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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Big ticket for the home opener-it won't fit in my wallet.
  2. When Bell is in there we don't have a legitimate LT. If the Bills want to get serious on offense, which it appears they won't do this year, they'll get 2 new starting OTs before next season.
  3. Since he's been with the Jets the past 2 seasons, I doubt they signed him to get more knowledge of the Patriots. Who knows, he spent a week or 2 with the Lions 2 years ago, maybe the Dolphins want to know more about Detroit.
  4. After the Bills/Dolphins game on December 18th, I'm flying to SF & I'm going to the MNF game Pittsburgh @ SF on December 19th.
  5. With our Luck, we'd do the trade & end up with the worst record & Cincy would get our pick, which would be Luck, & Evans. Besides, nobody trades out of the #1 pick with a Luck type player available unless it's after the player is drafted & he refuses to go to the team. Do you really think Luck will view the Bills as a viable option if he wants out of Cincinnati? Get Real.
  6. With Fitzpatrick, Thigpen & Smith as the 3 QBs, Levi Brown is just camp fodder, so it doesn't matter how bad he looks because he won't be here on 9/11.
  7. This is a good news & bad news scenario The good news: Merriman looks good The bad news: The O-line & TEs can't block.
  8. UFA Unwanted Free Agent. He should just get on with his life and be grateful he got to do something that most of us can only dream of ever doing. He didn't have the ability to hold on to an NFL job, but nobody can ever take away the 2 games he got to start and the 3 years he was able to put on the uniform & cash an NFL paycheck. He can hold his head up high because he'll always be "Former NFL QB Brian Brohm". He can go far if he uses that correctly.
  9. Here's the title of the thread I started when I first heard about the Rob Johnson trade. Unfortunately I got a message from my computer blocking me from actually opening the post because it said it was unsafe to open the message. Rob Johnson -The Sacked Man - Albany,n.y. Feb 12th at 8:29 am Re: Rob Johnson -The Sacked Man - DaMan Feb 12th at 9:31 am
  10. This is true-there were plenty of Brohm guys a lot more over the top on Brohm than Alphadawg. The worst were the guys who just couldn't accept the fact that he was not starting and that 3 coaching staffs (including GB) might have known more about the players they see in practice every day than any of us. They wanted Brohm to succeed more because they wanted to draft him out of college, than they wanted the Bills to start the best QB available. Alphadawg was not among that group.
  11. So I take it you're not going to be one of the people greeting Tyler Thigpen as he makes his way from the airport to the Ralph.
  12. By NEXT year?????? Does the writer actually think he'll make another team after the Bills cut him & last the season?
  13. I'm waiting until I know who the players will be. If Buddy can sign some decent free agents, my outlook will be a lot different than starting the season with no RT, TE, backup QB and even Bell at LT.
  14. Find me any other entry level job where they throw millions of dollars at new people just out of college other than professional sports. An NFL rookie is an entry level job. All other professions make you prove yourself before they give you CEO pay.
  15. When I saw the news clip of her release, I thought this: What kind of miserable lives do these people have to go out at midnight, make up signs,& scream at someone who has just been released after 3 years in jail. Don't they have anything better to do? Do any of them go around to all the other places where people are released after being aquitted or released from jail after serving their sentence. Or... Do they just want to get on TV and do they really care about 1 little dead girl; and where are they for the rest of the abused and/or dead children? Are they Nancy Grace's version of dittoheads? I think they're all mentally ill.
  16. http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/2011-07-15-jennifer-lopez-mark-anthony-divorce_n.htm
  17. I have to disagree. Three years on the team, no matter how great the three years were, does not have the longevity to deserve a spot on the wall. His 3rd season was one of turmoil. Sure, they won the AFL Championship in his final year, but they also won it the next year without him. I could make a better case for Joe Cribbs, who also played 3 full seasons(minus a 1 game holdout) and parts of 2 others, including a strike shortened 1982, with the Bills and outrushed Cookie 4,445 yards to 3,065, caught 102 more passes and had 908 more receiving yards and scored 1 more TD than Cookie.
  18. How about hiring professionals as prosecutors? Competent prosecutors would have known better than to charge murder 1 with the possibility of the death penalty in a case where they had no clue how the child died. Who knows what happened? One thing is for sure, the prosecutors would have had a much better chance of convicting her of being negligent in the child's death if they didn't shoot for the moon & try to kill her because of media pressure.
  19. It's a good thing for her that she wasn't tried in Italy, where they convict American girls of murder for having sex.
  20. My two favorite knocks on players that combined humor with the statement that the guy was bad: In the NY Post NFL selections when Jim McMahon was finishing his career with San Diego: "Jim McMahon is so washed up, he never has to bathe again." From an NBA writer describing the play of the 76ers #1 pick, Dana Lewis in the 1970s: "The 76ers need a center in the worst way, and Dana Lewis is a center in the worst way."
  21. Does anyone know if one can go to the Buffalo airport before the game, check their bags & then come back after the game & just have to go through security? My nephew from California recommended I do this when I go for a visit right after a Bills game. I've never tried this at any airport but he said it's possible. It might be in California but what about Buffalo International?
  22. Since the highest individual & corporate tax rates are under 40%, explain to me how giving to charity reduces ones cash outflow. No matter how much he gives, he isn't able to recoup over 60% of that. Now giving enough may bring his taxes down a little, but the money is still going out in a higher negative amount. A real cheapskate wouldn't give a dime to charity.
  23. Flutie:Futile or Doug Flutie U Dog Futile
  24. I'm surprised that Wacka, instead of Whacka, posted this.
  25. Greg Cook was destined for greatness as the Cincinnati Bengals QB before his career was derailed by injury. http://www.profootballweekly.com/2009/09/25/forgotten-greg-cook-and-the-69-bengals
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