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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Here we go again...bum QB can't cut it as a starter in the NFL & "The Coaches Screwed Him" Insert bum QB of choice here _________________. Clemens was so bad 2 years ago with the Jets & Mangini that he was already out of contention for the starter's job. 1st the Jets, who were afraid of Pennington's injury history were still going to start Pennington over him, then when Favre was traded for & Pennington cut, Clemens got a reprieve & was still #2, even though he wasn't even the 2nd best QB on the roster. I watched the Jets preseason games & Ratliff totally outplayed Clemens-that's probably why Mangini wanted Ratliff in the Sanchez trade. Then when Ryan came in the Jets did everything possible to make sure everyone knew Clemens was not their QB of the present or future. There's nothing Clemens has done as a Jet to make anyone who has seen him play think he can be a starter in this league-especially the guys who see him every day-the Jets coaching staff. Maybe it's time for "the coaches screwed him" bunch to figure out 1) The coaches see these guys a lot more than any of us. 2) The coaches know more about evaluating talent than any of us
  2. What impressed you? Before the Jets drafted Sanchez I thought Clemens had a good shot of playing his way out of the NFL if he had ended up the Jets starter. The guy is worse than JP.
  3. Yep, he'll never make it to the 3rd round. He might not even make it to pick 9 of the 2nd. I'm glad he didn't play in the 2nd quarter. I was watching on a stream & it bombed at the end of the 1st quarter. I finally found another working stream with 9+ minutes to go in the 2nd quarter. Since Lefevour didn't play until the 2nd half I was able to catch all of his plays.
  4. This is really sad. Brohm has more upside because he hasn't proven yet in Buffalo that he's the same guy who was bad enough to get himself waived out of the NFL last September. The reality is Edwards is better than Brohm-put them both on waivers & see which one gets claimed 1st-it would be Edwards. That being said, Edwards is just too injury prone to be counted on for anything. He pulled a Rob Johnson by getting injured in one series when Fewell put him in to replace Fitzpatrick. Speaking of Fewell, look at what he did this season & you get a clue into what the guys who saw all 3 QBs every day thought of them. Under Fewell, Edwards was banished to the bench only to return for 1 brief series where he got injured. Fitzpatrick was thought of as clearly the best of the 3 by Fewell & his staff. Brohm was thought of as the guy Fewell was scared to death of putting on the field. If Fewell thought Brohm had anything, he would have started the final game. But as soon as Fitzpatrick could walk & chew gum at the same time, Brohm was back on the bench. That leaves us where we are today. Fitzpatrick is the best of this sorry bunch, and most would agree that he's nothing more than a decent #2 QB. Edwards can be very good (see 1st 6 games 2008) or very bad (see 2009), but the bottom line is he's such a china doll that no team can count on him long term. Worse, Edwards can't even be relied on as a backup who can keep the team competitive for a few games because he's odds on to go down with an injury even if he's just backing up. But if the Bills bring in a rookie past the 1st round to develop as 3rd stringer, Chan might be willing to have Edwards as his 2nd stringer one more year. Brohm doesn't have any upside-if he's lucky he gets to hang around as 3rd stringer like Gibran for a couple of seasons. Just because the coaching staff knew he wasn't ready & tried to protect him doesn't mean he has upside. All 32 teams said no to the guy last September, otherwise he couldn't have cleared waivers & ended up on a practice squad to begin with. Second round picks with upside don't clear waivers a year after they were drafted. If the Bills draft a developmental QB past the 2nd round, Brohm is toast & might not even make it to camp. Now where do we go tomorrow? Since Fitzpatrick is the only guy they can have any faith in, they have to keep him as #2, but he's no #1. For #1 we have to either draft a QB in the 1st round, trade for one, or pick up an older guy as a stopgap who might become a salary dump by another team. In any case, Brohm is nothing more than a 3rd stringer next year, grateful to be on an NFL roster. He could end up getting cut next May if a developmental draft choice wh was chosen by Buddy & Chan shows enough in the 1st mini camp. The though of Brohm competing for the starter's job is lunacy. Worse, if he does go into camp with a shot, it means that Buddy Nix failed us miserably in the offseason. I do not expect Buddy to fail us & if Brohm makes it to July, he will be getting as many reps this summer as Gibran got last summer. Also, let's not forget Gibran. If he goes to camp & we have a rookie #1 pick, don't be surprised if Chan & Buddy see Gibran as a better mentor as 3rd stringer than Brohm & Gibran makes the team over Brohm. In the rookie #1 draft choice scenario Edwards is long gone by training camp.
  5. The greatest pure talent: O.J. Simpson Bruce Smith was the greatest defensive player Jim Kelly was the most important player. On top of that he was the only one of these three who stayed in WNY and can be seen on most gamedays in the stadium, long after his retirement. So, for his time on the field, off the field & post retirement career, plus the fact he's the only player Ralph has seen fit to retire his number, my vote goes to Jim Kelly.
  6. From the reports at the Senior Bowl this week, Tebow may be headed for a Gibran Hamdan like career in the NFL. So this and 1 more day in April may be the last minutes of Tim Tebow's fame.
  7. If you had a clue, you would know that when Warner was with the Giants, they switched to Eli Manning in mid November. Therefore just about the time the cold weather was starting at Giants stadium, Warner wasn't playing. So the only glimpse of Warner you could have had was of him sitting on the bench while rookie Eli Manning stunk up the joint. So don't call BS on something that you're BSing about.
  8. Two years ago I would have said Warner is probably not HOF, but over the last two years, seeing what he has done with Arizona, I think he is a deserving lock Hall of Famer. THe guy has had an amazing career & can still play in his late 30s.
  9. In 2009 he didn't play much worse than Edwards or Fitzpatrick, so why not? That, and things like "I saw him play in college" have been the argument the "start Brian Brohm in 2010" crowd uses. Leaf might actually be a better option than Brohm. It's just as stupid, the only difference is Brohm is actually on the roster, at least for now.
  10. It seems the guys in the "newspaper game" can dish it out, but they can't take it. After I went to a UFL game where I basically counted the fans in the stands by using the fact that most of the people were in 2 sections and I knew how many seats were in each section, then was able to count the rest of the fans, I came to the conclusion there were between 1,500-1,800 in attendance. I also verified my count by reviewing photos I took of every section when attendance would be at its peak, the middle of the 1st quarter (a ton left at halftime). When I saw the paper had stated there were over 5,000 fans in the stands, I e-mailed the guy, questioning his motivation for reporting his number because I felt he was reporting it since Hartford wants a UFL expansion team. The guy went totally balistic because I questioned his journalistic integrity. At one point in his reply he claimed I couldn't have estimated the attendance any better than he did. He asked if I had counted every person in the stands. I agreed to disagree because I saw this was going nowhere, and apologized for questioning his integrity, but I did state in my reply, as a matter of fact, I basically did count the attendance. I also offered to send him my photos, but he didn't reply and ask for them.
  11. To put things in their proper context, he said he is not a fan, he is a player. That's a big difference from just saying "I'm not a fan of this team". It's not much different than when Marv said that if you start listening to the fans you'll soon be in the stands with them. All he was doing was saying that he's an employee, not a customer. If he was a better player nobody would have twisted the context around to fit an agenda, but since he was playing poorly, it was an easy twist for those who didn't like his play. Jerry Sullivan says stuff like this all the time, stating he is a reporter, not a Bills fan, but since he isn't contributing to on field losses, nobody cares.
  12. The best part is that Al Davis & the Raiders still have the rights to Los Angeles & it won't be easy to move another team there, Bills included.
  13. It really doesn't matter how many coaches we've had, whatever way you want to define them. The bottom line is that with so many different interpretations on the number of coaches we've had, to get on Buddy Nix for his lack of certainty on the count is ridiculous. That was my point, not who is right or wrong in the count-because with the different ways to count them, there is no right or wrong answer among 4 or 5 choices.
  14. Coaching isn't what did in Trent here. The beginning of the end was the hit in Arizona. After that he became a frightened QB who has never recovered. Trent was injury prone before that hit. That hit and subsequent injuries made him more scared-not the coaching. Now if he had the O-line the Jets have, he might have been a little more courageous, but each hit, and each injury reinforced the reasons that Trent played scared. The bottom line is the O-line and Trent's injury history is responsible, not our coaches. Some QBs can recover if they get a good line in front of them. At one point I thought Kerry Collins was never going to be the same after he got his jaw broken. Eventually he got behind a good line and had some success after he got over the fear. On the other hand, a guy like Ken O'Brien just got too shellshocked and eventually was out of the league without ever recovering his courage to play QB.
  15. Everybody is different. Marv was coaching in his 70s, Ronald Reagan was President in his 70s, Ralph was in his 70s during the Bills Super Bowl years. You can't compare Marv, Ronnie, Ralph, Buddy or any individual 70 year old to the ones you know. They are probably retired-Buddy isn't. Buddy has gotten the double whammy around here by his detractors-he's either too old or he sounds too different to them.
  16. Sure he did, every time JP would clean up a piece of litter, Edwards would drive by & throw two pieces of litter there to take it's place-as long as he didn't have to throw the litter more than 10 yards.
  17. It's not 15, but it all depends on how you do the count. You can count as few as 16 counting Gailey, 17 if you add Pitts when Marv was out with prostate cancer, 19 if you count the two terms each of Saban & Johnson separately. Different men as Bills coaches: 1) Ramsey 2) Saban (twice) 3) Collier 4) Johnson (twice) 5) Rauch 6) Ringo 7) Knox 8) Stephenson 8) Bullough 10) Levy 11)Pitts 12) Phillips 13) Williams 14) Mularkey 15) Jauron 16) Fewell 17) Gailey By the way, the Steelers have had 6, not 4 since 1960: Parker, Nixon, Austin, Noll, Cowher, Tomlin.
  18. I've never heard of a GM having to know how many coaches preceeded his latest hire. Do you prefer a guy who knows football or would you rather have a team historian who can tell you all the about the team's history & can't tell a 1st round talent from an undraftable free agent? Why are you the only one who thinks he came off as a goofball? It's not Buddy, it's you.
  19. Because QBs who grew up in California have done so well in Buffalo.
  20. There are so many people around here saying "bet on ..." and it's always something with less than a 50% chance of happening. I'd love to be a bookie and take those bets.
  21. This is typical Ralph is cheap nonsense. They're not cutting the guy who is the perfect #2 for a guy in the last year of his contract-there are still people around the organization who experienced the disaster of JP waiting on the sidelines for his sentence in Buffalo to end & they won't let that happen again. Trent is going to have to do a lot to make the team. About the only way he stays is if we draft a guy who is so not ready the rookie ends up #3. There's no way Trent & Fitzpatrick are both on the roster unless one is starting, and Fitzpatrick is a lock to be back on this team next year.
  22. Most likely QB situation: 1) New Guy 2) Fitzpatrick 3) Brohm Here's why: 3)Edwards is gone because he's done as the starter & you can't go from starter to #3 on the team you used to start for. Additionally, your #3 should be a cheap player without a lot of experience, but could develop into a #2 within a year or 2, a "project" -that's Brohm. 2) Fitzpatrick is the perfect #2, a smart guy with a good arm, who can fill in for several games & keep the team afloat, but not the answer at #1. If the new guy is a rookie 1st or 2nd round pick, Fitz can start the season & new guy eased in after the bye. 1) New Guy-If he's a veteran, like McNabb, he's entrenched at #1, no questions asked because that's what we'd be acquiring him for. If he's a rookie 1st or 2nd rounder, he starts if ready, otherwise he's #2 behind Fitz for the 1st part of the season.
  23. Quinn has the same problem that Edwards has-he can't play any length of time without getting injured. You just can't rely on guys like that to be your starter. That's why Edwards will be gone or not be counted on to be here beyond this year & Quinn won't be brought in as his replacement.
  24. I don't see anything wrong with a believer like Tebow being anti-abortion, especially after his mother chose to ignore medical opinions that he should be aborted. What's he supposed to think, that his mother should have aborted him? I'm sure most people whose mothers were recommended to abort them & didn't, regardless of their other beliefs, are anti-abortion. He can do whatever he wants as long as he stays within the law, and there has never been any question of him not being a totally law abiding citizen.
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