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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. To introduce the new unis Ralph will be wearing his #18 with the name Manning on the back & proclaim that he wants to look like a winner.
  2. The only thing that is suspicious is that the 1st reports were he was going to be out for the season and then they kept him on the 53 man roster without IRing him. If anything it looks like the reports were correct, but the Bills, who after the initial reports changed the prognosis to 2 weeks were wrong the 2nd time.
  3. Unless they bring in a HC & GM who are absolutely in love with Edwards, he will be gone before the draft. There will be a rookie QB on the roster next year. Brohm & Fitzpatrick will be the other 2 QBs. It all depends on the round the rookie QB is drafted whether Brohm ever gets a chance to be the starter. If it's a #1, Fitz & the rookie will be competing for starter, Brohm for #2 only. If he's a 6th he'll compete for #3 only & may get cut. They'll be 4 QBs in camp, Edwards won't be one of them.
  4. Jay Gruden, OC Florida. When he was an Arenaball head coach, he would moonlight helping his brother in Tampa Bay. Probably the most likely UFL assistant to someday get a real head coaching job. If we absolutely had to take a UFL coach, he'd be my pick.
  5. I met his father in Hartford at the UFL game.
  6. Translation: No team in their right mind would use a 1st round pick on Tim Tebow, but the Jags, in one last desperate attempt to get fans in Florida to come to their games, will waste their 1st round pick on Tebow. PFT might as well start some wild rumor of collusion than tell the real story, because when the Jags take Tebow, they can say-"we were the 1st to tell you".
  7. It's the other way around. No teams are named for the final Sunday night game, they wait to determine the game with the best storyline. One year they thought it was Favre's last game & picked that one. Worse than just the night game, they can flex any 1:00 game to 4:00 if they want. In 2006 our last game (I started to say regular season, but with this team, this decade, that's redundant) was scheduled for 1:00 in Baltimore. I booked the last flight out of Baltimore, around 8-9 pm, giving me plenty of time to get from the stadium to the airport and through the gate after the game. They flexed it to 4:00, making my window of opportunity very tight to get to the airport. I ended up leaving with a few minutes left to assure I made my flight. So I know firsthand about final week flex scheduling.
  8. I wouldn't take any of these bums, Fewell is no worse than any one of them. Haslett-did an overall poor job in New Orleans after a very promising rookie year-the only year he made the playoffs, 46-52 overall. 6 years there were: 10-6 then 1-1 in playoffs; 7-9; 9-7; 8-8; 8-8; 3-13. Then as interim coach of St. Louis 2-10, for a total NFL career coaching mark of 48-62, a .436 win %. Can you say Dick Jauron? Just like Jauron, he was not retained after an interim job. A career loser in the NFL who made the playoffs once in 6 3/4 seasons. Jauron's record is 40-56. Do you really want someone with a career record of 6 more wins & 4 fewer losses than Jauron? Haslett is not acceptable. Fassell-60-56-1 overall with the Giants, take away his best season (12-4 +2-1 postseason) and his Giants record is sub .500-once again overall very Jauron like-one good season among a bunch of mediocre ones. I did a whole breakdown of Fassel in a prior post & I see no need to be repetitive here on Fassell. Green-couldn't even compile a winning record in the UFL, finishing with a .333 winning %, only beating the New York Sentinals-one of the worst teams top to bottom ever assembled. Had a long run in Minnesota, where, unlike the other UFL bum coaches he actually had a decent record (101-70 overall). Then he ruined any legacy he had by compiling a 16-32 record in 3 Arizona seasons. The guy has batted .333 in his last 2 gigs. Give me a break! Cottell-Never an NFL coach, had the worst team in the UFL going 0-6. A guy who is 0 for his head coaching career, yeah, that's the ticket. In the game I went to, out Jauroned Jauron. Punted on 4th & 1, down 18 points with less than 6 minutes to go in the game. In the short UFL season sufferred more blowouts than a guy driving into a set of tire spikes. Hell NO!
  9. Admit it, you miss those quit nights alone with JP, in front of the fireplace. That's the only possible reason anyone would want JP back in Buffalo, you're afraid JP will find someone else in Vegas.
  10. I seriously doubt we gave him $2 million a year.
  11. As is just about every trade this Bill for that guy trade thread. Unless there is talk of one team's interest in another team's player-which doesn't happen due to tampering rules, trades that fans dream up usually are ridiculous. However, if you think this board is bad, listen to WFAN NY sometime and the trade calls are basically something like "Let's trade Kellen Clemens to da Bills faw Lee Evans. Dey need a QB & we need a receiva."
  12. Well, it wasn't quite that simple. The Patriots signed Welker to a ridiculous contract that they never planned on honoring. The Dolphins were stuck between a rock & a hard place-If they matched the contract, they'd be overpaying Welker. If they didn't match, they'd lose him for no compensation since Welker was originally a free agent (actually an undrafted free agent who signed with SD & got cut in preseason then signed with the Dolphins). So the Dolphins felt the only thing to do was negotiate a trade so they'd get something rather than nothing for Welker when he went to the Pats. Since the trade was made, the Dolphins had no more rights to Welker. The patriots, who now owned Welker, tore up the ridiculous contract & signed him to a more reasonable one. It is one of those loopholes within the rules that the Patriots found a way around.
  13. You give results in the minors way too much weight. Gibran Hamdan was MVP of NFL Europe and it didn't prove he was "ready to step in and take over the starting role after a preseason of preparation". You live in a JP fantasy land.
  14. Miami went from 1-15 in 2007 to 11-5 and a division crown in 2008 after a change in management. I will always have hope for next season no matter how bad this season goes. With free agency & bold thinking, with an open checkbook, anything is possible.
  15. Whoever is left in the Bills front office, and whoever comes in will just have to look at last season to realize why Trent has to be let go (trade or waivers) before April. Watching a totally disinterested JP on the sidelines last year, and thinking of what a totally disinterested Trent next year will be like is enough data to get rid of him ASAP. Last year's lesson shows that you don't keep your failed ex-starting QB on the roster just because he has one year left on his contract. Besides, the Bills already have next year's #2 in Fitzpatrick. They're not keeping Edwards around in 2010.
  16. I was one of Trent's biggest boosters his 1st 2 + seasons, but he has played his way off the team in his 3rd season. The real test he has failed-he lost his team. Just listen to the other players the minute Fitzpatrick does anything positive-they praise Fitzpatrick while reading between the lines, they're putting down Edwards. Hate to say it, but it looks like a lot of players on this team just don't think too much of the guy. They're the guys who know him-live with him every day in practice, the locker room & gameday, and they have voted NO. The coaches agree with that assessment. One of the telling signs is Trent's reaction to adversity. The guy doesn't hold himself accountable nor does he seem to have the fire in his belly that leaders, which a QB must be, have. His personality is very much like Rob Johnson's. Just compare the players' reaction when Flutie replaced Johnson to when Fitzpatrick replaced Edwards and it's remarkably similar. A very telling remark was when Edwards said he is a Bills player, not a fan. Just think of Jim Kelly on the sidelines when he was hurt, or today as a retired player-Kelly was & is a fan because he loves football-something you just don't see in Trent Edwards. QBs who don't love football, beyond just about anything else, don't succeed.
  17. The perfect fit is in Oakland. Crazy Mike & Crazy Al together-just throw the ball deep down the field baby!
  18. It really depends on what the coaches are seeing in practice-something we don't have enough information on. If he's not yet grasping the offense, or the guy is showing he's nothing better than a practice squad talent, they really can't throw him in there just to see what they have. Like it or not, the head coach is doing everything he can to field the best team he can, because he is looking at making himself look good to his next employer. If he can field a competitive team he can have that on his resume for the future. He's still thinking he can have a miracle finish and be a head coach here or elsewhere in the future. If he knows that Brohm isn't ready and the team is going to look worse with him in there, and possibly face a veteran revolt, he's not going to send Brohm in. Unfortunately, Perry cannot treat this team like he's in the 1st year of a 5 year contract & look to the future. For Perry Fewell, the future is now & the QB that he feels gives him the best chance of winning is Fitzpatrick.
  19. Anyone seriously thinking of Martz should just take a timeout and think about it... Sorry, you can't, Mike used them all up in the 1st quarter. One of the worst clock managers ever to be an NFL head coach.
  20. How can you have any credibility when you have no clue what you're talking about? Here's what you think you know, but you don't know: Kurt Warner never sat on the bench in Green Bay. Warner was a QB in camp among the greatest group of QBs ever assembled in one camp: Favre, Brunell, T. Detmer and a raw kid from a small school-Warner. Warner got cut pretty early in camp because 1) He was a project who admits that he was totally overwhelmed by his first exposure to the NFL 2) He was an undrafted kid buried on that depth chart. He never was on the Packers regular season roster , so he never sat on the bench in Green Bay. When was Warner "great in L.A."? There are no teams in L.A. The Rams were in St. Louis when Warner played with them. He didn't "suck in N.Y".-the Giants traded for Eli Manning and signed Warner to start until Manning was ready. In the middle of the season, with the Giants 5-4 and still in the playoff hunt, Tom Coughlin decided that he was going to his plan of getting Eli Manning experience in his rookie year and started Manning the rest of the season. The team went 1-6 the rest of the way. Considering they were 5-4 with Warner, he hardly "sucked". Steve Young was a top rated QB coming out of college & Tampa Bay was poorly managed. This is the same team that got nothing for drafting Bo Jackson #1. Instead of hanging onto Young, they got enamored with Vinny Testaverde, chose him #1 & traded Young to the SF 49ers who groomed his as Montana's successor. Tampa didn't cut him and he didn't ever enter the open market.
  21. I hope you realize there were a lot fewer teams in the 1950s and that comparing the NFL of the 50s and the opportunities available to players back then to now is ridiculous. There was a reason the AFL was able to come into existance & thrive. A lot of good football players had nowhere to go on a depth chart. There was no unrestricted free agency in the NFL.
  22. Fewell may not be the answer but your reasons are to use your words, dumb. I'd say the ones I bolded sound like they've been written by a 10 year old, but that would be insulting 10 year olds. For the record: Byrd is injured, the substitution was most likely to relieve a hurting player. There are plenty of DEs worse than Kelsay, some on our team. Langster is an unproven rookie, who is lucky anytime he gets on the field. Poz is not the worst starting LB in the league, once again there are worse on our team. GROW UP!
  23. Don't you realize that it's much easier to play in the minors? JP is the same flawed player as he was here, just the level of competition slowed things down. Fassel is the same lousy coach that got fired by the Giants & his only chance to come back to the NFL is to beg Al Davis for a job nobody in his right mind, or somebody with no other options, would take-and he still might not get it. If somehow Fassel does get the Raiders gig & brings JP to Oakland with him, Davis will soon be pining away for the days of Cable & Russell.
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