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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Chan Gailey admitted he didn't have a magic wand, so we know he's not Harry Potter. He's not Batman either.
  2. So, you want us to miss the only part of the game where there is still hope? Thanks a lot.
  3. Another myth: Any move that you like or liked by an organization the Buddy Nix was employed by (ie any player acquisition by SD or the Bills when he cashed their paycheck) Buddy Nix was the driving force behind that player's acquisition. Any bust & one of the other guys was responsible.
  4. There is a simple answer, but that answer isn't available yet. 1)We have to know what spot the Bills are drafting 2)We have to wait until the college season plays out 3)We have to see who among the underclassmen comes out 4)We have to see how the college players perform post season-combine, interviews, private workouts. 5)If the team has a franchise grade on the best QB who is available at the Bills pick, and he's passed all their off field tests-they must take him. If they don't have a franchise grade on a guy at their pick, they shore up other positions. If they don't draft the franchise, they'll probably be drafting high enough in 2012 to go through this process again. Franchise QBs are almost exclusively available through the draft. Most of the other positions of need can be attained through free agency if they're willing to pay enough. Plenty of good offensive linemen have been drafted in the late 1st & the 2nd rounds. In 1986 we traded back into the 1st to pick Wolford. The key is you just don't draft any QB with a top pick just because he's a media & draftnik darling. There were HUGE red flags on the 2 biggest recent QB busts, Leaf & Russell way before the draft. The Chargers & Raiders ignored them. You can't pick a QB with a weight and/or attitude problem, give him millions & expect him to grow up. There is no blanket statement, do or don't draft a QB if you have the top pick-it really depends on who the #1 ranked QB is. If he's a P.Manning type, you're out of your mind to say don't draft him. If he's a fat lazy bum like JaMarcus Russell, then you're out of your mind if you say draft him.
  5. Nobody will trade for Maybin. I'd cut him today because it sends a message that if you're not good enough, you're not going to be around, no matter what round & how recently you were drafted. We have to get the loser mentality out of the locker room. I'd cut McCargo today too. What good is a guy who is 0 for 4 in activations on this team unless he's a developmental rookie? When we get a QB and some players other players want to play with, free agents will come here. Just look at the 1990s when top free agents wanted to play with Kelly, Thomas, Reed & Smith.
  6. You seem to left out an important thing about Gailey: He was fired by Todd Haley last preseason, just like Turk Schonert was in Buffalo. Now if another NFL team had hired Schonert as their head coach, everyone in Buffalo would have laughed at them, but we accepted the Gailey hiring. Many around here were telling us what an upgrade the coaching staff was over last year. Whenever one of us stated that they had no evidence that this staff was better than the Jauron/Fewell staff last year we were criticized. This staff is looking like a downgrade from last year's staff. Maybe after this year some team will hire Fewell as head coach & next year we'll learn we should have made him permanent coach instead of Gailey.
  7. Anyone who starts off by saying a team would try to hide a 2nd round pick on a practice squad loses all credibility. The bottom line is that Brian Brohm will get a shot this year & one of us will be right. At that point the one who is right can call the other an idiot. Until then what's the point? I have to get ready to travel to the game, so I just can't waste any more time arguing hypotheticals. My research actually started years ago when the JP lovers kept telling us that he got screwed & he'd come back & haunt us. I looked at all the early round QB busts. With the exception of Kerry Collins, who at the time had already led his team to an NFC championship game and developed a drinking problem, no early QB cut on his rookie contract had ever become a viable starter elsewhere. Many got 2nd & 3rd shots like Losman, Harrington, Leaf, etc & none made it. More 2nd rounders who busted never even got a chance at starting anywhere. Look at just the Bills-our 2nd round QB busts were Todd Collins, who has turned into a decent backup but nothing more, Matt Kofler, Gene Bradley and Dennis Shaw. It's the same throughout the league.
  8. I'm not even going to try to top the twisted logic you use in an attempt to justify your love of GB practice squad QBs, The only thing I need to say is that no team that gives a hoot about a 2nd round pick tries to clear him through waivers to "hide" him on a practice squad if they think he has any long term talent. the rest of your diatribe is just pure speculation to justify a position you have taken. When Brohm sucks will you then blame Nix?
  9. Nix wasn't the GM when Brohm was signed, it was Brandon with Guy as the pro personnel man. So unless you have evidence that Nix was involved, since at the time he was scouting college guys, that's a conjecture on your part, not an actual statement of fact. It could be as simple as Gibran Hamdan was a Jauron guy, Jauron got fired & whoever was in charge decided they would rather take a flyer on bringing in Brohm than wasting any more time with Gibran Hamdan. Since Hamdan couldn't even make it in the CFL this year, they weren't exactly saying a lot by getting rid of Hamdan. Why would a team out of contention ever bring in a veteran in November unless everyone else was hurt? It would have made no sense to have someone like Garcia ride the bench the last month & a half. If you're going to bring in a guy off a practice squad at that point in the season, why not go after the guy picked the highest in the draft? Can't make things any worse having that guy as 3rd stringer over Hamdan. It really didn't say anything except they thought Hamdan was a total waste of time & they decided to bring in a guy who might end up better than Hamdan.
  10. Again, it wasn't just the Atlanta game. (Why do you think I bolded the entire part of the sentence?) I didn't see him do anything Trent Edwards didn't do this preseason. I did see Edwards do something Brohm didn't -produce TDs. It's time for Brohm to stop looking pretty to his fans & actually put some points,other than a FG here and a FG there, on the board-something in PRESEASON he has never done. I watched him play in 4 games, didn't even look at the stats & have not seen much out of the guy. If I'm wrong & he plays lights out I'll gladly admit the error of my ways. I doubt I'm wrong. Brohm is similar to a former Bill, Gary Marangi. For years we'd hear the chant "put in Maragi" whenever Ferguson had a rough moment. Eventually they put Marangi in when Fergy got hurt and he was out of the league the next season. The guy who isn't playing always looks good when the starter isn't playing well, but most of the time the coach's decision on whom to play is proven correct. Brohm has had 3 coaches who didn't think he was good enough to start. Eventually Gailey will give him his shot at being the next Marangi because he will be out of options when we're something like 1-10 or 2-10.
  11. Here's the full statement you quoted, bolding added: From what I've seen of Brohm on the field, last season's dreadful game vs Atlanta & 3 preseason games, I just don't see any reason to expect him to suddenly start throwing TDs. I expect a guy to get be able to get a TD drive some time in his career. So far Brohm in 3 preseasons & a real game has none. I'm not a stat boy when it comes to QBs, but a guy has to do more than look the part, he has to produce TDs. As far as the Atlanta game I expected 2 things-1)Generating more than 3 points. 2)Play well enough to peak Fewell's curiosity enough to start him again the following week. Instead, Fewell who was trying to win in hopes of keeping his job, ran right back to Fitzpatrick to start the Indy game rather than give Brohm another chance of showing something in an otherwise meaningless game. The fact that Fewell didn't think he was a viable option against Indy speaks volumes into what a guy who is actually in the NFL thought of his Atlanta performance.
  12. I'd add must be a student of the game & a film junkie. That's one thing that separates the Mannings, Bradys etc from the rest of today's group.
  13. You've got my premise correct, but I don't hate Brohm. I don't like to hope for something that statistically, has a virtual zero percent chance of success. There's a big difference between being a fan & hoping for something that has a decent chance of working & living in a dream world. The fans who thought we were a playoff contender before the season started weren't better fans than those of us who saw the team for what it is. I'd love to see Brohm start some games, light it up & become the QB some think he is. I'd also like to see the Bills 3-0 at this point & a 10 point favorite this weekend. I try to be optimistic, but sometimes reality can dim that optimism. From what I've seen of Brohm on the field, last season's dreadful game vs Atlanta & 3 preseason games, I just don't see any reason to expect him to suddenly start throwing TDs. Then every coach who ever cut a QB without seeing him as a legitimate starter is a moron. That makes 32 current NFL coaching morons.
  14. You're right, the only evidence will be when he gets on the field. However, teams make decisions all the time about guys who have had a lot less playing time than Brohm has had in preseason & his one regular season game and haven't made a mistake on a high profile QB yet. So, yes in a court of law, a prosecutor would have no case in "The trial of Brian Brohm's NFL career". But there's enough of a statistical sample for a statitician to conclude that the statistical chance of Brohm being a successful NFL QB, based on the success of prior NFL QBs waived, is close to zero percent.
  15. Brohm was cut in September 2009, went through waivers unclaimed. Bell was cut in September 2010, went through waivers unclaimed. You don't know the rules. All practice squad members unless they were signed off the street, were waived & went unclaimed. Know what you're talking about before you post something this foolish. Get YOUR crap correct!
  16. I don't know how things are set up in Houston, but it would be impossible to do this at Ralph Wilson Stadium. Thousands of people park in private lots & walk to the stadium. They could never stop people from parking elsewhere & then walking to their tailgate of choice. There are too many ways to enter the stadium parking lots. They'd have to build a lot of fencing & start checking pedestrian tickets at pedestrian gates to the lots.
  17. Locker didn't come out because the NFL didn't even rate him as going in the 1st round. Your premise that someone has to be crazy to want to go another year with Fitz & Brohm is 100% correct, you didn't need to add fiction to support it.
  18. No QB drafted as high as Brohm, in the modern NFL history has ever been cut this early or even a little later in his career with no playing time, sailed through waivers & amounted to anything. In fact, just about QB drafted early, even guys with starts on their resumes, who has been let go by his original drafting team has busted out of the NFL without ever being a quality starter. Since guys drafted this high are so well scrutinized before & after they get to the NFL, getting waived that soon, or even later, is a career death sentence. The only QB who I've seen ever to come back from getting released early was Kerry Collins, who had a drinking problem at the time of his release-and his resume already included getting his team to the conference championship game in his 2nd year in the league. So, why would anyone who knows the history of failed QBs ever expect Brohm to basically be the exception-because Brandon & Guy were such geniuses in signing him?
  19. The FG gave the Bills the lead. If they don't make it they go into the locker room behind, Gailey wanted to be ahead at halftime and build on it. Unfortunately our team couldn't stop the Patriots with less than half a minute on the clock. At halftime some guys were in the bathroom, obviously having left the stands after the Bills' FG. They thought the Bills were ahead and one Bills fan, who was verbally sparring with a Patriots fan asked "What's the score" assuming he had the upper hand. Funniest thing I've seen at an opposing stadium in quite a while.
  20. If you read the comments: Luke sounds just like one of the Brohm fans in Buffalo. New QB will thrive in new setting even though all evidence says otherwise.
  21. During the darker periods of the 70s & 80s you had 50-60,000 empty seats at Rich Stadium by the end of the season. In 1985, the second season of back to back 2-14 records, with the exception being the Miami game, the final 4 of 5 games had crowds in the 20 thousands. You'll never see crowds that low again for half the schedule. In 1977 I lived about a mile & 1/2 from the stadium. Money was a lot tighter for me then, I went to the 1st 2 home games & gave up, choosing to listen the games on the radio. I used to do my laundry at a laundromat in Hamburg while listening and would drive right by the stadium on gamedays. There was no traffic and I could see how empty the stadium was. One of the lowest points, even though the team was on the upswing with Knox as head coach was in 1979 when the Bills lost the top pick in the entire NFL draft to the CFL. Can you imagine if we had the #1 pick next year & he signed with the CFL?This board would explode. This period is nothing compared to the stuff that went on at One Bills Drive (and the Rockpile before that) before the great teams of the 1990s. I laugh when I see the younger fans talking about how low the franchise has sunk. We old guys know that the mid 1960s and the 1990s were the abberations. Also, for those who think Ralph has lost it, he was pulling the same stuff 30-40 years ago, so there's nothing wrong with him, he's just reverted to Same Old Ralph.
  22. I don't think he had a shot at #2. Look at Nelson, he was doing great in preseason & is nowhere near #2. I think he was on the same level talent wise as what Nelson showed, but got hurt. If he had remained healthy then he would have beaten out either Nelson or Jones. He's on injured reserve.
  23. First round pick? Marshall Faulk in his prime couldn't get a 1st round pick from St. Louis to Indy.
  24. I don't believe it. Why don't you just start a thread every day titled "Ralph is Cheap" because posts like your's are doing exactly that. I think posts like your's are total BS. Brohm is not playing because everyone at OBD thinks that Fitzpatrick gives them a better chance to win at this time. Once the season is mathematically sunk, then you'll see Brohm. It's about winning, not money-something people like you will never see because all you ever think is Ralph is cheap. So keep posting all your Ralph is cheap BS and ignore the realities that Chan Gailey wants to win, because if he puts Brohm in before his time & he goes 0-16, no matter how much rope you think he has, at some point a bad enough record will get him fired. Now you won't believe it because you think Ralph is too cheap to fire him. Chan doesn't believe that & that's one reason he's trying to win as many games as possible, even if it's only 2 because the talent isn't there. Once Chan quits on the team by not putting who he feels are the best guys, he'll be toast.
  25. But the weather in that dome was terrible that day.
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