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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. The Bills wanted Spiller, they were not interested in trading the pick, so what difference does it make what SD was offering? Overall I'm against trade downs because you don't know who you're getting. I believe the team trading up always has the advantage because they know exactly who they're drafting & nobody can trade up & beat them out of their targeted guy once the trade is done.
  2. Big difference. Owens wasn't running routes that a QB can checkdown and throw it to him. On the other hand, an elusive pass receiving RB coming out of the backfield is the perfect fit to get those checkdown throws & make something happen. By the end of the season, I wouldn't be surprised if 2 of the top 3 receivers on this team are Spiller & Jackson.
  3. I agree. WGR is talking up the Bills trading up to get McCoy or Clausen, mainly McCoy, but McCoy does not fit the prototype Buffalo QB that Nix has described when answering questions in press conferences. There's a very good chance that any QB taken this draft will be looked at as our backup of the future & the guys with the franchise tags are in next year's draft, not this year's. So, what could easily happen is the Bills use a day 3 pick on either Campbell or a project while many on this board are screaming they missed Clausen, McCoy, Lefevour, Pike etc later tonight and early tomorrow. Then next year, when we do draft the QB of the future, all of the complaints will be forgotten. I expect OL, DL or WR with our 2nd pick, not QB.
  4. Lynch has as much a chance of being on the opening day roster as you & I. He's so gone, there's no reason to ever mention the Bills & Marshawn in the present or future tense.
  5. Someone who is not in this year's draft class. You don't pick 9th & just order up a franchise QB. It's not that simple. No matter who starts next year, he won't be the starter in 2011 or 2012. You can't take a team like the Bills with a roster full of guys who wouldn't be starting elsewhere and turn it around in 1 season. So if we don't get the QB this year & end up with a great one next year, what have we lost? This is not a good year for QBs. A franchise QB isn't there. Whether it's Edwards, Fitzpatrick, Brohm or Campbell, it really doesn't matter, he's just filling the spot for 2010 & then he'll join the ranks of Joe Dufek & Bruce Mathison who went from Bills starter to waivers in less than a year.
  6. That makes sense for us, but if I'm in charge of things in Oakland, the last thing I'd want is Lynch back home with his posse. The trouble he would get into in the half season before Goodell banned him wouldn't be worth it. However, if Oakland is stupid enough to trade for Lynch, I'd do it.
  7. The problem is, by the time we pick, there may be no QB worthy of selecting. So you go for the surer thing at another position & wait a year to find your potential franchise QB. This team has so many holes, it will be at least 2-3 years to fix the mess we have if you want to think Super Bowl contender & not just sneaking into the playoffs for a 1 & done. So we'll get some kind of caretaker, either from our own roster or a trade, muddle through the year & look again in year 2. Just remember, it wasn't until Kelly's 3rd year that we won the division & his 5th year before we made the Super Bowl.
  8. Where would the Colts be if they had won a couple of more games the year they were bad enough to draft Peyton Manning at #1? Probably still floundering in the middle of the pack with all those other great Polian picks. The Colts fans were lucky that their team sucked badly enough that year. Meanwhile, that year we also had the 9th pick in the draft & needed a QB, so we traded it to Jacksonville for Rob Johnson.
  9. On Thursday we will be drafting our 1st round pick. By the time we pick, the best players at our biggest positions of need, LT, QB & NT will be off the board. We'll have to settle for a 1st round talent who is not likely to be the impact player we need. Now, lets remember those meaningless games that we won late in the season-for all those who felt so good when we won them, now enjoy watching the best players go off the board by pick nine. My point is that this team sucks & when you suck it's better to lose those games in November & December if you have any hope of getting the type of player that can finally end the years of losing. Do you think we get all of those 4 AFC championships without Bruce Smith? Now let's fast forward to next December. Odds are pretty good we're not going to be in the playoff hunt. In fact odds are pretty good we'll be in position for a top 5 pick in the draft. When the home game against the Browns on December 12th is here, try to remember that empty feeling we're having this Thursday as Okung, Bradford, Suh, and the guys rated 2nd best at LT & DL go flying off the board long before pick 9. Now some of you will be rooting hard for win #3, 4 or 5 of the season, but please, don't get on the cases of the people like me who will be remembering this Thursday & would rather not experience the "good feeling" of seeing the Bills win their 4th game at the expense of losing out on a player who could be instrumental in turning this franchise around for the next decade.
  10. It should be 52-3. 51-3 means a blocked extra point. Lindell > Norwood.
  11. NE would never offer a 2nd for Lynch. If we traded him in the division, all we'd have to do is get someone to smoke a dooby with Marshawn & get him suspended. He's got to be 1 strike away since they were all smoking marijuana when he got the gun charge, & even though the LAPD didn't charge him because they couldn't prove whose dope it was, I've got to believe he's on Goodell's mandatory drug test list.
  12. Not if St. Louis likes Clausen enough they're willing to trade away the chance to select Bradford. If St. Louis makes the trade, it's most likely they rate Clausen almost as high as Bradford & are taking Clausen at pick 7.
  13. I'm going there in July, if he gets in trouble, Buddy can wire me the $ & I'll bail Marshawn out in time for camp.
  14. Pat White could be an all time great-unfortunately the top arena league folded last year.
  15. In 1994, before his senior year, guess who Mel Kiper had as the top rated QB in his class & was basically saying with a good Sr. year he'd be a top pick-ROB JOHNSON. When a guy who is that highly rated before his senior year drops completely out of the first round, be very careful not to overrate him, because there's a really good chance he's been exposed to scouts as a flawed guy whose flaws caused the drop. There's no way that on paper, he's better than any QB on the Bills roster. Pro career to pro career, there's nothing on the field, paper or even your vivid imagination of what Brian Brohm is to suggest he's anything other that what he is-a failed player who is being given another shot because he once showed some promise in college. Teams have tried to resurrect the careers of guys who WERE top 5 picks & those guys, like Tim Couch, Akili Smith, and Ryan Leaf never worked out. Jamarcus Russell looks like he's going to be the next top 5 pick to bomb his way out of the league, lets pick him up next, give him some protection & not blow a pick on a QB-how does that sound?
  16. Unless the guy is a total bust, no team cuts a QB who was drafted in the 2nd round just 1 year after they drafted him. If White gets cut, I wouldn't want the Bills to waste their time trying to resurrect his career. Let him play baseball.
  17. Fitzpatrick stays for a couple of reasons: He's the only one of the 3 who has a contract beyond this season. Also, he's the perfect 2nd stringer-he's proven he can win games when called upon. The Bills were 5-4 in games Fitzpatrick played the majority of the QB snaps, they averaged 17.9 pts from all types of scores. He may not look pretty, but he got the job done better than the other QBs. While you may think Edwards may be the best of the bunch, the W-L records & average points scored from last season, Edwards 1-5, 13.5 pts/game; Brohm 0-1 3 pts, suggests that Fitzpatrick is the best QB on the roster because he did more with less.
  18. You get smarter with every post I swear... I sure hope we don't have to listen to stuff like "Brohm got screwed" after the Bills pick up a QB later this month and Brohm doesn't get the starter's job, or possibly doesn't make the team this season. I can hear the whining now-" We never gave him a chance, he only started 1 game, look at his stats in college" or "He's going to come back & haunt us" yeah, right. Here's what the QB acquired will mean: 1st or 2nd round-bye bye Trent Edwards. Rookie starts, Fitzpatrick 2nd string, Brohm 3rd string 3rd or 4th round-bye bye either Edwards or Brohm-if rookie plays well in camp, bye bye Trent, if rookie plays poorly in camp-bye bye Brohm-only room for 1 project 3rd stringer. 5th to 7th-Bye bye Brian Brohm. Veteran-bye bye Edwards or Fitzpatrick. Brohm gets to stay as 3rd stringer. Undrafted free agent-practice squad at best, all 3 current guys stay-Brohm's only chance of being the starter. Most of the logical scenarios result in Brohm being 3rd string or off the team. The chances of Brohm starting are slim & none. The only shot is if Nix strikes out at acquiring all the QBs he has targeted as possible acquisitions & ends up bringing in some undrafted guy as training camp fodder.
  19. Since Seattle has Hasselbeck & just traded for & gave big bucks to Whitehurst as Hasselbeck's replacement, why would anyone think that Carroll would even think of drafting a QB in the 1st round?
  20. If Betty White can do some of the things she does like the ads & hosting SNL, why not Ralph with Mary Blige?
  21. I hope they send you one & you carry out that threat. As I said, when some of you get this you're going to go wild, you're proving my point. This isn't the 1st time I've gotten this form. The 1st time I thoroughly checked out its validity before I sent it in.
  22. Obviously, not. I can't believe some of you never heard of this part.
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