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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Hey Jeff Brohm: Please give it a rest already. Your brother can't even hold your jock.
  2. I don't know the answer to this question until Chan gives Carrington a shot at playing QB. We haven't seen Carrington start at QB yet, so how can you possibly say that McCoy is outplaying him? Come on Chan, start Alex Carrington at QB so this question can be answered! Here's a real question: Is Colt McCoy doing anything Trent Edwards didn't do as a rookie? Cleveland got all hopped up years ago when Eric Zeier was a rookie. Tampa had that with Shaun King, we had it with Edwards. Rookie QBs can't be evaluated this early in their careers.
  3. The real question should be : What is our record if Perry Fewell was still head coach? Fewell, not Jauron, was the coach at the end of last season. When comparing coaches, it should be Fewell v Gailey, not Jauron v Gailey. My vote is Fewell.
  4. I can't see the Bills losing next week. If Stafford is out, we'll find out exactly why the class of 2007 was the worst QB class in many years when Drew Stanton gets us victory #1.
  5. All Fewell has to do in an interview is point out his record as Bills coach in 2009, compare it to the 2010 team and just let the team interviewing him say "You're hired!" Every week the Bills are looking dumber & dumber for not realizing they already had the best coaching candidate available already coaching the team. What was Gailey's selling point? That he was going to turn Trent Edwards into a quality QB? Fewell already knew Fitzpatrick was better than Edwards. This team would be better off with Fewell as head coach and last year's staff than what they have now. All they needed was to get an offensive coordinator and for Fewell to tweak the D away from what Jauron ordered him to do. Now I must admit that I wanted Fewell gone because I blamed him for the Tampa defense, but I was dead wrong-Perry Fewell should be coaching the Bills.
  6. No. Ralph crossed the line when he had Wade's health insurance cancelled without Wade knowing it, then tried to not pay him. The only way Wade would come back to Buffalo is if Ralph is no longer the owner.
  7. I can imagine it when he's on the last year of his contract. That's the reality of today's NFL-if you're not re-signing a player who is in his last contract year, you're a lot more inclined to dump him if he does anything that rubs you the wrong way.
  8. The year I went they gave us radios so we could hear the ESPN guys and they had TV screens for us to watch all the other stuff like the reports, interviews etc. It sounds like you were in an empty room. Didn't they have the same stuff I described at the 2002 draft, or did they cut back on that stuff?
  9. You asked for just 1 & I gave you 2 off the top of my head. Good to see that Shoveldog pursuaded you better than I could winging it. When we sign Andrew Luck for $60 million, everyone will see a willingness to spend.
  10. The Bills overpaid a ton for Dockery & Walker-That's a FACT! Just because they didn't provide the quality that matched their salary, doesn't mean they weren't willing to spend the $.
  11. In 1997 I attended the draft, so things might be entirely different now. The reason I did was because my parents scheduled their 50th anniversary party in Long Island draft Sunday and they had no cable. The only way I could see the draft Saturday was to go. Now I got there probably a lot earlier than needed. I had my father take me to the Long Island Railroad (LIRR) station at 4:30 AM & got to Penn Station around 5. I went to the place where they give you the wristband & got it. Then I had about 3-4 hours before they were distributing the tickets. So I went back to Penn Station & sat in the LIRR waiting area & read some newspapers & my draft data. Funniest part of the day took place there. There were a few homeless people sleeping there and around 6:00 the cops come & demand to see everyone's LIRR ticket, since technically, everyone there is supposed to be a LIRR customer. By the time they were done, I was the only one left in the area. Next up was the ticket line in the designated area. We formed the line in wristband order & got our tickets. Later there was the line to get into the place the draft was held. Once you get in you can choose your seat on a 1st come basis. They had a draft booklet, contests, etc. They have food concessions, so it's just like attending a game I liked it, but I went alone & it would have been better if I had someone like Petrino with me. I took some pictures of the place & then got a photo of Antowain Smith right after he was drafted. Overall, it's a pretty long day considering your team only drafts 2-3 players. I'd do it once, but I wouldn't make an annual event of it. I prefer to have ESPN on & listen to WGR on the computer rather than attend.
  12. Did you have the same opinion before we signed Takeo Spikes? These Bills are too cheap to pay anyone posts are getting pretty ridiculous. Some say we won't pay Luck (if we're #1 & he declares). Now the Bills/Ralph too cheap crowd is prognosticating they won't pay a guy who, if we're lucky, just arrived at the airport.
  13. Here's my take on the Merriman claim: The Bills HAD TO claim Merriman for the good of the team and to keep their credibilty with the fanbase. Every Bills fan knows the D is bad & linebacking is the weakest link. If the Bills didn't claim Merriman & at least find out what he's got, the fans would take it as a sign they don't care at all about this season, or the future if Merriman performs well & likes it in Buffalo and would be willing to re-sign. With a D this bad and even the slimmest of possibilities that we can fill a hole before next offseason, any degree of proper management makes the claim mandatory, not an option. It was a move they had to make for both themselves & their fans.
  14. Green joins a long list of Bills OL signed as veteran free gents who #### the bed.
  15. You can't evaluate a player based on one game. Beck just needs to start more games to see what he's got.
  16. They also worked out Jamarcus Russell. Both were not invited back to the Raiders. If Shanny keeps working out ex-Raiders, how long before he calls up the Snake?
  17. If Luck is available, I hope Ralph won't do whatever it takes to get Mallett.
  18. I had about 20. At one point I was giving out 2-3 treats per kid because hardly anyone was coming, then a whole bunch came around 8:30 & I was afraid I'd run out of candy. I gave them the normal sized candy bars instead of those tiny ones that you can get in the store for about $3 for a full bag. It was about $14 per 24 bars but I'd rather not cheap out on the kids.
  19. Paladino has an ad running where he claims he got tolls removed from the Thruway in Buffalo. For the people in Buffalo: What did Paladino have to do with toll removals and is his claim factually accurate?
  20. Maybin is still alive he's not up there with Phil Dokes. Dokes was a true tragedy, busted & then died way too young.
  21. Cleveland didn't do ant better with higher picks, especially early in the decade,but it doesn't help us: 2000 Courtney Brown 2001 Gerard Warren 2002 William Green 2003 Jeff Faine 2004 Kellen Winslow 2005 Braylon Edwards 2006 Kameron Wimbley 2007 Joe Thomas, Brady Quinn 2008 Beau Bell(4th) 2009 Alex Mack
  22. Please stop the Levi as QB of the future. The guy couldn't even get on any practice squad after the Bills cut him. The only reason he has a job in the NFL is because Gailey didn't want Trent moping on the sidelines like JP did for a year & 1/2 after he lost his starting job. Levi Brown won't be in the league 2 years from now. He probably won't be in the league next year. If there was anyone out there who knew Gailey's system, Brown would have never been re-signed in the 1st place.
  23. After his CFL contract expired, we were able to match the Houston offer & trade him & get Jim Kelly, so Cousineau wasn't such a bad pick. Worse picks were in the old AFL days when the top pick would sign with NFL teams & the Bills never got anything in return. The worst 1st rounder signed who never played a down was Jim Davidson. Maybin has to rank pretty high if not #1, because of the limited amount of playing time he's received and the million of $ he's been paid. Most of our other 1st round busts got a lot more playing time & actually started games. Now there will be some who will tell you that you can't properly evaluate a player without giving him significant playing time. They'll say he just needs more time. We've seen it before, we'll see it again. But they're wrong,a bust is a bust. Players get cut every day without ever starting a single game. I'm sure if it wasn't so politically incorrect, coaches would be cutting 1st rounders in camp every year. When a player switches from college to the pros & his game doesn't translate, it's evident pretty soon. The only reason Maybin even is on the roster is it's too hard to cut a highly picked bust this early in his career, but we all know he's a goner sooner or later. I still can't believe the other M guy is still around, trying to break Victor Allotey's inactive streak record.
  24. I always use debit cards, have for years & never had anything happen. I don't use it in stores, because I pay cash,except if it's something expensive. My last computer purchase I put on a debit card. I know what's in my checking account at all times, so I'm not worried about anything bouncing from fraud that couldn't be straightened out just as easily as with a credit card. There's nothing that would bounce that I couldn't straighten out in a day or 2.
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