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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. 7-9 looks about the best to me. The optimistic me can agree with you on all but the sweep of the Jets. Give the Jets those 2 games & we're 7-9. The pessimistic me can see wins only against the Raiders (too much for them traveling W to E, over the years stats pretty good for the home team vs far west teams); Bengals-we always beat the Bengals & this year they're odds on to be the worst team in the NFL; Dolphins at least once because they're as bad as we are; Titans-assuming Hasselbeck is done & we play Locker at home; Broncos-home field and the possibility of Tebow finishing out the string. Worse for pessimistic me-we still suck royally but with 5 wins have no shot at Luck.
  2. So what if the Jets signed him? He'll never make it to September 11th. They might keep him to the final cut, but he'll be long gone from the Jets by opening day.
  3. I've revised your post to the 2007 version. The more things change, the more they stay the same. So far, there is no evidence that Nix and Gailey are succeeding any better than Levy/Jauron or Donahoe/Williams, Mularkey. Until I see more than 7 wins out of this duo, I'll remain a skeptic. The 1st season we got 4 wins, this year .500 is still a pipe dream.
  4. That's not true. I'm retired, no job & I still pay taxes. So, the next time you call someone a moron because "by definition" you assume something, think before you type.
  5. Just think, a year ago some people were serious about cutting Fitzpatrick.
  6. This is about as dumb as the start Brohm posts from 2010. Levi Brown has no chance of making the team unless someone gets a season ending injury.
  7. They had to sign an experienced backup-Who else were they supposed to sign to back up Fitzpatrick? It's much better to sign a guy as a backup who knows your system than bring in some guy who doesn't with this season's lack of mini camps. How is the backup QB, the last guy as a coach you want to see in regular season games, going to help the team turn things around? If Peyton Manning declared "I want to play in Buffalo" and the Bills chose to keep Fitzpatrick as the starter and signed Thigpen instead of Manning, that would be a big mistake. Signing the best backup available who knows your system, even if it's short term, isn't anywhere near a big mistake. There were pretty slim pickings for the Bills to choose when it came time to get an experienced backup. No need for an internet search-I'm old enough to remember that stuff.
  8. There are a lot more things that do matter in preseason than you think. What does matter is starters on starters early in the game & guys battling for the last 5 roster spots showing more than their competition. If you really believe the whole game is meaningless, go back to when the O was struggling in preseason a couple of years ago and DIDN'T turn it around once the season started. Go back to 1987 when JP's regression was evident in preseason and carried on the rest of his career. Go back to the (numerous) years when we could tell the O-line was horrible in preseason. Coaches have lost their jobs in preseason-remember the Bills, Bucs and Chiefs (Chan) all firing coordinators in preseason. About the only thing that doesn't matter is the score-because any team can leave a higher level of player in the game longer and if your backup QB is starting caliber, you have a great chance of winning-regardless of your regular season talent level. PS: How is signing an experienced backup QB familiar with the offensive philosophy a big mistake?
  9. I'm not sure what you consider as delusional, an optimist, a realist or a pessimist. If you're knocking people who flame statements made by the delusional, then I disagree. On the other hand, if you're flaming the ones who have made statements in my pessimist category, then right on! Here are my definitions based on what I see. Delusional: This team will make the playoffs. Maybin will not only make the team but be in the Pro Bowl Gailey will be Coach of the Year. Extend Bell, and Pears NOW, best O-line in the league. Optimist: Merriman will stay healthy & the D will be greatly improved This team can stay in the playoff hunt until December Some of the questionable players will emerge, big time. Realist: We can grow as a team, improve our win total and settle some positions. Merriman will be a force if he can stay healthy. Fitzpatrick may be able to earn a starter's extension. Darius can be Rookie of the Year. Pessimist: We're almost the worst team in the league & will go 2-14, but Miami will go 1-15 and Andrew Luck will haunt us for the next decade and a half as a Dolphin, while we never make the playoffs again & move to LA. Merriman will end up on IR before mid-season. All the draft choices will be busts Gailey will get fired Because of the bad O-line, all the QBs will go down by week 6 and Brian Brohm will be called back to start.
  10. Smith will play more than Thigpen, but won't start ahead of him if Fitz gets hurt. There's no chance Brown makes it over Thigpen. They want a backup who has started in the NFL & only Thigpen has starting experience among the backups. It doesn't matter how bad Thigpen looks with the scrubs, Gailey brought him in because he knows what he can do with 1st stringers.
  11. Camp fodder-When the Bills signed both Thigpen & Smith, any chance he had at making the team went away.
  12. Baltimore got 4 seasons out of McGahee, that's one more than the Bills got out of their 1st round pick who spent his rookie year rehabing his knee. They don't have to make Evans great, they just have to have him take some heat off Boldin.
  13. Atually, in the 1st preseason game, the only thing that matters is the 1st quarter, when the starters are playing. Miami's starters are worse than the Bills' starters.
  14. Atlanta is ripping apart their D & their O is looking bad too. Henne recently threw a pick, it's 17-0 with the 1st stringers in there. Well, there's 2 division wins you can pencil in this season. The funny part of this game is that Matt Ryan, the guy they passed on so they could take the LT Long #1 & get their "QB of the future" Henne in the 2nd, is schooling them.
  15. I was disappointed with last year's deal-the 1st game was blacked out because it was on NFL network & I had to go to a bar & watch it & the Detroit game got interrupted with a Red Wings hockey game. However, for 1/2 price, I couldn't resist & I hope things go smoother this year.
  16. I believe the real reason the Bills traded Evans was because they have 4 WRs from the class of 2010 that they don't want to cut. While their future is yet to be determined, one of them might just be an important player when the team gets good. By the time the team is good, they realize Evans' contract will be up & they had no intention of giving him another big $ contract. So, to play it safe, it's better to keep Easley, Jones, Nelson & Roosevelt on the roster. With Johnson & Parish that's 6 receivers. Since they don't want 7 receivers on the roster,the oldest guy, Evans, was the odd man out. It's more a classic example of a team knowing they're not winning this year & are investing time, including added playing time, into the future at the WR position.
  17. I voted worst in the league. At LT we have a 7th rounder who hasn't proven he can play LT in the league yet and could be injury prone & on the right side we're almost guaranteed to start a guy who within the last 2 years was waived out of the league prior to being picked up by the Bills.
  18. I'm just not sold on all this Chan Gailey talk that he's a good coach. To me, he still hasn't proven he's an upgrade from Perry Fewell. All the people who think he improved Fitzpatrick really need to watch the games Fitzpatrick played in 2009 and then reevaluate if Fitzpatrick is any better under Gailey than he was under Fewell. The stats may look a little better, but visually, he's the same guy. I'll tell you one thing-Fewell would have never gone into 2010 with Edwards ahead of Fitzpatrick on the depth chart. Any coach who takes over a team and goes negative 2 games with them has to be considered a question mark until he gets them better than when he got here. He didn't last year & I doubt he'll get over 6 wins this year either.
  19. 3 questions: 1)Will you be at the opening day TBD party? 2)Are you accepting bets on under? 3)What's the maximum bet you'll accept and can we get an escrow account? With Bell, Pears & the rest of the OTs there's no way this team wins 10,9 or 8. There's no fun, but there a thin line between optimist and delusional when it comes to this team with this roster and this schedule.
  20. Interesting, they are trying to re-steal the Raiders or Rams, or get the Chargers back and LA already stole the Lakers from Minneapolis years ago.
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