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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Pat White was brought in to be the wildcat QB & nothing more-pretty bad use of a 2nd round pick. Reminds me of a team a few years ago that needed O-line help, among other glaring weaknesses, didn't have a 1st round pick, and drafted a punt returner with its 2nd round pick.
  2. Lindsay Wagner should sue Lindsay Lohan for soiling the name Lindsay in Hollywood.
  3. Parcells had nothing to do with drafting Phil Simms.
  4. Whatever publication or site you stole the unbolded paragraphs from, I hope everyone realizes the article is 2 years old. The regular season games are now into their 3rd season & Ralph is 91 going on 92. Nice copyright infringement. Next time add the link so you're not breaking the rules.
  5. The media is following the lead of the law enforcement people. If he had been arrested & indicted, you'd see a lot more coverage. At least on the media's part, race has nothing to do with it.
  6. If you lost as many $ as Delhomme lost today, you'd be crying too.
  7. Now look at the Baltimore Ravens drafts since 2000 and realize they were drafting behind us most of the time:, some misses, after Oher it was weak this year but some pretty good hits, and a bunch of starters, shown in bold (from depth chart 1/10/10 playoff game). Their last 9 1st picks all started this season. The 10th, 2000 pick Jamal Lewis started for them when they won the Super Bowl & just retired after finishing his career with Cleveland. Also 1996 1st rounder Ray Lewis still starts. 18 of their 24 starters (K & P included) are draft choices. 2009: 1) Michael Oher OT 2) Paul Kruger LB 3) Ladarius Webb DB 5) Jason Phillips LB Davon Drew TE 6) Cedrick Perrman RB 2008: 1) Joe Flacco QB 2) Ray Rice RB 3) Tavares Gooden LB, Tom Zbikowski DB, Oniel Cousins T 4) Marcus Smith WR 5) used for 2007 supplemental pick Jared Gaither T 6) Haruki Nakamura DB 7) Justin Harper WR, Allen Patrick RB 2007: 1) Ben Grubbs G 2)Yamon Figurs WR 3) Marshal Yanda G 4) Antwan Barnes LB, LeRon McClain FB 5) Troy Smith QB 6) Prescott Burgess LB 2006: 1) Haloti Ngata DT 2) Chris Chester OL 3) David Pittman CB 4) Demetrius Williams WR, P.J Daniels RB 5) Dawan Landry S 6) Quinn Sypniewski TE, Sam Koch P , Derrick Martin CB 7) Ryan LaCasse LB 2005: 1) Mark Clayton WR 2) Dan Cody DE, Adam Terry T 4) Jason Brown C (let for big FA$, starts for Stl.) 5 Justin Green FB 6) Derek Anderson QB 7) Mike Smith LB 2004: 2) Dwan Edwards DL 3) Devard Darling WR 5) Roderick Green LB 6) Clarence Moore WR 7) Derek Abney WR , Brian Rimpf T 2003: 1) Terrell Suggs LB, Kyle Boller QB 3) Musa Smith RB 4) Jarret Johnson LB, Ovie Mughelli FB (left for big FA $ to Atl) 5) Aubrayo Franklin DT 6) Gerome Sapp DB 7) Trent Smith TE, Mike Mabry OL, Antwoine Sanders DB 2002 : 1) Ed Reed S 2) Anthony Weaver DT 4) Dave Zastudil P 5 Terry Jones TE 6) Lamont Brightful WR, Chester Taylor RB (just signed big $ FA deal with Bears after leaving as FA to Minnesota) Chad Williams DB 7) Wes Pate QB 2001: 1) Todd Heap TE 2) Gary Baxter DB 3) Casey Rabach C 4) Edgerton Hartwell LB 5) Chris Barnes RB 6) Joe Maese C 7) Dwayne Missouri DE 2000: 1) Jamal Lewis RB, Travis Taylor WR 3) Chris Redman QB 5) Richard Mercier G 6) Adalius ThomasLB (Left for big FA $ to NE 2007) , Cedric Woodard DT
  8. The draft used to start on a weekday in the daytime. I remember I had my 1st VCR in 1987 & I taped the draft while I was working. Unfortunately I messed up, set the tape speed for 2 hours instead of 6 and I think the tape ran out before we drafted Shane Conlan.
  9. Fitzpatrick, Edwards, Brohm, Hamdan =4 QBs in Bills land or 0 QBs who belong in the NFL.
  10. How do you "coach" a guy who has gotten injured virtually every year since college to stop getting injured. Relying on an injury prone QB is a certain road to disaster. Nothing is gained by having a guy play 3 or 4 good games a year & then going out with an injury.
  11. Edwards just may be the best QB on the roster, which is like saying the plain looking woman is a knockout when the only two other women in the room are Helen Thomas & Janet Reno. I've got 2 major promblems with the OP. 1) Stop the nonsense that every time a Bills QB fails it is the coaches fault. The Bills have had some decent or better QB coaches going back to QB guru Sam Wyche who succeeded with others before getting stuck with JP Losman. 2) The main reason you can't go into a season with Trent Edwards as your QB is that you won't finish the season with Trent Edwards as your QB-he's too injury prone. We've been down this road before with Rob Johnson. In 2001 Rob's last play as a Bill was an injury. If Trent never plays another down in Buffalo, he will leave the same way. If Trent is the 2010 starter, just like Johnson in 2001, he will dissapoint early in the season & then end up injured before the season is over. This season could be very much like 2001 if the group of QBs remains the same. Trent Edwards=Rob Johnson, an injury prone disappointment; Ryan Fitzpatrick= Alex Van Pelt, a so-so backup who ends up the starter because the other QBs are bad; Brian Brohm=Travis Brown, a reject from another NFL team who is overrated due to the desperation & frustration of the fans, who viewing the QB situation, start grasping at straws. The only hope for 2010 is if the starting QB is currently not on the roster.
  12. Upside definition: A player who has proven absolutely nothing, but he hasn't failed as badly as the players who play for those peoples' team. so they hold out hope he can be better than the players who have failed there, has upside. As used in a sentence: Even though he failed in Green Bay, some Bills' fans think Brian Brohm has upside because the Bills have had bums at QB and Brohm inpressed them in college.
  13. I plan on being at the game. So 1st thing I'd do is take in the post game stuff at the stadium. Now I'm not much of a drinker, but I went to the Bills 4 Super Bowls & promised to have a victory drink after the Bills won. I never got my drink, so I'd have to finally get that drink. Then I'd go back to the motel room & watch all the sports stations until about 3 AM.
  14. If the Bills scouts have a franchise label on either Bradford or Clausen & St. Louis didn't take their guy, be bold & trade up & get him. We'll never win without a QB. Get the OTs in free agency or a combo of other rounds & free agency.
  15. This is no better or worse an argument than starting Brian Brohm. At least Hamdan has been MVP of NFLE a league that has produced 2 Super Bowl winning QBs. There is too much of a willingness of Bills fans to pin their hopes on rejects instead of wanting to find the real answer at QB. Same goes for those who want to trade for other teams rejects, like Thigpen, Bulger etc.
  16. You have it backwards. Sam Wyche was recognized as one of the best coaches of young QBs until coach killer JP Losman became his student. Mike Mularkey has had success with QBs before & after coach killer JP Losman was his QB. The only place JP isn't a coach killer is in the minor leagues.
  17. Considering that we don't have any NFL starting caliber OTs, Bills scouts are very interested in 2 things that are typically not included in combine workouts: When sacked does the QB avoid fumbling & when sacked does the QB get up or will he be injury prone. After JP & Trent this is a top Bills priority. The Bills wanted Aaron Maybin to go workout the QBs & sack them, but withdrew their invitation after being unable to find any film at 1 Bills Drive that indicates Maybin would know how to sack a QB.
  18. Lindsay Lohan is from Long Island-she wants to be known as being from Downstate.
  19. I used to get into the draft a lot more than I do now, including writing a mini report that I would send to friends & post here. I lost my will to get that into the draft & I no longer spend April reading reports & watching tapes like I used to. I had a lot of misses, including comparing Tom Brady to Todd Collins, saying Syracuse QB McNabb could never go from running the freeze option to running an NFL offense, but my biggest gems & my biggest warning came at QB. In 1998 I said: Leaf offers tremendous potential but is more of a risk (than Manning) due to his lack of maturity and tendency to put on weight when left unsupervised. In addition Leaf is a junior who really had only 1 great year. There have been more underclassmen 1st round busts at QB than there have been success stories. Later on I said "he reminds me a lot of Scott Mitchell". A paragraph down, in the same year I wrote "Matt Hasselbeck could be a late round to free agent find. He's big, smart and tough. Players like him can last a long time in the NFL provided they are brought along slowly and not pressured to be starters early on in their careers. My final report was written in 2005. While I was off base on a lot of the QBs, I went back to a basketball analogy when Swen Nater was a top pick and had a decent career in the ABA and NBA after never starting a game in college. I wrote: Matt Cassel has been buried on the depth chart at USC and may be better than a lot of college team's starters. I used to draft the same time the Bills were on the clock. My best late round draft pick was TE Bo Scaife.
  20. I've lived in 3 different parts of the state: NYC-LI, WNY, Capital Region. Each area likes to define themselves as unique. In NYC they define themselves by their borough. Don't tell someone from Brooklyn that they live in NYC, they're from Brooklyn, not "The City" which is Manhattan. There are a ton of people in the NYC metro area that have no clue about the state's geography. That's why it's easy to refer to everything as "Upstate". People in WNY don't like to be grouped with the rest of the state as "Upstate" they prefer "Western New York". Downstate, many don't realize the state is big enough to go that far west, the same people wouldn't know the distance from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. I currently live in the suburbs of Albany and work in the City of Albany. Although the natives prefer Capital Region or Capital District, here there is not a problem with the term "Upstate" like there is in WNY. That might be because we're basically due north of NYC. Here's another take. I work at a State agency that has to use economics to determine different cost/price levels of real estate. When we divide the state economically in order to get the right costs on certain properties, including various utilities that use a cost approach to valuation, before getting area specific, we break it down into 2 groupings: Downstate, which consists of the NYC metro area & LI and "Rest of State". Many people call what we refer to economically as Rest of State, "Upstate NY".
  21. There's only one position that if you screw it up, it wastes years for your franchise-QB. From 1998-2001 it was Rob Johnson, even though Flutie was an option 3 of those 4 years, Johnson's presence prevented the Bills from bringing in any serious threat to be the QB of the future. JP Losman cost the Bills the 2005-2008 seasons because even when he wasn't playing, they passed on several better alternatives like Rodgers. He wasn't a factor in 2004 when Bledsoe was still here. Trent Edwards has been wasting our time since 2007, since he was determined to be the future early in his rookie year. Until the Bills get it right, QB futility will continue to destroy any chance of winning. Every time they latch on to a QB of the future & don't get a hit, it sets the franchise back about 3 years.
  22. There were a few reasons we didn't do that (split it 50/50 with my sister). We didn't know it was a tax deferred IRA until we received the checks. We didn't know much more about the accounts other than the account numbers, amounts and the place we had to send the paperwork to close them. I think my sister called them & they sent us paperwork to fill out to close the accounts. We were doing the same thing on bank accounts & CDs that were not taxable & it just seemed to be another account. When the checks arrived we found out when they stated how much was taxable. Now I know I could have done some rollover even at that point, but I figured screw it, I'll just pay the taxes & get it over with. Also, when I got the check I called the IRS to make sure it was taxable. In the process, they told me I'd have to find out what kind of account it was. When I called the company, I found out they were a subsidiary of AIG, who was in serious trouble back then, so I really wouldn't have wanted to do anything that kept the money in their hands.
  23. Getting $ back from feds, paid the state 1/10th what the feds are sending me. Reason I'm getting a good amount from the feds is combination of paying a ton to the state last year (inherited a taxable IRA) & writing it off on this year's taxes & the make work pay credit that just about everyone who isn't making a ton get. My refund is double what it will be next year. People should only get refunds if they are not living paycheck to paycheck. When I was, I made sure I never got a refund & took the extra $ in my paycheck.
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