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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Since you don't know what started this genius, you're obviosly as stupid as Pearl is. Probably an a-hole too. I'm going to see how many warning points I can get, so Jack-don't bother sending me another warning message because here's my respnse-You and Pearl can go screw yourselves if you're not already doing each other.
  2. Listen A-hole. You're as big an a hole on this board too. Stupider than GW Bush. Oh and if the little twit wants to give me another warning & put in my my record for calling you an a-hole. I don't give a rat's @ss.
  3. The player's union is too strong to ever play a game like this again. As the Captain said, too great a chance of injury to play the game.
  4. After the Maybin fiasco, I think a lot of people around here were scared to death that the Bills would take Miller & he'd end up another Maybin. That big sigh of relief you heard on draft day was when Denver took Miller instead of Darius the day of the draft.
  5. Typically, I stay until the end or the kneel downs start, whichever comes 1st. It's hard to tell what the post game exiting is like yet, because all the games have been abberations. Usually, the game isn't on the line going into the last play, all 3 games went down to the wire. As a result, we have not seen the normal exit around the 2 minute mark, and the subsequent exit between the 2 minute warning & the end of the game. What this means for me is that when the game ends like the ones this season, I can get to my car & reach the 219 to the Thruway east before the Thruway gets all jammed up going east. This means I can go (at least) the speed limit to the Depew toll booths, getting me out of the Buffalo area in 15-20 minutes. Otherwise, knowing the Thruway will be all jammed up, I end up just going Southwestern/Transit all the way to the Transit Road exit in Depew. With stadium traffic, that's 45 minutes to an hour. Sometimes I just give up & eat dinner on Transit before getting on the Thruway. For the record, I've driven to 2 of the games & got a ride to other one. This year I've parked on California. The 2 times (Phil & Oak) I've beat most of the traffic to the Thruway. For the NE game, we stayed overnight in Buffalo, stayed a few minutes after the game ended & went on local roads to the driver's house & stayed for dinner, But I have to believe if I was driving back that night & did my usual post game ritual of getting to the car ASAP, the Thruway would have been as uncrowded as it was for the other 2 games.
  6. Why not just make it an iron clad lease with no escape clause at any price?
  7. and the best part is that he is quietly putting together an NFL line, as opposed to this guy, who got a lot of camera time while our QB's got constantly harrassed. http://www.google.com/search?q=Carl+Mauck+%2B+NFL+%2Bphoto&hl=en&sa=X&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS394US394&biw=1145&bih=519&site=webhp&prmd=imvnso&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=vgGTTo3AAYX10gGvoujVCA&ved=0CB4QsAQ
  8. Buh Bye to me. I should never counted on Tarvaris Jackson staying healthy enough to get me through the week with his lousy play. Whitehurst comes in & I'm gone.
  9. Is it legal for you to keep the plate? I would think you are obligated to turn it in to the NYS DMV for destruction.
  10. The C300 is made in South Africa. They can buy one now. I used to joke that I would never buy a Japanese car after WWII while I have driven 2 German made cars & 3 other German engineered cars, including 2 that were built in Pennsylvania before they closed the VW plant.
  11. I just want to know if I get down to N.O., do I get free parking for my Mercedes?
  12. I don't remember Jim Kelly's father ever playing a down in the NFL & that didn't mean Jim wasn't going to be a HOF QB. Archie Manning is about the only father of a future HOF QB who even played in the NFL. This isn't horse racing where the great QBs are retired to stud to produce the next generation of QBs.
  13. I disagree. Ponder is just another prospect, Luck is projected as a once in a generation player. If Minnesota is bad enough to get #1, Frazier might not even be there, but even if he stays, Ponder becomes an afterthought. Here's some history to look at. When the two JJs came to Dallas they spent 2 1st rounders on QBs in the same year. They took Troy Aikman in the regular draft & Steve Walsh in the supplemental draft. They then let things shake out, kept the future HOFer & eventually traded the other guy. Minnesota will have Ponder & Luck in camp next year if they draft #1 and then trade Ponder if the price is right. Here's more history-The year the Jets signed rookie Joe Namath, they also signed Heisman winner John Huarte. Huarte lasted a season & was traded.
  14. We've already lost almost half the entrants in our pool because people have tried to get creative & failed. In prior years I have plotted out the whole season & saved teams and got eliminated because I tried to get creative and ended up kicking myself for my creativity. So now I just try to take the best matchup each week and not worry about future weeks because if I do, I won't make it to the future. I've been eliminated twice on opening day by getting too cute with early season selections. I do look at the whole season, but I don't save a team for the future if it's the surest thing this week. My though now is to look for key injuries as the season progresses & a game that I didn't even consider 3 weeks ago may fall into my lap due to 1 team's injuries. Right now, if I make it that far, I consider week 10 to be very tough and I'm hoping that I have a game fall to me. Otherwise I won't make it past week 10. In the past I've never been able to get by a week that I saw as a landmine, as I do with week 10. Right now my rules are 1)Try to avoid road games 2)Never pick a bad team to win 3)Make sure my QB isn't injured or banged up before the selection. 4)Try not to beat a really good team We lost some people who picked the Eagles this week in spite of Vick being all banged up. Sure it looked good on paper, but playing a banged up QB is never a good idea.
  15. His scheduled press conference for today has been cancelled & the Dolphins are now on their bye week, the perfect time for a coaching change. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/10/03/tony-sparano-press-conference-for-monday-canceled/
  16. My honest answer: When I went game by game I had the Bills 4-12 before the season started, but I had them 3-1 after 4 games. Since I had the NE & Cincy game the other way, I'm more optimistic that they're a lot better than the 4-12 I predicted. Still, I'm not expecting them to continue winning 3 out of every 4 games they play because outside of the games vs Miami & Denver they are going to have to play to the best of their ability to beat any of the other teams on the schedule the rest of the way. I still can't see better than 8-8, even with the 3-1 start.
  17. He's the weekend sports guy for Albany's local NBC, that's right, NBC, station. He's not even the main sports anchor. Fortunately (or not, depending on your viewpoint) I had 4 guys over my house to watch the game & with all the converation, I never heard a word the announcers said.
  18. Peter King showed the rule on the SNF pregame & if you follow the rule to the letter of the law, the call was correct since the player had no intention to advance the ball at the time he put it on the ground. Now Dungy disagreed, but ever since his dirty players took out Jim Kelly's knee in 1994, when he was one of the dirtiest DCs that year at Minnesota, I've had zero respect for him.
  19. A team with a rookie QB can be very inconsistent. But, inconsistent also means the guy can be good on any given Sunday, especially when playing a home game.
  20. I do-they're at practice every day & know a lot more about these players than some guy posting on the internet who hasn't been to one closed practice. Face it, the coaches see things we never see & know more about these players than we'll ever know. That's why I find it hard to criticize any coach on who he gives playing time to because I'm not there with these guys 5-7 days a week. That is especially true when a fan suggests starting guys who the coach isn't starting, many whom have never started a game in the NFL because the team has better players already starting.
  21. I already have next week's pick down to only 1 game -The NY Giants at home vs Seattle. West to East coast road team, Seattle is only competitive at home. Here's the knock on the other games: Eagles @ Bills-After Bills loss at Cincy & Eagles shaky play, how can anyone have confidence in picking a winner in this game to survive to week 6-too tough to call New Orleans @ Carolina-The road team is the favorite, but it's a division game & sooner or later Newton is going to win one by himself. But if I had to pick a game other than the NYG game, this would be up there among my choices & I'd go with NO. Oakland @ Houston-Houston's top WR may be injured, plus I can't use Houston because I did in week 1. KC @ Indianapolis-Rule #1, never pick a bad team to beat another bad team in suicide, especially on the road. Cincinnati @ Jacksonville-see KC @ Indy. Arizona @ Minnesota-Arizona isn't good enough to trust, especially on the road & Minnesota is winless. Never pick an 0-4 team to get its 1st win in suicide. Tennessee @ Pittsburgh-Tennessee has looked good but is on the road, Roethlisberger left the game this week and was last seen in a boot. If Ben is completely healthy & ready, this could be Pittsburgh as a contender for this week's choice, but who wants to gamble on Ben being ready, especially since I have to get my picks in days before the game. TB @ SF-The 49ers are overachieving, but I prefer TB. Too dangerous for me. SD @ Denver-I lost last year on opening week playing SD on the road in a divisional game-I won't be fooled again. Plus-I've already used SD. NYJ @ NE-Way too tough to call -unless the Jets lose a lot of players at Baltimore tonight. GB @ Atlanta-No team goes undefeated. Plus, I just used GB (Which for the record was my 3rd blowout win this year in suicide out of 4 games) Chicago @ Detroit-See GB @ Atl Plus I've already used Detroit.
  22. Hairston played LT after Bell went out & I didn't see anything bad, so I don't agree with the nothing next to his name.
  23. I'm going to answer in the most positive way: Maybe they were at the 2 home games the past 2 weeks & since they are home today, it's easier to post after the game since they're not stuck in stadium traffic or doing some dinner tailgaiting.
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