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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. The Packers did that with Matt Hasselbeck his rookie year.
  2. Great, the second coming of JP, albeit a smarter version.
  3. QB in the 1st round, because you're not getting a good one in free agency. LB in the 2nd because we need at least 3 new ones next year, especially if switching to 3-4. TE in the 3rd. Outside of Nelson, who is still raw, and may or may not be any good, what TE on the roster would you ever expect to see starting in a Super Bowl for the Bills? LT will need to be addressed in FA, even if its a 1 or 2 year stopgap. Can't get the QB & LT in the same draft, would need 2 high #1s to accomplish that.
  4. No way. If he signs within a week, the Blls get slapped with a Rooney Rule violation & the league voids the contract. That's why the premise of Shanahan taking over like Marv (Pre-Rooney rule) is absurd. The Bills have to play it this way-Fewell coaches out the season. He gets the interview as the current coach. The Bills then can hire Shanahan 2 days later. Now there's nothing to say the Bills can't reach a verbal agreement next week, everyone keeps quiet, Fewell gets interviewed at the end of the season, then Shanahan signs at the verbally agreed to terms. Or: Tony Dungy gets interviewed next week and signed. Dungy can take over next week.
  5. Show me once where I have ever shown a bias against Lynch. Fact -he's been arrested twice. Fact-he ran down a woman in a hit and run. Fact-they found marijuana in his car when he was arrested for the gun, but couldn't prove who was smoking it. That's not adding things I think he did without foundation. You obviously don't know the story about his arrest in California, so here's a link so you can educate yourself, I'll even add the part about the dope afterwards so if you can immediately see what I'm talking about. It's not a bias-he's already been suspended 3 games & was in a car that reeked from dope. Now I really don't care who smokes dope, some of my closest friends & relatives smoke it, but they're not in professions where a failed drug test can get them suspended. In a league where the commissioner is cracking down on off field activities, a guy with Lynch's rap sheet should be on a very short leash- That's reality, not a bias. http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2009/02/18/marshaw...d-with-pot-too/ They (officers) knocked on the window of the car. Someone unrolled the window. They saw three people in the car and they could smell a strong odor - marijuana coming from the car. They had the occupants exit so they could further investigate to see if there was any marajuana in the car. What they found were four, not marajuana cigarettes - what they call blunts or swisher sweets that appeared to contain marijuana in them," says Tankenson. Tankenson says neither Lynch nor the other two individuals were charged with possession of marijuana because they could not determine who was smoking, or whom the cigarettes belonged to.
  6. About 40 years ago there was an Alfred Hitchcock or a Twilight Zone episode where the guy had the same thing, only he cried and the tear saved him from that fate.
  7. No need to let them score, just use your time outs.
  8. No Brohm yet-the guy hasn't played a down in the NFL. He was inactive every game last year & has been on GB's practice squad this year. He's been with the team a few days. What makes you think he's ready to start? Just look at what Sanchez did today & tell us why you want to see that with Brohm.
  9. I believe every UFL player becomes a free agent at the end of this week. So, if we can get by one more game, there have to be players available to replace some of the injured guys. These players will all be in game shape. They may not be very good, but at this point stopgaps are better than nothing.
  10. You want CBS to give up their "last licks" of the Patriots, fat chance.
  11. When you've run over a woman & fled the scene, then you're with your crew with a gun in the car (probably smoking dope putting you one test away from a drug suspension) & you get suspended for 3 games and the other guy at your position is outperforming you, you're on a very short leash.
  12. How soon people forget that SD was demanding a #1 for Turner & instead of the Bills trading the pick to SD, they chose to keep it & take Lynch instead. Nothing great on the field, a disaster off the field. In hindsight, they should have sent that #1 to SD.
  13. On the other side of the field today-He's with Jacksonville, assistant head coach.
  14. CB Ashton Youboty OT Demetrius Bell WR James Hardy TE Joe Klopfenstein DL Marcus Stroud WR Steve Johnson CB Terrence McGee QB Brian Brohm -3rd QB Roscoe is out of prison!
  15. 3rd stringer Michna 6/8 55 yds. Rattay also had 2 TD passes before he left for Michna.
  16. NE was in worse shape when Parcells went there in 1993. When he left NE for the Jets, the Jets were just as bad. Chuck Knox came here in 1978 under similar circumstances. All he had was Fereguson and an aging OJ, who he promptly traded.
  17. Big difference. When you're an assistant you do what your boss says to do. When the job is your's you do what you think you should do. Just because Jones trained him, doesn't mean he's doing the things Jones would had done. He may have been a good assistant to Jones & can still be bad on his own. Just look at all the hot assistant coaches who can't hack it as head coaches. Same thing may be true here with Jones/Allaire.
  18. Just a coincidence. The rustproofing company was around long before Jones was a Bills assistant. "Hello Rusty Jones, goodbye rusty cars."
  19. Heard locally. That's why I have no idea how accurate this is.
  20. File this in the rumor pile. All my family lives in the SF/Oakland Bay area. One of them told me Trent isn't playing because of a concussion and that he's being checked out by a specialist. I told him that he got the concussion weeks ago but he thought it was more recent than that. Now I don't know if this has any merit. The one thing I know is its more likely to come out of Northern California, since he's from Los Gatos & went to Stanford than Buffalo the way the Bills keep everything from the WNY media. If this is true, it might explain why he seemed to get worse as the game went on in Tennessee, especially if the latest concussion came in the Tennessee game. It was awfully odd to see him get pulled at the end last week.
  21. No JP tonight he injured his left pinky last week & is being rested until next week's game. Tim Rattay is starting for Vegas.
  22. In Albany there's no one accent. I would say it's close to none, but I've heard bits of different accents from some natives, but no common one among them . The one you heard was like a New York City one, but I hardly hear it here. When I go downstate I start to laugh because so many people tawk New Yawk down there. Me, I've got bits of everything from NYS. I was born in the Bronx, grew up in Nassau county Long Island, then went to Fredonia at 17 and at one time picked up a little WNY accent, then shuttled back & forth between Buffalo & LI, finally settling in Albany almost 22 years ago. I don't have any regional accent in my words, but my tone is more NYC than elsewhere.
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