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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Every fan on this board who is satisfied with any player, especially our QBs, should read these quotes over and over again and realize why some of us are not going to be satisfied with a team that just makes the playoffs. When your goal is to make the playoffs, your goal is too limited. If you're not good enough to win the Super Bowl, then every game is meaningless. The fans who NEED the team to win that 3rd or 4th game at the end of the season to feel good leaving the stadium need to wake up & see that the goal should be a championship & each game by itself is totally meaningless if your team has a losing record or wins enough games to qualify for the playoffs but still has a talent void that will not get it any wins in the playoffs. I don't want to hear anything about the 6th seeds this year being Super Bowl contenders. If you can't tell the difference between a bad playoff team and the Packers & Jets of this season, you don't understand the game. Rex Ryan at seed 6 has always talked Super Bowl, and I'd bet that the Packers locker room has the same attitude. Now imagine if one of those 7-9 Jauron teams had managed to get into the playoffs. Does anyone here think that if Jauron had made the playoffs that the Bills would have won it all?
  2. There's something weird about the story. The story says the NFL saw it on Monday Night Football, but the only game that could have come from was the season finale and there was no Monday Night Football after that game. So when did the NFL see it?
  3. Anne Hathaway & Jesse Eisenberg played 2 of the 3 kids in a TV show that lasted a year called Get Real. I wonder if the show will ever make it to DVD as they become bigger & bigger stars in Hollywood? http://www.tvrage.com/Get_Real_US
  4. They've been poisoning the water that our #1 draft choices have been drinking for years. How else can you explain the amount of underachievers & outright busts the various GMs have picked the past decade? Aaron Maybin would be a Pro Bowler if he didn't drink that poisoned water, and we all know fat Mike loved to guzzle water.
  5. I think it's a good philosophy to have in any job. When you're there you do your best but when you leave, the job stays there and doesn't go home with you. It's very healthy NOT to define yourself by your job. People with that attitude have fewer problems if they lose their jobs & handle retirement a lot better. Considering the fact that Cutler will not be a football player at 40, his attitude is much better than the guy who retires from the NFL in his 30s & his life spirals out of control once he's out of the league.
  6. Counting this year 5 of the last 6 Super Bowls have been won by a team quarterbacked by a 1st rounder, and the 6th was QB'd by a guy picked at #32, which nowadays would also be in the 1st round. You can always shave years off or add years, but the bottom line is that in 45 Super Bowls (since this year is guaranteed to have a 1st rounder win), the winning team was QB'd by a 1st rounder at least 57% of the time and when you add in Phil Simms, who contributed to the season but didn't start in the game it goes up to 60%. Even the losing team was QB'd 38% of the time by a 1st rounder. So of all the teams to get to the Super Bowl, 48% were QB'd by a 1st rounder. Now just imagine how many quarterbacks who weren't 1st rounders have started in the NFL over the last 45 years and the case is overwhelming that you are much more likely to win the conference & the Super Bowl with a 1st round pick. Also, the case is overwhelming for the 1st pick in the draft, which isn't always a QB. 29% of all Super Bowls have been won by a team with a QB who was the 1st pick in the entire draft. Considering that every year over 200 players are taken, that stat, combined with the rest of the SB winning QB stats, just blows away anyone who doesn't think teams are built around the QB & not the other way around. Sure you can find a Brady or Warner, but they are few & far between.
  7. I'm going to dig up a tape of one of the AFC Championship games from the early 1990s & root for the Bills Really, I just don't care who wins since none of the teams left is worth rooting for. I'm already knocked out of my Super Bowl pool -I had NE over Atlanta. Getting a CBA & the draft are more important than the 4 teams left.
  8. Josh Freeman was picked in 2009. We picked Maybin instead of Freeman
  9. It may be easy for a chef, but for a kitchen challenged guy like me, it's tough. I end up burning it.
  10. I looked up unvinceable in the dictionary and this is what I found: unvinceable: Having qualities directly opposite of Vince Lombardi. synonym: beatable, loser, unable to win championships. For example, an unvinceable team will never hold the Lombardi Trophy.
  11. Rodgers lost a shootout with a HOF QB last year when GB scored 45 points and lost 51-45, you ask what he's done before this year & you call someone else clueless
  12. Without hearing it, I get the impression he was talking about playing in the wind. The Ralph & the old Giants Stadium are notorious for unpredictable winds, making a QB's job very tough. They're also no fun for kickers.
  13. Some of you really don't appreciate good humor.
  14. I'd rather have a guy who is thinking Super Bowl championship, not just getting into the playoffs. Seattle was a nice story this past weekend in round 1, but they're not going to win the Super Bowl. Until the team has a legitimate shot at being in and winning the Super Bowl, I won't be satisfied with the team, even if they do make the playoffs. One and done is only slightly better than not making the playoffs. The only thing is there are so many fans who are too young to remember what a Super Bowl contender looks like, they're willing to settle for one playoff game & think the season is a success. To me, that is just sad.
  15. The flaw is that the guy has to be waived to get to the practice squad. When you waive a 2nd rounder, you expect someone to claim him. If you care about the player being on your team at all, you won't waive him. The only reason he even gets to the practice squad is because the other teams think he's trash & let him pass through waivers. I've explained this numerous times before, but here we go again. GB only kept 2 QBs on their roster when the Bills signed Brohm. He was the best insurance policy they had in case of a QB injury last November. So, they tried to match the offer in order to have the best insurance policy that late in the season because nobody else they could bring in would know their offense. It's no different than this year when they activated Graham Harrell after Rodger's concussion. They preferred the guy who knew their system. There are a lot of 3rd string QBs who are kept only because there's slim pickings among available 3rd stringers & it's better to have a guy who has been in your system. It's the same reason the Bills brought Brown back.
  16. Nobody waives a 2nd round pick in his 2nd season unless they don't care if he gets claimed. In other words the team thinks he's worthless or pretty close to it. Since you claim you're still learning, try to find another 2nd rounder waived early in his career and put on a practice squad who ended up doing anything in the NFL. The lesson is teams don't waive high profile guys after 1 season and develop them into anything on practice squads. The low profile guys who can fly under the radar are the practice squad success stories, not high picks who bust and get waived by the team who thinks he's got no NFL future. The reason Brohm was put on the practice squad was because GB's plan was to keep a 3rd QB as insurance against injury on its PS & it's always better to have your insurance policy be a guy who is familiar with the system. When Rodgers went down this year the Packers activated their insurance QB from the practice squad. Like Brohm, the Packers didn't really care if Harrell had been claimed in September, but since he knew the system from camp, he was better to keep around in case one of their 2 QBs went down. Sometimes it's not about potential, it's just convenient for the PS QB on a team that only keeps 2 QBs to know the system.
  17. Not a bad timeout-as long as the defense doesn't give the Jets a 1st down. Say the Jets throw an incomplete pass. Now it's 3rd down with about 24 seconds left. Then they still have to pass to get into comfortable FG range. If the Jets are kicking after an incomplete pass, the Colts still have about 15 seconds left if the Jets make it & time doesn't matter if they don't. Wouldn't you rather have time left on the clock if the Jets make the kick? The problem was the Jets completed another pass which made the FG easy & with the 1st down they were able to make the kick with no time for Manning. The time out was the correct call, because the Jets HAD TO pass in order to get closer to a comfortable FG attempt. I've heard the talking heads on the radio say what you have. If they influenced you, you need to think on your own. If you came to the conclusion by yourself, you are just as wrong as the radio guys, who look for anything to debate when nothing is there.
  18. You left out the percentage of unresticted free agent OL disasters that the team has signed. Examples: Green, Walker, Dockery, Fowler, Reyes, Anderson. These guys make the signings of Villarrial, Teague & Panos look good.
  19. The trip has been postponed due to the Arizona shootings. http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/President-postpones-Schenectady-trip-947085.php
  20. No team can plan on tanking a season to get the #1 pick because there's always the possibility of a team or 2 being naturally worse than you. If a coach purposly played inferior players on the team from the beginning of the season, the players would revolt. The more likely scenario-Luck & Harbaugh are nowhere near as close as you give them credit for & Luck is probably glad to be playing his last season without Harbaugh & will be glad to see him on the other side of the field when the Bills play the 49ers in the future.
  21. With Harbaugh gone Luck and his father are trying to arrange a trade between the Bills & Carolina & if the trade goes through, Luck plans on declaring and signing with the Bills on January 16th.
  22. Name me anyone with a brain who needs more than $60 million.
  23. Arizona Cardinals 2009 Warner QB Arizona Cardinals 2010 ? QB Atlanta Falcons with Vick Atlanta Falcons 1st year without Vick Atlanta Falcons with Matt Ryan Baltimore Ravens with Kyle Boller Baltimore Ravens with Joe Flacco Miami Dolphins 2007 no QB 1-15 Miami Dolphins Pennington in a healthy 2008-division winner The difference between having a QB & not having one is HUGE!
  24. You talk like guys who can write their own tickets have never done that before. Bill Parcells took the NE job with the #1 pick in the draft. Bill Polian took the Carolina job with the #1 pick in the draft. Then Bill Polian took the Indianapolis job when Peyton Manning was in the draft & Indy had the top pick. In the NBA, Phil Jackson chose the Lakers with Shaq & Kobe already there. Do you think that when Cowher comes back he's going to go to a team with no QB and a mid round pick? If he wanted to he could have the Miami job & be in that situation with one phone call. When you're the hot name, you get to write your own ticket. Any hot coach or GM who would take a job with no QB and without the means to acquire one, like having the top pick in a year when the top QB is worth the #1 pick, is setting himself up to fail. Why would anyone who can write his own ticket ever put himself in a place where he has little chance of success and a great chance of failure?
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