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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Let's trade pick 9 for picks 4, 24 & 27. Considering how ridiculous it is that we're up to 3 pages answering an illogical question, we might as well dream that it's like Draft Day the movie and make the trade as absurd as possible.
  2. Why do some people still think the Raiders are looking to replace Carr? After a rough start he went 10 straight games without an INT before throwing a couple in the season finale. There's no way a QB will be sitting at 9 who will ever be better than Carr in this bad QB year.
  3. “It would be like drafting a guy you have a third-round grade on in the first round out of a need or because you don't want somebody else to get him. Well, now the expectations in our building, in the locker room, the media, the fans, is, ‘Wow, this guy's a first-round pick. I'm expecting him to be like all first-rounders.’ When in reality (if he’s not), it's not his fault. He's going to have a hard time. You're setting him up to fail when you do that, and that's the thing that can happen in free agency. Sounds a lot like Nix/Whaley when they drafted EJ Manuel.
  4. Not my theory. I was quoting HOF coach Bill Parcells. I'm grading you an F for your lack of knowledge that I was quoting coach Parcells. You also get an F for not realizing that a 15-1 team has more talent than a 1-15 team.
  5. When the Eagles lose today and Foles looks ordinary, all the talk will stop & Foles will be looking for next season elsewhere. Most likely in this order: Giants, Jaguars, Dolphins or Redskins.
  6. Interesting obscure fact: His father in law is former NFL coach Mike Sherman. He gave him his 1st NFL job when he was OC of Miami in 2012.
  7. I don't care who it is but I prefer a low profile team. The lower the profile, the lower the price of Super Bowl tickets. A team like Dallas drives up the prices. I went to the Bills 4 losses & as long as I'm physically capable of going, I want to be there for the win.
  8. Who would after working with the guy. He's been on 2 Hard Knocks & both times Gregg came off as the biggest jerk on the show.
  9. I hear it's between Kitchens & Stefanski. Gregg isn't even mentioned in the latest rumors. It's a good thing he had so many offers before coming to Cleveland because he's going to need some this offseason. https://www.wkyc.com/article/sports/nfl/browns/browns-coaching-search-reportedly-down-to-freddie-kitchens-kevin-stefanski/95-3b55912b-64dd-4300-a971-047e08cf9452
  10. Imagine if the Patriots had an offensive minded head coach instead of a defensive minded head coach: Brady's development never would have been stunted with all the OC changes through the years.
  11. The day after the Bills win the Super Bowl should be a national holiday. For all other teams-NO.
  12. Since there are still the St. Louis Cardinals in baseball and the New York Giants in football, should MLB and the NFL make a deal that all St. Louis Cardinals football history has to be handled by the baseball team and all New York Giants baseball history has to be handled by the football team? ?
  13. Late last night, Parkey went over to Steve Bartman;s house where Bartman passed him his torch.
  14. They could trade for his dad who is an Arenaball legend here in Albany. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/capital-region/sports/2018/04/15/touchdown-eddie-brown-reflects-on-his-time-in-albany
  15. The fact Peterman was ahead of Allen on the depth chart for a little over a half of the 1st game of the season, is not very indicative of "losing out to Peterman". The reality was he lost out to himself in the Cincy pre-season game and the coaches felt he wasn't ready to start against one of the league's top Ds on the road. Then once he went in he showed exactly what I look for in a rookie's season-Flashes of brilliance, not overall brilliance because you can't expect it from a rookie. I saw enough to know that he played better than someone who got benched.
  16. His reliance on stats. If he's watching all the games how could he have Bortles ahead of Allen when Bortles own coaches got sick of the guy? Now I'll freely admit I don't know enough about Bortles because I don't watch him, but his in season benching says a lot-done by the guys who see him every day. If he was watching Allen, he might not be with Leo Roth who is already reserving a spot for Josh on the Wall of Fame after seeing him play all year, but he'd be able to explain why you can't rank Josh Allen's season with a bunch of stats. BTW for the record I hate QB stats. I'm more of a visual fan who after watching football for over 55 years goes more by what I see than numbers on a sheet of paper.
  17. That's true for media members who look at stats & never watch the games. It would be as irresponsible as one of us declaring Josh Rosen a bust without seeing any of his games. I feel I'm totally unqualified to form an opinion of Rosen because I don't watch the games he plays in. I also feel I have an informed opinion of Allen because I've seen every down he's played with the exception of the 1st series in Houston where I had to switch places to watch the game when the place I normally go didn't show the Bills that week. I seriously doubt Rosenthal has seen enough to form an accurate opinion on Allen. To me it looks like he looked at some stats & mailed it in, while a true professional would have watched every game played this year. I know that's a lot of work, but really-that's the guy's friggin' job. If I was paid to write about the NFL, I'd make sure I reviewed everything before I went to the keyboard, but then I probably have a better work ethic than this hack Rosenthal.
  18. Marrone signed him 2 1/2 weeks in Jacksonville last year after he was a preseason cut by the Saints & then he was sent on his way out of the NFL in October 2017. The original reply was my way of saying that these clowns, like Clayton & others who all said that these rookies shouldn't play this year were pretty much proven wrong. Bruce Arians, who knows more than all these "experts" combined was on WGR a couple of weeks ago and said a QB learns more through playing experience. The reason Baker Mayfield disses Hue Jackson every chance he gets and glares at him as he passes him on the sidelines is because Mayfield came in, worked his butt off in camp and Hue Jackson gave him no shot of opening the season as the starter. If Tyrod hadn't had an in game injury that allowed Mayfield to come in & rally the Browns over the Jets that game Mayfield would have sat until Hue got fired. The sit a rookie mentality is 20th century thinking in a 21st century league. Now the proponents will point to Mahomes, but whose to say that he's any better now than he'd be if he had played last year. All I know is that I believe Josh Allen got more out of the games he played than sitting on the bench all year, plus his teammates and coaches developed a trust in him that would not have been attained by a year on the bench. Instead of heading into his next season as a question mark, Allen enters his sophomore year as the clear #1 QB on the team.
  19. The Giants ruined him by not playing him. Just think if he'd been allowed to play instead of letting his arm atrophy. He could have been a contender. ?
  20. I saw a knife collection. It would be a lot more valuable if the biggest knife was autographed by OJ.
  21. Mills didn't get here until mid season, John Miller, also 2015, was on the team before Mills.
  22. Trading down means you know you're giving up a known quantity (best player) on your board for who knows what. The only time to trade down is if it's 1 spot and you know the team you're trading with doesn't want your best player available. We traded UP twice last year in the 1st round because we wanted quality over quantity. If you trust your board, you don't trade down. If you feel the draft is a crapshoot then you belong here and not in an NFL front office. If I was running a team and someone in scouting said trade down because we're guessing-which is the main philosophy of the trade down crowd here-he'd be hanging out in a bar with Crossman, Robiskie and Castillo updating his resume.
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