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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Anyone who passed on drafting Matt Ryan and instead put the franchise in the hands of Chad Henne should be revising his rules.
  2. Somebody didn't get his dose of "Chan's a genius who has done great work with Fitzpatrick and the offense" kool-aid.
  3. No, there are not. Veteran backups who are solid sign with teams for only 1 of 3 reasons: 1)They think they can beat out the current starter 2)They are willing to be a backup on a Super Bowl contender 3)The team will pay them more than any other team. So, ask yourself which of those 3 possibilities applies to the Bills' available backup job and the answer is none of the above. Name one available solid QB who would want to come here to be Fitzpatrick's backup QB. That's why we have to draft a QB in the 1st 3 rounds and hope he develops into something. Also, assuming that the guy we draft this year doesn't wow the team, expect to see another QB drafted early next year too-especially since 2011 is the final year of Fitzpatrick's contract & unless he really lights it up & has a much higher win%, he's not going to get starter $ from the Bills to lock him up for the 3-6 year deal he'll be in line for in 2012.
  4. Sure they're prepped. As a result, the scores don't mean a lot. I'd rather have a test that measures football intelligence. Right now the Wonderlic is highly skewed to favor people with a high math aptitude. That doesn't always translate to a football field.
  5. Not if the guy who scored the 30 is like JP & his agent coached him up to the 30+. The Wonderlic scores are just too suspect to take at face value when agents get involved. JP's 14 was much more indicative than his 30+ score was. Now imagine if JP had been coached the 1st time & had never taken it before the coaching. That's what we're now seeing with a lot of the QBs & why I can never look at a Wonderlic score & attribute any real meaning to one.
  6. For season ticket holders the Bills don't charge full price for exhibition games. My tickets have a $55 face value & I pay $48 per game. So if you do the math at $55 per regular season game, the exhibition games are approximately half price. Even for non-season ticket holders, they sell one exhibition game as kid's night at reduced prices. Now if there are no exhibition games & the season starts on time, we won't be paying anything for preseasons & I'll get a $48 credit for each exhibition game. That's what I'm hoping for.
  7. In an ironic twist, the son of the editor of the NY Daily News turned himself in after a St Patrick's celebration this weekend got out of control. The News had written an editorial blasting the behavior of the students earlier in the week. http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Son-of-Daily-News-bigwig-busted-in-kegs-and-1170327.php
  8. Pretty offensive for him commenting on your statement, which is really questionable. So you thought what Gailey did was amazing? Why? What did Gailey do with Fitzpatrick that was so amazingly different than what Fitzpatrick had done in the past when he started in 2009? Sure he improved on his stats a bit, but amazing? In order for Gailey to do something amazing with someone, you need a baseline to compare it to-that's just a fact. If you can't understand that then don't attack someone's reading comprehension because you don't understand there HAS TO BE A COMPARISON to prior achievements before a conclusion that Gailey did anything amazing with Fitz can be reached. If you're attacking his use of the word offense, you're just splitting hairs, because you included the offense in your statement.
  9. Paul is just horrible and Jacob will probably end the season as a woman. Yes, yesterday was one of the worst top 12 cumulative performances of all time. Pia, James & Scotty look like shoe-ins for the top 5. It's too early to tell who will join them. Jacob might, he has the voice, but he is so fem it's going to affect his votes sooner or later.
  10. I think any team that would move a guy up or down based on a Wonderlic score has very poor player evaluation. Years ago I used to look at all the Wonderlic scores & I came to the conclusion that there are too many other variables these days that make the score virtually meaningless. In the late 1990s the Jets drafted a tackle in the 1st round with a small Wonderlic score. I remember being at Shea stadium talking about him with a Jets fan & the guy said that the player blew off the test and had graduated with over a 3 gpa. It turned out he had a good NFL career. McNabb & Marino scored in the teens. Remember JP going from the teens to the 30s between his 1st & 2nd attempt? Agents coach these guys up & there's no way I'd upgrade a guy based on an acceptable Wonderlic. A team is much better off looking at tapes of the guy on the field, live workouts and then interviewing the guy in person. An interview with the guy & how he answers football & career related questions says a lot more than a Wonderlic score. About the only value Wonderlics have these days are that we can laugh at the really dumb guys who score in the single digits.
  11. You know that trade would never go down that way.
  12. You'd lose that bet. When Brady was drafted, the Patriots kept 4 QBs on the roster his rookie year rather than risk losing their 6th round pick. Contrast that to the Bills, who let Brown go, didn't sign him to the practice squad & watched as the rest of the league yawned at the mention of Levi Brown, finally calling him when they decided to jettison Trent Edwards. Now, let's look at the Pats 2001 preseason. The concensus in NE was that Brady was the best QB that preseason. He was elevated to second string, something that Levi might be by default rather than accomplishment. A better saying is "A bust is a bust and a never was, never was."
  13. I'm going to watch the NFL this season. It's March! A lockout in March doesn't mean the season is in danger. If October 15th comes along & there's still a lockout with bno progress, then I might be concerned about the season. We may not have football on time, but we will have the NFL this year.
  14. With a depth chart at QB behind Fitzpatrick consisting of Levi Brown, the Bills will be showing interest in any QB who is eligible for the draft.
  15. Fitzpatrick has 1 more year left on his contract. It all depends on who & when the Bills draft a QB & how Fitz does next year. Levi Brown will never be a serious candidate to be a long term starter. He showed little in preseason, got cut & was not even offered a spot on the practice squad of the Bills or any other team, then was brought back as a body to replace Trent Edwards because he was the only guy out there who had spent time learning the offense. Because he's cheap, he could stick around another year, but Levi's long term future is not as an NFL QB.
  16. Levi Brown would be the starter in 2011 & Andrew Luck would be the starter in 2012.
  17. http://marquee.blogs.cnn.com/2011/03/07/warner-bros-fires-charlie-sheen/
  18. He matched it only because he didn't have to pay a dime of the contract. They had the trade with Cleveland worked out so Ralph was never in any danger of having to pay Cousineau. Here's the story from Relentless under the year 1982: April 19- The Houston Oilers presented Tom Cousineau a five year contract offer worth $3.5 million, including a $1 million signing bonus. It would make him the highest-paid player in the NFL. The Bills had three options: They could match the offer and sign him themselves; they could match the offer, then trade him to another team; or not match and get nothing in return for him. April 21- Chuck Knox reiterated that he would love to sign Cousineau, but it was Ralph Wilson's decision, not his. April 24- The Bills matched Houston's offer, then turned around and traded Cousineau to the Browns for a package of draft choices, including the Browns' first-round choice in the upcoming draft.** "I was shocked by Houston's offer", Ralph Wilson said. "It was way out of line. I thought if it was anything reasonable, he would be playing for the Bills." Chuck Knox expressed disappointment that the team had lost Cousineau. **-As we all know, the pick was in the 1983 draft, not the upcoming 1982 draft. a small error in Relentless, but the rest of the story confirms Ralph had no intention of ever paying Cousineau the contract Houston signed him to.
  19. The rest of the story is the stuff we didn't see. We only saw a small piece of what went on in Hollywood & what inflenced the judges' decisions on the top 24. So no matter how good or bad a singer was on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, the judges were picking the wild cards based on a total body of work that we only saw a fraction of. Until there's a way to see everything that has gone on from each contestant from the time they 1st auditioned to the final choices of the top 13, I don't feel we have enough information to criticize the wild card decisions.
  20. He cleared waivers as a 2nd year player-that's how I know what everyone in the league thinks about Brohm. Every GM passed on the guy because their files on the guy indicated he wasn't even good enough to claim off of waivers. If you think that it is totally meaningless that a 2nd round pick was not picked up when placed on waivers one year after he was drafted, you're clueless! Every team tracks players throughout their careers. When a player the team was high on before the draft gets waived by his team, they get their latest reports and make a decision. These include pro scouting reports from exhibition games & any real games the guy has played in. The NFL teams wait for guys they have keyed on to get cut & make an effort to pick the guy up if he becomes available-no team was even willing to take a waiver flyer on the guy in September 2009. For the last time I don't hate Brian Brohm. I only hate hearing the BS excuses that you Brohm fanatics make every time the guy proves me & the NFL professionals right and yourselves wrong. Why is it that every time Brian Brohm has been in a game, preseason or regular season, his team has not been able to reach the endzone in any drive he's played in? If anything it's probably his coaches who hate the guy, because he's totally ineffective as a QB, not fans like me, who just want better players so our team can actually start to be a contender again.
  21. The worst person to claim to have psychic powers is Sylvia Browne. One time a skeptic came on the Larry King show with her & she told him to see a doctor because she saw him having a physical illness. It's one thing to be a fraud, another to be b***h. What is truly amazing is that Larry King & Montel Williams continued to give her air time. Here's her rap sheet via Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylvia_Browne
  22. The league has him all figured out. Even before the Atlanta game I knew the odds were VERY MUCH against him because the professionals just let the guy clear waivers, virtually unheard of for a 2nd year former 2nd round QB. The 2 games he started PLUS all those non touchdown drives should convince anyone but you & the most die hard Brohm fans that the league's best GMs, GB's, Indy's, Balt's etal were right when he cleared waivers. I've heard all the excuses OVER & OVER again. Isn't it about time to see that any time Brohm plays in an NFL game he has no chance to succeed, under any circumstances? If you want to see how an inexperienced player who is suddenly thrust into action unexpectedly should respond, look up Ryan Fitzpatrick's debut in St. Louis as a rookie. After you do, tell me why anyone who ever advocated Brohm starting shouldn't just be ashamed of themselves.
  23. Ever since Vince Young's single digit score was released, the NFL has been very guarded about Wonderlic scores, but some still get out. There is no formal announcement & the draft reports that used to have them included with the rest of the combine data no longer do.
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