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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. How about, if you have $15 million you & your family will never need to worry about money, so why put it into anything that has even 1% risk, since your goal should be to keep it, and you have no need to make it grow. Anyone with that much $ and is "investing" in anything doesn't need to. Now all the investors will tell people they have to grow their money, but when is enough, enough?
  2. Wow, you bag on me for agreeing with the REAL GMs. The real GMs are the ones who let Brohm sail through waivers September 2009. I trust their judgement a lot better than your's. What is truly amazing is all you Brohm morons say we need to see him play-Total nonsense. QBs and position players are cut every day, never starting in the NFL. What makes Brohm so special that the NFL needs to see him start? We've cut plenty of QBs over the years who haven't started. But you and your Brohm friends HAVE to see him play. I'll go on the side of the PROFESSIONALS, who let Brohm go, not some fool with 7 posts.
  3. When I was working they made us keep changing our passwords. I really didn't care about my work PC being password protected, since there was nothing on there I wouldn't be sharing with co-workers anyway. So I just started using one letter of the alphabet 5 times. The 1st time it was aaaaa, second bbbbb etc. Then they added alpha, symbol, & numeric requirements. So I then used my initials, the @ sign & then 5 digits starting with 1. Fortunately, I left before I ran out of password combinations. My last one was hl@77777. Every time I typed it in I thought of Mickey Mantle.
  4. That's why he's the perfect #2. He can't carry a team like a franchise QB, but he can keep a decent team in the game long enough to win. Unfortunately, the rest of the roster makes this a bad team, not a decent team, so the Ls continue to pile up. I'd like to see Fitzpatrick stay here for another decade, just not as the starter. The fact that he's so smart makes him a great mentor to a franchise QB. It would be great for Fitzpatrick to be the next Frank Reich to the franchise's next Jim Kelly.
  5. I have no disdain for Brohm. It's his moronic fans, like YOU, who I have the disdain for. So to call me a Brohm hater is totally wrong. I'm a BROHM FAN hater. I have nothing against the player who is trying his best with the limited talent that he has. Why am I a Brohm Fan hater? Here's why: All off season I've been told he would be starting opening day. WRONG All off season I've heard a million & 1 bogus excuses as to why Brohm failed. BS All preseason I heard Fitz was going to be cut & was lower on the depth chart than Brohm. WRONG So blah blah blah go the Brohm Fans & they haven't been right once, except maybe the ones who were right he'd beat out the even more untalented Levi Brown. By the way, I didn't start this thread-A Brohm Fan repeating all the BS I've already heard did.
  6. For a player, there are 2 ways to go: 1)You contact Darryl Talley and ask him how he held up during the back to back 2-14 seasons, and follow what he says 2)You give up & go home like Aaron Schobel
  7. I hope he used a felt tip pen when he was autographing your balls.
  8. I've said it before: Statistically, if you draft a QB at pick #1, you have at least a 33% chance of winning the Super Bowl and a 22% chance of winning it more than once during the player's career. The key is not to get enamored over a guy who isn't good enough. At least half this board could have predicted Russell would be a bust. If there is no franchise QB at #1 there might just be the next Bruce Smith instead.
  9. He sucks & I have the right to say it right now! Plenty of Heisman Trophy WINNERS have busted as NFL QBs. 3 head coaches have kept him off the field because they have seen him day after day in practice. Busts are busts, NFL coaches & GMs can see that a lot easier than you (or I) can sitting at home. All the GMs let him sail through waivers in September 2009. Are they all too incompetent to put in a waiver claim-NO! Is that too hard for you to comprehend-Apparently-YES! PS: Ralph Wilson just said drafting a QB is the Bills #1 priority & Nix will be out scouting college QBs. Now if the TEAM thought they had a potential franchise QB on the bench, don't you think they'd have had him in there by now, instead of letting him stay on the bench & sending Nix on the road to scout the top QB prospects?
  10. He played for Chan at Georgia Tech. So did recent acquisition Mansfield Wrotto. Coaches like to get former players on their roster. Chuck Knox brought a bunch of ex-Rams to the Bills in the late 70s & early 80s. Unfortunately, Gailey is getting guys who played at GT instead of from a winning NFL team.
  11. Fitzpatrick has never been cut. He was drafted by St. Louis, traded to Cincinnati and after starting 12 games in 2008 for the Bengals, the Bills signed him to the biggest current QB salary on the team as an unrestricted free agent. This is a great example of the s##t that people make up just to support their opinions, regardless of what the real facts are.
  12. If a guy hits 60% of his throws, does it really matter if the other 40% are bad throws or good throws that look prettier but still don't result in completed passes? Those 40% could look beautiful or horrible, but the results are the same. One thing I noticed yesterday was that most of the ugly throws were so uncatchable, that they were never in danger of being intercepted. Fitzpatrick's interception percentage isn't bad, so it might just be better to have a guy who is the wild thing than to have a guy who gets close on his bad throws and gets a lot of picks.
  13. Because the Brohm boys either saw him play at Louisville or they are delusional enough not to realize that 3 different coaching staffs have said by their actions the guy is not good enough to be the answer at QB & 31 GMs aren't competent enough to get a guy for the simple price of a waiver claim who they the Brohmers think has franchise QB potential. The biggest joke is that they actually believe that until we see Brohm in a game with the 1st stringers, that we cannot possibly make a decision to draft or not a QB. They think because THEY haven't seen enough of Brohm, there's no way the coaches, who see him every day can properly evaluate Brohm. So far the Brohm boys have been wrong every step of the way. 1st they told us he would be starting from opening day this season. Then they told us Fitzpatrick would be cut & at worst be behind Brohm on the depth chart. One guy, I don't even remember which one came up with projected starts for Brohm which, if attained, would have put him in the Pro Bowl. They continue to throw purly speculative excuses & some absolute false statements in their defense of Brohm. The best one is that GB never waived him, because some are too ignorant about the NFL waiver & practice squad rules. They have elevated Brohm to Bill Brasky status because they just don't want to admit that he may be so bad, that he would make Fitzpatrick look like a franchise QB. The coaches, by not playing him are, in their eyes, incompetent. Well maybe they are, but they still may know already that Brohm is at best, a 3rd stringer on a decent team. Now we are so bad that at some point Brohm may start. But it is much more likely Brohm gets that chance just to see if he's worth re-signing as a backup, not in any hopes that he is a legitimate long term answer at starter. Don't blame Brohm, he's just an innocent guy who just might not have the talent his fans think he has. Don't blame his fans, they have a disease called Marangitis. The cure is watching the guy start a few games and play his way completely out of the league. A cure to their Marangitis could be arriving soon.
  14. Hank Bullough, the "Doctor of Defense" is probably available. In addition to bringing in an experienced D coordinator, Chan can hear Hank's old war stories of what it's like to coach the NFL's worst team in Buffalo. Hank will then pull out a bumper sticker from his head coaching days that says "Bring Pro Football Back To Buffalo" and say to Chan "There are none of these popping up on cars yet, you've got it easy, son."
  15. I think too many people UNDERESTIMATED last year's coaching staff. Especially after Fewell took over. Every Bills loss this year shows the potential as a head coach that Perry Fewell exhibited last season. When Fewell goes for job interviews next off season all he should say is "Look at how many wins I squeezed out of that sorry bunch in Buffalo." Which will be followed on the other side of the desk by "You truly are a miracle worker, welcome to _____, you're our new head coach."
  16. Edwards should get him JP's # so that right now he can clean the streets of Buffalo. That's the most efficient way to use Maybin.
  17. Perry Tuttle. He's in the Winnepeg Blue Bomber Hall of Fame.
  18. Better coaching. With each passing day Fewell & his staff of assistants look better & better. What was obvious to Fewell, that Fitzpatrick gave the team a better chance to win, Gailey took months to understand. Looking back, the Bills should have retained Fewell & brought in an experienced offensive coordinator, maybe even Chan Gailey as OC with Fewell letting him know how bad Edwards was. This team won 5 games last year & was given a 6th win when Indianapolis only played one quarter of football & then put in Painter & the scrubs.
  19. His last season was going to be 2011 anyway. There was no way he was re-signing after that. It's not like Marshawn is a choirboy. One bad move & he's probably suspended for a year. He had no great value due to 1+ years left on his contract and his off the field stuff. So getting a 4th rounder plus a possible 5th or 6th was the best they could do. There was no room for the 3 RBs, so even if he tears it up in Seattle, it doesn't hurt the Bills. It helps them if he does because then we get a higher pick in 2012.
  20. I'm 56. I don't defend Ralph for his moves like hiring bad coaches etc, but I do defend him on 2 things. 1) The man is not senile, he knows what he's doing. He did the same things 30 years ago. He hasn't changed much, he just walks & talks a little slower. The people who call him senile are those a lot younger than me who have never known people in their 70s, 80s & 90s. They are totally clueless when it comes to the mental capacities of senior citizens. My parents lived into their mid 80s and both were sharp right to the end, I knew them and their friends of similar age who all didn't miss a beat mentally. My 97 year old aunt is still sharp. I'll defend Ralph's sanity any time some kid with no clue disparages him. 2) While Ralph has shown to be cheap over the years, he has also spent when he has had to. The ridiculous statements that there's no way Ralph will pay for the top pick are just dead wrong. When Ralph has been put in the position where he believes the team has no QB & the opportunity arises, he spends $ on QBs. You can't say Ralph cheaped out with the contracts given to Kelly, Johnson, Flutie, and Bledsoe. A good example of the Ralph is cheap people going too far was this preseason when they came to the erroneous conclusion that because Fitzpatrick made the most money among the QBs that he was going to be cut. Their conclusion was based strictly on his salary & their perceived opinion of Ralph pinching every penny & they were dead wrong.
  21. Because Ralph called dibbs. I'm with you on Gailey. All offseason people here were saying what an upgrade over Jauron/Fewell he was & there was no way we'd win fewer games this year than last year. I never agreed with their blind faith because whether one thought Jauron was the worst coach in the world, outside of offensive coordinator, he put together a pretty good staff with a significant number who were respected enough to land other comparable NFL jobs this season. I believed and still do that the Jauron/Fewell duo squeezed as many wins out of last year's dregs as any other coach could have. Gailey has yet to prove he's an upgrade over either of last year's coaches, I doubt he will. Fewell looks better every day. If we finish as badly as I think we will (My 3-13 preseason estimate of this year is looking too optimistic)there will be massive roster turnover anyway, so let's do the right thing & make Gailey one & done & this time try to bring in either a young coordinator or a proven winner. The Gailey believers will say no, we have to give Chan more time. I'm tired of giving more time to losers just so they can prove they're not worthy of their jobs. This is similar to 1985 & 1986 when we should have fired Stephenson & Bullough the 1st day after each season ended, but decided to keep them around. Both were fired in the middle of the following season when it was already obvious by prior season's end they were over their heads. Chan should be fired on January 3rd.
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