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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. My money is on Polian too-that's why Indy didn't sign him and trainwreck Al Davis did.
  2. So what does not getting signed by Polian & getting signed by Al Davis mean? Following the Rob Johnson footsteps of ending his regular season career with Oakland.
  3. 2nd round picks don't get stashed on practice squads if they show anything, because when you get waived anyone can claim you & then anyone can sign you off a PS at any time. If anyone thought he was any good, GB would have been able to trade him in preseason if there was no room for him. He was a bust in GB & the Bills took a flyer on a guy who nobody in the NFL views as a possible starting QB.
  4. You're thinking Monday Night-there's always a Sunday night game the final week.
  5. If Brohm doesn't start this season, will you admit you're wrong? I'll admit I'm wrong that the team just took a flyer on the guy and has no intention of starting him if he does start. I just don't believe this team actually believes they can find their QB of the future on anyone's practice squad. Nobody picked up the guy on waivers-even Kevin O'Connell was picked up on waivers (and subsequently traded) while this guy just lingered on GB's practice squad. However, considering this group thought they could replace Jason Peters with a weak 7th round pick, anything is possible. If we get any competent people running the football side by April, Brohm will just be an afterthought-something I think he already is.
  6. If New Orleans is undefeated, that game could be the flexed game instead. It makes more sense because a night game at Carolina is much warmer than a night game in Buffalo.
  7. Amazing episode to end season 4. By the time it's over, it really makes season 5 a can't wait. I won't give any details, but it may just may be the best season finale of any show I've ever watched. At the end, all I could say was WOW!
  8. Unless he renegotiates his deal, nobody is trading for Vick. Philly is going to either have to let him go or sign him to a new deal. Right now, with his current contract, his trade value is lower than Trent Edwards'.
  9. I couldn't figure out what he was doing on 4th & 10 down 6 with over 2 minutes left. He should have kicked the field goal & then decided whether to onside kick or kickoff-either way he gets the ball back with a little over a minute if the Bills go 3 & out, like they did. Instead of having to score a TD, all he would have needed was a FG to tie & send the game into OT. I'd rather have multiple downs to try to win a game than just 1 low percentage down. 4th & 2 or less, go for it-4th & 10 kick the field goal and get within 3. Also, if he doesn't waste his 2 other timeouts, he doesn't even worry about running out of time.
  10. Re-wound to 1997. I'm not a big fan of trading for backups with limited experience based on a good game or 2.
  11. Then why isn't it obvious to you that signing Brohm was just a flyer by the present front office and the guy isn't ready (and may never be) to start in the NFL? That's the message that keeps coming out of 1 Bills Drive, but it's not getting through to the Brohmans. The bottom line is some guy you pick up off the scrap heap will have no bearing on whether or not we take a QB in the 1st round.
  12. It could be that next season, Fitzpatrick will be the only one of the present QBs on the opening day roster. As others have stated, his own teammates have endorsed Trent's benching. As far a Brohm is concerned, he's nothing better than a guy Green Bay waived & for 2/3 of the season nobody made a move to get him off GB's practice squad. The worst arguments of the start Brohm group I've heard is when we offered him a contract, GB tried to MATCH it. I never heard that GB thought enough of him to offer anything that exceeded our offer. Unless you're destoyed by injuries to all your QBs, no team takes a guy off the scrap heap who has never taken a single NFL snap-except for preseason, and makes him the starter to see what he's got. The basic assumption on Brohm has to be a bust who is filling a roster spot who has no business starting anytime soon. Anyone with the delusion that he's anything more than that is really grasping at straws. It's almost the equivalent of a Colts fan expecting Drew Willy to eventually be the successor to Peyton Manning.
  13. I'm calling it as Tampa Bay over the Jets. With a QB duo of Clemens and O'Connell the Jets could be in for a long day down south.
  14. Brohm -3rd QB Jenkins Youboty HARDY Harris Klopfenstein Ellis McCargo
  15. Jerry Sullivan = Trent Edwards Both not Bills fans. Jerry does have some good points & I'm looking forward to what his take is after the game in both his column & on WGR. I'm listening to the pregame show on 97 Rock & the combination of KC's poor starts and their weak secondary gives the Bills an excellent chance of getting ahead early & never looking back. I wonder what Jerry will say after the Bills win.
  16. A negative A hole like you takes my post as a putdown. The reason I brought it up was because that's what was reported in the media-that he keeps in close contact with his father, the former Giants WR and is using the opportunity to visit his father since he doesn't get to NY very often. It is a story that his father couldn't be at the ceremony because he's in jail-but somehow reporting this is automatically interpreted as a putdown. Next time I will be more politically correct & not use a slang term for jail-happy now?
  17. I'm hoping the Bills get some new scouts with the new front office, because with our current guys, I don't trust them to put a franchise grade on anyone. Assuming we get some front office talent that we can trust, if they put a franchise grade on a QB and then draft him, I'll be all for it. One thing you can do a lot easier is get top talent on the O & D lines (except LT) via free agency, where it's virtually impossible to get a franchise QB that way (Brees was the exception)-but you have to be willing to pay top $ and not have some GUY who has a horrible track record keep choosing bums & paying them big $. PS: Gambling on a QB in the 3rd when we had multiple picks worked so well the last time.
  18. Giving a guy a workout because your team is looking at QBs to fill the 3rd string spot, does not mean Polian "thinks Losman has a chance" A chance at what? In the end Polian chose first to sign Shane Boyd to his practice squad & then replaced him with Drew Willy. Teams work out players all the time. Outside of Jeff Garcia, who would command bigger $ than the Colts want to pay him to probably never play, JP & Brooks Bollinger are the best QBs available, who are in game shape. So when does giving him a look when your roster has been weakened at his position and then not signing him become an endorsement of the guy?
  19. Rewind to 2007-8 and you'll probably find the same things said about JP, who was a total waste of space in 2008. You can keep an older veteran who used to be the starter on a team but you can't do that with a guy you've had since his rookie year, was your chosen starter at some point & then lost the job, will be a FA & leave after the next season. It doesn't work, they have to let Trent go at the end of the season. The only way Trent stays is if the new coach thinks he's starter material & if the new guy really thinks Trent can lead the Bills to glory, I'll post the 1st "Fire xxxxxxx" post as soon as he announces Edwards as the starter.
  20. You have to rank the positions we need the most & see if the best player at these positions are close to the best player left on the board. 2 holes at 2 of the most important positions stand out. QB is the most important position on a team. If you have a franchise grade on a QB and one is available at your spot, you have to draft him. If there's no franchise QB, but there is a franchise LT, then you draft him. One thing you can't do is lose the franchise QB you targeted & then take the next guy on your board as the QB of the future like Donahoe did in 2004 after Pittsburgh took the player he coveted, Ben Roethlisberger. If your top rated player is a RB or WR, you don't pick him, because your glaring needs are elsewhere and you can get away with a journeyman RB or WR a lot easier than a journeyman QB or LT.
  21. When a player is gone from the Bills, or on the verge of going, he becomes irrelevant to most Bills fans. There are some who irrationally hold onto the dream a failed player is much better than he is & will make excuses. Most of them, no matter how irrational, can still spell the word the.
  22. Since he doesn't get to NY very often the trip enables Ingram to visit his father in the slammer.
  23. A conditional 2011 pick somewhere in the 5th to 7th range. With only a year left & no body of work to sign him to an extension he doesn't have much value to any team trading for him. I don't think a new coach wants a guy who used to start being a distraction, especially if he drafts a rookie in the 1st 2 rounds. Trent isn't going to come back for his final year because there are too many other players on the team that don't think much of him as a player. Once the new coach reads the quotes after the switch to Fitzpatrick, he'll be sending Trent on the Jauron express out of town. Also, anyone left only has to remember how useless JP was in 2008 in his last contract year to not repeat that mistake with Edwards. I wouldn't be surprised if Trent asks for & receives his release.
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