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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. 15 year old kid was shooting dice & had a stolen credit card. How long will it be before Paterson decides not to run "to spend more time with the family" ? http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/dailypoli...n-arrested.html
  2. The he didn't fit the GB system is the lamest excuse I've ever heard for a QB. When Brohm, a 2nd round pick the prior season didn't make the Packers' opening day roster, not 1 NFL team-all of them had looked at film & in person games of his in college, took a flyer on him for free. Why didn't they think he just didn't fit GB's system & pick him up with such an obvious skill set? None of them, prior to GB waiving him tried to trade for him, otherwise he would have been theirs. Instead, people like you hold out the irrational hope that the Bills 2009 front office is smarter than every other team, including the Polians & Newsomes. Brohm's skill set may have translated to the college game, but it doesn't in the NFL. I'd say the chances of Brohm being a pre-season cut are a lot better than him being our starter next year.
  3. Anyone who would make such a ridiculous statement is the one who is clearly mentally incompetent.
  4. I'd rather live in Buffalo. The bay area has too much traffic, the property prices are still way too high, half the people will kill you if you spill a drop of water, and the state is in worse shape than NY.
  5. It will be Fassel-his son & his favorite QB are already there. It's probably been a done deal for quite some time.
  6. Since JP signed with Oakland, Las Vegas will need a new starting QB. I can see Brohm beating out Tim Rattay.
  7. Those people who crowned Brohm as next year's starter & then defended his 3 point game would love to have another team's QB who hasn't played.
  8. Nobody expects any labor dispute to last the entire season. Worst case scenario is a 10-12 game season in 2011. If that happens every team is going to need a coach. The thought of not having a head coach going into 2011 is ridiculous.
  9. Since the next head coach should get a free ride, just like JJ's 1st year in Dallas, let's go for the gold. Draft a LT at #9, let Brohm start all 16 games next year & then draft the next QB with the 1st pick in the draft. Starting Brohm=1-15 next year.
  10. Ted Cottrell was going to be a great head coach when he left the Bills. Then he was canned a couple of times as an assistant. Then he went to the UFL and put together a record setting season-never won a game. April may be the next Ted Cottrell.
  11. Will NFL Network keep the cursing in or beep it? The best line in the series was when Larry Felser said Cookie Gilchrist went to the other team and said - Which one of you mother f'ers is next. Felser didn't say f'ers. It's the 1st time I ever heard Felser able to talk like that.
  12. The actual statement was "Why would anyone go to Buffalo, I've already got the job locked up." Somehow the second half of his statement went unreported.
  13. This has to be one of the most absurd sentences ever posted on this board. It's called a scoop. Obviously Sal scooped all the others. I bet if some guy came from the future & gave you the Super Bowl score, you'd say-"So what's the big deal, everyone will know it in February. You're just telling me a score that would be eventually reported anyway."
  14. Mort reported the same thing yesterday that Sal reported days before. I bet ESPN called it a Mort exclusive.
  15. Jim Fassel will be the Raiders coach next year. His son & his QB are already there. JP was signed on Fassel's recommendation.
  16. What the Redskins are doing is totally slapping the face of the rule. 1st they interview somebody to be GM to comply with the rule-someone we never heard about-was he even qualified or was he possibly a player's dad. Next they have to comply with the rule in order to bring Shanahan in next week, so they have already interviewed Jerry Gray. Gray doesn't feel insulted. 1) because it gets his name out there 2)because he's an idiot. There is one time the Rooney Rule that worked. The guy who invented it practiced what he preached. Rooney had two viable in house candidates he could have easily hired, given a token interview to Jerry Gray, hired either Whisenhunt or Grimm, who have helped turn around Arizona, won last year's Super Bowl, and nobody would have batted an eye. Instead the Rooneys took their own rule seriously, interviewed with an open mind, brought in a qualified candidate, hired the guy & won a Super Bowl with him. Right now, the only team I've seen that really used the Rooney Rule correctly was Pittsburgh. Other teams that have hired minority coaches would have hired the same guy without the Rooney Rule. Just like the Washingtons of the NFL will pick their guys before the process & then bring an idiot like Jerry Gray in for an interview. Just like the Bills had to interview John Guy, a guy who shouldn't be in the NFL in any capacity, and if they want a big name like Cowher, have to interview Perry Fewell before signing Cowher. Unless they're talking the salary part, there's no way Perry Fewell can out interview Cowher. All Cowher has to do is point to his Super Bowl ring & he's already got Perry beat.
  17. That will work. I've never been able to drink much without getting sick, so I've never had a hangover because every time I got drunk I threw up. When you have my tolerance & throw up a few times without ever enjoying it, it ends your drinking days pretty quickly. Can you still get a hangover after barfing up the alcohol?
  18. Depending on the strength of the local stations, you may need an antenna with an electic boost. I think that's what people might mean who refer to "digital antennas". I have a tv in my computer room that I don't have hooked up to cable. On some stations I have to turn the booster on my antenna up. Others come in fine without the boost. All high def broadcasts come in great.
  19. Guy had to be interviewed to comply with the Rooney Rule. Now we can fire Guy once & for all.
  20. For Gregg Williams it was the loss at home vs Houston, when someone on the Bills sideline (probably Gregg) accepted the penalty that gave Houston another down & time enough to keep the ball long enough for the clock to hit 0:00. If he had declined the penalty, we get the ball back before the end of the game. London Fletcher was on the field waving his hands to decline the penalty screaming something like no no no!
  21. Sal has some very good sources. The source on this one is not inside the Bills' organization, but he has 100% confidence in his source. On other boards, he's broken the Lee Evans extension & the TO signing. Here's what he's saying (through his interpreter on the stream, they're trying to get him live). The team has a very stable organization, there is a succession plan in place which involves the team being kept in the family & not sold. With this stability, Cowher has had talks with the Bills and is interested in the job. This does not mean he's going to take it, but he's had ongoing talks.
  22. Brohm's big time arm is no better than Fitzpatrick's. It looked like every long throw was off target. His arm is like a kicker who gets the distance but is either wide right or left. The only reason Brohm is intriguing is because we haven't seen enough of him yet. Give him a few games & the intrigue will be disgust-just like the other three QBs on the roster-brought to you by the dynamic duo of John Guy & Tom Modrak. That said, they are crazy if they don't start Brohm. Starting Fitzpatrick doesn't serve any purpose other than Perry Fewell trying to get another W on his resume against a team that doesn't care if they lose 40-0 this Sunday. They really need to see what Brohm can do in the elements since his 1st game was indoors.
  23. Brohm looked better than Painter. Wooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
  24. I agree. On the interception in the endzone, he had a step on the d-back. How was he supposed to break it up while anticpating the ball hitting him in stride? I think anyone who expected him top break that up must think he's a contortionist.
  25. When Kelly, Thomas, Reed, Smith etc rested in our Super Bowl years, did you feel the same way? The worst part is this might cause us to win another meaningless game, resulting in a drop out of the top 10 in the draft. The best part is guys like me who travel long distances prefer 1:00 games so we can get home & go to work the next day.
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