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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Dick Jauron had the same deal with Detroit. Doesn't just about every coach replace a fired one?
  2. Great coach? Get real! Talk to some Giants fans & then come back here & tell us if you still want Fassel. Very mediocre coach. Got lucky one year when the NFC had nothing & got into the Super Bowl. His record was nothing special: 1997 10-5-1, playoffs 0-1 1998 8-8 1999 7-9 2000 12-4 playoffs 2-0 Super Bowl 0-1 2001 7-9 2002 10-6 playoffs 0-1 2003 4-12 After Giants' firing: Fired as OC of Ravens, went to minor leagues to coach.
  3. It reminded me more of when Kelly Holcomb replaced JP Losman & the team was winning more games. Basically a decent career backup who can start a few games now & then who stepped in when the annointed starter bombed out. Fitzpatrick has a lot more of the right stuff than Edwards has shown, but don't get carried away-We still need to draft a QB.
  4. Ch 6 carries the Jets & Ch 13 carries the Giants-but that is the preseason NY feed. Some of the Jets games get moved to the CW (ch 45). During the regular season it's all based on network assignments. If it's on NFL Network, Time Warner isn't showing it, only the cities of the two teams that are playing get the NFL Network feed on a local channel. It might be the same for Monday Night Football on ESPN. I didn't hear anyone say the Giants game last Thursday was on.
  5. Perry could be the next Jeff Fisher. Fisher was interim once, has been their coach for a long run. If Perry shows he's the guy in the next 5 games, then he gets the job & Ralph spends his millions on the front office & players.
  6. I don't like listening to random locker room interviews, so I switched to WGR during that segment of the 97 Rock postgame show. After a few minutes of them calling the Bills out for unsportsmanlike behavior for running up the score instead of taking a knee, I had enough & went back to 97 Rock. WGR was at its absolute worst after the game. If the Dolphins didn't want the Bills to score more THEY could have done two things-stop the run or stop completing passes to our guys and run the time out themselves. If Miami was willing to keep playing, and by passing they obviously were, then the Bills had every right to keep playing as well.
  7. If you hadn't stopped watching, you probably wouldn't have written what you did. The offense with Fitzpatrick, who has been the QB the last two weeks, isn't much different than what the Bills would have with JP. He throws the long bombs, hits on a few and misses most, just like JP. Fitzpatrick is a little better than JP because he's smarter, gets rid of the ball quicker, avoiding the Losman-type sacks and fumbles less. Fitzpatrick isn't NFL starting material, but he's better than JP or Trent & will be on next year's team as the 2nd stringer unless Brohm shows he can handle the #2 QB job, then Fitz will join Edwards on a plane out of Buffalo. The last NFL quality starter we had starting was Flutie, and we better be drafting a QB in the 1st round, or trading for one, because we're in big trouble with the current group. Heck, Brohm has never even played in a real NFL game & people are calling for him to start after being plucked off another team's practice squad-that's how low our QB situation has sunk. Someone gave me an Edwards jersey a few weeks ago & now I'd be ashamed to even wear it at the Ralph tomorrow. I'm going back to my XXL tee shirt over my winter coat for Miami.
  8. Time Warner Cable has a message on the front page of Roadrunner that talks about Networks raising the costs of cable. They have two arrows for you to click 1)Roll Over 2)Get Tough. When you hit the Get Tough page, they ask you to send a message. I guess they plan on forwarding these angry messages to the stations they're negotiating with. I decided to turn the tables on them, since they won't give us NFL Network. Anyone else who wants the NFL Network should let them know and respond to their Get Tough invitation. Here is what I wrote: There are tons of stations currently on my cable that I'm paying for that I never watch. Meanwhile you put out things like this, yet refuse to give me the option of watching the one network I want the most, the NFL Network. You have NBA, MLB & NHL-a league that I never watch, but you won't give me my football. Well, you made it through this season with me as a customer, but my patience is wearing thin. I might not be a customer by the next NFL season unless you give me the NFL network. I don't want to hear all your excuses. You're charging me for things I'd never watch, while failing to get me what I do want. It's about time for NFL fans to stop rolling over for Time Warner Cable. Your time to fix this without losing us is running out.
  9. My answer is any Bills player who, barring injury, has been permanently benched and has already played his last game in a Bills uniform. That's Trent Edwards situation now. Fitzpatrick will be the backup next year unless Brohm beats him out, in which case he'll be waived. The starter isn't on the roster. There's no room for Trent Edwards on this team. For past players who were still on the team until the season ended see Melvin Fowler 2008, I stopped supporting him the day he quit on the team and was banned from the lineup. I think we all stopped supporting Rob Johnson before he hit the waiver wire.
  10. I'm not bashing JP, I'm bashing you for moronic statements about him.
  11. How do you rue the day you replaced one failure with another? Just another moronic JP will haunt us post-give it up already!
  12. The game had a justice ending. Florida won the toss & Bollinger cost them the game with an interception deep in his own territory. Between Bollinger's fumble for a TD and pick for the winning FG, and JP's sacks & sailing it over the heads of receivers when he aired it out, neither looked like he belongs in the NFL any time soon. Have you seen these guys play throughout the season? Bollinger looked great in the beginning then came back to earth. JP played like....JP-lots of sacks and balls flying over receivers heads on most of his deep passes, with an occasional home run.
  13. Leaving the off field stuff out of it, 3 years of virtual inactivity have killed his game. You're not getting Michael Vick of 2006 and earlier, you'd be getting 2010 Michael Vick, a guy who sat out the 2007 and 2008 seasons and languished on the bench in 2009. That's not rust, it's almost mummification. There are much better options than hoping Vick can return to the player he was 4 or more years earlier.
  14. You've been told wrong. Best evidence: 3 teams games are on the radio, Giants, Jets and BILLS. The Patriots are not broadcast on any local radio station. If there was enough of a demand, someone would be broadcasting Patriots' games. The Jets get broadcast 1st, then the Bills. I can't remember many, or more than a handful of NE games that have ever been shown over Bills games in the 22 years I've been here. In fact, years ago, when NBC had the AFC, they used to hold votes between the Bills & Jets via telephone to pick the games. The Bills won most of these. NE wasn't even given as a choice. The voting stopped when CBS got the AFC, but whenever a Bills game is on the air, and they're not in competition with the Jets, the station knows that they have to show the Bills or get hit with a ton of calls. Last year they tried to show a different game & we bugged the station so much they caved & put on the Bills. We broadcast only to parts of western New England that are far from Foxborough.
  15. 1st round QBs have won a much higher percentage of Super Bowls than any other round, even though there have been 6 to 11+ more rounds in drafts. 21 of 43 Super Bowls have been won with a 1st round QB. On a statistical basis, your best chance of winning a Super Bowl, by round selected is clearly the 1st round, where almost half the winners have come from. In order for your statement to be valid, the Super Bowl winning QBs would be equally spaced over all rounds, that simply isn't the case. A more reasonable conclusion would be: 1st round QBs are a gamble, only about half succeed. However, the success rate drops as the round of the draft drops, so your best chance of getting a QB who is going to lead you to a championship is still the 1st round.
  16. Your response really doesn't make a lot of sense. What does "Did you feel the same way when the other QB got roasted ?" mean? Did I feel both QBs lost their job due to their own inabilities to play in the NFL-absolutely. I wasn't commenting on either's "roasting". I was pointing out that the excuses made for JP's inability to play in the NFL won't be repeated with Edwards. Why? Because somehow JP fans were in love with JP, so much that he's not even in the league and they're warning us he's coming back to haunt us. When Edwards is off the team & possibly out of the league, I don't expect any warnings he'll be back to make us rue the day we let him go. The reality-both were failures in Buffalo and neither one will ever do anything to make us miss him with another NFL team. When each lost his starting job, it was based on how poorly he played. So I guess I did feel the same way-I felt JP lost his starting job on merit as did Trent. I'm a Bills fan, I'm moving on. JP fans haven't moved on , even a year later.
  17. Our line this Sunday will feature two players waived this season (one re-signed by the Bills); a player waived last season before the start of his team's 0-16 season; a rookie, who is the best offensive lineman left on the team & a lunchpail journeyman. When (if ever) was the last time we picked a guy up who had been waived earlier in the month & put him right into the starting lineup on the O-line? The last guy I remember this happening with is in 1986 when we picked up LB George Cumby on waivers & he was promptly named a starter. Next year we might be able to say-remember the game where we started 3 guys on the offensive line who are out of the league now? I hope we never see this bad on O-line again, it took 50 years to get this bad a bunch together.
  18. Miami @ Bills is on in Albany this week, they've been advertising it on the Oak-Dal broadcast on Ch 6.
  19. 10) He just needs more time. 9) If he ever gets good coaching... 8) The coaches screwed him. 7) We'll be able to get a 1st round pick for him, at worst a 2nd round pick. 6) How could he ever play well behind that line? 5) He has the potential to be a top 10 QB. 4) His 1st season as a starter was better than Jim Kelly's, just look at the stats. 3) Let's bring him back. 2) He felt starting in the UFL was better for him than being a backup in the NFL. 1) He's not in the NFL this season, but he'll be back and he will light it up and haunt us for years. So far, we former Edwards fans have been a heck of a lot more rational than the fans of his predecessor. That's because we were always Bills fans first, not Trent fans. We didn't fall in love with the guy like his predecessor's fans did. When he proved not to be the answer, we were prepared to move on. Trent is done as a Bill. I could care less what he does with his next NFL team, if he gets another NFL team. If he "lights it up" on some Sunday, more power to him, it certainly won't haunt any of us. Basically, he played his way off the team, it wasn't anyone else's fault but his own, just like the guy before him.
  20. The only QB to lead the Bills to a league championship was from California. John Elway & Tom Brady are from California. Just because we've haven't hit on the last 3 bums from California doesn't mean they're all bad.
  21. When is Edwards going to PLAY against the Bills? Unless Fitzpatrick goes down, Edwards may never start another game again. Unless he follows in JP's footsteps & ends up in the UFL.
  22. Most of the time we get the game over the Patriots, because there are more Bills' fans in the area. The NFL makes sure the Giants & Jets never play at the same time. Due to blackout rules, they're not on the same network, since one team usually is home. Also, since each team has a maximum of only 2 games per year on the other team's network, it's pretty easy to work the network thing out. Obviously, since they're in the same stadium, you can never schedule them for home games on the same day. This year has been an abberation due to a holiday (Yom Kippur) & the World Series in Philadelphia. The original schedules had those two games at different times. The Jets asked the league to change the time for Yom Kippur and the Eagles did the same for the World Series since many of the parking lots service both stadiums.
  23. The QB that our next coach will start isn't on the team. So, if a coach feels that the right guy will be available where we draft or is willing to trade up, or cooks up some trade to get a veteran, why would our current group of QBs deter him from coming? I'd think the QB situation on a lot of other teams, where if the new coach didn't like the guy and couldn't get rid of him due to cap constraints, would be a lot bigger detriment than a team that can cheaply jettison the guys they have. If a guy wants total control, he's going to get rid of a lot of players, QBs included.
  24. They were talking about the Toyota recall of cars to fix a potential gas pedal sticking problem on NBC and played audio of a crash where the people died when the gas pedal stuck. Too bad that with multiple people in the car, nobody told the driver to put the car in neutal, where the gas pedal sticking can no longer accelerate the car. So if you ever get a sticking gas pedal, shift the car to neutral, especially if there's slower traffic around you. I drive a stick shift and one time the accelerator switch in the engine temporarily got stuck. The 1st thing I did was hit the clutch so the acceleration would stop. Since I was on the Thruway, going fast anyway, I was able to mix the clutch & break until I got to the rest stop. The engine was going at pretty good RPMs but a blown engine is preferable to a high speed crash. Somehow the problem stopped when I turned the car off & then back on, but I still took the car in a day or 2 later when I could get an appointment. Edit: Since I was fixing the spelling, I had an added thought: The real problem I see with the crash they showed was the 911 tape. The 911 operator is supposed to be trained to talk to people in emergency situations. The 911 operator should have immediately said-"put it in neutral and hit the breaks and if the breaks still don't work, use the emergency break." Instead all the 911 operator did is listen to the driver in passengers panic without giving the solution.
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