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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. TO & Chad old, going, going, gone. Yes, they needed a receiver.
  2. This draft will haunt us for years-because there will be so many 1st round QB busts that the Negative Nancys will warn us against ever drafting a QB using this year as evidence of the danger of 1st round QBs. This year's draft will be a textbook example of QB reaches. It is not the norm to have this many reaches just because teams have voids at QB. None of these 4 guys should have been 1st round picks. If any more get drafted we could see an 0 for 5 or 0 for 6 QB hit in the 2011 draft. I'm glad all these potential 2nd round Bills mistakes are off the board.
  3. Trent Edwards was better than Jamarcus Russell the year Russell went #1. Did it really matter?
  4. We draft the 5th best player at #3. A couple of years ago we drafted the real "Mr. Irrelevant" with the 11th pick in the draft.
  5. I thought they reached it earlier today when they had reports from the 1st 5 draft cities-Except Buffalo. Now they have Dr. Phil talking about the effects of a kid receiving a multi-million $ contract.
  6. I got up around 8 this morning & put WGR on -they had Hamilton talking hockey-off it went. Then Schopp gets on the air today & says he hasn't talked much about the draft until today. Today is the 1st time I put WGR on in months. Since I don't give a rat's @ss about hockey, it looks like I would have wasted my time if I had tuned in before today. I was listening to Sirius earlier today & wanted more of a local flavor to the draft & switched at 3, only to get hockey talk in the middle of the program. Right now I've got WGR on the computer & ESPN on the tv in the same room. I'll be listening to Sirius tomorrow until 3 & then hope for the best when I turn on WGR.
  7. We also traded for the guy picked #2 in the same draft & paid him big $. I wish all these Ralph is cheap posts cloaked in other words would just stop. If you want to post a Ralph is cheap post & list all the cheap things he's done, fine just do it. Here, I'll get it started-The only NFL owner in the modern era to lose the #1 pick in the draft to the CFL-Ralph is cheap!
  8. I imagine he's said the same thing about his son Chris. Nothing wrong with smokin a little weed while driving, or playing QB.
  9. Two of the Bils best trade ups were O-line. Wolford & Levitre
  10. Trading up back into the 1st round for an OT is OK, but if they trade up for Ponder, Mallett, or Kaepernick, Buddy should be fired.
  11. Here's my reply to Hplarrm: There was ample evidence that Rob Johnson had a fatal flaw in his game-he held on to the ball too long. That evidence was available BEFORE the Bills traded for him. While I was eventually swayed by the company line, my 1st impression of RJ was it was a bad deal. All I had to do was look at his pro stats & college scouting reports to post my 1st reaction to the proposed trade. I put up a post titled "Rob Johnson-The Sacked Man" The sack to pass ratio he had was too glaring to ignore. He was not "injury prone" per se, he held on to the ball too long & got sacked too much. Anyone, no matter how durable cannot survive in the NFL playing QB the way he did without getting injured sooner or later. The Bills scouts blew it by ignoring his fatal flaw & while paying a market value, the market value was too high for a prudent team. Unfortunately, looking at all the squandered 1st rounders since the glory days, it is quite evident the Bills do not rank among the smarter scouting departments and front offices in the NFL. If a rank amateur like me could spot the flaw in Johnson's game before the trade, the Bills management was beyond incompetent to trade a 1 & 4 for Johnson. It wasn't bad luck, it was lack of due diligence. I have a lot less criticism for the Bledsoe trade because he had had success with NE before the trade and it was done to give Gregg Williams a fighting chance to make it as a head coach in the league.
  12. I predict the Bills will get the right guy at QB when they have a draft where the right guy is available where they're picking. Personally, I don't think there is a right guy available in this year's draft. It has happened before, when no QB in the entire draft was worth anything yet teams still reached based on the logic that they had to draft a QB. It's the same logic that had (some) people screaming for Clausen at #9 last year, when Bradford was the only 1st round QB out there (sorry Tebow/Denver reaching for him fans). Most times a team reaches out of desperation, it ends badly. If you think we'll find gold at QB in the 2nd round, we've never found QB gold in the 2nd round of the NFL draft. These are the fab 4 we've taken in the 2nd, and these guys were taken when there were fewer teams and 2nd rounders were closer to the top than today: Todd Collins, Matt Kofler, Gene Bradley, Dennis Shaw.
  13. The worst part is when Leodis got home, Chan Gailey was spray painting obscene messages on his lawn.
  14. For the Bills to trade back into the 1st round to get a 2nd tier QB is as absurd as when we did that to draft Losman, with Matt Schaub just sitting there when we would have picked 2nd. Don't trade back into round 1 to get a project-we did that in 2004, don't do it again. It's better to see who is available when we draft in the 2nd round and not pull another Losman (or McCargo). Here's another reason to avoid a 1st round QB-Are you willing to tell Fitzpatrick that 2011 is his last season in Buffalo? That's what selecting a QB at #3 or trading back into the 1st round does. There's no way you're paying 1st round money & then re-signing Fitz unless he's willing to play & get paid as the backup.
  15. Fina had just finished his rookie year & was drafted #1 to start, not sit on the bench. They didn't plan on him being average. As far as your statement on Fina & free agency-you're wrong-you have revised history. When Fina's 1st contract ended, the Bills had to put the franchise tag on him for fear of losing him-the Jets are at least 1 team that wanted him. He ended up playing 10 seasons for the Bills, then when he was released after 10 seasons, hardly a disgrace, he signed with Arizona. If he "didn't get a sniff" how did he end up with Arizona?
  16. Kiper had Maybin rated as the 11th best player in the draft & the 2nd rated DE behind Orakpo, who he had rated as #6 overall. In the mock draft in his 2009 book, he had Maybin going #10 to SF-If only he had been right on that, we'd have been saved from drafting the biggest bust in Bills history.
  17. It also means an end to posting every internet site's lastest mock draft-you know those guesses by "experts" that are NEVER right. Also, all the latest internet rumors about what the Bills are thinking, most of which any Bills fan should realize are ridiculous, will end. We need more inside information from the Nevergiveups and less from the Sopranos.
  18. Luck has stated he stayed to get his degree and he will graduate academically next year-That's why everyone thinks he will eschew his last year of eligibility-he's practically declared for next year's draft. Also, there (hopefully) won't be a labor dispute to cloud his rookie season next year.
  19. Sam Bradford & Matt Ryan were light years ahead of either Newton or Gabbert as prospects. Both started from day 1. There's a big difference between taking a likely success at pick 3 & acting like a drunk sailor at a casino with pick 3. Selecting Newton, is like a guy throwing a dart with a blindfold & hoping to get a bullseye. He has so many red flags it's not even funny. Here's the top 2: 1 year wonder-which Buddy Nix disavowed when he was named GM. Character issues which got him out of Florida for theft & cheating. While Gabbert is a safer pick, he has no business being a top 10 pick, let alone a top 3 pick. In 1987 Trent Edwards was a better pick than Jamarcus Russell. It didn't do the Bills much good that they got a better QB in the 3rd round than Al Davis got with the top pick. One is out of the league and the other isn't far behind. Why would the Bills take a QB at 3 when they can get just as good a prospect in the 2nd or 3rd round? The risk is too high on any of them to take in the 1st round, especially with the 3rd pick.
  20. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. In case you need an interpretation, that means if you're going to criticize someone about their inability to write to your satisfaction, you better write it in perfect English, which you haven't done.
  21. If they could all get to hit a QB dummy that was standing still, Aaron Maybin would be a star. I wonder how he did on that drill & did it convince Jauron to draft him instead of looking at him chasing moving players.
  22. If you take the Bills now & there's no game, do you win because the Bills didn't lose by 7 or more?
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