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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Thanks. 2 pieces of cardboard and a rim in decorative blue for the front and a backing for the back in case you want to frame it. It reminds me of when I was working & got similar stuff from my agency for 20 & 25 years. I bailed before I hit 30 years, so I'll have to see what a 30 year one looks like when Petrino hits 30 years.
  2. Any time a franchise QB is there when you're drafting at the top of the 1st round (and you usually need one unless you just drafted a QB at the top of the round the year before) and you don't take him, you're begging to have it come back & haunt you. With Parcells, he never has to worry because by the time the situation with his team & the team that took the guy can be evaluated, he's long gone. I'll probably see him at Saratoga Race Course next summer, while Henne is flaming out in Miami's camp.
  3. Has anyone else received their's this year? Here's what it says: In honor of your loyalty and dedication to the Buffalo Bills since 1991 I, Ralph C. Wilson Jr. , and the Buffalo Bills present this 2010 Season Ticket Holder Achievement Award to Albany, n.y.* I extend my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support, and congratulate you on your 20 Year Anniversary with the Buffalo Bills Ralph C. Wilson Jr. *changed to my screen name here.
  4. I was thinking that someone would have said that meant Bullough had 1 more than Freddie. I wouldn't go as far to want him off the wall, but the guy definitely is not my favorite ex-Bill to listen to on the radio. I stopped listening to Fred on WHAM years ago, because all he did was talk about the Patriots, right wing politics, and why he didn't think whoever was the Bills QB wasn't any good (well, he might have gotten that one right).
  5. With a prospect like Luck, Carolina wouldn't think twice about drafting him & sending Clausen to the bench or away. There's a big difference between a 2nd round flyer and the #1 pick. You're always looking to get an elite QB in there. Clausen's draft status & play so far hardly would give Carolina the feeling they landed an elite QB when they drafted Clausen. Now let's say your premise is correct & Carolina loves Clausen. In that case they will trade the pick, since I'm sure there will be plenty of teams offering them just about anything to get Luck. So, either way, if we don't have the #1 pick, we're not going to get Luck.
  6. No wonder that national guy was so confident that he would never sign a new contract with the Bills after the season-Why sign a contract when you will NEVER play again, Shawne?
  7. I like the reference to the Braves biggest blunder next to leaving Buffalo to become the Clippers.
  8. As long as you don't drive behind me leaving the stadium, I say, go for it!
  9. Other than nicknaming him "No TD", where do you see any stats in the post? Then you call me a jerk? Maybe you're the jerk with the reading comprehension problem.
  10. OK, you've won me over to your way of thinking. Let's not draft Andrew Luck if he's available. If we had just been patient with Art Schlichter and let him play instead of signing that Kelly guy we might have won those 4 Super Bowls, Artie would have never gone back to gambling and the world would be a better place. After all, Schlichter was the 4th pick in the entire draft 4 years earlier, we stole him, but never gave him a chance to play. It would be an absolute shame for the Bills to make the same mistake with Brohm by drafting Luck and having him turn into the next Jim Kelly, while sending poor Brian Brohm to arenaball without ever giving him a chance. All to sell a few extra tickets by marketing Luck. The Bills ruined poor Art Schlichter's life, don't let them do the same to poor Brian Brohm.
  11. Shaun Hill is starting for Detroit. If he can stay healthy enouugh to stay in the game, Detroit has a good chance of winning. If Hill can't stay in & Stanton comes in, the game is ours. I take back 9-3 Bills & am changing it to 27-9 Detroit if Hill is good to go for 60 minutes.
  12. Go back & watch a replay of the Atlanta game if you want to see Brian "No TD" Brohm play a full game. That was less than a year ago. Sure you can make all the excuses in the world, but any brohm boy will make excuses this year too when he sucks after playing in a real game, if he gets in one. As others have said, the coaches see him every day & don't want to play him. They know a heck of a lot more than you do. There's no reason the team can't move on & draft Luck without YOU seeing Brohm play unless you are Ralph Wilson.
  13. This reminds me of the time that the Bills players knew a loss at Tampa Bay would cost Hank Bullough his job and Bruce Smith told the huddle something like: Any of you make any F'n tackles & I'll kill you. I heard Fred Smerlas tell that story on WHAM once. Smerlas called Bullough brain cell because in Fred's mind, Hank only had one brain cell.
  14. But that Parcells' formula for drafting a QB is flawless
  15. How many of those college coaches played for over a decade at QB in the NFL, and come from a coaching family that includes a successful NFL coach? Harbaugh is not your typical college coach who has never been in an NFL locker room before. Don't say no to a guy based on what other guys with totally different backgrounds have done. That's as bad as the guys who say no to Andrew Luck because Trent Edwards sucked & was injury prone. Once again, a bad comparison.
  16. If by some miracle we could get Harbaugh, we should be throwing him a parade, not leaving as fans. So if we get Harbaugh & Luck-goodbye & don't come back when we're in the Super Bowl. Anyone who would rather lose than get one of the hottest coaches out there is a self admitted loser. Give me an arrogant winner over a loser. I guess you really loved it when Todd Collins replaced Jim Kelly, sure felt good to get rid of that arrogant SOB Kelly & replace him with the mild mannered Collins, didn't it?
  17. I agree with most of what you say, but those 1st round misses set the stage for the bad teams of the mid 80s. Also he cut Gary Anderson when a GM like Polian would have IR'd the guy instead of waiving him. The IR rules were pretty loose back then & smart teams didn't waive rookies with potential. Just imagine if Knox had Polian to reign him in on those 1st round busts. By 2005 those vets he brought over from the Rams were long gone. I would have loved to have seen Knox coaching those Super Bowl teams because he was definitely a better coach than Marv Levy.
  18. Knox was a great coach, but he was too involved in personnel moves. On his watch in the 1st round we missed on Terry Miller, Tom Cousineau (who didn't sign, but when he ended up in the NFL was hardly worth the top pick), Booker Moore and even traded up for Perry Tuttle. Those bad draft choices led to the Bills becoming the worst team in the NFL in 1984 & 1985, similar to the position we find ourselves in now due to all the misses in the 2000s.
  19. Bills-Owen... Nets-worst in NBA last season. I did go to a game last year where they blew out the opponent. However, one team makes up for the rest-Yankees. I was born in the Bronx & went to my 1st Yankees game when I was 9, so I'm not one of those frontrunners who picks a team that he can never get to see play in their own stadium. Those are the only sports I care about. I don't follow soccer or soccer on ice skates.
  20. It sure helped to have an HOF QB to help turn things around. I saw Jim Kelly play, Ryan Fitzpatrick is no Jim Kelly.
  21. They might not pretty soon. It wouldn't shock me if Clausen gets cut within a year or 2.
  22. Detroit has a good D, but with Stafford out they won't score much. Bills 9-3, no TDs.
  23. Any mention of Maybin being on the roster and the team getting better next year just doesn't belong in the same post.
  24. You've answered your own question by bolding 9 QBs. In this century 5 of those 9 bolded QBs have won 8 of the 10 Super Bowls. The reason others & me are SO dead set on a QB, if his name is Andrew Luck, with our top pick instead of another positional player is we want the Bills to win the Super Bowl. Now if Luck doesn't come out, or if we don't have the #1 pick, I'm not dead set on drafting just any QB. But to pass on a special QB because you like Fitzpatrick's stats is just nuts. If Buddy ever passed on Luck a lot of Bills fans would revolt (ie stop going to games etc). I'd be very tempted to join them if they chose Fitzpatrick over Luck. Edit: I just looked and 38 of the 44 Super Bowls have been won by franchise QBs. It makes me even more dead set on getting the franchise QB because you don't draft for next season only when you're picking a QB, you're drafting the QB for the next decade.
  25. Who coached that team, what was their record & how many games did their QB miss due to injury? How about the last Stanford QB who ended up being the top pick in the draft, went to multiple Super Bowls & won his last 2. Or the prior Stanford QB who went #1 & won 2 Super Bowls. Comparing a potential top pick in the draft to a late 3rd rounder because they played the same position at the same college is beyond stupid.
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