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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. You can't play when you're on the practice squad. Now tell me why would Indy cut or IR anyone to activate Drew Willy off the practice squad? I hope your idea didn't come from listening to the WGR postgame show when whoever was doing it said the Colts might start Sorgi (who is on IR & can't possibly play) and then replace him with Drew Willy (who is also currently ineligible). It looks like Painter will start and Indy will be tanking the game-just like Polian used to do when he was one of us.
  2. No way Mangini stays in Cleveland. Holmgren wants his own guy. Cable is most likely gone in Oakland with Fassel in. Dallas will go big name if they replace Wade, who of all the teams listed is most likely to keep their coach. The reason I don't see Fox here is because I think Ralph Wilson still holds it against him for quitting as Al Davis' DC in preseason years ago.
  3. Only if they can bowl-plenty of lanes to practice on while awaiting your pink slip from 1 Bills Drive.
  4. Although I don't have a lot of optimism about Brian Brohm, I still say give him the next 2 games as the starter-the entire games no matter what he does. Our coach obviously doesn't see it this way. He's still holding out hope that Fitzpatrick can play tomorrow. Also, by his actions it appears that unless Brohm lights it up if he does start on Sunday, Perry will put Fitz back out there as QB for the Indy game. This is following in the same chicken -s##t manner of his predecessors. A couple of seasons ago, Jauron kept Fred Jackson on the bench and kept letting the A-Train get his 2-3 yards per carry, until Thomas got injured and Jackson was finally given his chance. Then last season, instead of trying a healthy McKelvin, he put a McGee out there on 1 leg against Miami, resulting in Ted Ginn Jr. having a career day. Perry has continued in Jauron's footsteps keeping untried players on the bench and playing the veteran bums. This also reeks of Mike Mularkey's last days. Instead of giving his young QB at the time, J.P. Losman, a chance he clung to dear life to Kelly Holcomb, in a futile attempt to save his job by winning meaningless games. The way Perry Fewell has not only kept the young guys on the bench (even inactive in Hardy's case), but is not even willing to say the QB who has practiced all week is starting, shows that he is unfit to be anything other than an interim coach.
  5. Perry Fewell is hoping for an entirely different Christmas miracle. He's still holding out hope that Ryan Fitzpatrick, the same QB he benched last week, will be ready to play on Sunday. I'm not sure why, because I haven't seen any practices, but it appears Fewell is scared to death of starting Brian Brohm.
  6. I don't think our O-line is that badly in need of a lot of talent. Right now, if the guys come back you have Butler, Wood, Hangartner, Levitre and a new guy at LT-possibly a free agent with NFL experience. You also have some guys who are serviceable backups to come in for a few plays like Scott & Bell. It's the injuries that have robbed us of 40% of our starters-I'm not counting Bell as anything but a backup, that would be 60% to those who include him. Depending on who is available, I would take a QB in the 1st round-if our new GM views a guy as worthy, I'm sure not going to second guess him.
  7. Mine went from $339 to $429. I'm with Allstate & they sent me a letter trying to explain why homeowner's insurance went up, but I don't remember what the letter said. I got the letter along with another one & I responded to the other & increased some things on my car insurance. When I called my agent she immediately started to ask if I was calling about the price increase, so she must have gotten a lot of calls about homeowner's insurance increases. I don't know if it's a local thing around Bethlehem or all over.
  8. I just opened Kiper's 1998 Draft Report and it had Manning #1, not Leaf (who was #2). He had them both graded at 9.7 but he had Manning ahead of Leaf. So, you take what he says with such a huge grain of salt, you don't even know what he says.
  9. Yes-Petrino drove so we got there later than when I drive, parked off California instead of the Stadium lot & went right into the stadium. Sorry we missed you-I'm driving to the Indy game, so I'll be at the tailgate-Petrino is still undecided.
  10. When Trent went in I turned to Petrino and said: Remember when Rob Johnson came off the bench against Philly & immediately got injured? Trent will go in and get a concussion and be out for the season. Wrong end, right conclusion.
  11. You missed an important part of my post you quoted no team is going to waive a 2nd rounder in hopes of sneaking him on a practice squad unless he's bad enough to clear waivers. Teams sneak undrafted & late round picks on the practice squads all the time. I'm sure you can find numerous players who were drafted in the 6th or 7th round or undrafted, waived, placed on the practice squad and had successful careers. Now try to find me some 2nd round picks who were waived & put on a practice squad and then went on to a successful career-it's unheard of. Do you truly think that John Guy has outsmarted 31 other teams? I don't.
  12. I'm calling BS on that one. Come up with a link because I've found nothing of the sort in the rules. Why would there ever be a rule that the team that has a player on its practice squad cannot sign the player to a contract of whatever length & salary it wants? Way to make things up though and state them as facts.
  13. 1)If the Packers were truly interested in keeping Brohm, they would have tried to EXCEED our offer, not try to match it. 2)I'm aware that you have to clear waivers to be on a practice squad and no team is going to waive a 2nd rounder in hopes of sneaking him on a practice squad unless he's bad enough to clear waivers. Unless the guy has been really awful, some team will claim him-just look at QB Kevin O'Connell a 1st day pick last year who was claimed by Detroit when the Pats waived him & then traded to the Jets.
  14. I guess there's always hope with a guy who has never taken an NFL snap, even though GB cut him & nobody in the league was even willing to claim the guy on waivers last September. 32 teams didn't think Brohm was worthy of a roster spot. Also, what about the fact that the guys who brought in Brohm won't be here next year? He better show something if he plays the next 2 games because nobody is coming in and betting his future on a guy the losers who got fired brought in.
  15. Prepared to be shocked. Three years ago, Jamarcus Russell WAS the #1 pick. If the Raiders released Russell today and the Bills picked him up, would you expect them to ignore other QBs because we acquired 2007's #1 pick? No you wouldn't because what Russell did in college is irrelevant now that he's a bust in the NFL. At this point Brohm is a guy who wasn't good enough to make a team's roster and we picked him up on a flyer-just like if we picked up Russell, it would be on a flyer. One other thing you're forgetting-the guys who were responsible for bringing Brohm here won't have anything to do with the on-field Buffalo Bills football operation next season. Brandon is being kicked upstairs to concentrate on what he does best-managing and marketing-not making football personnel decisions. The new guys won't care what the losers they replaced were thinking when they brought in Brohm. As a result, nobody except guys who have already proven they can play will be considered anything other than another body on the roster.
  16. I get too much enjoyment going to the games & coming back to WNY, so I'm renewing before I even get my renewal mailing. As soon as I find out the mailings have gone out, I'll go on line & renew that day. I do not buy tickets only when the team is winning. While I like tailgaiting, I have never had a drink at Ralph Wilson Stadium, so drinking is irrelevant to my gameday experience and the main thing I'm going there for is THE GAME.
  17. Sure sounds like revisionist history to me. The niners may have given up on him but the Patriots certainly didn't. For those of you too young to remember, the Patriots did not give up on Jim Plunkett. Did they bench him-yes they did-because they decided to try rookie Steve Grogan to go in for a banged up Plunkett and he played well enough for the Pats to market Plunkett for a boatload of picks. Plunkett was so well thought of around the league that the Patriots were able to trade Plunkett for another QB & 4 high draft choices-3 #1s & a #2. 3 ##1s & a #2 + a player is hardly sending a guy to the scrap heap. I hope the next time the Bills give up on a player that some team gives us 3 #1s a #2 and a player . Also-if it takes that long to develop a QB, why did Grogan have so much success starting from the middle of his rookie year?
  18. It's too early to tell, it all depends on how Richie Incognito turns out. Here's why: If Richie Incognito was cut every other day, he would have been in jail for murdering the guy who informed him. Klopfenstein is the Ghandi of the Bills-he takes these cuts & re-signs in stride, just grateful for the chance. If Klopfenstein can teach Incognito how to take things calmly in stride without any violence, then Incognito could have a great rest of the season & career with the Bills. For his efforts working on calming Incognito down, Mahatma Klopfenstein may very well end up as the most valuable Buffalo Bill.
  19. Troy Vincent broke rookie JP Losman's leg in an attempt to teach him a lesson. Did it really matter if it was intentional or just a consequence that his lesson went further than intended?
  20. Why would anyone want Holmgren as their GM? When he was coach/GM in Seattle his drafts were pretty weak. On top of that, he drafted a bunch of thugs including a 1st round TE Jerramy Stevens who skated on a rape. Then the team woke up & stripped him of the GM duties. I'm glad Holmgren wants to be a GM or Czar & wants nothing to do with the Bills, because I want nothing to do with him. Good coach, horrible GM.
  21. The Brohmans are starting to get a little annoying too. Given up on after a year in GB, signed to practice squad, GB wanted to match but never do better than our offer, never has played a down in the NFL, yet should be our starting QB after a month with the team.
  22. Ralph has never been senile, although the posters who call him senile might be. Either that or just plain stupid.
  23. Last summer they put the 1st three seasons on demand before season 4 to get anyone who wanted to catch up ready. They might do that again this summer. If they do, it's not all at once, but in steps, 1st half of season 1, 2nd half, 1st half season 2 etc.
  24. Close enough to hang out in the Castro District. Can't do that if he signed with Indy.
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