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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. There's no way we're going into the season with 2 QBs, one who has never done anything in the NFL & a 3rd QB on the practice squad. Obviously the OP has a strong anti-Fitzpatrick bias that has tainted any logical conclusion as to the QBs we will keep. Fitzpatrick is a virtual lock to make the team. Gailey is not going into the season without a veteran backup as the 2nd stringer, especially with Edwards' injury history. The scenario as posted would put Brohm as #1 & Levi Brown elevated from the PS as #2 if Edwards went down. That's ridiculous. Gailey would never put himself in the position of the totally unproven Brohm being backed up by the 7th round rookie. He has to be aware that Edwards is odds on to get injured at some point. More logical scenarios: Edwards, Fitzpatrick, Brohm or Brown with Brown on the PS if it's Brohm & Brohm in the UFL if it's Brown. Say Edwards gets hurt in preseason: Then it would be Fitzpatrick or Brohm with the loser as #2, Brown #3. I cannot think of 1 scenario that doesn't have Fitzpatrick 1 or 2, unless he gets a serious injury in preseason. Sorry, but anyone who thinks Fitzpatrick is gone who doesn't plan on him being replaced with a veteran backup doesn't understand how NFL rosters are put together. You have your starter. If he's fully entrenched and has shown durability, then you can go with one backup, who can be an unproven guy. Otherwise you have 2 backups. In an unsettled situation as the Bills have, you always keep 3 QBs. One of them, either the starter or #2 is a veteran. If Fitzpatrick goes, a QB with NFL starting experience, like Thigpen will replace him. Odds: slim & none that Fitzpatrick isn't there on opening day.
  2. Yesterday I get home & I want to hear them talking about the Bills & the Schobel release, but instead they spent forever talking about Kelly Clarkson. Now I like Kelly Clarkson, but I didn't tune in to listen to their opinions of her while there is Bills camp. The only Kelly they should be allowed to talk about in PM drive time is Jim Kelly! I had to turn it off.
  3. How is winning 5 games instead of 3 games better for a team? Now obviously, if you're talking 10 wins vs 3, it's a totally different situation. You'll never convince me that if we're headed for a 4-5 win season & a win or 2 less gives us a shot at a franchise QB, which it appears this year's draft will, that it's better to win 2 more totally meaningless games when you can turn your entire franchise around if you lose those 2 games. Now I'm talking strictly from a fan's point of view, of course I expect the team to try to win every game. But if we're headed into that last game against the Jets with a loss guaranteeing us the #1 pick, I'm rooting for the team to lose to the Jets in the last game this year, get the franchise QB & kick some Jet @ss when it means something many times over for the next decade. PS: I totally agree with your blasting the OP for implying Ralph is cheap. If we get the chance the Bills will pay a franchise QB megabucks.
  4. But he has so much more "upside" than Fitzpatrick. The Bills must bring him in to compete.
  5. Fitzpatrick is 2nd stringer, Brown, the 3rd stringer has upside. Fitzpatrick is not terrible, he was the QB in 5 of the 6 wins last year. Brohm is going to get cut. It's time for all the people with delusions that we could get a high profile guy off a practice squad that the whole league just forgot about until the brilliant front office of Guy & Brandon swooped in & stole him to wake up. You steal low profile guys off practice squads, not 2nd round busts. The best professional talent evaluators passed on Brohm & now all the Brohm fans are finding out why. They excused the debacle in Atlanta because "He was new to the Bills & not ready." Now they & their boy are out of excuses.
  6. Of all the Brohm excuses, this one has to be the dumbest. Unless he's mentally ill, no QB would tank it & try to get himself cut in order to get on a practice squad & bide his time until the Bills could rescue him & he can become a star. Here's how a normal player handles the situation: he works his butt off, plays lights out in preseason whenever he gets the shot, gets traded to a team "desperate" enough to trade for him & signs a big $ contract. Thats what Matt Schaub, Matt Hasselbeck & even Rob Johnson did. Even Charlie Whitehurst got a good amount of $ after being traded from SD to Seattle. What you're saying is Brohm is so crazy that he immediately, as an unproven rookie, decided to tank his career and lose millions of dollars just because he didn't like the situation in GB. That's ridiculous. Now I may think Brohm has no talent to ever be a good starting QB in the NFL, but I do not think he is crazy. Your scenario is one of someone who is crazy.
  7. There is no salary cap this season, therefore if you get rid of a player with an amortized signing bonus in 2010 there are no consequences.
  8. Jauron wasn't here. Brohm was signed after Jauron was fired.
  9. I'm basing it on the fact that no QB drafted as high as Brohm has ever been waived without ever playing like he was, cleared waivers, and then was brought in by another team and did anything in the NFL. Players drafted as highly as Brohm who get waived so soon & don't get immediately picked up are so flawed that there is a reason that no team even put in a waiver claim on him. Teams have waived undrafted & late round QBs at the same stages of their careers & teams have put waiver claims in on them. The Packers are not a poorly run stupid team-they saw nothing in him last September that they wanted to keep-they preferred the 53rd man over him. 31 other GMs yawned when Brohm went on waivers. You're talking about guys like Polian & Newsome among other top executives. They all have pro scouts & the college scouting reports and keep tabs on all players with as high a profile as Brohm had-they unanimously said NO to getting Brohm for free. The professionals have a lot more data on these players than you, I, or any other Bills fan on this board. Also-don't throw that GB wanted to match the Bills contract crap that the Brohm ball boys love to say. The only reason they tried to match was because it was November & he knew the system-nothing more than trying to keep a cheap insurance policy. If they were as interested in him as the ball boys say, they would have tried to keep him by exceeding the Bills offer-they didn't. There are a lot of QBs who have played next to no regular season games-why not bring every QB who gets cut in here-you could claim the same thing about him as you are Brohm. Years ago Bills fans loved Gary Marangi for the same reason. Once Marangi played, he was out of the league. No matter how you spin it, Brohm was dreadful in his one start, one & done for me. Just because you don't like what you see in Edwards & Fitzpatrick, it doesn't make Brohm any better. He's a bust & he'll always be one-he would be happy to match Jeff's career.
  10. That's like being the tallest midget. By the way, Levitre was the best lineman last year. Wood might have been if he played all season, definitely tons better than Incognito.
  11. Goodell should immediately convict USC for tampering & take away their 1st round pick in next year's NFL draft! Of course it's a lame lawsuit-reading between the lines, they're doing it to appease the anger of the college fans in Tennessee, hoping to gain points with them. Let's remember who owns the Titans-the douchbag who moved them out of Houston & was giving the Bills the bird last season & got fined for that idiotic behavior.
  12. Thje bottom line is the only QB who can get us into the playoffs is a rejuvinated Trent Edwards. Now I'm extremely sceptical that Trent will ever shake the injury bug & that no matter how good he looks at times he's a hit away from being out for a while, but anyone who has bought into the Brian Brohm charade is only fooling himself. Not only wouldn't I name Brohm #1, I'd cut him now, because sooner or later, he's headed back to the waiver wire. I know Gailey can't do it now & he'll be given a chance, but I believe he has a better chance of not making the team than starting. If he does start, it means Gailey thinks the other guys are just bad, not that Brohm is any good. Dream all you want, but Brian Brohm will never win you games in the NFL. If he's the starter this year, pencil in Jake Locker or Christian Ponder as our top pick & starter in 2011.
  13. Jamarcus Russell's rights? He has the right to remain silent. Anything he says can and will be used against him in a court of law. He has the right to an attorney- since he was paid millions by the Raiders, he cannot claim he can't afford one, so he'll have to appoint one himself.
  14. A team that is committed to rebuilding through the draft does not sign 40 year old retread QBs.
  15. Over the years I've been pretty optimistic -just check my preseason predictions vs the Bills final record to see how overly optimistic I've been. So, you can't label me an annual pessimist. This year I can't see more than 4 wins & it could be a lot worse than that. People who think Jauron was the worst coach ever are blinded by their somewhat unfair assessment of Jauron & his staff. Chan Gailey & his staff have yet to prove he can do any better. Recordwise, I can't see how this team could possibly win 6 games unless our December opponents lie down after a quarter like Indy did. Anyone who cites last year's 6 wins & concludes we can't do worse is delusional. Last year we got very lucky in 5 of those 6 wins. An unbiased observer would have to conclude Jauron/Fewell squeezed as many wins out of that team as was humanly possible. When we have a worse record this year, "Jauron is the worst" people will realize that Jauron had some pretty good assistants and overall, the coaching staff wasn't nearly as bad as they're making them out to be. A lot of them found employment quickly once the Bills set them free. It's amazing how similar to 2001 this season looks at this point. Donahoe & Gregg were pretty good at bashing Wade & his staff & there were a lot of posters buying into it back then. They, like the 2010 versions of them, have blindly accepted that the team can't be worse & will have better coaching. That team screamed REBUILDING and had a very similar QB group, led by an injury prone QB given one last chance, just like the 2010 team. Another reason for my thoughts on the probability of a poor 2010 record: Teams changing their offense & defensive systems as radically as the Bills are doing typically get off to very poor starts without a MAJOR upgrade at QB. Lou Saban I was 0-5 in his 1st 5 games when he took over the Bills his 1st season here. Joe Gibbs I was 0-5 in his 1st 5 games when he took over the Redskins his 1st season there. Chan Gailey has a long way to go to be compared with either one of them. Anyone expecting more than 1 win in our 1st 5 games is not an optimist-they're dreamers.
  16. While I believe Trent Edwards can play at a high level at times, and might just be the most talented QB on the roster, sooner or later he's going to get injured. You just can't count on him. Also the W-L record last year vs Fitzpatrick's W-L record is troublesome.
  17. The sooner Brohm is cut, the earlier the Brohm charade ends.
  18. Your choice for starter hasn't played well in ANY NFL game. So at least the one game people have something to justify their choice. The "he isn't Edwards or Fitzpatrick" choice is even lamer than chosing a guy based on one game.
  19. This thread is stupid, the Bills aren't trading Lee Evans.
  20. If Fitzpatrick starts: 6-10 If Edwards starts: 5-11 If Brohm starts 2-14 If Brown starts 1-15
  21. The simple answer is there is no way the Bills would have made it to the Super Bowl with Rob Johnson at QB. I did a study of RJ's career a few years ago & reached one indisputable conclusion-Rob Johnson's best games were off long periods where he didn't play. They came after either a return from a benching or an injury, or after a bye week. There was no way Rob Johnson was going to play 3 or 4 consecutive weeks at a level needed to advance in the playoffs. You can look it up, the more Rob Johnson played, the worse he got. He was similar to a racehorse who performs best with a lot of spacing between races.
  22. Jordan left the Bulls twice & reentered the league after the 2nd time with the Washington Wizards. Russell was the only one who played with the same team. Russell was treated poorly by a lot of racist fans in his days with Boston, including a break in at his home with someone defecating on his bed. If Russell could have left Boston in the 1960s he would have left. Kareem? Are you kidding? He forced a trade from his original team, the Milwaukee Bucs, to play with the Lakers. I find it amazing all the "heat" 25 year old LeBron James is getting. How many people here have moved away from their home areas to either enhance their careers, get warmer or just wanted something different? I've had 3 different home areas. When I was 25 I didn't want to be living anywhere near where I grew up. Maybe LeBron just doesn't want to spend that much time in Ohio. Finally, the owner's letter sounds like it's from a guy who is out of his mind. He bought the team after LeBron got there & suddenly he wakes up owning something worth a lot less. I'm sure he wasn't thinking of loyalty each time he cut a player or fired a coach. He's in a business, he knows the risks. He's dealing with it like a 5 year old kid, and that might be insulting all 5 year olds.
  23. Because he was their insurance policy for 2009 & the only one who could come in as the 3rd stringer who knew their system. The brohm fans make excuses for his lousy Atlanta game saying he didn't know our system well enough, but can't grasp the idea that GB wanted 3 QBs who knew their system that late in the season. The fact that GB waived him in September, when another guy could take his place on the practice squad shows they didn't care if they lost him. By November nobody could fill his insurance place on GB's roster or practice squad-too late in the season. If they thought he had any future they could have EXCEEDED our offer. The fact they only tried to match our 1 1/4 season contract should tell you they were only interested in keeping their insurance policy of a guy who knew their system through 2009.
  24. Not 2nd round QBs. Notice how nobody could successfully answer the question posed earlier about 2nd round QBs. It's not the Packers' roster decision that they only kept only 2 QBs that tells the story, it's the fact that a high profile QB 1 year removed from being a 2nd round pick got waived and not a single team put in a claim. It's the fact that when GB decided to keep 2 QBs they couldn't get any team to give them a pick for Brohm before he went on waivers. The Brohm fans who "liked him in college" keep spinning it to fit their story, but the fact that nobody wanted Brohm last September is pretty hard to ignore. Guys who flourish elsewhere are not high profile 2nd rounders, cut early in their careers. They are late round to free agent afterthoughts, cut to keep the 2nd round busts around a little longer. I commend GB for having the guts to waive a 2nd round bust & not dragging it out any longer at the expense of a guy who GB could keep who would have flourished elsewhere. Now the Brohm fans want him to start because he's the only one of the 3 contenders with limited NFL starts & they think, without any evidence, that he could be better than the 2 guys who started last year. He could also be a lot worse, but they'd rather let him stink up the joint and prove to them what GB & the rest of the league already figured out. Why not go one step further, let's go get another Arena guy, hope he becomes the starter, because he too has not proven in a real NFL game that he can't be a quality NFL starter. At best he can be the next Warner, at worst the next Brohm.
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