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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. He was wrong on practically every QB. I wish he had an undraftable grade on Allen but I'll take a 3rd rd grade from this Anti-Nostradamus. Since he was off so much on the class of 2016, I'm expecting Allen to be Super Bowl MVP within 3 years.
  2. I have faith he can get us a very high draft pick.
  3. It reminds me of Kelly over Marino. Rosen will pass for more yards because he's playing in a climate controlled stadium & only has 1 potential bad weather game within his division, while Allen will have to play home & road in NE and NY as well as home games in OP where even in September it can get pretty windy. So I expect Rosen to look better on paper, but as Kelly did compared with Marino, Allen will win a lot more postseason games. When I used to talk Kelly/Marino at work I used to say Marino played in one Super Bowl before Kelly got to the NFL and then after Kelly arrived every time Marino tried to get back to the Super Bowl, Kelly slammed the door in his face & as I said the word slammed, I'd take my palm and slam it on the desk top to make the sound of Kelly slamming the door shut on Marino.
  4. Allen is about 1,000 times smarter & a much harder worker than JP. Instead of picking up garbage, Josh will be working with his WRs. Allen didn't have to retake the Wonderlic a 2nd time after spending time being coached up like JP. There is no valid comparison.
  5. The best line was when he called the Eagles world champions and then said the last time Dallas was in the Super Bowl the players in this draft weren't born yet.
  6. Thurman had a famous statue. How easily people forget...http://www.espn.com/nfl/news/story?id=4556941
  7. I thought the 2 concussions were the scariest thing on his resume. If anything could lead to an early retirement, it would be too many concussions.
  8. If drafting Manuel & Watkins weren't panic moves, they were definitely stupid moves. 1) Drafted Manuel in the 1st in a draft that could clearly be seen before the draft to be one of the worst QB classes in years. Well before that draft (on another board) I compared that QB class to the most recent worst ones & said the class could end up with no QBs who would play well in the NFL. If I could see it, why couldn't Buddy Nix, it was pretty obvious that it was a bad year to draft a QB. The smart move would have been to keep Fitzpatrick another season & hold off on drafting a QB. The problem was stupid Nix got caught disparaging Fitz in that hacked phone call. Instead of cutting Fitz, I would have fired Buddy on the spot & told Whaley not to draft a QB. 2) Whaley, who was in on the Manuel fiasco, felt a need to double down & in a draft loaded with quality WRs, overspent to move up & draft Watkins. Maybe not a panic move, but definitely a dumb one. In his GM obit, the Watkins trade was mentioned by all who wrote one as the beginning of the end for Whaley.
  9. This article should be a lesson for anyone who likes to quote QB stats. I've always said stats don't tell the story and if stats were the end-all, the players would be handed a stat sheet at team meetings and told not to bother watching films. Anyone who watched Flutie & Johnson play, knows that Flutie was a much better QB than Johnson. I must admit that 20 years ago I was in the Johnson camp, but I was proven wrong.
  10. If Cleveland takes Darnold, I wait & trade to pick 4 or 5 & take Rosen, since there's no need to move to #2. If the Jets take Rosen, Mayfield is there & if they want him trade to #4. If Cleveland takes Allen, then I do everything to get to #2 for Darnold, even if it means trading Shady so the Giants don't need to take Barkley, because without that incentive, the Giants will take Barkley.
  11. I just got my flight & ticket to the game. Same as last time-flying in & out the same day. For anyone interested, the Ravens/Ticketmaster have single game seats on sale. I paid regular price & I'm close to midfield, 9 rows up. Sec 127 row 9 seat 15. I looked at the resale sites & they're almost double what I paid from the team, so check the Ravens' site 1st before you buy from the resale places.
  12. Herm Edwards was wrong. You play to win championships and do whatever it takes to get there. This year involves trading a bunch to move up & try to get the franchise QB who will get you there. Other years could involve tanking, but this season isn't going to be a tank year. Herm is out of the NFL because he lost sight of the big picture.
  13. Who is the guy you think is the greatest QB? The best QB I know of who was a 6th round pick won the Super Bowl in his 2nd season, after being on the bench his rookie year and very beginning of his 2nd year.
  14. Points are worthless when a potential franchise QB is available. A team trading up will always pay more than the point total for a high 1st round QB.
  15. One of the main reasons that Peterman was put in there was because of Tyrod's reluctance to throw the ball. So why would a coach then handcuff his replacement? At the time starting a rookie in that spot made sense. Where else on the schedule would the rookie get a road game in a small stadium with a much larger than average number of Bills fans in attendance to keep the noise down from the offense and at the same time not have any pressure of having his 1st start come before a 75k home crowd? McDermott couldn't have found a better stadium for a rookie's 1st start. What was he supposed to do, wait until a team on the schedule with tons of injuries to their pass rushers suddenly showed up at a neutral site? Any NFL team (except Cleveland?) in any stadium would have had a field day against Peterman, who shouldn't have started a game in his rookie year, shouldn't start one in his sophomore year (if there is one) and whose next start needs to be either in the CFL, Arenaball or in his back yard with the family.
  16. I was the opposite. Every time someone made a similar statement after we signed Brohm, I would state that Brohm couldn't be the answer because he had cleared waivers before his soph. season & in order for the Brohm supporters to be right, the Bills would have had to outsmarted 31 other GMs and it was inconceivable that Brandon and possibly Nix could have outsmarted some of the best GMs in the league. I got a lot of responses that asked why I hated Brohm, but it was just a case where I understood how poorly the Bills management was compared with other NFL teams & then GM Brandon wasn't going to be outsmarting anyone.
  17. This thread is not complete until Bennie Anderson is included. The Bills could assemble an entire O-line of bad free agent choices.
  18. I drive about 8 miles to the Clubhouse Race Book in Albany. I pay $1 to get in & get my own TV. Some times I bet the horses as well while I'm there so at times I get paid & also get to watch the Bills game & other times the game can get very expensive.
  19. The 3 best Bills QBs of all time had names that all started with a J. So the best shot is with one of the Joshs
  20. Flip was Trumaine's teammate in the late 80's. Filmel was in the 90s.
  21. Albany just got an Arena Football League franchise. I'm looking forward to seeing Peterman when he joins the Albany Empire in 2019.
  22. The main reason why I prefer trading up to trading down is when a team trades up it is for a specific player who their scouts have graded high enough to make the trade. When a team trades down, they have no idea who will be in the spot they traded into unless it's only 1 or 2 picks down. The best trade up that I remember is when SF traded up with NE & drafted Jerry Rice. Just 2 years ago the Rams & Eagles traded up for QBs and they both helped turn around each of the 2 franchises. If you want a specific player ALWAYS trade up if you can. Especially if the player is a QB not named JP.
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