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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Both Henning & Gilbride have thrived elsewhere after Buffalo. It's more related to the bad, coach killing players than the bad coaches. Until this team gets a decent offensive line, it's going to keep chewing up & spitting out QBs & OCs.
  2. I was at that stadium for a baseball game this year & it's a dump.
  3. I'm waiting to see the replay of the day the cops come & haul off Cable in handcuffs while he's on the sidelines coaching the Raiders.
  4. The biggest problem is, if they fire Jauron during the season, there is not one qualified person on the Bills staff to be named interim coach. April probably had a chance before his STs blew 2 games for us. So, either Ralph names one of the current stooges interim coach, or he just keeps the head stooge until the end of the season. At this point, the season is over, with or without Dick Jauron. Good news is after the season, they can choose from one of the richest pools of available coaches & hot coordinators that there might ever be.
  5. Pure dumb luck. Scouting had little or nothing to do with it. He was brought in as a TE & special teamer & was cut in preseason. He tried out elsewhere, at least the Giants, and wasn't signed. Fortunately for the Bills he didn't get picked up by someone else when he was a free agent & ended up on the practice squad. After being activated he mostly saw action on special teams and a little TE. He wasn't even tried at OT in a game his 1st year. McNally, a coach, not a scout, was the biggest reason he turned out to be a good LT.
  6. The easiest way is to calm down. Now I know that's easier said than done, but life is a lot simpler when you're not always on edge. It may just be you need time to get older and learn from growing pains. Sometimes you can really get kicked around. When I was in my 20s I got fired, had to go home & live in my parents' basement. I was miserable for about a year until I finally sucked it up & moved on. The easiest thing to remember is that if the situation isn't life or death, the situation is going to change, hopefully for the better. Good luck, time is on your side.
  7. It's not the coaching that kills QBs it's the scouting. The Bills scouts can't find offensive linemen, pro or college & the same thing can be said about their choices at QB. Put mediocre talent at QB behind bad offensive linemen & you will get a parade of failures at 5-6 positions. If you start with a piece of clay you can mold it and turn it into something nice, but if you start with a piece of excrement you won't be able to do that. Our scouts aren't getting us any clay.
  8. I really hope you're joking. If not, you need some serious help getting over your love for JP. He's not a decent QB unless you send him to the minors and even then he's mediocre at best. Just look at what Bollinger is doing in that league & he's hardly a guy who will thrive if he makes it back to the NFL. There is one way JP will thrive in the NFL-get a backup job for one of the Mannings-then you never have to play in a meaningful spot because the Mannings take all the meaningful snaps.
  9. What's wrong with the good coaching tonight. Fassel & JP better get handcuffed together through the halftime, because he's going to need a lot of "good coaching" in the 2nd half after that donut he put up in the 1st half. 3 sacks because he held the ball too long, gets a free play & uses it to throw a free pick 6 that gets called back. Meanwhile, instead of that good coaching from Fassel, JP should go over to the other side & get some of that Florida good coaching because Brooks Bollinger looks likes the 2nd coming of Joe Montana, while JP looks like the second coming of... JP PS: It was a lot easier last week when JP was starting just about every drive on the 40 yard line or better. Put him in his own red zone & JP reverts to his uncoachable self. Good coaching-HA!
  10. Rush would replace Scott Norwood in many peoples' minds when they hear the phrase "Wide Right"
  11. Gossip, being bored & roomate problems so he transfers to another college & is even more miserable with his roomates? Sorry, but HR sounds like a big baby. HR, next time transfer to a place where you can live at home & mommy & daddy can change your diaper. You're encountering your 1st look at the real world & you're having survival problems, deal with it. Do you know what happens in the office everyday-gossip & boring assignments. Also it sounds like you're the type of kid, that's right kid, who just doesn't know how to get along with people. The situation you describe reminds me a lot of my 1st semester in Fredonia. I had 3 other guys in the room with me. One was a guy from Amsterdam NY who was graduating at the end of the semester-he was the normal one. The next guy was an exchange student from Denmark who partied all the time & never went to class. The 3rd guy was from Ghana, listened to WBLK until 3 or 4 in the morning & kept everyone awake with his radio. He was also PO'd about the USA being a "white man's world". I got through the semester because I didn't become a paranoid crybaby like HR, who deep down just wants to go home to mommy. The next semester, the 1st guy graduated, the 2nd guy flunked out & was sent back to Denmark & the 3rd guy moved out to a place of his own where he could happily listen to WBLK as much as he wanted to. I ended up with one roomate in a huge room & we're still friends today, 37 years later.
  12. Just a hunch-Turner Gill new head coach-well within Ralph's price range.
  13. If we draft a QB in the 1st round, Trent, whose contract has a year to go, will be off the team. Fitzpatrick will either be 1 or 2 & the rookie will be 1 or 2. The Bills will ship Trent out for a pick, but it might not happen until September. His best friend Hamdan will compete with a scrap heap guy & probably get cut in preseason.
  14. We won the toss. That's about the only thing we'll be winning the rest of this season.
  15. Same here about the NE game, I went the last 2 years & I just couldn't go for another loss at NE. So guess what I did instead-I booked a ticket on a bus trip to the Meadowlands next week for Bills @ Jets-going with 2 Jets' fans
  16. Since there is not one coach on this staff who is head coaching material, a coaching change now would just be an irrelevant event. These assistants are as much to blame as Jauron. Now, if this was 1986 & there was no Rooney rule, we could be calling for a Shanahan, Gruden , Cowher etc, but reality is with the Rooney rule, unless you have a Singletary on your staff you're pretty screwed if you haven't made a change by February.
  17. 1st down? There was 1 Bills player on the field, it would have been a touchdown with 10 guys to block one.
  18. We also lost a time out at the end of the 3rd quarter. How stupid can a coach be to bring his team to the sidelines with the clock running and the other team on the field. If Mandummy wasn't as bad as Jauron, Cleveland would have been smart enough to line up, snap the ball & run for a long TD before the Bills could have called time out.
  19. I'll make you a deal-you buy my remaining tickets from me for the money I spent, and buy anyone else's tickets who wants to sell them to you for the money they spent and we won't go to the games. The only way I'm following your advice is with a full refund. You want an empty stadium, start buying our tickets, bigshot. Otherwise, you need top stop telling us what to do with tickets that are already paid for.
  20. Same score as the last strike game, but we won that one 6-3. I haven't watched that one in years, but I still have the tape somewhere if you want to watch it. How about this, since you're getting the Toronto game on your local tv, we'll come down, I'll bring the tape. Then we can see which squad is worse, the final strike team of 1987 or the December 2009 Bills, because by then, I'm guessing that half the team will be on IR and since the UFL season will be over, Jim Haslett will be available to play linebacker for us.
  21. They seemed to be enjoying the game as best anyone could. They were a young couple, and the guy was taking pictures, which he had numerous opportunities for closeups since the Bills were down around the 1 yard line in our end on a fairly regular basis. I just hope it wasn't their first football game, because if it was, it may be their last.
  22. It will be tough to be worse than some of the teams of the late 60's early 70's. They were actually worse than the Bills of 84-85.
  23. There was a pedestrian down on Southwestern, just east of the drive 5 entrance on the westbound side of the road, being attended to when I exited the stadium. I wonder if that was part of the same incident or a different one.
  24. Did he have a tear in his eye? The first thing I thought of when I saw your post was that old commercial with the Indian shedding a tear when he saw litter. The Bills sure littered the field today.
  25. Here's my case for rooting against the Bills, but it comes much later in the season than now: Say the Bills are 2-13 heading into the last game of the season & there's a can't miss impact player who will be the top pick in the draft, like when we ended up with Bruce Smith, or when the Colts got Peyton Manning. If the Bills lose, they clinch #1 pick, if they win they don't get the top pick. There's no way in the world I'm rooting for 3-13 over 2-14 when the player they will get if they lose could bring us a championship. I'd rather be #1 in the draft than #30 in the league. By the time a season is a waste, wins not only are meaningless, but at times they are harmful to the best interests of the team. Now the players can't think that way, but I can. After all, I was here before they got here, and I'll be here after they're gone.
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