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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Maybe yes, maybe no. Back in the 1979 the NFL put pressure on the NY Giants to hire George Young. This was after fan boycotts including burning tickets in the parking lot & a plane flying over the stadium with a banner reading "15 years of lousy football-We've had enough."
  2. The poll sucks-it doesn't allow a none of the above option. Of course, all mock drafts at this time of year suck, so the poll is no worse than any others that make a mockery of the draft.
  3. I think this link might be what you're looking for. It isn't mentioned in the story, but the TV deal expired after the season & I doubt they'll get another one as good as the 1st. http://hamptonroads.com/2011/02/ufl-nearly-ended-its-money-misery
  4. You just made John McCargo's day. Now he can tell everyone he's not a bust.
  5. This has to be the worst idea ever proposed on this board. It's hard enough to attain team stabilty, now you want to throw that all away. The goal of most teams is to have a competent backup QB. All you have to do to see the insanity of this is to look at the Super Bowl champs. Aaron Rodgers was drafted in the 1st round to eventually replace Brett Favre. The plan worked. Under this "system" it wouldn't work for any team with an aging QB. I seriously doubt the players would want anything to do with this.
  6. Maybin looks great too. Can't play a lick, but he's in rock solid condition. Receiver is the one place we don't need to bring in a guy at the end of his career like we did with TO 2 years ago.
  7. I was watching Showtime & they had a half hour standup show with Brian Dunkleman. He made some jokes about Idol and when the show ended they had him commenting and he talks about how he made the dumbest decision in TV history when he quit Idol. One of his jokes was about once being on the same plane with William Hung thinking if the plane crashed, Hung would get top billing on the casualty list.
  8. Egyptians tasting their new freedom. How do you say Go Bills in Arabic?
  9. Cookie: Why do you describe Cameron Diaz as a homewrecker? A-Rod dumped his wife long before he hooked up with Cameron Diaz.
  10. Looking at your original data & ddaryl's it's pretty obvious what the problem was: your source didn't include the 2010 season.
  11. As I said in the other thread, that idea is absolute nonsense.
  12. It seems like the old AFL guys don't like to pay coaches big bucks.
  13. On the NFL commercial with the film clips of old shows, how many of you noticed that Cosmo Kramer's coat had a Bills logo on the sleeve? If you missed it, check it out: http://boston.sbnation.com/2011/2/7/1979912/super-bowl-commercials-2011-youtube-best-fans-ever-nfl-ad
  14. Obviously Chan got Steve Johnson off the bench, but if Chan is a difference maker, why didn't he try to do the same for Hardy? It comes down to talent, Johnson was & always will be better than Hardy. After the team took Trent's security blanket, AKA Josh Reed, away, Chan had to either get Johnson or Hardy off the bench. Chan made better decisions on wide receiver use, but he didn't do anything other than let the guys play, Roscoe included before his injury. As far as Fitzpatrick, I've always thought he was the same player in 2009 as 2010. The stat boys may pull up some stats to debate it with me, but the bottom line is Fitzpatrick proved his value in 2009 when he was the main QB in 5 of the team's 6 wins. How soon people forget how well Fitzpatrick performed when Perry Fewell was coach. Remember how Fewell was bragging about the big ones Fitzpatrick had when he audibled into a long passing play in a Bills win. Remember how desperate Fewell was to get back Fitzpatrick for the Indy game, and how well he performed in the weather? I think a coach can bury a talented player on the bench, but even that can't ruin him. Talent will eventually surface, if not with one team, with another. The only reason Bills coaches yanked players like Losman & Edwards was because they weren't cutting it on the field. Losman's career wasn't ruined because Mularkey yanked him when he sucked. Losman's career was ruined because he wasn't good enough, ditto with Edwards. Shanahan is a great coach when he has John Elway at QB, other than that, he's average. I don't know if anyone can win in Washington with Danny boy there. He's gone through Marty, Spurrier, Gibbs, Zorn & now Shanahan. Like the Bills, who the coach is doesn't seem to matter. The Redskins don't know how to put a roster together and the only common denominator is the owner.
  15. All mock drafts suck. Any mock draft that doesn't include a QB by the 3rd round is worthless, because they don't understand the Bills needs. I'll be shocked if the Bills don't draft Christian Ponder.
  16. Coaches don't ruin players, players ruin coaches. The idea that this team has had incompetent coaches is nonsense. Now some of our coaching selections haven't been top notch, but none have been incompetent to the point of making or breaking a player's career. To think that JP Losman, who has been coached by Mularkey, Jauron, Fassel & Carroll and has only been successful against minor league competition would ever amount to anything with different coaching is insane.
  17. If he's alive & well, yes, but he knows he can't beat 44 straight. I once had a streak where I went to every Bills home game except preseason for 16 full seasons and parts of two others(front of streak middle of 1990 season, end of streak middle of 2007 season). I started a new one in December 2008 & I made every one the last 2 seasons. I'll never get up to 16 seasons again, but I've started a new streak.
  18. I think Gailey loves Ponder, has since high school, and if he can get Buddy to agree, Ponder will be our 2nd round pick. Chan talked up Ponder Senior Bowl week like he's already his coach.
  19. Don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault. It was the guy who published the article. There's nothing wrong with a spelling error on TSW, it's when the articles are written by guys who don't know how to spell people's names that is the problem.
  20. It really has to hurt because the Packers are in it. Any time a streak like that has to end, it's agony. When it's your own health that ends it, it's even worse.
  21. He's in the hospital, he had to give his tickets to his daughters: http://www.dallasnews.com/sports/super-bowl/local/20110204-illness-ends-wisconsin-mans-streak-with-never-miss-a-super-bowl-club.ece
  22. I knew this was going to happen one day! Sometimes Ralph Wilson passes us in the stadium on his way to his box. One time I begged Ralph to fill out the necessary paperwork. I even handed him the necessary papers and a pen to sign them. All he said is "I'm too old for this s***", threw the papers & pen on the ground and proceeded to his luxury box. That's why Jacksonville is in the Super Bowl and the Bills are home.
  23. You might have the wrong guy. The article refers to "Art Schlicter". The former QB, who spent the 1986 preseason with the Bills until the day Jim Kelly signed is Art Schlichter. So maybe Art Schlichter really is innocent.
  24. I agree with you, but let's not revise history. Eli Manning sat the 1st 9 games of his rookie year behind Kurt Warner. With the Giants 5-4, Coughlin made the switch to Manning. Carson Palmer sat out his entire rookie year. Jon Kitna played every down. Palmer wasn't even put in to mop up in the 4th quarter.
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