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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Here's the Bills dilemma. Let's assume Trent makes it through preseason & is named the starter. If Brohm shows potential, they can't cut him. If they want an experienced backup QB, they can't cut Fitzpatrick. If they think Levi Brown has potential and are afraid of losing him on waivers, they can't cut Brown. So, thinking outside the box, there may be only one solution-keep all 4 QBs. Clearly Brown isn't ready, but with 3 QBs he's #3. Brohm is too unproven to be the primary backup to an injury prone starter, but he fits the perfect profile of a 3rd stringer-a guy who you can continue to bring along slowly without risking your chances of winning if #1 goes down. I know a lot of you don't like him, but Fitzpatrick is a bonafide veteran backup who has proven he can put up Ws. If you're thinking long term, you need him to back up any inexperienced QB-a likely case in 2011. Plus, Fitzpatrick is the only QB other than Brown under contract for 2011. Brown may be too raw to even be #3, but he might just have too much potential to risk waiving. This is hardly unprecidented. Last year the Jets carried 4 QBs through most of the season. In 2000 there was a team that saw too much in a late round QB to risk waiving him. They kept 4 QBs that season & won the Super Bowl with that 4th QB the next season.
  2. That's true. So if Trent has outperformed Brohm every step of the way, how really bad is Brohm?
  3. But he's improving. He didn't throw 1 int last night. Still doesn't know what a TD pass looks like while he's on the field, but no ints is an improvement.
  4. I'm not an NFL scout or GM. The NFL scouts & GMs determined he wasn't worth a waiver claim last September. I'll let the professionals tell you about his throwing motion, ability to read defenses, accuracy, pocket presence etc. Go ask any one of the 32 GMs who didn't want Brian Brohm on their 53 man roster last September & you'll have your answer. The reason he has a very large downside is he has yet to reach the endzone in any game he's played. Fitzpatrick has shown an ability to win (5 of the Bills 6 wins in 2009 were when he was the QB who took the majority of snaps), something Brohm has no experience at. Fitzpatrick came in cold as a rookie, threw for a ton of yards & led a come from behind victory in his 1st NFL game ever, Brohm s**t the bed in his 1st game, when he wasn't even a rookie, leading the Bills to 3 points, and his fans have made 1,001 excuses for it. Brohm put up 3 points again last night. If you want to score one field goal a game, Brohm's your man. Fitzpatrick's downside compared with Brohm's is infinitely smaller. He's shown he can light it up on occasion, win games and has the perfect makeup to be #2 and enter a game cold. Brohm has a lot to prove and I'd hate to see us keep him & let a proven backup like Fitzpatrick go based on a pipe dream of potential-something none of the professional evaluators saw when he hit waivers last September.
  5. The only reason Chambers is on the team is because Brad Butler was injured early last year & Chambers already knew the offense, so he was broght back after nobody else signed him. Jauron cut Chambers last year & Gailey will cut him this year.
  6. What are you talking about? Fitzpatrick was signed before LAST season. Brohm was signed in the middle of LAST season. How does a February signing vs a November signing translate into Brohm being Nix's & Gailey's guy & Fitzpatrick not when John Guy & Russ Brandon were responsible for both signings? What is upside other than one guy hasn't played enough to show how potentially bad he can be? If you follow the real upside, Fitzpatrick has more based on the actions of GMs around the league. Fitzpatrick was a 1st week free agent signee, Brohm cleared waivers with a yawn last September. Fitzpatrick was the main QB in 5 of the 6 wins last year. How much more upside can a guy get who could win 5 games with that O line? Fitz had the same bad team that people made excuses for Brohm's 3 point generation in Atlanta. What about Brohm's downside? With Fitzpatrick, there's a limit, with Brohm it's infinite. Your post is a prime example of how Brohm fans twist all sorts of facts to fit their boy. He now "belongs" to the guys who had nothing to do more with his acquisition than Fitzpatrick's acquisition. But it fits your case, so you just make it up in support of your boy.
  7. How's your boy Graham Harrell doing, Super Scout? Cut more times than Nicole & Ron.
  8. What exactly did Brohm do that Edwards hasn't done numerous times? He took the safe short stuff, just like Trent, and the Brohm boys are getting turned on. If you switched the names on their performances, Brohm's boys would be complaining about the QB not getting into the endzone & the numerous short throws for completions. They would have blamed Trent for no TD and having to settle for a FG before halftime. If Brohm had that long pass, they would have been anointing him the next Kelly. Look at the Tim Graham article in another thread for an unbiased opinion of what the QBs did last night.
  9. We have too much talent at RB & not enough talent anywhere else but DB. Once Lynch & Jackson are healthy one or both (depending on how Bell & Simpson look the rest of preseason & beyond) should be shopped. The future is Spiller, Bell & possibly Simpson. By the time the Bills are legit contenders, management will have had enough of Marshawn's immaturity to want to give him a 2nd contract & Jackson will be too old.
  10. Is there a symbol for a comment when someone posts something that is ridiculously false. I've seen a lot of revisionist history around here. Is it too much to ask that if someone is trying to state a fact rather than an opinion that the fact is actually true?
  11. This is what the Brohm ball boys have sunk to, going back 40-50 years to an entirely different era. There's no nice way to say it-You're a bunch of morons! Even then none of these guys were high picks. You people are morons!
  12. He's already FAILED in the NFL. You HOPE he won't FAIL in Buffalo. I'm using common sense-No QB ever drafted as high as Brohm has ever made it after getting cut on his rookie contract. You're ignoring history because you have some pipe dream that Chan Gailey will sprinkle some magic dust on him & he'll do something nobody else has ever done. Talk about a lack of common sense!
  13. Ralph makes them walk. Chan thinks it toughens them up & Ralph likes the money he saves on gas. They've already started their trek up the QEW. The Bills are such a hit in Canada, that when they walk under an overpass, the Canadians hang banners saying Go Bills, get the heck out of our country.
  14. I guess you're in the opposite camp of those who think the 2011 season is in jeopardy. Here's why I believe there will be NO rookie cap in 2011. In order for there to be a rookie cap, a new CBA has to be in place. All indications are the negotiations will go slow and it will be long after the draft when the CBA is hammered out, probably after an initial lockout in July 2011. Let's use Locker as an example-if the Bills have the #1 pick, they will be looking to sign the player before they draft him to assure he doesn't look to force a trade. Since the odds of a CBA before the draft are slim & none, the odds of there being a rookie cap-which would have to be established before the draft so that teams know how to structure their entire salary budget- are also slim & none. The rookie salary cap will come in the year 2012 at the earliest, not 2011. Some people won't want to hear this because it will kill their "Ralph is cheap & didn't want to pay a QB before the rookie cap in 2011" theories. Those same people will be here next April claiming we won't pick a QB because there's no rookie cap, and they'll be wrong.
  15. I missed Plunkett's 2nd win. 31.8%, even better. That means if all players were created equal, the natural odds of winning the Super Bowl with a #1 pick would be less than 1%, but almost 1 of every 3 Super Bowls are won with the #1 pick in the draft. Expanding it to non QBs the #1 pick has played on 43% of SB winners if I have it right adding Russell Maryland & Ed Jones 2 each & Orlando Pace once. The more you look at it, the better it is to bottom out-do we get to 4 Super Bowls with Bruce Smith?
  16. Not last September when he was waived. You can make all the excuses you want but the facts are: GB waived him last September Nobody claimed him last September All reports are Trent Edwards has outplayed him from the day Gailey arrived Trent Edwards is not a good QB If Trent Edwards is not a good QB & he's outplayed Brian Brohm, Brohm has to be pretty friggin bad.
  17. He was TRADED for a 1st ROUND PICK. Why couldn't GB trade Brohm for even a 7th before they waived him? Big difference between being traded for a 1st round pick & getting waived, you think?
  18. Excuses, excuses, excuses. NOBODY HIDES A PLAYER ONE YEAR REMOVED FROM THE 2ND ROUND OF THE NFL DRAFT ON A PRACTICE SQUAD BY WAIVING HIM 1st!!!!!! If Brohm had ANY potential someone would have picked the guy off of waivers, a few extra $ would not have stopped them if he had anything. By the end of preseason when CHAN GAILEY writes him off you'll realize how moronic your manlove for Brohm is. I sure hope the Bills don't pick up Timmy Chang off some sandlot. His college stats will have the Brohm guys drooling.
  19. Nope, Herman Edwards, a proven failure as a head coach said that. The real quote should be: YOU PLAY TO WIN THE SUPER BOWL As I stated above, hitting rock bottom in the right year is the clearest path to winning the Super Bowl. Why do you think Lebron James is in Miami? He won enough games in Cleveland, but he wasn't on a team that could win it all. So he decided that You play to win championships, not individual meaningless games. Over the past decade the Bills have won too many meaningless games.
  20. Did Washington play in the Super Bowl? Did Miami play in the Super Bowl? Did the Jets play in the Super Bowl? Not recently for any of them. Now here's a fact you can't dispute: 12 of the 44 Super Bowl winners were quarterbacked by a #1 pick in the entire draft. Now this is skewed by multiple wins by Elway, Aikman & Bradshaw, but having 27% of all Super Bowl winners QB'd by a 1st overall pick, considering how many other players and QBs are taken shows the value that you can get if you're really bad IN THE RIGHT YEAR. All indications are this could be the right year to want to be really bad. There are 3 or 4 prospects, at least one of whom could clearly emerge as a can't miss NFL franchise QB. Here's where the math shows how unbelievably valuable getting that 1st pick is in the right year. I didn't do any counts, but in the 44 years of the Super Bowl, there have to have been over 10,000 players drafted. Probably close to 500 QBs taken. In 44 years 18 QBs have been taken #1. In a bad year, like 2007, you get a reach like Russell, but in a good year you get P.Manning, Elway, Aikman or Bradshaw. Clearly, getting the 1st pick in the right year is the best way to win a Super Bowl.
  21. No QB ever drafted as high as Brohm (2nd rd) has ever rebounded from getting waived by his drafting team except maybe an older veteran cut for salary cap clearance well beyond his rookie contract. This means in order for Brohm to make it he has to become the 1st one. High profile QBs cut in their initial contracts never make it. The guys who do make it are always late round to free agent types who are flying far under the radar when they get cut. Kurt Warner got cut his 1st camp with GB (contrary to another poster's revisionist history earlier in this thread). Two reasons were he was so unprepared for his 1st camp & needed years in Arenaball & NFLE before being ready and he was among the greatest group of QBs ever assembled in one camp-Favre, Brunell, T.Detmer & Warner-a raw undrafted rookie.
  22. Typical head in the sand Brohm fan! He WAS CUT by GB last September & then AFTER HE CLEARED WAIVERS BY ALL 31 OTHER TEAMS placed on their practice squad. Did it ever occur to you that GB's attempt to match was simply to keep an insurance policy in November with a guy who knew their friggin offense or are you just too dense? Don't go telling other people they don't know what they're talking about when YOU'RE the one talking out of his @ss!
  23. He needs to go to the UFL if he wants playing time & experience. I'm pretty sure he'll have that opportunity.
  24. Anyone who claims the Bills won't have to draft a QB in 2011, that's who. There have been a bunch of posts like that.
  25. I have nothing against Brohm-he just sucks as a QB. It's his irrational fans, the ones who think Guy & Brandon outsmarted 31 other teams & found a franchise QB in the scrap heap, that I've got the problem with. The good news for me is that I won't have to be viewing their irrational posts once they go through an exhibition season with the guy. Unless they bury their heads in the sand & don't watch, they'll be reaching the same conclusion that I already have. If he plays to my expectations, the only in posts left will be from the most irrational who will claim that Brohm "will haunt us" after we cut him.
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