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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. A borderline starter at the QB spot is the best we have. Fitzpatrick is the best QB on this team because the other 2 guys aren't even borderline starters-neither Trent Edwards nor Brian Brohm belongs in the NFL. At least Fitzpatrick is a good 2nd stringer-a guy who on a normal team can win games if the starter goes down. The other 2 belong in the UFL or Arenaball.
  2. The bolded quote is true of all the Brohm boys. Three NFL head coaches haven't wanted Brohm anywhere near the field in a real NFL game & you still don't understand that he sucks? I guess the only way for any of you to get it is to put him in for 10 more 3 point games like last year in Atlanta and then you'll finally understand what McCarthy, Fewell & now Gailey have seen of this guy that the fans haven't to make them realize what a colossal bust he is. It used to be the most popular guy in town was the backup QB, here it seems the backup's backup is the most popular guy. Just take off the rose colored glasses & look at Brohm realistically & then maybe you will understand. The guy has never thrown a TD pass in 3 preseasons & a regular season game, but he has plenty of ints. He lacks accuracy unless he's throwing to a wide open receiver near the middle of the field. He doesn't complete long passes, about half his sideline passes are thrown out of bounds. His supporters can make all the excuses they want, but the only consistent thing he's done in 3 seasons, with 3 coaches has been to be inactive on gameday. The lone exception was when he was literally the last QB standing & Fewell was forced to start him in Atlanta. Perry Fewell, sfter seeing the debacle in Atlanta, did just about everything but kiss Fitzpatrick's ankle to get Fitzpatrick back for the Indy game rather than risk his career by starting Brohm again. The only thing Brohm has done is play better than the dreadful Levi Brown in preseason.
  3. This is as dumb as saying you have to audition every clown who ever played a game in college to see if he can start in the NFL. Three different coaches have been too scared to let Brohm anywhere near the starting job, Chan saw Levi Brown & determined he will never be an NFL QB, but you still need to see him "tested". They know TODAY that they have no long term starter, they just have to wait until the season ends. Consider this: Trent got benched for horrible play & he's still ahead of Brohm on the depth chart. I trust Chan knows more than you do & will continue to believe that until you are named head coach of the Bills, name a new starter & he succeeds.
  4. I hope Brohm gets his shot too because once you & the rest of the Brohm boys see what Gailey already knows about Brohm you'll not only be calling for a draft choice but you'll be screaming for the Bills to cut Brohm and sign the next reject of your choice because you "saw him look good in college". Plus if Brohm goes in it GUARANTEES us the #1 pick.
  5. No need for changes this week, it's a road game. No intitial changes at QB for the Jets. I think they know the 1st winnable game is home vs Jacksonville. So, what will happen is Edwards will start vs the Jets and with the Jets D, our OL & Trent's injury history, Gailey will let nature take it's course. As a result, Fitzpatrick will start the Jacksonville game.
  6. I agree. That's why on January 2nd, if a loss at the Jets clinches the #1 pick, I'll be rooting for the Jets. While I understand the players want to win & will be trying, I don't understand the fans who want to feel good with victory 2 or 3 of the season when in the long run it could cost the team the impact player they so desperately need to start turning things around. There was a thread where someone listed the #1 pick QBs since 1970, I did the math & 6 of 18 (33%) ended up winning the Super Bowl at least once. 4 of the 18 (22%) won the Super Bowl more than once.
  7. Jauron had a pretty good group of assistants. Cantavolos, Cross, & Sanders were retained by Gailey and using the preseason positions for Fewell (NYG) & Van Pelt (TB), those 2 plus April(Phil), Kugler (Pit), Studesville (Den) Brown(SF) & Tolbert (Car) all got comparable jobs with other teams. Matt Sheldon got a lesser job with Minnesota & Jauron is DB coach in Philadelphia. That's 12 guys still in the NFL. That staff was not as bad as the people who think Gailey & his staff was an instant upgrade guaranteed to produce more victories believed. Fewell, who was coaching for his life did everything he thought possible to win. In the process, he decided that Fitzpatrick was his best QB to try to win games with. 1st he benched Edwards, then after Brohm played in Atlanta & some wanted Fewell to see more by starting Brohm against Indy, Fewell was more concerned with winning & went back to Fitz. Maybe Perry knew something that Gailey is just finding out-Fitzpatrick is the best QB of the group.
  8. 33% of those QBs have won at least 1 Super Bowl, 22% have won multiple Super Bowls. Another (Bledsoe) played in one & was on the bench for another after contributing to the team getting there in the AFC Championship game. If the right QB is available at #1 you take him. Unfortunately the next great one may be Luck. If Luck stays & we draft the wrong guy this year, we won't be able to take Luck a year later, unless we really have the stones to say Luck is so much better that we jettison the guy we take this year.
  9. The guy has never thrown a TD pass since college & he's had three exhibition seasons & 1 NFL start. Everything you say about him is from your dreams. If he was half the player you think he is wouldn't the 3 coaching staffs that have rejected him as anything but a 3rd stringer & the GMs who all let him sail through waivers last September have noticed all the things you dream of at night? You make him sound like Bill Brasky, when he's closer to Billy Jo Hobert.
  10. Anyone who picked us to have a winning record: What were you thinking?
  11. "Chan Gailey & his staff are such an upgrade over Jauron & his we can't possibly win fewer than 6 games"
  12. No 1st rounder in 2005. IF we hadn't traded up for JP & waited another year for the QB of the future, Rodgers would have fallen to us.
  13. If GB offers a 3rd for Lynch, take it. No way we get a 1st.
  14. Let's put Brohm in and guarantee 0-16. At least with Fitz we can win once in a while. If they try to play Brohm the rest of the year, Gailey will get fired. I can see trying Brohm for 2-3 weeks until he Marangis his way out of the NFL. Just say NO to Brohm!
  15. I've seen worse. I was at the 1985 Bills @ Jets game. Bills up 3-0 early, lost 42-3. 2nd game of the season too.
  16. Go to the Bills website & read the depth chart. It's there in black & white. Just because Trent sucks doesn't make No TD Brohm any better. He sucks worse than Trent-let that sink in -pretty sad isn't it.
  17. Fitzpatrick is ahead of Brohm on the depth chart. Brohm sucks, give it up already. If they do anything, the Bills should cut Brohm & bring in someone who can actually start a game & get a touchdown. Brohm=no touhdowns. The guy has NEVER thrown a TD pass even though he's played against guys in exhibition games who are now directing traffic in the parking lot.
  18. The game is on in Albany, but my fear is if it gets out of hand, they'll switch to another game, so I'm keeping this thread in mind.
  19. For pregame, I prefer 97 Rock. More analysis, fewer phone calls, less whining about how bad the team is etc. For postgame, I want to hear the coach & QB press conference, but then I do not want to hear all the guys in the locker room being interviewed, so I'll switch to WGR until the locker room stuff ends on WGRF. WGR's postgame stuff lasts longer, so eventually I end up back on WGR55 by the end of the day. Pretty soon, when they change the clocks, if I'm at the game I'll lose WGR sooner since I can't switch to another station further east & still get postgame coverage. Today I'm home listening to the pregame & postgame on the internet. The local Albany station doesn't do much pregame & doesn't do any postgame so on days like today, it's all internet pre & post game for me.
  20. I was thinking about the underclassmen who may declare for the draft since Luck is emerging as the best QB prospect. Here's their dilemma: If they come out this year, they are going into a season which may be delayed or worse. Do they want to waste their rookie year when they can go back to college & wait a year? Here's the problem if they wait-Chances are pretty good that because the draft is months before the season, the NFL couldn't incorporate anything to limit the big rookie contracts until the 2012 draft. So what is better-come out & not play, or come out & make sure you get the big $. Depending on the player, it could go either way. Most of us would take the money, but some may not want to lose time in their career development & are looking towards the future rather than short term money. Personally, I can't see the 2011 season getting washed away. The NFL is not the NHL. Also, the union is already starting to vote on decertification which means the NFL can't lock the players out.
  21. He fixed the article about 1973 for the final copy. I can't wait for Jeff Garcia's debut in the UFL next week. For a developmental league they sure have a lot of washed up or never were QBs. The starting QBs are Garcia, Culpepper, Josh McCown, Tim Rattay & Brooks Bollinger.
  22. I remember someone posted they wanted the Bills to get Culpepper in the offseason. This ones for you: http://www.courant.com/sports/football/hc-colonials-sacramento-0919-20100918,0,5092249.story On a side note, someone sent out a press release that this was the 1st professional football game since 1973 & this guy & another guy on the UFL website wrote that into the story. However, the UFL played there last year-I was there & the sportswriter who wrote this was there too. Can't this reporter, Paul Doyle, even remember something he attended last year?
  23. It feels great. In the late 1980s & through most of the 90s there were plenty of games that we knew we were going to see a win upon entering the then Rich Stadium. It's only since the name was changed to Ralph Wilson stadium that that stopped.
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