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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. This is an example of denial at its worst. He got TWO more NFL starts than he ever deserved and was absolutely horrible in each. Add to that the fact that in all his NFL games, preseason included, he's never had even one touchdown drive. What makes Brian Brohm more deserving of another chance than any of the other QBs who over the years have been bad every time they saw live action? Nobody hates Brian Brohm. Some of us just recognize a guy who can't cut it sooner than others. I wish Brian Brohm the best, just as long as he doesn't ever suit up in a Bills uniform again. In fact, I wouldn't mind it if Brohm ended up the starting QB of the Dolphins, but then that would guarantee 15 years of Andrew Luck in our division. Brohm wasn't released & Gregg Williams was never fired-their contracts just ran out
  2. Here's the link to the story. http://www.insideedition.com/news/5878/inside-edition-investigates-psychic-detectives-who-claim-to-find-missing-persons.aspx
  3. I was watching & couldn't find any links with today's show's material. The show Inside Edition sets up "psychics" who claim they can find missing children. They send a guy with a picture of a young girl. He claims it's a picture of his sister who went missing 30 years ago. They then sent the reporter in the next day saying they were doing a segment on psychics. They aired a tape of the worst one, who was charging $400. She looks at the picture, tells the guy she believes the girl is dead and that she met a violent end. But, she thinks the family can recover the remains and pulls out a map of where she thinks the body might be in close proximity. The next day the female reporter comes in. The psychic starts talking about finding missing kids & then refers to the guy who came in the day before looking for his missing sister. The reporter pulls out a picture of the "missing" girl, asking if the photo looks familiar. The psychic says yes, then the reporter says: This picture is of ME when I was a child. The psychic, stunned at being exposed says something like: You didn't go missing? It was priceless! They said that they went to 10 "psychics" who claimed they could see the girl was dead.
  4. On the Today show Kathie Lee Gifford has been skewering Charlie Sheen. Well today she revealed what a total hypocrite she is. She sees him with 2 girls and says one of them looks so young. Well both of them are 24. Charlie Sheen is 45. Doing the math, Charlie is 21 years older. Meanwhile, Frank Gifford, her husband is 23 years older than her. She was 33 and he was 56 when they got married. They are now 57 & 80.
  5. Since Malone basically doesn't even acknowledge D. Bell's existance, Lloyd is the better father. In about 15 years, if Travis Henry is still alive, I'd like to see what one of his sons says at the combine.
  6. JP set the team back the most. Drafting JP cost the Bills shots at Rodgers & Cutler. In Rodgers' case, the Bills would have had the pick to use on Rodgers if they hadn't traded it away for JP. In Cutler's case, the Bills chose to draft Whitner at pick 8 with Cutler on the board because they were committed to starting JP. Also, if the Bills had confidence in JP, they never would have drafted Trent in 2007. Since without JP's shaky status, there's no Trent, JP trumps Trent. The reason Rob isn't even in the running is because, with the exception of his final season, the Bills could always turn to Flutie, so Rob wasn't ruining the franchise. Clearly, in terms of setting the team back the most, JP towers over the others.
  7. If Andrew Luck declares for the 2012 draft & has a season that warrants being the #1 pick-NO TEAM, unless they already have a young franchise QB who missed the season with an injury that is 100% healed, will trade the pick, no matter what is offered. So any scenario that involves drafting Luck, has to have the Bills with the #1 pick without any 2012 trades. Anyone who thinks there won't be any football in 2011, really doesn't understand the economics. The NFL makes money. As long as they make money, they'll be a season. Now that season may not be 16 games, or even 12, but I can guarantee this-On Thanksgiving, the NFL will be playing football, the 2012 playoffs & Super Bowl will occur. This is not the NHL. The economics are not the least bit comparable where the league will lose its whole season.
  8. In the past we've seen some highly touted QBs who were torn between baseball & football bomb in the NFL-Akili Smith, Drew Henson, Chad Hutchinson, Josh Booty, to name a few. Most QB's not totally committed to football can't cut it in the NFL. I believe the most successful QB to switch from baseball back to football was Jay Schroeder. John Elway was never serious about a baseball career, he used the Yankees to avoid playing for the Colts and can't be considered among the group of baseball lioving QBs.
  9. I hope you're good with Christian Ponder in the 2nd or 3rd round, because he's the QB the Bills will draft. No way Newton or Gabbert in the 1st round with pick 3. Wasn't your radio on when Chan was talking up Ponder Senior Bowl week saying he wanted him at GT coming out of high school?
  10. The most interesting thing I've found in the replies that defended the guy is the acceptance of gross incompetence in the workforce. The responses say oh poor guy, he needs a job..., but let him find a job where he can fail without annoying your company's customers, or let the company find him a job he can succeed at. It's both his fault & the company's. He shouldn't take a job he has no chance of succeeding at & they should either find a better fit within the company or let him go. Neither is doing the other one any favors. I once got tossed out of a place after 2.5 hours because I jammed up a machine once too many times. It was a bad fit for both of us & to keep me there another hour would have extended the futility. Companies should not hire people to do jobs where their chance of failure is close to 100%, and if they do and things don't work out the best thing for everyone is to is cut ties quickly. Keeping incompetent employees does nobody any good.
  11. Unless you're calling unsolicited to people in Mexico, France or a place where they don't speak English, butchering their language, then speaking in what they would think is gibberish in your attempt to speak their language, what you're doing has NO COMPARISON to what this guy is doing. People as incompetent as this guy are not being polite or respectful to the people they call & cannot expect to just skate through calls with people ignoring their incompetence.
  12. It's funny that Carlos Estevez is knocking someone else for changing his name, when Carlos doesn't go by the name on his birth certificate either.
  13. Knowing Ralph, the Bills clause probably is that Chan has to pay the Bills for every day there is no football : It's interesting that he cites "10 to 12 teams" & 12 teams have opted out of the coaches' pension plan. Players are paid one-seventeenth of their base salary with each week of the NFL season while pro coaches are paid proportionally throughout the season. "I'm really talking about 10 or 12 teams. There are 20 or 22 teams that treat their coaches very well and have great respect for them." Kennan said the coaches are "as close as they have ever been" to forming a union. Although he admitted it's not the result he wants to see, the coaches are "not afraid" to go that route. Any unionizing would not occur until after a new CBA is formed. Twelve NFL teams already have opted out of the league's pension plan for their coaches. The list: the Chargers, Cardinals, Falcons, 49ers, Saints, Bills, Patriots, Jaguars, Buccaneers, Cowboys, Texans and Redskins. The majority of those moves, Kennan said, were spurred mostly by a tanking economy, as early as 2009. As for how the coaches relate to the impending labor crisis, Kennan said: "There's enough stress in coaching already that now we're going to be docked 25 percent pay. We have nothing to do with (the lockout)." http://www.profootballweekly.com/2011/02/24/coaches-could-face-hefty-losses-with-lockout
  14. I think our definitions of yelling are quite different. I didn't scream at the guy, just slightly raised my voice and voiced my annoyance at his lack of knowledge to do his job. My yelling is probably your whispering.
  15. I was trying to be polite, that's why I said goodbye, but the guy was such a freakin' moron, not answering a single question with an answer that made any sense, he just got too annoying to talk to any more. If they are hired to talk about a product & they can't speak English, they shouldn't be calling me or anyone else in this country. He's the one who interrupted me, calling me out of the blue, not the other way around. The main reason I was so harsh was I was hoping the call was taped for review & the people who hired him would get the message to hire more qualified callers. I would have been very happy to hear my questions answered-they were pretty simple. For example, with cable the answers would have been simple to answer: "We have NBC, CBS, and ABC available On Demand in addition to many popular cable stations, but not all programs are available. They are usually available within 24 hours of their air date." It doesn't take a genius to know that answer.
  16. Verizon just got approval for FIOS TV in my area. So today I got a call from Verizon about their FIOS TV. The call starts with the guy speaking broken English, stumbling over my name & making a horrible 1st impression. Then he tells me it's not a sales call but an informational call, so I ask him for some information on the availability of On Demand. First he starts rambling without answering the question, so I told him if he can't answer the question he's not qualified to be doing his job, so he asks how he can help me and this time I fire out a couple of specific On Demand questions: 1)Is On Demand available for the major TV networks? 2)If it is how soon after the program airs is it available? He answers by reading from a script the number of channels that FIOS has. By this time he was really getting on my nerves & I just yelled at him-you're not answering my questions, don't you understand English? Goodbye. I then hung up the phone. What is wrong with companies like Verizon who hire people to call you up who can't speak English & are so poorly versed in our language that basic questions stump them?
  17. You're paying for 1 reason: You are getting less taken out of your check than you owe. That is actually a positive situation because it means you're not giving the government an interest free loan. The ideal situation is to always owe a little (but not enough to trigger a penalty). The people who get those huge refunds are either getting too much taken out of their checks or are getting tax credits because they're eligible to receive them because they are basically poor enough to receive credits and/or have a lot of dependents. Some who make virtually nothing get back more than they pay, so their refund is actually (non taxable) income. I'd rather make enough money to live comfortably all year than to have to count on a check from the IRS to eat.
  18. I took it & scored either a 42.5 or a 45, depending on how you count the pages in the debatable question which originally says 17. I put 20 & the explanation said 20 is acceptable. Now I'm a great test taker when a test is heavily math or has sequence questions, but I can't see why a RB needs to have a high math aptitude. I'd rather have a guy who has great vision & agility than a guy who can figure out quickly how to convert letters into numbers and complete a sequence.
  19. We don't have anything left from the trade. We got Trent Edwards & CJ Ay You (cut as a rookie) in the draft & then packaged the 2008 3rd round pick along with the Bears 2008 #5 for Marcus Stroud.
  20. Very few remakes last more than a season. Hawaii Five O looks like the exception. Bionic Woman didn't even make it through the season, Wonder Woman probably won't either, but I'll still watch it until it gets cancelled.
  21. I think the funniest thing in the thread was when Mayock was quoted as calling Maybin a 1 down player. Then someone says who is Mayock. Well 2 years later we now know Mayock was totally wrong calling Maybin a 1 down player-He's a NO DOWN PLAYER.
  22. His points seemed quite coherent & logical in reply to your prior post. Point 1-You say it's believable that Nix had nothing to do with the Maybin pick. He replies that no matter how disfunctional the Bills are on draft day, it is not credible that the Bills brought Nix in to help them in the draft, named him the national scout & then ignored him entirely when it came time to use their 1st round pick. My comment-based on Nix's statements upon being hired as Bills' GM, he clearly implied that he wouldn't have selected Maybin, a 1 year wonder. Advantage: SJBF. Point 2-You basically said someone can't have it both ways. If you blame Nix for Maybin, you have to credit him for SD's drafts. Spartacus counters that AJ Smith may have had total control in SD and that you can't assume that Nix was responsible for AJ's success in the draft. Also, Ralph may view Nix as the answer to the Bills draft woes, but the way Ralph feels about his employees & the level of responsibility he gives them has no correlation to what AJ Smith/SD did. AJ could have ignored Nix entirely or used his picks, but you can't assume because Ralph values Nix's opinions that AJ felt the same about Nix. Advantage: Spartacus.
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