's name right in his 1st post.
  20. Never heard of Bill Cower. Why would Ralph pay anything to a guy named Bill Cower?
  21. Finally someone who stated it right. 2 years and 2 games away is much more severe than a 3 game suspension. Lynch basically left a woman for dead last year (he didn't know her condition when he sped off) and got no games. So as a 2nd time offender, he got off pretty lightly.
  22. In other words, "I'm too old for this pre-season shiit"
  23. George Allen was fired by the Rams in preseason. It was more a personality conflict with the owner than anything else. http://articles.latimes.com/1991-01-02/spo...orge-allen?pg=1 "Curiously, Rosenbloom chose Allen to succeed Knox after the 1977 season. Even more curiously, Rosenbloom fired Allen two games into the 1978 preseason. The future didn't even make it to now. Rosenbloom fired Allen amid reports of bizarre behavior that, had he known better, was nothing more than customary George Allen behavior. Allen, for instance, chewed out players for failing to properly clap chalkboard erasers and could be distracted from a blocking drill by the sight of crumpled paper cups strewn across the practice field."
  24. That was Marv's biggest mistake. The Bills scouts loved Cutler. He could have corrected Donahoe's mistake of picking JP, but instead the team decided not to pick a QB and hand the team over to JP. One rule should always be if your scouts have identified a guy as a franchise QB, and he's available when you are drafting, and you don't already have one, you draft him.
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