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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. The Bills aren't trying to find someone a boyfriend-they're trying to find a QB. His name & hair are irrelevant.
  2. I already factored that in. Unless a scheduled night game gets flexed to Sunday afternoon, the only day that is possible is 9/25, which I've already conceded to the Jets 4:05 game. It's close to par, but it's great because with the exception of 1 game, all the road games, including the Toronto one, will be on home TV.
  3. The Patriots still had something to play for in week 16. It was the Jets in week 17 who had nothing to play for & still beat us like a drum.
  4. This is the way I see the Albany home tv schedule, based on competition with the Jets, Giants & Patriots: 9/11 @Kansas City: Yes! No competition 9/18 Oakland: No, Jets will be televised 9/25 New England: No, Ch 6 has 1 game & they'll take the Jets @4:05 10/2 @ Cincinnati: Yes! No competition 10/9 Philadelphia: No, Giants will be televised 10/16@Giants: Yes! 10/30 Washington (Toronto): Yes! No competition 11/6 Jets: Yes! 11/13 @Dallas: Yes! No competition 11/20 @Miami: Yes! No competition 11/27 @ Jets: Yes! 12/4 Tenessee: No, Jets will be televised 12/11 @ San Diego: Yes! No competition 12/18 Miami: Yes! No competition 12/24 Denver: Maybe, only competition is NE/Mia 1/1 @ New England: No, Jets will be televised It looks like we'll get 10 or 11 games on home TV. Better yet, if you go to the home games like I do, the only sure road game that won't be on home TV is the last game @ NE. Obviously this is subject to change due to any lockout effects & flexing off of night games by the competition.
  5. Talking a player up makes no sense. The only way to accomplish a trade up for a player is to start a rumor that the team 1 pick below you wants the player and they can trade for him with you. If they think you like him, they're going to trade with the team ahead of you, not you, because if you truly like the player, you're not going to trade away the right to draft him. So taking up a player to entice a team to trade for him accomplishes nothing positive for your team, unless there's someone on your board that you're afraid will be drafted a pick above you & by getting another team to trade up for Newton, that player falls to you. .
  6. There's going to be a season. At worst it will start a little late. There's still a chance the mediator will order one to start on time. This talk of no season is absurd. The NFL isn't hockey.
  7. What's wrong with that? The Bills had already determined that Trent Green wasn't the future, otherwise they would have signed him.
  8. When I started reading this, I thought you were serious. Then I looked over saw it was your "first" post & knew this was a joke. You put just enough good info in there to throw some off the track, but the false parody of those of us who don't want to win meaningless games AFTER the season is down the drain is evident.
  9. Great analysis! The only thing I can disagree on is that 2 #1 picks helps to get Luck. Unless Luck totally collapses this year, no team with the #1 pick would trade his rights away. The only way to get Luck is to have the #1 pick when the 2011 season ends.
  10. In recent times, most Presidents are in over their heads when they get in. The only Presidents who weren't were the last two who served as VPs-GHW Bush & Nixon. People hate the guy, but Nixon was one of the most qualified Presidents going into office. Once one gets into the oval office, their whole perspective changes. They are given information that as a candidate, they never could have dreamed of. Anyone who votes for a President without the realization that he cannot change things as much as he's saying he will is being very naive.
  11. You're so far off base here, you're not even in the stadium. Trump is acting like a fool because he thinks he's smarter than anyone else & believes the Republican primary voters are dumb-so he's taking on an issue that too many of them falsely believe in. First to address your 1st statement. The story is a non story because his step grandmother was interviewed through a translator and later in the interview KEPT TELLING THE INTERVIEWER THAT THE INTERPRETER GOT IT WRONG AND HE WAS BORN IN HAWAII. She repeated this multiple times, but Trump prefers to use the "edited version" of the interview rather than the entire interview-a common practice among dishonest politicians. http://blackhistory.com/cgi-bin/blog.cgi?blog_id=200413&cid=10 I don't know how old you are, but in most cases, you can't get an original copy of your birth certificate if it was long ago. I, like Trump, was born in NYC. When I was a teenager, my parents gave me a copy that looks just like the one Trump produced of his own with signatures etc. However, back in the 1950s they didn't have official stamps on the birth certificates & last year I was worried whether it was good enough for official things. So I sent away to NYC to get one that I thought would be more official looking & guess what- they sent me one that looks nothing like the original. it looks a lot like the one that Obama has produced. The birthers don't understand the fact that there are so many people born, that the original documents just aren't available, they have long ago transferred files to computers & will only give you what Obama has produced. Trump is being totally ignorant-not everyone has a copy of their original birth certificate. The more broken up your family is and the more they move, the less likely your parents will give you a copy. Good for Donald he came from a complete family-many Americans can't say the same thing & never were given their birth certificate. Trump outright lies about there being no serial # on the birth certificate Obama has produced, it is just redacted in the version presented. Finally, the birthers ignore the fact that Obama's Hawaiian birth was reported in a local paper based on hospital records. Since Obama would be a citizen even if he was born outside the USA, the only possible reason why anyone would falsely put a birth announcement, with the hospital's consent, in the newspaper is that the week of his birth, they decided he would need to falsify his birth place to be eligible for the presidency. This is ridiculous thinking & has to be in the tinfoil hat category. Trump is a snakeoil salesman with this birther stuff & to even give his talk any credibility mean you're at least considering buying some snake oil-WAKE UP!
  12. Andy Rooney is 92 and still has all his marbles http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Andy-Rooney-at-92-Why-would-I-retire-1329726.php
  13. They should have never used the save on Casey, it was needed tonight.
  14. I can't see the Bills gambling on either Newton or Gabbert. They just have too many question marks to draft at #3. It looks like defense with a slight possibility of o-line if they trade down. If they draft a QB at #3, they're nuts.
  15. Ralph is fine, he can afford to have a doctor in his house like the old man in Being There. You can't compare a multi-millionaire of the same age with an average guy.
  16. I'm too old not to, but I always take some tp & wipe the seat just to make sure it's clean. Obvious the guy who got glued to the seat didn't look at it before he sat down.
  17. If the draft is illegal then so is any employer telling an employee where he has to work within that company. The NFL teams are franchisees within what is technically the same corporation-the NFL. They compete on the field, not economically against each other. If the draft is illegal, then so is revenue sharing. These players, by choosing to play in the NFL, agree to abide by the choices of their employers. If they choose not to join their drafting team they have several options-sign with the CFL, UFL etc or stay away from football for a year and get redrafted. They also have the option of getting a real job if they don't want to work for the NFL. If the draft was illegal, why did the courts rule that Maurice Clarett must be permitted to enter the draft as one did several years ago? How can a judge make the league engage in an illegal activity, as he did by forcing Clarett into the draft?
  18. The good news is he thinks Levi Brown can still be a good player. The bad news is he is talking about Arizona's Levi Brown.
  19. The auto accident was before his senior year. Are you referring to another injury?
  20. Ever since you posted this when Scotty sings all I can do is think of his resemblence to Alfred E. Newman and laugh at him.
  21. He's going to claim that he's innocent because the music was too loud to hear anything the officer was saying.
  22. The answer is yes, because you can trade the lesser of the 2 QBs. It worked for Jimmy Johnson when he selected Troy Aikman & Steve Walsh in the same year and decided to keep Aikman & traded Walsh to NO. The problem is if the lesser is a bust & they keep him too long, then his trade value goes way down. Now if the bust is Gabbert-they better draft Luck.
  23. Sounds like the owner of the house doesn't want them there & figured out a way to get them out.
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