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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. If I had to bet on any 1 player from the UFL playing in the NFL next year, it would be Gano. The kid has an NFL leg. He was born in Scotland but grew up in Florida. The UFL has his hometown listed as the city he was born in in Scotland.
  2. I'm one of Trent's biggest supporters, but if he proves me wrong, which he continues to play the way he has he will, I won't be posting that he's going to come back from the minor leagues after he's been tossed out of the NFL. I won't blame coaching, which in JP's case is total BS considering he was mentored by Wyche & Mularkey, both of whom have had numerous success stories of mentoring other QBs. I won't say anyone screwed him if his play sends him to the bench. I won't cite his positives & ignore all his negatives & warn people he'll be back. Basically, if he proves to be garbage and is jettisoned, I'll move on. On the other hand these JP lovers just can't quit the guy. It's like they slept with him once and are waiting for him to propose to them.
  3. Sorry I can't be as simple minded as you. I got the concept, but it made no sense because you used such a poor analogy. Apples & oranges, my self proclaimed simple minded friend.
  4. Not one of those guys had 5 years in the league & got tossed out as garbage like JP did. So your analogy listing undrafted free agents vs guy who flamed out of the NFL is beyond pointless. By the way, the only reason Moon went undrafted was because he was too much of a coward to try to prove himself in an NFL camp, and signed with the CFL before the NFL draft. Also you can't blame racism since Doug Williams was taken in the 1st round the same year Moon skipped the NFL draft. Since you are analogy challenged, let me help you along-the guy you hope that JP turns out to be is Flutie, who came back to the NFL after being banished to Canada. The only way JP Losman emerges as one of the better QBs in the NFL 2 years from now is if Mark Sanchez changes his name to JP Losman.
  5. It's not coaching that is chewing up & spitting out Bills' QBs. It's the horrible offensive lines and the lack of caring by the front office we've had ever since the day House Ballard signed with Seattle and the Bills thought they could replace him with Jerry Crafts. It shortened Jim Kelly's career, made mush of Collins, Johnson, Bledsoe, Losman & now Trent Edwards. The only one who could play behind our crappy offensive linemen in the past 16 years was Doug Flutie because he played a style that didn't rely as much on offensive line protection.
  6. I can't believe that fans are lower than the 1984 & 1985 seasons when the Bills had back to back 2-14 seasons . There were a little over 20 thousand people at the last home game in 1984 & in 1985 half the home games had attendance in the 20 thousands. The Bills were losing players to the USFL and people were driving around with bumper stickers that read "Bring Pro Football Back To Buffalo" In 1985 the Bills fired Kay Stephenson & replaced him with Hank Bullough (nicknamed the doctor of defense), who would be fired in 1986. One highlight of fan discontent of Bullough came on a Monday night when a caller to WBEN's Hank Bullough show said to the coach "If you're the doctor of defense, you should be sued for malpractice."
  7. It all depends on the O-line. If Bell is healthy & proves the Bills right, that he deserves to start at LT, they have a chance to win a few games. If Bell doesn't recover from the groin injury or he flat out proves unworthy, then the Bills won't win more than 3 games this year-a split of Cleveland/KC & one upset, probably in one of the Jets games.
  8. I'll be watching with the knowledge that JP can't help himself, he can only hurt himself playing in that league. If he lights it up, he goes into the same category as Gibran Hamdan, who was NFLE MVP & then got cut twice after his MVP award before landing with the Bills. He is doing it against minor league competition. Now say he sucks like he did in the NFL-he's finished once & for all. Playing in the minors doesn't prove he's any good, he can only prove he's really bad if he flames out there. The best case scenario would be for JP to suck so bad that Rattay ends up #1 QB in a week or 2. Then all those JP followers around here will finally just shut up.
  9. You just can't say stuff like this and be credible. Teams have quick turnarounds in the NFL every year. New coach, free agents, draft choices & you can turn around a team in a year. There is no rational reason to think the Bills are out of next year's playoffs based on this season. Look around the league-the best example is last year's Dolphins who went from 1-15 to the playoffs because things got changed with the coach & gm. Usually a quick turnaround is due to coaching. The Bills will have a different coach next year & with the right one, playoffs are very possible.
  10. If Scott is at LT & Chambers is at RT, we're not winning, never mind covering. The combined record of Cleveland's opponents is 14-2, our opponents are 8-8. Taking out the games against both teams, the records are 10-2 vs 5-7. Cleveland isn't nearly as bad as their record and our only win is against winless Tampa Bay when Leftwich was starting. We might not win another game until Bell comes back or we sign some OTs & even then we still might not win again. December 13th may be for #1 in the draft. Outside of the KC game on the road & the Clevland game with us having too many injuries, there aren't any games that look winnable. So give us one upset, split Cleve-KC and we're 3-13. I'm usually very positive on the Bills chances, but we just don't have the players to field a competitive team this year. At least Jauron is a slam dunk to be gone by next season, so there's always hope. Another guy who won't be back is TO.
  11. His on field performance has nothing to do with the fact that Favre is a carpetbagger. If you don't know what the term means, look it up Thurman. If he didn't keep retiring every off-season he'd still be with the Packers. His final seasons with the Packers he was also threatening to retire & finally did after the 2007 season. So after he announces his retirement, Green Bay moves on and he then wants to return. So he gets himself traded to the Jets & what does he do after the season?-He retires again. So now the Jets turn the page and then he wants to come back-with Minnesota. He still jerks them around all spring and half of summer. Now he's on his 3rd team in 3 years-if that ain't carpetbagging, since he retired himself off his 2007 & 2008 teams, then what is?
  12. When the Bills cut Walker, there was no spot for him on the line. The team decided Butler at RT was better than moving him back & shuffling the line. That all should have changed when Butler went on IR. Instead of installing Scott, they should have called Walker & signed him. Since Butler is out for the season & Walker is better than Chambers & Scott, he would be playing the remainder of the season. Additionally, if he proves competent this year, who knows what next year's coach will do with him? Also instead of sitting home, he gets an opportunity to start & showcase himself to the league the rest of this season in case the Bills interest is only for 2009. Any way you look at it, re-signing Walker is win-win for Walker & the Bills.
  13. Big deal there are better current QBs like Manning & Brady, and guys like Kelly, Elway & Marino who all played for only 1 team & never had the chance to beat the teams they played for. Carpetbagging has its rewards.
  14. What do you want them to do, go to HSBC Arena and sit in the penalty box until their next practice? With each Bills' loss the posts are getting more moronic.
  15. ROONEY RULE Can't hire a coach in mid season
  16. Giants-KC. Eli fumbled, half this board would be calling for his benching after that.
  17. The Bills' two starting OTs today might not even be on any other team's roster.
  18. When Holmgren was in Seattle, he drafted guys with very questionable character, including alleged rapist Jerramy Stevens in the 1st round. I would hope he learned not top draft these types, but unless he has, I wouldn't want him here if he has a large say on players to draft & sign.
  19. That knock on your door was the paramedics coming to transport you to the insane asylum.
  20. The bigger question should be: When is a Bills QB going to be able to play with a decent NFL line in front of him? Right now, for today's game we have a RT who we cut & nobody picked up & a LT who got cut by the Lions right before their 0-16 season. Add to that mix two rookie guards and a center whose back was so bad last week that he seemed to snap more shotgun passes to Edwards' knees than his hands. With that line does it really matter who is back there, because even Manning or Brady would become checkdown guys with the amount of time Edwards has to pass. Now there is hope that by next season, Butler will be back for RT, either Bell will prove worthy or we'll get a LT, and the rookies guards will be through any growing pains. With this line Edwards not only shouldn't be benched if the Bills can't win, but if he makes it through the entire season, he should be given the courage award just for standing up behind this line.
  21. In all the "When does Jauron get fired?" strings everyone seems to be forgetting one thing: THE ROONEY RULE All the big names cannot come in like Marv did in 1986 because the league will only allow an interim coach, unless Ralph is set on naming Fewell as permanent head coach. Just look at what happened with Haslett in STL last year. He had a clause that if he won a certain # of games, he'd get the HC job permanently-the NFL disallowed it. So if Jauron gets fired, all we get is an interim coach. If you want April, you can have him audition, but that's about it. So, if Ralph is even considering going for a name, or some other team's assistant, forget Dick getting fired in season.
  22. Also, don't forget how Dungy's thug Viking defense took out Jim Kelly for the rest of the season in 1994. I got so mad at the play I screamed out from my seat "That's why you're not getting a head coaching job, Dungy" Eventually he did, but there's no denying his Vikings' D was just a bunch of cheap shot artists.
  23. It's still in line with other salaries. Look at what McGee got in his new contract: Reported at 4 years $27 million that could be higher with incentives. That's close to $7 million/year for McGee. If Edwards has a good year, he'll get big $ and they won't need to draft a QB in the 1st round. When was the last time the Patriots drafted a QB in the 1st round? -Bledsoe. You only draft a QB in the 1st round when you think you will have a need in a year or 2. When have the Bills last felt that need? -2004 when they picked Losman after the cupboard was bare by the time they picked Lee Evans at 13. Since then, they were commited to Losman through 2006 (they did see enough flaws by then to draft Edwards) and Edwards through at least this year. So your theory would be called totally untested due to lack of meaningful data. Additionally, only Brady Quinn was available to the Bills in the 1st round in a recent year they drafted a QB & right now Edwards is better than Quinn, so you can't fault them for that decision. Personally, I would have pulled the plug on the Losman commitment after 2005 & drafted a QB instead of Whitner, but the Bills weren't prepared to dump JP at that time. Marv loved Jay Cutler, but was not willing to give up on Losman at that time. Money had nothing to do with it.
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