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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. I don't see where he's been given "so many chances". He made the team as a rookie backup & when the starter was playing horribly, the coach tried him in an attempt to shake up the offense & he failed. Then in the offseason they drafted the QB of the future and decided not to waste a fortune like Arizona did with Bradford and settled for McCarron. McCarron was bad in mini camps and preseason & they decided to cut bait. They didn't feel Allen was ready after the Cincy preseason game so the last man standing was Peterman. He started & lasted a little over a half. Then they eventually sign Anderson & have the misfortune to lose Allen one week before Anderson is ready to play. They have tried with McCarron & now Anderson to have an adequate 2nd stringer or placeholder starter to replace Peterman & got stuck with Peterman twice this season due to the 1st guy failing to be what they thought he was and the 2nd guy being a week away. Hardly "so many chances" for Peterman.
  2. On Inside The NFL last night, Boomer was predicting the Bills will trade Shady to Philly after this week's games.
  3. Does anyone know if Anderson can hold on FGs?
  4. I'd rather see Allen vs Luck in primetime, so screw NBC, I'm watching Shameless.
  5. I was watching that game & when NBC switched to Heidi, I turned the game on, on the radio. Most of the nation didn't have that option but I grew up in the suburbs of NYC.
  6. He has another chance to shine. Josh Allen's shoes need polishing & buffing.
  7. He had more catches for more yards than anyone on the Bills last year. If your art collection is a bunch of finger paints by a kindergarten class, a starving artist's painting represents a huge upgrade. We're not looking for Julio Jones here, just anyone who will upgrade the WRs this season. At this time of year you take whoever represents a short term upgrade and worry about the long term in the offseason.
  8. The QB of those offenses was Tyrod Taylor who came in as a backup & has returned to his natural status. Is the Bills offense the same as when Tyrod was the QB? The answer is no.
  9. As with the class of 2004, based on the odds that the QBs taken in the top 11 have a much better chance of success over the guy picked later in the 1st round, I'd put my $ on Lamar Jackson being the failure of the group. Now there are exceptions like Marino & Rodgers, but after you get past the 1st half of round 1, many of the later 1st round QB picks are reaches by teams that jump the gun in the attempt to get their QB of the future. A team that takes the 1st round crumbs that are left of a QB class after the cream of the crop has been taken doesn't usually fare so well. Also in a bad QB draft just taking a QB in the 1st round out of desperation rarely works: see Manuel, E.J. One thing I have to say about the 4 top 10 QBs this year. One of the things pundits in favor of keeping a rookie on the bench say is they're afraid a rookie QB confidence can be ruined with a few bad outings. Look at these 4 guys, while I admit I have no idea what Sam Darnold's & Lamar Jackson's personality are like, I'm pretty sure that there's no way that anyone could do anything to shake the confidence level of Allen, Mayfield, or Rosen. At this point those 3 guys are fearless & could be intercepted 10 times in their next game and still come out throwing on their next series. While Rosen plays more with quiet confidence, Allen & Mayfield are always fired up & ready to go.
  10. It looks like most of you are either too young or didn't follow the USFL. Kelly played 2 of the 3 USFL seasons. He didn't sign in time to play the 1st season and ended up signing with the expansion Houston Gamblers. He played for the Gamblers both of their 2 seasons. He lit it up but took a lot of sacks running the run and shoot offense. I'll give you an example of Kelly's toughness even in the USFL: I was listening to a NJ Generals/Gamblers game (I was living in the NY metro area in the 3 USFL seasons) on my way home from Queens to Suffolk County. In the 1st half Kelly went out with a knee injury. The announcers were feeling bad for Houston because they speculated that Kelly would be lost for weeks. The 2nd half starts and to the announcers amazement Kelly returns to the game. That was my introduction to the toughness of Jim Kelly. After the 3rd USFL season in spring 1985 it was announced there would be a move to the fall in 1986. One aspect of that move was the merger of Houston into the Generals. The Generals already had Doug Flutie at QB but everyone knew Kelly would be the Generals QB . The Generals actually had a camp where Flutie and Kelly were shown in photos throwing side by side. After the league ended up with the $3 verdict the league eventually suspended operations letting the p!ayers go to the NFL. By that time a number had already left for the NFL with some leaving after the spring of 1985 and playing the fall 1985 NFL season. The suspension eventually became the folding of the USFL.
  11. The idea that you can just dial up a franchise QB is absurd. Another thing that hurts the article is his use of too many mediocre QBs as examples of guys to trade. If you get a franchise QB, especially a future HOFer, you must retain him as long as he's playing at a high level. Just ask Bills fans who are on our 7th GM looking for a franchise QB since Jim Kelly retired over 21 years ago. If you want to jettison your true franchise QB & roll the dice, be prepared for a 17 year playoff drought.
  12. Petrino & I were coming back from Super Bowl XXVIII and we ran into Larry Felser at the airport. We talked with him for about a minute, but there was a group of women around his age there and he was a lot more interested in talking with them than us for obvious reasons. We also saw Troy Aikman at LAX Tuesday morning after Super Bowl XXVII but didn't talk with him. When he 1st walked by I said "That guy looks just like Troy Aikman", then a few seconds after he passed by, an airport worker started saying "Troy Aikman, Troy Aikman" Later we joked that since we had Monday's Buffalo News*** with us, we should have had him sign the front page. The reason he was still in LA Monday & didn't leave until Tuesday was because he went on the Tonight Show after his Super Bowl win. ***-The reason we had the Buffalo News is back in those days the News would send copies of the paper to the host city for a few days before the game & the day after. There was a list of places that had it. We drove around & finally found a hotel in Brentwood that had the Buffalo News. When we saw the News at the front desk we asked the clerk how much & he told us to take as many as we wanted for free. I think he was hoping we'd take them all because it appeared that he viewed them as a nuisance.
  13. None, but one time a friend gave me an illegal Trent Edwards jersey. I ended up cutting out his name on the back.
  14. I bought an Allen jersey at the mall today. The pictures I took exceeded 204.8 Kbs
  15. I think the Bills 31-0 beatdown of the Patriots on opening day 2003 was a better game. I came home thinking about making Super Bowl plans. Unfortunately, that season ended with the Patriots beating the 6-10 Bills in the season finale, Van Miller's last game, by the same 31-0 score and it was the Patriots, not the Bills who won the Super Bowl.
  16. I thought about saying that they've been trying to duplicate Lamonica, but then I thought about the gap between the years and the fact that Lamonica never washed out in Buffalo like the others. Mini camp & preseason was all that was needed for the Bills to know they should take whatever they can for McCarron. I guess EJ was so bad they just had to go back to the Bills for his replacement. It's almost like the reverse of when I was a kid so many years ago and I was a big Yankees fan (they're still my top baseball team and when the Bills are bad, I think they're just making up for all the good years the Yankees have given me) and the Yankees would always make these one sided trades with the KC A's. Guys who were mediocre or unknown in KC went to the Yankees and became stars. The biggest name was Roger Maris, who as a Yankee broke Babe Ruth's homerun record.
  17. AJ McCarron is just the latest ex-Bills QB to end up on the Raiders. EJ landed there last year, as have former Bills QB washouts Trent Edwards, who got cut not once, but in 2 separate pre seasons, J P Losman, who landed in Oakland after the UFL and Rob Johnson whose career ended in Giants camp but whose last real NFL game was as a Raider. Will Nate Peterman be in Raiders camp in 2019?
  18. … and Josh McCown gets $10 million to tell Darnold it's ok when Sam throws a pick or goes 3 and out.
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