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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. At this time last year, it was also 0-0, soon to be 4-12. In August 1984 & 1985 the official record was 0-0 & soon to be 2-14. Even the 0-16 Lions were 0-0 in August. Just because we haven't played a real game yet doesn't mean an offensive line will jell out of nowhere.
  2. The Chicken Littles who have watched the past decade of preseason disasters have been right in their fears that they will carry over to the regular season. Why wouldn't they be out in full force. I'd be more concerned with the people who watched last night and concluded it's only preseason and we're going to make the playoffs.
  3. If the Bills were serious about trading for Tebow, they wouldn't have let go of Maybin, the only guy on the team worth a one for one trade for Tebow
  4. From Bills postgame show, Gailey PC. Everthing was just precautionary & he wasn't seriously injured. They said the same thing earlier on the Denver TV broadcast that was the NFL preseason feed.
  5. 2011 Offensive Linemen, we don't need no stinkin' Offensive Linemen.
  6. They just need to play together and jell. In the UFL.
  7. Sorry to break your rules, but how can you top Hank Bulloughs many malapropisms from 1985-6? 1985: "We keep beating ourselves, but we are getting better at it."
  8. Maybe is only telling the Jets a page a day from the Bills playbook. He's hoping to stick around at least through November 27th using this delaying tactic.
  9. This makes absolutely no sense! Fitzpatrick was the starter on the depth chart for over 90% of the games Brohm was here for. Brohm was here 23 regular season games. When Brohm arrived, Fitzpatrick was #1 on the depth chart and during those 23 games, Fitzpatrick was #1 for 21 of those games. Due to injuries, Fitzpatrick missed the 2 games and Brohm started. Edwards started 2 games in 2010 and was waived after game 3. That means that for the 23 games, Fitzpatrick was #1 91% of the time and Edwards was #1 for 9% of the time. Edwards wasn't even on the team for 14 of those games (61%), and was active for only 3 of the 23 games (13%) that Brohm was here for. So how did Trent sucking have anything to do with you wanting to see Brohm get a shot over Fitzpatrick, who was the starter during the majority of Brohm's tenure here? Since you don't even know who the Bills starter was & why you were supporting playing time for another guy, what credibility can you possibly have when it comes to your desire to bring in Dixon? Why don't you just admit that you don't want Fitzpatrick starting and that your desire to replace him has nothing to do with Trent Edwards?
  10. I'm not sure, but it was definitely after the 1982 season & before the 1986 season. I didn't get to any home games in 1983 or 1984. The 1985 program doesn't mention a song. The 1986 program has the word and notes to "We Can Make It Happen" which replaced Talkin Proud. I didn't get to any home games in the strike year of 1987. In 1988 the words & notes to "Shout" are in the program. So "We Can Make It Happen" lasted only a season or two. In 1993, the Bills tried to replace "Shout" with their own version, but a preseason fan revolt, they played the new version at Rich Stadium that preseason, resulted in the reinstatement of the real "Shout" song. Ironically, the 1st time the Bills scored in Atlanta, they played the jettisoned "Shout" at the Super Bowl in January 1994. The next time the Bills scored, they played the correct version.
  11. Not a bust-started years for the Patriots & then was traded for multiple 1st round picks and a 2nd. Now if he was drafted by SF & flamed out, he would have qualified, but by the time SF released him he was definitely not a bust. Since he turned it around with his original team, and signed with NO as an unrestricted free agent, he does not qualify.
  12. While what Wolf says is very true, I don't think many Bills fans equate finding Jason Peters as the antidote to drafting Mike Williams, even though, in Wolf's words, it is. When you have a bust rate on 1st rounders that the Bills have had in the 2000s, with the other rounds not being any better, it's time to see some good drafts before my faith that they know what they're doing is restored. Now I'm usually more in the defend Ralph than bash him corner, but the bottom line is Ralph is the guy who hired the guys who made all those lousy picks and until I see that the latest guys he hired are better than the previous bums, I'm going to remain skeptical of Nix/Gailey. Darius looks like a winner, but that pick was a virtual no-brainer.
  13. You got it. How difficult is it for a guy to go on radio or tv, know there are at least 2 teams the Bills have no chance of finishing ahead of, and predicting another last place finish? At worst, he has a 50% chance of being right. In the prediction biz, 50% on a natural 25% chance is good odds.
  14. He made millions. He's buying the Bills from Ralph.
  15. Brett Favre was a rookie who didn't play & was traded for a 1st round pick. Young is much better logic, but he was still traded for picks. Busts get released, not traded for high picks. So I'll ask again-name me an outright bust QB drafted in the 1st or 2nd round who failed in one place & thrived elsewhere. You can't answer that one because there are none. PS: an over the hill player on his last legs, like McNabb isn't a bust.
  16. Is anyone around here really sold on Bell at LT? I think we should be in the market for 2 starting Ts, not just a RT.
  17. The bottom line is, until they prove otherwise, I'm not ready to say Nix/Gailey are the answers to turning this team around. Many people here have expressed confidence that they are. I'm going to look at every decision & idea they have before I join the Nix/Gailey bandwagon. If they are right on players unavailable to them, at least it gives me a reason to get near the bandwagon. If they're wrong on both Bills' picks and other teams picks, I'm going to be concerned. You don't have to make up things. I asked a simple question: Look at all the 1st & 2nd round QBs who busted. Find me one who succeeded with his next REAL team. It's not that hard that you have to make up something like a guy going to a team he didn't go to. Just look at the guys like Leaf, Harrington, etc who failed everywhere they went.
  18. I can't agree with this. Tell me the last highly picked QB bust who failed one place & succeeded somewhere else. If the guy busts in Carolina, he'll bust league-wide. According to your logic, Maybin has a chance to thrive in NY. A bust is a bust is a bust.
  19. This makes a lot of sense. I wish someone could make a case for our offense like you did with the D, because they better be scoring points on defense if we want to win some games.
  20. They NEVER had a chance to move up. So it's if he's good-Bills staff is an improvement. If he's bad, it's same old scouts-nothing more to read into it.
  21. Weren't you one of the guys who also had his eye on Brian Brohm going back to his college days & was lobbying for us to put him into real games to see what he could do? Don't quit you day job in hopes of getting a scouting gig.
  22. Assuming the rumors on the Bills being high on Newton were correct, Newton better not be a bust for the simple reason that if he does bust, how much confidence can you put in our front office, whose predessors' records leave a lot to be desired.
  23. Even if by some miracle he makes the Jets, he'll never be activated.
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