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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. 33 % of all QBs taken with the 1st pick since the Super Bowl began won a Super Bowl & 22% of them won it more than once. I'll take those odds over a decade of not even making the playoffs.
  2. The 1984 & 1985 teams were the worst in the NFL each of those 2 seasons. Yet no matter how bad they were, there were weeks they were competitive or better. So, lets not get overenthusiastic because we were close to the Patriots yesterday, in the same place where the Bills almost won last year with Trent Edwards at QB. Here are some games that gave us reason for optimism in 1984 & 1985 even though both teams went 2-14. (Thanks to the Bills media guides for 1985 & 1986 for some of the info) 1984: Week 1 NE 21@ Bills 17-Bills fall behind 21-3 early then come back to only lose by 4. Dominate time of possession 34:08 to 25:52 Outgain NE 326 yds to 315 Week 3 Miami 21 @ Bills 17-Once again trailing 21-3, the Bills fought back to get within 4 late. Week 4 Jets 28@ Bills 26 -Bills open up a 10-0 lead, then fall behind 21-10. Bills rally back & get in the game. If department-Bills within 2 when Ferguson gets hurt, Kofler ineffective last 2 series. Week 7 Bills 28 at Seattle 31-Once again Bills fall behind early 17-0, then battle back to gain a 28-24 lead in the 4th quarter, before losing 31-28. Bills dominate time of possession 35:13 ti 24:47, Bills D performs well with Seattle held to 41 rushing yds, 238 total yds, 3 sacks & 2 ints. Week 10 Cleveland 13 @ Bills 10-Bills led 10-6 going into the 4th quarter. Bills lost when Ernest Byner recovered a teammate's fumble and ran 55 yards for the winning TD. Week 12 Dallas 3 @ Bills 14 -Victory! Greg Bell runs for 85 yards on the opening play & the Bills stun the Coyboys for their 1st win of the season. Week 14 Indianapolis 15 @ Bills 21-Victory #2. Bills go up 21-0 in the 1st quarter and never score again, but Indy Art Schlichter can't get closer than 6 points as Indy can only get 5 FGs & no TDs. Week 15 Bills 17 @ Jets 21. The Bills were ahead 17-7 at halftime before getting shutout in the 2nd half and losing when the Jets scored TDs in the 3rd & 4th quarters. So, even though the team was 2-14, they were competitive or won in half the games they played. 1985: Week 1 San Diego 14 @ Bills 9 - Bills comfortably win time of possession 33:43 to 26:17, outgain the Chargers 455 yds to 308 yds, Ferragamo passes for 377 yards. Nobody scores in 2nd half as halftime score ends up as final score. Week 3 New England 17 @ Bills 14 -Game turns on a NE punt return for a TD after a Bills penalty makes the Bills rekick the punt. Bills get close in the end with a Ferragamo to Reed TD in the 4th quarter. Week 4 Minnesota 27 @ Bills 20-The Bills go down 20-3 in the 1st half the score 17 unanswered points to tie the game 20-20 in the 4th quarter. Bills lose when Minnesota gets a TD with less than 3 minutes left on a trick play. Kay Stephenson gets fired. Week 7-Indianapolis 9 @ Bills 21 Victory! Hank Bullough wins his 1st game as a head coach. The "Doctor of Defense" sees his D hold the Colts to 191 total yards. Week 8 Bills 17 @ Philadelphia 21. In a game I went to with high hopes, the Bills jump out to a 17-0 lead on the road. The bad news was that with the Bills leading 17-0 going into the 4th, Philly was deep in Buffalo territory as the 4th quarter started. The things I remember were there were 5-6 Bills fans behind me in the stands, when Philadelphia went ahead 21-17 5 of them pulled out bags with each letter of BILLS and put them over their heads, then after the game Marion Campbell was saying how the Eagles beat a good Buffalo team in the postgame PC. Week 9 Cincinnati 23 @ Bills 17 -For the 4th straight week, the Bills led at halftime, this time 10-6. Bills lose in 3rd & 4th quarters as Vince Ferragamo is permanently benched. Week 10-Houston 0 @ Bills 20-Mathison's 1st start is a success, the Doctor's D shuts out the Oilers & Warren Moon. The Bills last win of the year. Week 15 Bills 24 @ Pittsburgh 30- The Bills jumped out to a 21-0 lead in the 2nd quarter befor the Bills folded and the Steelers came back with 3rd string QB Scott Campbell leading the comeback. With 9 minutes lefty the Bills led 24-20. Once again the Bills were competitive or won in half their games. In fact, the Bills led at halftime in 7 of their 16 games. Bad teams can stay in games, but eventually they lose most of them.
  3. The only shot I'd give Brohm is the flu shot.
  4. You should have heard the NE radio guys today. Missed calling the right Bills player on plays, mispronounced names, made up stuff they didn't know like the time they said the Bills acquired Fitzpatrick after the Rams released him last year. They couldn't figure out why the clock stopped when there was a replay review on the Fitzpatrick play where they respotted the ball. They were beyond clueless. One of these clowns mentioned that "Pozlooskie" wasn't playing LB today. Murphy & Kelso belong in the announcers HOF compared to Gil Santos & Gino Cappelletti. Santos (age 72) and Cappelletti (age 76) should have been put out to pasture years ago.
  5. Perry Fewell went 3-4, actually 2-4 and the Indy semi-forfeit. So all the people who thought Chan was a huge upgrade were probably wrong that Gailey was better than Fewell. I've never understood why some people think this coaching staff is an upgrade, especially the assistants. Among the assistants, the following guys had no NFL experience prior to this season: Ciano, Cortez, Cross, Daye, and Smith. Chan & this staff is the stopgap until we can get enough players to attract a real head coach & coaching staff. The combination of our schedule, a decade of bad drafts resulting in no impact players, the horrible QB situation etc made anyone who took the coaching job a guaranteed loser in 2010. Some would call the true believers optimists, but there's a difference between attainable optimism & the unattainable. The dreamers of a better record than last year were ignoring reality, blaming it all on Jauron. While Jauron may have been responsible for some of our bad draft choices, I don't see Gailey and his staff as an upgrade on the field. People magically forgot that Gailey was in the same place in KC that Schonert was in Buffalo-Offensive Coordinator fired before the opening game in 2009. Imagine our reaction if Schonert had been named a head coach of another NFL team-now the Chan believers can think about Gailey more clearly.
  6. Too small a sample-How many redshirt sophomores were the top QB in college & came out early? I can't think of any who were highly rated in the draft. The only 1st rounder I can think of is Tommy Maddox, he came out in what is almost now a different era for underclass QBs. It's not true that all the quality QBs except Rodgers played 4 years. There's Roethlisburger and some young guns like Sanchez, Bradford etc who are now getting drafted higher. Bledsoe had a decent career coming to the NFL early. I used to dismiss underclassmen, but in the last few years the game has changed where there are now good ones coming out early too.
  7. The guy is his brother. Maybe they couldn't afford both licenses, or they only gave Ed a free one. Ed is now in the lower endzone, he used to be on the sidelines.
  8. Wade's #1 priority has always been special teams
  9. Why? Do you realize Trent Edwards was there when Stanford was really bad and the program under Harbaugh is totally different than when Edwards was there. That Luck grew up in Texas & other places, not California. That there once was a QB at Stanford named John Elway. Going by your logic we should never draft a player from the college where someone at that position who was drafted in the 3rd round failed.
  10. Who says he's dumb! (A little F Troop reference for you youngsters) Seriously, Reid knew exactly what he was doing. He knew that he had Vick with no more rust on him & had nothing to lose by trading McNabb because he had to trade one & Vick will still be around when McNabb is retired. Plus McNabb was traded with only a year to go on his contract, so Vick would be more logical to re-sign in any case. So if Kolb bombs, he still has McNabb's equal or better in Vick & if Kolb had played lights out you have more than replaced McNabb. Reid was in a no lose situation. Trading McNabb was not dumb. I'd bet Vick outplays McNabb this & every year McNabb remains in the NFL.
  11. I don't hate Brohm at all. Just because I don't think he's an NFL QB doesn't mean I hate him. I also don't hate any of Brohm's fans. I just think they are dead wrong in their enthusiasm over him. So far they've been wrong that he'd start opening day, that Fitzpatrick would get cut, that Brohm would be #2, that we didn't acquire a QB because in the offseason because we wanted to see what we had in Brohm this season. Pretty soon, Brohm will put the final nail in his NFL QB coffin and there won't be any more wrong predictions left for Brohm's fans. It's not me who has evaluated Brohm's talent. It's the great NFL minds like Polian, Newsome, Pioli et al who all passed on Brohm when he it the waiver wire in September 2009. All NFL teams would love to get a high profile guy for free, polish him up & either have a solid backup or someone who they could subsequently package for some draft choices. All the great NFL talent evaluators, as well as the bad ones passed on that chance as Brohm sailed through waivers. Do you know that in the post merger NFL not one QB drafted as high as Brohm has ever made it on another team as a reliable starter after being waived on his rookie contract? Not one. History as well as the lack of interest in Brohm weighs heavily in the favor of Brohm never being anything other than a backup at best & a guy who is out of the league pretty soon at worst. Every year there are guys who get cut without getting much of a chance to show what they've got. Usually the NFL is right on them. Levi Brown hasn't even received a practice squad invite. The only guys who make it are low profile late round free agents who actually do fall under the radar. That doesn't happen with high profile QBs. The idea you have to have a guy play in a real game to evaluate him and that he just needs more time is ridiculous. Three separate coaching staffs have all relegated Brohm to 3rd string. There's a reason why he hasn't risen higher on any depth charts-his game doesn't translate from college to the NFL-just like GB's current PS guy, Graham Harrell who put up some gaudy numbers in college and didn't even get drafted and keeps drifting from team to team. I'd love for you Brohm fans to be right and for the Bills to have solid quarterbacking, but the odds are really against it. You're looking for Brohm to do something nobody before him has ever done. Not impossible, but highly improbable.
  12. He's seen Brian Brohm a lot more than you have. If anything I'd wonder why Brohm is even on the roster if the coach still thinks Trent is a more viable option if Fitzpatrick goes down.
  13. That's like a girl being the runner up in a butterface pagent.
  14. Reid knows QBs so well he just benched him after his concussion. Concussions, hmmmmm, Rob Johnson, Trent Edwards. Kolb? No thanks.
  15. With the benching this week of Trent Edwards here & Kevin Kolb in Philadelphia the 2007 QB class could be the worst ever. Now there have been other drafts that produced no starters, but I can't remember one that featured a colossal bust on top with other high busts. Here's that draft: #1 Oakland-JaMarcus Russell -total bust out of the league. #22 Cleveland-Brady Quinn-on Denver's bench sent away from Cleveland for little in return #36 Philadelphia-Kevin Kolb-Now on Eagles bench #40 Miami-John Beck-Cut by Dolphins, now on 3rd team on bench(Washington) #43 Detroit-Drew Stanton-3rd stringer, never has been in contention to start #92 Buffalo-Trent Edwards-you know his story #151 Cincinnati-Jeff Rowe-1 year as 3rd stringer waived 3 times-out of NFL #174 Baltimore-Troy Smith-Waived by Baltimore this year, 3rd stringer on 49ers #205 Washington-Jordan Palmer-Waived as a rookie, backup on Cincinnati to keep his brother happy #217 Minnesota-Tyler Thigpen-Waived by Vikings, had a brief moment in the sun starting for KC, then jettisoned for a low pick, now 3rd string in Miami. The great white hope of stat boys who want him on the Bills because he once started for Chan (as OC) even though KC only won 2 games that year. Undrafted: Matt Moore-waived by Dallas, picked up by Carolina-just benched.
  16. If you like no touchdowns EVER, then I guess that Brohm is decent looking enough for you. He didn't look very good to me. I saw a guy who was a poor man's Trent Edwards, but worse. Lots of short passes, no better than 50-50 to have a sidelines pass land in bounds. Inaccurate on his deep throws, which were rare (maybe that's why he has no TDs). I think you watched Brohm hoping for something. I admit, I watched Brohm expecting nothing. All he showed me was he is better than Levi Brown. Fitzpatrick can win games that Brohm can't compete in. Why do you think Perry Fewell, when fighting for his job, was scared to death at the thought of Brohm starting & Gailey appears to be going in the same direction. Just remember, the guys making the decision not to play Brohm have seen a lot more of him behind closed doors than you, I, or anyone else on this board unless George Cortez is here under an assumed name.
  17. Schopp is nothing more than a stat boy who is showing he doesn't understand the difference between a stat sheet & what actually goes on when they're on the field. If Lee Evans & the rest of the players didn't have to be so politically correct, they could call in & tell him that when you have a QB who has basically make the WR position useless & the other guy has shown he can use the WRs, you have to go with the guy who doesn't make a $9 million receiver useless. This is a prime example why I always say how worthless QB stats are and that's why the players & coaches look at the film instead of the coaches handing out a stat sheet at team meetings and say "discuss among yourselves"
  18. Hint: He's not in college anymore. Hasn't thrown a TD since college. Why don't you Brohm Boys just latch on to Timmy Chang and demand the Bills sign him if you like college stats so much.
  19. Play all the busts! Guys are on the bench because they're not good enough.
  20. He's on San Diego, it would be tampering. http://www.nfl.com/players/adamterry/profile?id=TER471860
  21. Something nobody has ever seen with Brohm on the field.
  22. If you've read my posts you would know I'm in Fitzpatrick's camp, not Edwards'.
  23. You do realize they acquired a lot of free agents between seasons including a legitimate NFL QB, Chad Pennington, who had a rare season where he was not injured. There is no QB in a healthy Pennington's league on this roster. As the parody song says "With no quarterbackin', get those bags a packin'"
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