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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. You just don't know where to go. There are a number of port-a poties where at most you have a 1 or 2 person wait, if any. Now I'm not talking after noon, but before noon there are plenty. However, since I know where they are & I don't want anyone ruining it for me, I'm not telling
  2. The right system is Pee-wee football. If the parents are willing to let him play with/against their kids, he can dominate.
  3. Her parents should have scheduled a parent teacher conference with the teacher and asked "What did our daughter say that was so offensive to you, you f****** b****?
  4. A lot different than the Bills Super Bowl years. In Minnesota there was no need to park anywhere because the municipalities teamed with the motels and anyone staying in an area motel that wasn't within walking distance of the Metrodome had a free shuttle bus to the game. In Pasedena, the official Rose bowl general parking, at what I think was a golf course next to the Rose Bowl was $10, if I recall correctly. I'm not sure about Tampa & Atlanta because we had bus transportation as part of our Super Bowl packages, but Atlanta had a pretty good subway system. Isn't there any mass transit near the stadium or did JJ build it somewhere where a parking gouge would be guaranteed?
  5. He'll be wearing one having done less than Rob Johnson did the year Rob got his ring. I guess years from now he can wear the ring even though he never has and never will play in an NFL game. I hope he never gets so low that he walks around with the ring claiming to be Aaron Rodgers. Trivia question: What do you, me & Graham Harrell have in common: Answer: None of us has ever played in an NFL game.
  6. Pretty stupid & not very funny. But if you laughed, maybe you're just stupid enough to enjoy it. Thanks for realizing I'm a genius.
  7. Why do people like you post outright lies & think you can get away with it? 1st of all, there was no strike in "'07", the 2007 team was 7-9 all by themselves. Giving you all benefit of the doubt, let's assume you typo'd and meant 1987, the year that there was a strike team. In 1987 the strike team went 1-2, the real team went 6-6 for a final record of 7-8. Where did you come up with 4-0 when only 3 games were played during the strike and the fake Bills lost 2 of them?
  8. Because in fantasy-land the Bills can trade anything to anybody and they'll just roll over & make the deal. I've got a better idea-Nix should get both movie versions of "The Producers", study them carefully and figure a way to trade our 1st round pick to all 31 other teams. Then we'll have the rest of the 1st round. Instead of Bialystock & Bloom, it will be Nix & Gailey.
  9. 17 years ago, on this date the Bills last Super Bowl was played. Around this time 17 years ago, I took the duct tape off the envelope that I had placed my Super Bowl ticket in and attached inside my shirt for safe keeping and took the ticket out. Petrino took the stitches out of his ticket that he had sewn to his shirt and now was ready to present at the Georgia Dome. We then waited for our bus to arrive at Knight's Inn in Marietta,Ga. and take us to Atlanta. I had 4 similar mornings in 4 cities between 1991 and 1994. In 1991 it was waiting for the bus at the Bill-Mar hotel in Treasure Island, Fla, 1992 at the Budgetel outside Minneapolis, and in 1993 it was leaving the Ramada Inn in Anaheim, Ca, driving to Pasedena at 7:30 AM and ended up being the 2nd car to get into the general parking area next to the Rose Bowl. There may never be another morning like that again.
  10. They might, but Marvin Lewis throwing the kids on the O-line under the bus saying they're not doing what the coaches told them to do is classless. Marvin is looking for excuses instead of accepting the fact that Chan is schooling him.
  11. I saw something about a refund policy if games are cancelled, but I didn't open it. It would be great news if they started the season on time but had to cancel 1 or both of the exhibition games and we got our money back for worthless tickets.
  12. I was watching Real Sports last night and they did a segment on 300 + pound linemen in the NFL. They showed clips from years ago showing interviews with former players who got even heavier after the NFL. Two of them died young. Then they showed Nate Newton. The guy had stomach surgery in 2010 to restrict his food intake and he's lost about 180+ pounds. There's no way anyone who hasn't seen the new Newton would ever believe he was an NFL O-lineman who weighed well over 300 pounds. At his worst, he ended up around 400 pounds after he left the NFL. I couldn't find any clips from the HBO show, but if you scroll down on the link, you'll see the current version of Nate Newton: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Former-Cowboys-star-Nate-Newton-has-lost-175-pou?urn=nfl-282606
  13. Judge for yourself. If the link works correctly, you can scroll down & watch the video in her own words. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/nov05election/detail?entry_id=81734
  14. He died after the Bills' 2nd Super Bowl, so obviously he couldn't have changed things in Super Bowl XXVII or XXVIII.
  15. The Bills sent an e-mail today that links to where you can pay for your tickets. It looks like the tickets are the same price as last year but with one more game included. The tickets cost $432 + $4 fee for a total of $436. That equals $48 per game. Last year was $388 ($384 + $4) so $384/8 also equals $48 per game. The face value of the tickets is $55. You can look at it 2 ways. The discount per game is 12.7%, or you can look at it the way I do. There are 7 "real" games. $55x7=$385. The $432 I'm paying minus $385 equals $47. So I'm paying $23.50 for each pre-season game, which I'll be giving away.
  16. They told her to look at the camera on the left and she said "I'm not looking at anything on the left." So she focused her eyes to the right instead and felt more comfortable. The way she looked at the camera was how someone with a form of autism who can't look you in the eyes would look. It was very awkward. I assume she had an earpiece. It's too bad someone didn't say something to her to get her to look into the camera, but she might not have had an earpiece because part of her agenda is never listen to anyone. What was the Civil War about, Michelle? She believes the founding fathers and 6th President John Q. Adams eradicated slavery many years before the Civil War. What else is new? A politician who knows nothing about what she's talking about in speeches.
  17. It's from the story in today's Buffalo News that is linked on the front page. It's in the context of the whole article.
  18. I think he's worth at least two 8th round picks. Buddy, git 'er done!
  19. To paraphrase Ernie Banks: Let's get two. With only 1 QB on the roster, we need to fill both the 2nd & 3rd string slots, or it may be 1 & 3 with the eventual demotion of Fitz to 2nd string.
  20. Here's what I posted in October. I stand by the analysis that you can say the same things you're saying about the 1984-5 teams that went 2-14 in back to back seasons and didn't have much talent other than a handful of players. Bad teams get close to winning half their games no matter how bad they are: The 1984 & 1985 teams were the worst in the NFL each of those 2 seasons. Yet no matter how bad they were, there were weeks they were competitive or better. So, lets not get overenthusiastic because we were close to the Patriots yesterday, in the same place where the Bills almost won last year with Trent Edwards at QB. Here are some games that gave us reason for optimism in 1984 & 1985 even though both teams went 2-14. (Thanks to the Bills media guides for 1985 & 1986 for some of the info) 1984: Week 1 NE 21@ Bills 17-Bills fall behind 21-3 early then come back to only lose by 4. Dominate time of possession 34:08 to 25:52 Outgain NE 326 yds to 315 Week 3 Miami 21 @ Bills 17-Once again trailing 21-3, the Bills fought back to get within 4 late. Week 4 Jets 28@ Bills 26 -Bills open up a 10-0 lead, then fall behind 21-10. Bills rally back & get in the game. If department-Bills within 2 when Ferguson gets hurt, Kofler ineffective last 2 series. Week 7 Bills 28 at Seattle 31-Once again Bills fall behind early 17-0, then battle back to gain a 28-24 lead in the 4th quarter, before losing 31-28. Bills dominate time of possession 35:13 ti 24:47, Bills D performs well with Seattle held to 41 rushing yds, 238 total yds, 3 sacks & 2 ints. Week 10 Cleveland 13 @ Bills 10-Bills led 10-6 going into the 4th quarter. Bills lost when Ernest Byner recovered a teammate's fumble and ran 55 yards for the winning TD. Week 12 Dallas 3 @ Bills 14 -Victory! Greg Bell runs for 85 yards on the opening play & the Bills stun the Coyboys for their 1st win of the season. Week 14 Indianapolis 15 @ Bills 21-Victory #2. Bills go up 21-0 in the 1st quarter and never score again, but Indy Art Schlichter can't get closer than 6 points as Indy can only get 5 FGs & no TDs. Week 15 Bills 17 @ Jets 21. The Bills were ahead 17-7 at halftime before getting shutout in the 2nd half and losing when the Jets scored TDs in the 3rd & 4th quarters. So, even though the team was 2-14, they were competitive or won in half the games they played. 1985: Week 1 San Diego 14 @ Bills 9 - Bills comfortably win time of possession 33:43 to 26:17, outgain the Chargers 455 yds to 308 yds, Ferragamo passes for 377 yards. Nobody scores in 2nd half as halftime score ends up as final score. Week 3 New England 17 @ Bills 14 -Game turns on a NE punt return for a TD after a Bills penalty makes the Bills rekick the punt. Bills get close in the end with a Ferragamo to Reed TD in the 4th quarter. Week 4 Minnesota 27 @ Bills 20-The Bills go down 20-3 in the 1st half the score 17 unanswered points to tie the game 20-20 in the 4th quarter. Bills lose when Minnesota gets a TD with less than 3 minutes left on a trick play. Kay Stephenson gets fired. Week 7-Indianapolis 9 @ Bills 21 Victory! Hank Bullough wins his 1st game as a head coach. The "Doctor of Defense" sees his D hold the Colts to 191 total yards. Week 8 Bills 17 @ Philadelphia 21. In a game I went to with high hopes, the Bills jump out to a 17-0 lead on the road. The bad news was that with the Bills leading 17-0 going into the 4th, Philly was deep in Buffalo territory as the 4th quarter started. The things I remember were there were 5-6 Bills fans behind me in the stands, when Philadelphia went ahead 21-17 5 of them pulled out bags with each letter of BILLS and put them over their heads, then after the game Marion Campbell was saying how the Eagles beat a good Buffalo team in the postgame PC. Week 9 Cincinnati 23 @ Bills 17 -For the 4th straight week, the Bills led at halftime, this time 10-6. Bills lose in 3rd & 4th quarters as Vince Ferragamo is permanently benched. Week 10-Houston 0 @ Bills 20-Mathison's 1st start is a success, the Doctor's D shuts out the Oilers & Warren Moon. The Bills last win of the year. Week 15 Bills 24 @ Pittsburgh 30- The Bills jumped out to a 21-0 lead in the 2nd quarter befor the Bills folded and the Steelers came back with 3rd string QB Scott Campbell leading the comeback. With 9 minutes lefty the Bills led 24-20. Once again the Bills were competitive or won in half their games. In fact, the Bills led at halftime in 7 of their 16 games. Bad teams can stay in games, but eventually they lose most of them.
  21. I have the printed edition in an Adobe file. If you've looked on their site, it's pretty obvious that the article isn't included in the free stuff they offer & can't be linked.
  22. In this week's Pro Football Weekly they have an article listing the top 50 players of 2010 and then give honorable mention to another 25. There is not 1 Bills player among the 75 players! Don't blame PFW, blame the guys who have drafted and signed our current roster.
  23. All I know is that before Mary Owen joined the team in 1997, they were a Super Bowl contender and had years of excellence. Since 1997 the Bills have only been in 2 playoff games and lost them both, then have not even been to the playoffs in the last 12 seasons. Some of you have blamed Tom Modrak, but I think Mary Owen is a jinx.
  24. QB ratings are the dumbest statistic ever invented. They mean so little that I once saw someone use QB ratings to show that at the same points in their careers, JP Losman or Rob Johnson was a better QB than Jim Kelly. It was so stupid I can't even (or want to) remember which bust QB the poster named when comparing him to the Bills QB with a bust (in Canton). BTW, the most meaningless interception I've ever seen was thrown by Roethlisberger. It was the one that traveled a short distance on 4th down & the Jet got to it. If it had hit the ground the Jets would still have had the ball in virtually the same spot. It's junk like that, along with intercepted Hail Marys that help make QB ratings ridiculous. The best one is if it's 1st & goal at the 1 after a 79 yard drive, one QB hands it off & the RB runs it in & one QB fakes the handoff & passes it to the TE for a TD, the QB who passed it gets the higher rating. Sorry, as far as the TEAM goes, same result: TOUCHDOWN! The QB with a RB with a nose for the endzone QB-A may be tons better than the QB without one, who has a great TE, QB-B. So when QB-A's team keeps running it in on 1st & goal and QB-B keeps passing in the same spot, PRESTO-QB-B is the better QB in the ratings. There are so many other gametime events that make QB ratings & QB rating comparisons completely worthless. As I've said before, you have to watch the game and not rely on stats. The evidence that what happens on the field doesn't translate well to a stat sheet is I've heard of plenty of players talk about reviewing films with the coaches, I've never heard one say "Coach handed out the stat sheet in the meeting and we reviewed it in order to improve what we've been doing on Sunday." Stats, be it QB rating or any other QB "measurement" all suck and don't tell the story of the QB's value or lack of value to the team.
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