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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. There was no reason to say "if", because your theory was baseless to begin with. Ralph has traded 1st round picks for QBs and paid them big bucks twice since 1998 (Johnson & Bledsoe) and traded back into the 1st for Losman. So what you're really saying is "If Ralph doesn't want to do what he's already proven he's willing to do, then..." That's why you deserve to get blasted for starting the string the way you did.
  2. Years ago there was IR that wasn't season ending. So teams like the Bills (in the Polian years) and Redskins became experts at stashing promising players who were not ready to compete for jobs yet. We had guys like Carlton Bailey, Keith McKeller, and Martin Mayhew (who we lost trying to hide on plan B as well) stashed on IR. During the strike, McKeller came off IR with his "back injury" & played. The NFL wanted to stop this & changed to a 53 man roster with 8 inactives on gameday (7 + 3rd QB if you have 3 QBs on the roster) so that players with short term injuries would just be inactive. If you want to stash a player on IR, he can't practice & learn the O or D, so you're much less likely to do the old Bills/Redskins chicanery.
  3. Whatever Green Bay used over the years seems to have worked. They have brought in a number of guys with starting potential over the years. They were smart enough to trade for Favre & during those years had Brunell, Warner, Hasselbeck, & Rodgers signed out of college. With the exception of Rodgers, the other guys weren't ranked as 1st day players in the draft. It would be nice if the Bills scouts were doing whatever GB was doing to evaluate QBs.
  4. Especially when 1 of those seconds is used getting the bad snap off the carpet. It's a good thing this board wasn't around during the Super Bowl years because half the board would be calling for Frank Reich after Jim Kelly stunk it up at Pittsburgh or KC, which he did a few times. The guy had a bad game, big deal. Even though I hate those stupid QB ratings, many of you love them & he was #1 in the AFC going into the NO game. One bad game & AVP went from genius to dummy & Trent became as bad as JP. A lot of you have the attention span of a 2 year old.
  5. Ralph could start spying on other teams and just say "I was confused". He's 91, I think sly old Ralphie could get away with it.
  6. If Ted Cottrell does well in the UFL, he might be the one.
  7. Obviously Jauron is a loser, just look at the record. Probabilities say no matter what he does, down 10 with 7:30 left, his team is not winning the game. Jauron's offense was playing losing football, so give the ball to them & they'll screw it up. Give the ball to the D & they screw it up. Bottom line: Until Jauron is gone, the players will continue with their poor execution on both sides of the ball and most of his decisions will be wrong, no matter which decision he makes-Unless the NFL allows us to play Tampa every week and forces them to use Byron "Statue" Leftwich at QB.
  8. In the NE game the Patriots got the ball with 5:32 left, down 11 points. So BB had about 2 minutes less than when the Bills punted on Sunday. BB scored with 2:06 left and what did he do-he kicked off-why don't you consider that waving the white flag? If Belichick was confident enough to kick off at 2:06, why do you think he would have gone for it if he had 7.5 minutes left at his own 28? Just add the time up. His 1st drive started at 5:32 add 2:06 to that & you have 7:38-almost identical to when the Bills punted at 7:30. Obviously Belichick thought he could get the ball back in less than 2:06 AND HAVE TIME TO SCORE, so how can you conclude he wouldn't have punted and expected to get the ball back in virtually the same timeframe that the Patriots won the game with? The Bills felt their only chance of winning was to stop the Saints-something they had done most of the game, rather than risk a 4th & 1 on their own 28 with an offense that had not been able to figure out Gregg Williams' D the entire game and even if they made it, would be 1st & 10 deep in their own territory having to score twice, when they hadn't put up a single point in the 1st 52.5 minutes of the game. So why not hand the ball back to his special teams, with Moorman punting and then the D, who had already forced a fumble, than try their impotent offense when it may end up putting the Saints in immediate field goal range with the wind? If the plan succeeds, they have the ball back with about 5 minutes to go and maybe better field position to start a drive. That would be about half a minute less than NE had to score twice, with a possiblity of not kicking off with 2:06 to go. Also if they do manage to get the onsides kick, they start a field goal drive close to midfield.
  9. You do it when you're ahead by more than 3 points, not when you're behind by 10 with 7+ minutes to go. So far nobody has met my challenge of just 1 time, same situation where it worked. Many teams have come from behind down two scores with less than 5 minutes to go, but when has one come from behind trailing by 10 (less than 2 TDs) with 7+ minutes to go that went for it on their own 28 or worse. I'm begging for just 1 time for you people to prove your case & all I'm getting are generalities. Just one boys & girls, just one.
  10. Then please, please find me just one time you can document that a team did not punt from its own 28 or worse with over 7 minutes left in the game, down less than 2 touchdowns, and got the 1st down & ended up winning. I can find numerous times when a team has won a game down 2 scores with less than 5 minutes left including Monday night's opener in NE where Bellichick kicked off after scoring and when Dallas beat us after being down 11 with just a few minutes remaining. All I'm asking is one time, come on, if you're so right prove it with something you can document has succeeded.
  11. There's a 99% chance I've seen more Bills games both at the Ralph & on TV than you have. Ok, wiseguy-find me just one other time in the NFL where a coach has done what you are advocating-down 10 in the 4th quarter, went for it on 4th & <1 with over 7 minutes left from 28 or worse, got the 1st down & won the game. I can give you at least two games in the past 3 seasons where an opposing coach was down 11 with less than 5 minutes to go & won the game.
  12. The big difference is that in all probability, the Patriots had seen something in the films that gave their coaching staff the confidence to go for it on 4th down. Just like the Bills' staff must have seen something that indicated they could succeed on the faked field goal for our only TD. You take risks based on your film study of the opponent. The Bills obviously didn't have the same positive film feedback on a 4th from your own 28 against NO that NE had against ATL. Likewise, NE didn't uncover anything that would have indicated a field goal fake would get them a touchdown. Why don't you question why NE didn't fake a FG for a TD in their game? It's all about game situations, what's on the films etc that let you gameplan accordingly. If you want to blame the Bills staff for anything, then blame them for not devising a 4th & 1 plan (from anywhere on the field) based on studying NO's defense. However, since Gregg was throwing new wrinkles in that had stymied them all game, they were wise not to risk handing NO the game where they had plenty of time to tie with a TD & a late FG, or win with 2 TDs. By giving NO the ball at their own 28, the Bills would have virtually eliminated the option of getting a TD & tying late with a 2 minute drive into FG range.
  13. You're the one who is dead wrong. Name me one time that a coach trailing by 10 points with about half a quarter to play has ever went for it on his own 28. It's moronic. Too much time left. That's a 3-minutes left decision. Just keep being a media lemming and parrot what Sullivan, Simon & the rest of WGR's knuckleheads come up with.
  14. You better be sure he beats out Tim Rattay for the entire (6 game) season against minor league competition and you still won't know **** about his ability to play in the NFL. Gibran Hamdan was NFLE's MVP, got cut twice afterwards and the only reason he's in the NFL is because he's the starting QB's best friend.
  15. I doubt anyone has ever had a problem with Ticket Exchange, because the Bills get a piece of it. Why buy from a scalper in this day & age?
  16. Here are the facts that the JP supporters don't want to admit: He had one of the most respected QB mentors, Sam Wyche, as virtually his individual coach his 1st two seasons here. If he couldn't develop under Wyche, then he has no one to blame but himself. Not one, but two head coaches benched him-why-because they felt that another QB would lead the team to more wins-and guess what-THEY WERE RIGHT! Look at the team's W-L records with JP & the other guy-the win % is indisputable. Why did both HCs bench him?-self preservation. So now, all of a sudden, AVP would have been able to do what Sam Wyche & the others couldn't. Mularkey has ruined Matt Ryan, hasn't he? Blame him for another bust, John Beck while you're at it. When you can't blame the coaches, you turn to the GM. Well the GM sure made a mistake-by drafting him in the 1st place! Virtually every 1st round QB is expected to be ready to start in his 2nd season. Today, many start as rookies-see Sanchez, Ryan & Flacco who have not been ruined at all but are thriving. The bottom line is you JP supporters are so blind you can't see anything. JP was a bust, if he wasn't someone in the NFL would have wanted him. Instead he's in a 4 team 6 game season minor league. Who will you blame when he gets benched in favor of Tim Rattay? For the record, I was very much in favor of drafting JP in 2004. I even started a string the morning of the draft on why we should draft him in the 1st round. Ice called him a coach killer & at least once, he was spot on. Since I've never relied on stats to judge Bills' players, it wasn't too long into JP's career that I could see he didn't have what it takes to be an NFL QB. The coaches, who saw a lot more of JP than me or you, recognized that they couldn't win with him. The only reason he was the starter in 2006 was because the guy they thought might give him some competition, Craig Nall got hurt & was so bad that he was soon out of the NFL and he recently got cut by Florida in the UFL. Maybe a year or 2 from now, when JP is out of football, you'll wake up & realize he was the coach killer, the coaches didn't damage him.
  17. I was going to say that, but you beat me to it. TWC has to air the local channel due to regulations. Calling up TWC is like calling them up asking when your TV will go back on in a power failure.
  18. I thought for sure that New England drafted Kevin O'Connell last year just to get an edge when playing in Buffalo weather & cut him because they got overconfident that they could beat us without him.
  19. It's a good thing the Jets game is in Toronto. O'Connell has been studying the WNY weather for many years & could have helped the Jets gameplan for a December game in Orchard Park.
  20. I can't wait for the QB controversy in Las Vegas where JP Losman has all the physical tools, but Tim Rattay "Just Wins"
  21. I don't put bumper stickers on my car, in partr because if I see the Bills in NE or NJ, I don't want my car trashed, plus I don't like putting stuff on my car that it's tough to get off. Thursday was a work day (although I was off that day on vacation), nobody is going to be walking around with Bills stuff on when we have to work unless it's dress down Friday (when I usually come into work in a Bills shirt). You work for a lousy boss. If he or she was a good boss, you would have been greeted by someone in full Bills gear, just to make you comfortable.
  22. I'd like to know what vandalism was done before I can blame it on a fan. If it was a break-in it could have been a crime of opportunity-A criminal figuring that the player was away & it's a good time to rob the house. If you see the owner is in Foxborough, you figure nobody's home. Now if it was something like "you and the Bills suck" written on walls, then that probably was some crazy fan. A 3rd possibility is the criminal didn't know whose house it is & saw an opportunity when he could tell nobody was home.
  23. I chose the worst one each year, but as you have noted, there have been multiple galling losses in some of the same seasons.
  24. For the last six years the Bills have lost a game they have no business losing 2009-@New England 2008-@ Jets 2007-Dallas 2006-@ New England 2005-@ Miami 2004-Jacksonville Before that, there was the dumbest acceptance of a penalty in history. 2003-Houston In each game the last 6 years, the Bills had what looked like an insurmountable lead and blew it. A lot of these games were blown on some mental mistake within the final minutes of the game. It happened with Mularkey & Jauron as coaches. I've included the 2003 Houston game because in that game the team accepted a penalty which caused the clock to run out, negating any chance they had if they had simply declined the penalty. Declining the penalty would have given the Bills an opportunity to get the ball back.
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