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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. How can Dallas expect to beat Miami with Jim Carrey as their head coach? http://www.google.com/search?q=rick+carlisle+jim+carrey&hl=en&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS394US394&prmd=ivnso&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=M4PnTdThNKri0QH2qLnnCg&ved=0CCEQsAQ&biw=1375&bih=672
  2. Extend Fitzpatrick & trade up for a QB??????? Flutie-Johnson all over again at best, Bledsoe-Losman at worst. You can extend Fitzpatrick & draft a project, or you can let Fitzpatrick go, go for the franchise QB and sign a veteran to be the backup/ half season starter, but you can't have 2 new contracts with 2 QBs being paid starting $, it doesn't work. It's too bad there was no QB worth it for the Bills to take this year, because the plan works with the veteran on his last contract year, not his 1st.
  3. Add Ronald Reagan & Bill Clinton to the list of alleged rapists: http://www.slate.com/id/1000336/ In Kitty Kelley's 1991 book Nancy Reagan: The Unauthorized Biography, actress Selene Walters claims that Ronald Reagan forced her to have sex with him in the early '50s. According to the book, Reagan, then president of the Screen Actors Guild, met Walters in a Hollywood nightclub. He asked for her address, and she gave it to him. Later at 3 a.m., he arrived unexpectedly at Walters' door and forced himself on her, Kelley alleges. The press ridiculed this and other passages from Nancy Reagan : the night the Reagans smoked pot with Jack Benny and George Burns; Kelley's implication that Frank Sinatra boffed Nancy Reagan. But Kelley's sourcing of the alleged Reagan rape is not much worse than the sourcing of the alleged Clinton rape. What's more, People magazine got Walters to repeat the story almost verbatim. Walters denied one key element of Kelley's version to People--that Reagan forced his way into her apartment--but reaffirmed the rest. It sounds remarkably like Juanita Broaddrick's story: "I opened the door," Walters told the magazine. "Then it was the battle of the couch. I was fighting him. I didn't want him to make love to me. He's a very big man, and he just had his way. Date rape? No, God, no, that's [Kelley's] phrase. I didn't have a chance to have a date with him." Walters--like Broaddrick--did not file charges. And Kelley maintains that Walters shared contemporaneous accounts of the encounter with friends.
  4. The archery coach at her high school wants to know when she'll be available.
  5. Baseball has always been marketed as more family friendly than football. You can get away with a lot more at a football game than a baseball game.
  6. Are you serious? When used in that context it's always been known to be a shortened version of "Red Sox suck Jauron"
  7. May be a good sign the lockout is near an end: June 16th limited to 6 tickets. June 18th (accounts with 2 or more seats) no limit on the # of tickets.
  8. He had a choice. A smart fan would have just turned the shirt inside out. Any fan who goes into a stadium wearing something like that should realize there's a good possibility that at some point security will want him to remove it. If he really doesn't understand that the team is trying to create a family atmosphere & he's basically doing the same thing as a fan cursing out loud, then he's pretty stupid. Now if he was wearing a shirt saying "Mets suck" at Citifield, the team owner would have probably brought him into the owners box and congratulated him on his insight.
  9. Sour grapes-The Bills cut him as a rookie before camp even opened. So if he was cut before camp by a minor league team, what kind of player does that make Mr Elizabeth Filarski.
  10. If there's a God then God please smote the clown who predicted the world would end at the exact time that he predicted the world would end. That will stop future clowns from predicting when the world will end. It's time that predicting the world will end has consequences for these morons. Or better yet-if this guy is a true believer, then he should put his money where his mouth is. He's rich-let him bet the world will really end. Put all his money in an account where people can bet against him. Say he has a million dollars there. I can buy a bet up to $1,000 that the world won't end. On Sunday $1,000 of his money is transferred to my account. All the winners bankrupt this nut. If the world ends then he doesn't need the money anyway. I guess his answer would be gambling is immoral
  11. A free agent who is expecting a big bonus & will pay it off when free agency goes into effect. So, say the strike ends in October. If the guy gets a $3 million bonus & ends up giving over $1 million in taxes to the government, the $40,000 in interest he's paying is chickenfeed to him. Meanwhile, he gets to keep up his million $ house & his lifestyle without interruption. The shorter the strike, the less interest he pays. Not as dumb as people think when you're talking about a guy who makes $3-5 million a year. Let's put it in perspective. Say the guy gets $3.5 million this year. He ends up paying $40,000 in interest for 5 months. Now say you know someone who makes $70,000 a year-not a bad salary. That's 2% of what the player is making. If he pays the same % of his base salary in interest on a loan as this player, he's paying $800 in interest over a 5 month period. Does paying $800 in interest for the next 5 months for someone with a $70,000 salary sound outrageous? If you take out a 5 year loan on a car for $20,000, 5 months into the loan you end up paying $400 in interest. Add a few credit cards into the mix & one can easily reach $800 in interest in 5 months on a $70,000 salary. That $500,000 loan might be a really smart move, especially if it prevents a foreclosure or a car repossession.
  12. The "light came on". He did what all the JP, Trent and other failed Bills pick lovers hoped would happen to their favorite bust. Who knows, maybe this is JP or Trent's year. We should sign them both-one might hit 54 home runs. Legal or illegal, the guy is doing something different than what he did his 1st 28 years.
  13. Thurman had a lot better case to vent his anger over teams not drafting him than Dareus does. If he feels that way fine, but only having 2 teams to be PO'd at isn't much of a story. He should think about those other 29 teams that didn't trade up to get him & be mad at the entire league.
  14. I think the lady claiming to be a 48 year season ticket holder, who called up saying the players make too much money was actually Mrs. Wilson planted there saying what Ralph really thinks.
  15. Cable Guy. One of the few movies I've ever turned off in the middle. However, just when I had given up on Jim Carrey, he starred in The Majestic and totally redeemed himself.
  16. I think you're doing a little revising yourself: Pat Williams desperately wanted to re-sign with the Bills. Unfortunately, Bills management didn't feel at 32 going on 33, he had enough left in him to give him a long term, big $ contract. Although that wasn't being cheap, it was looking at a heavy guy getting old & misjudging how much longer he could play at a high level. The Bills did not suck when Kelly was drafted prior to the 2003 season. In fact, before Joe Ferguson hit the wall, they started the season 5-2. The main reasons Kelly signed with the USFL were because he got more money, he could choose where to play & he would be able to start from day 1, something the Bills weren't going to let him do because Joe Ferguson was still entrenched as the starter. There are a lot of revisionist stories, but the fact that Kelly was at 1 Bills Drive, seriously negotiating the Bills rookie contract when the secretary came in & Kelly took the USFL call telling him not to sign anything, shows that Kelly was a lot closer to signing in 2003 than the revisionists care to remember. The Bills never signed Tom Cousineau with the expectation of paying him that contract. They had already worked out a deal with Cleveland to trade him & only signed him because the deal was already worked out. The Bills never wanted Cousineau at the price Houston was willing to pay, but at the same time, they couldn't let him go for nothing. The Cleveland deal worked out well for the Bills, but please don't revise it to look like the Bills were willing to make him the highest paid defensive player in the NFL. Just keeping it real.
  17. My grandnieces told me I had to go to an In-n-out burger place when I was in California. We went & I didn't think it was any better than any other burger place.
  18. You're way off base here. The bashing is solely because of the decade of losing. Go back to the early 90s, nobody was denigrating the team. You lose for a decade and you're going to get bashed-you win for a decade, like small market Indianapolis & nobody is on your case.
  19. It depends on who the top prospect is in the draft. While your statement is valid most of the time, and it's been a while since a team had to have #1, here are some years this wasn't true. In all probability, you can add whatever year Luck comes out to this list: 1999 Peyton Manning 1989 Troy Aikman 1985 Bruce Smith 1983 John Elway 1970 Terry Bradshaw 1969 O.J. Simpson What this shows is most of the time, it doesn't matter if you're the worst team in football or just nearly the worst. But every so often it does matter. All 4 of those QBs led their team to Super Bowl victories and with the exception of Manning, multiple victories.
  20. Is there a reason teams keep the old guys in place until after the draft & delay the new guys input by a year? Is it the dates the contracts end? Is it they're fearful of their in season scouting of college & pro players secrets coming out? What's the reason Modrak worked this draft & not the new guy?
  21. If the team is 2-13, Fitz isn't going to be back in 2012. I'd want the best available replacement. Since the game is in NE, I'll be watching it at some bar, not from the stands. I won't cheer but I won't be upset. Can you imagine how much happier Belichick, assuming his playoff position is clinched, would be if it came down to the 2-13 scenario & he "rested" all his players to keep Luck out of his division? Maybe you need to think of that before rooting for a win in the last game of the season when a win does nothing except keep a franchise QB off the team? Once again, it is only this scenario this late in the season, if the season, Fitzpatrick, and the team have been horrible all year. Why win one then? Winning against the Patriots C team will not help the team in any way if they go in with 2 or 3 wins. The only way the game means anything is if the Bills have a shot at the playoffs.
  22. I'm not sending any message. I'm not on the team. As far as I know, neither are you. If you think you are or you think that what you want the team to do has anything to do with what happens on the field, you're being delusional. You seem to have missed the point of my string of replies. I started with a reply to the poster who said it's better to win 4 games than 3 even if it costs you a shot at a once in a generation QB. I wasn't talking about the team, I was referring to my preference that if you're bad enough to have 3 wins in December, I, as a fan am going to root for the team to lose. It's has nothing to do with what Nix, Gailey, or the players are doing-It's my preference as a fan who is sick & tired of losing football to prefer 3 wins over 4 in a bad season-IF the season has regressed to that level. As a ticket buying fan, I have the choice to determine how I want to root when I'm in the stadium. If the team has 3 wins and a totally meaningless 4th win costs the team its maximum chance at improvement, I've made my choice of maximum improvement. It still has ZERO effect on what the team does on the field. I realize that & every other fan should be able to realize the difference between what they root for & what the team is doing. It's the same way with those who go crazy when the Bills draft a different guy than who they want. You can root for a result in the draft or on the field, but your desire has no effect on the outcome of who they draft, sign as a free agent or perform on the field. PS: When a team has 3 wins in December, they do not have a chance at the playoffs & are not going to the Super Bowl.
  23. You're blurring the difference between participants and fans. Participants are expected to play to win. The fans have the right to root for whatever they feel will benefit the team in the long run without the constraints the players and coaches have and without short sighted fans calling them losers. If Mrs Graham Harrell wants to call me a loser, so be it.
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