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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. What are you thinking? Kelly went out with around 7 minutes left in the 2nd quarter & never played again in the game. As far as the OP's question. Reich entered the game with the score 15-7 & the drive concluded with A FG to make it 15-10. With the score ending up 52-17, that means the Cowboys outscored the Bills 35-10 AFTER Reich came in, so the answer is to his ? is NO (or more emphatic if there were no censors)
  2. I've been to 6 Super Bowls, the Bills 4 in the 90's, XLVIII and 50. It's much better being there than watching on TV and I can't pick one to exclude. If I had to pick my favorite it was XXV because it was my 1st, the Bills were in it until the end and I was so excited to see the Bills in the Super Bowl. They all have high points: XXVI-Minnesota was amazing. They had greeters at the airport and continuous bus service from the motels to downtown Minneapolis & St. Paul. St Paul had the ice palace & lots of good stuff to do. Minneapolis also had the stadium opened the day before so we could see the place & get all our Super Bowl souvenirs the day before the game. XXVII was in Pasedena. We stayed in Anaheim where we were able to get a 2 person/2 bed room for around $40/night which we split to $20 each per night, add in the cheap flights to LA, LA beaches, Disneyland etc & it was a great 3 days. That Super Bowl came in the cheapest, around $750 for everything because my friend Petrino won the Bills lottery and we got the tickets at face value. Atlanta was probably the least interesting of the Bills 4 Super Bowl cities. We stayed in a pretty run down motel in Marietta. When we lost I kinda knew the run was over. It was another 20 years before I'd attend another Super Bowl. I just couldn't resist going to a Super Bowl that I could drive down to in less than 2.5 hours, waking up in my own house the morning of the game. An added bonus was that since it was in a cold weather city, the corporate people didn't want to sit outside which drove the ticket prices on the secondary market to the lowest prices in years. As far as the game itself, it was a blowout that I loved seeing. I had picked the Seahawks to win it all in a playoff pool that I entered for $10 and I would win $300 if Seattle won. So with each score I was loving it, cheering on the Seahawks with the Seattle fans near me. My last Super Bowl, 50 was special because I went with some family members, the only one I had family with me at the game. Most of my relatives live in California's Bay area so I committed to going years before the game was played.
  3. Take a look at who Josh Allen was always talking to & sitting with at team meetings-It was Daboll, not Culley.
  4. Because there is no QB prospect in this year's draft anywhere near as highly rated by the NFL scouts as Josh was in last year's draft, especially by pick 9 where the top QB or 2 will already be gone. Not only was Allen rated high by NFL scouts, but NFL draft "experts" like Dave Te Thomas and Mel Kiper had Allen as the best QB in a loaded draft class. The Bills only gave up that much for Allen because they were sold on him, doing what virtually nobody "scouting" him on the internet did-talked with him for hours getting to know his intense competitive nature & willingness to work hard & learn. If the Redskins are sold on a QB they'll be looking to move up to the top 5 ahead of NYG & Jacksonville, not giving up a lot to get the QB crumbs left at 9. I believe if the Redskins are going to go all in on a QB, they'll be willing to throw in next year's #1 to get into that top 5. Otherwise, as I believe, they'll look for a 1 year stopgap who can be a game manager like Tyrod Tylor and take a wait & see attitude on Smith's return until they know more about his long term prognosis.
  5. Only for someone without a clue. Just about everyone who could read knew the schedule was backloaded with easier games in November and December when Peterman would be on the bench at best unless he had won some of the tougher games, making 3 wins a pretty stupid pick.
  6. Only if we were ignorant fans who never saw him play like some of the morons with internet sites from their mother's basement who look only at his stats and trash him.
  7. Take a look at what Arizona have up to move from 15 to 10 last year- a 3rd and a 5th, for a guy who was rated higher than any QB who will be there at 9 this year. The Bills had Allen rated very high, as they were trying to trade up to 5. The Redskins aren't going to draft a rookie for one year if the medical reports say Smith has a future left. 35 is the new 30 these days for QBs. They would have to be sure the guy could start from day one. It's not 2018 or 2017 for rookie QBs. At 9 they're getting a question mark at best. More likely a Locker/Ponder than a Mahomes or a Watson. You know who is most likely to be the Redskins QB next year? If I had to guess, I'd say Tyrod. He's going to come pretty cheap with incentives similar to his 1st Bills contract and if Smith is ready for 2020 Tyrod is a much better option than multiple picks on a rookie. Remember something else, Gruden has to win this year or he will most likely be fired. I doubt he wants to go through rookie growing pains with a guy who falls to 9.
  8. There's no way a team trades mid 2nds and 3rds to move from 15 to 9. While I'm not a firm believer in the value chart, 15 to 9 should only get a low 2nd rounder. Giving every benefit of the doubt, they could get a mid 2nd to go up those 6 spots, but adding the 3rd is just way over the top.
  9. The last 2 times the Bills traded down in the 1st round they traded away Patrick Mahomes in 2017 & in 2013 used the lower 1st round pick to select EJ Manuel, but some people still are always looking to trade down. When you trade down you are buying a pig in a poke, not knowing what you're getting. I'd rather trade up for someone I believe in than trade down for who knows what. Give me quality over quantity every time.
  10. Not all of us. A lot of us who were around in the AFL days will always root for the AFC team.
  11. WRONG: Not rigged or blind. Just too chicken to make a game deciding call. It's believable, done often by refs in all sports who don't want to take the responsibility of deciding a game when a non call gives the game back to the players to decide. Look at it this way. 2 teams won the coin toss in OT. NO threw a pick & lost the game. NE won the toss and drove down the field for a TD. In both cases the players decided the game.
  12. I don't believe in the rigged conspiracy theory. In fact, I'll go further and say anyone who believes that everything is rigged should book an appointment with a local psychiatrist. This is what I believe: The refs were chickens. They knew if they called a penalty, it basically ends the game & gives NO the victory. So they chickened out of making the call that would decide the game & instead of doing their jobs, they let the game continue as is so it was up to the players to decide the game. Was it wrong? Absolutely. You call a penalty no matter what part of the game it is if it's a penalty. However, it's not like a no call in the final minutes of games has never been done before. We've seen stuff like this for many years in the NBA & NHL, where the refs don't want to be THE deciding factor. There's an interesting part of history in Buffalo sports. I was at this game & like the rest of the fans, left in stunned silence. In April 1974 with Boston leading the 7 game playoff series 3-2, game 6 was tied with seconds to go. Jo Jo White put up a last second shot and the refs called a foul on Bob McAdoo. White hit 2 free throws and ended the Braves season. That day the refs did their jobs and Braves fans are still PO'd to this day because we all believe the refs decided the game. http://buffalobraves.blogspot.com/2009/02/1973-74-season.html Back in Buffalo for the sixth game of the series, the two teams again went back and forth. The Braves trailed by four points with 20 seconds left, but McAdoo scored two baskets, raising his total to 40, to tie it. This time it was the Celtics with the last shot, though. Jo Jo White of Boston took it and missed it, but McAdoo was called for a foul right at the buzzer by referee Darell Garretson.But was it before or after the end of play? "Jo Jo contends to this day that he was actually fouled before the buzzer," Smith said years later. What's more, if the foul came before the buzzer, shouldn't the Braves have been given the ball for one last shot?Nope. With all of the players waved away from the free-throw line, White missed the first free throw but made the next two. Just like that, the Celtics had won, 106-104, and the Braves' season was over.Boston went on to win the NBA championship over the Milwaukee Bucks. Buffalo and its 18,237 fans in the Aud that night were left waiting for next year.
  13. When he was a rookie shortly after camp started he got scared and thought he wasn't good enough. He left camp and started to drive home. Here's the short story from Relentless page 462 July 19 (1993) "Rookie second-round draft choice John Parrella left camp and did not tell the coaching staff. He intended on driving home to Grand Island, Nebraska to see his ill father, but he stopped in Toledo, Ohio, called his father and was told to turn around and get back to camp. He arrived back in Fredonia in the evening." Here's some more info on Parrella: Parrella was cut after getting beaten out by undrafted free agent DL Ed Philion in 1994. His father was murdered in 2000. I don't know if the case was ever solved. At the Super Bowl in 1994 in Atlanta, while the Bills were losing the scoreboard showed Parrella & Corbin Lacina on the bench, they appeared to be laughing. I never heard anything in the media about that moment. I remember seeing the two of them on the scoreboard & pointed it out to Petrino.
  14. I spotted it in the transactions in today's paper & confirmed it on the internet. He's come a long way since he almost quit the Bills. https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/team/coaches-roster/john-parrella
  15. The best part was in Overtime when Marshawn was asked if it was true he tried to light a blunt in the Al Davis eternal flame (at 1:48) & he said yes. I'm guessing he doesn't plan on coming back for another season. He also got a lot of s##t from Maher & Frank for admitting he doesn't vote (at 6:29 to the end).
  16. I though Chan was a horrible head coach. He won 1/3 of the games he coached. He didn't trust his FG kicker. The day he punted from the opponents 34 he lost me forever. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1439618-breaking-down-chan-gaileys-worst-coaching-decisions-of-the-2012-season Ever since Bills kicker Rian Lindell went 2-of-5 from 50 yards or deeper in 2010, Gailey has shown almost no confidence in his kicker to hit anything from that range. The 14-year veteran and 35-year-old kicker has tried just one kick from 50 or more yards in the past two seasons. Gailey completely mismanaged a fourth-quarter situation where he had an opportunity to take an eight-point lead with a 52-yard field goal. On 4th-and-7 from the Rams' 34-yard line, Gailey sent the field goal unit onto the field, but that's when Gailey remembered a little line he heard in The Dark Knight: Nobody panics when things go according to plan, even if the plan is horrifying. ...Introduce a little anarchy; upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Here's Gailey's explanation of what happened, in his own words: Yeah, we were not going to go for it there. The defense was playing good. We were going to try to pin them back. That was the reason. When they first told me when I first turned, they told me it was a 50-yard field goal instead of a 52-, 53-yard field goal. We had just dropped the snap on the extra point, so that is why I pulled them back out of there and said ‘Hey let’s let the defense try to keep them pinned back.' Gailey's ultimate reasoning is that he didn't know the spot of the ball. As the head coach, that's frightening. Perhaps not as frightening as the fact that the two-yard difference was enough to completely unravel Gailey's confidence in his kicker (or the holder, it's unclear because Gailey's good like that). But of course, nobody panics when things go according to plan, right? If the Buffalo defense holds, everything changes, right?
  17. I have to answer the question in the present tense, not choosing guys over 50 who can't play today nor dead guys. Therefore, I'm picking Robert Woods who would re-join the team & be able to play at a higher level than of the old timers who are well past their prime.
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