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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. I'd rather make this trade with the Raiders: Bills #1 & #2 to Raiders for pick #4. Then Beane will have a shot at at least one of the 3 that is left among Bosa, Williams, Allen. Why would we want the Raiders 1st round garbage when we can get the Raiders 1st round treasure?
  2. Super Bowl LIV Champions. Sweatshirts with that slogan go on sale the night of 2/2/20
  3. If it's an update, he'd be wearing a Raiders uniform, not his old Bills one.
  4. I go back & forth and also have WGR on the computer. A few years ago I put 2 TVs in my computer room and had both ESPN and the NFL Network on while also listening to WGR. That's about my limit on multitasking. Back in the old days (in 1997) when ESPN had exclusive coverage I had to visit my parents (because they were having an anniversary party on that Sunday) on draft weekend and since they didn't have cable but lived a half hour from NYC I went to the draft on day 1 since it was my only way of seeing it.
  5. Some, not all busts, are immature kids who cannot handle the demands of being a professional. The best examples are Jamarcus Russell & Ryan Leaf who did not take professionalism seriously. Both were out of shape almost immediately after their final college year ended. Russell was lazy & wouldn't study the playbook-the best story was the Raiders giving him blank tapes & him coming back telling them he watched the film that was on the tape. Leaf was more into himself than a team concept. The best story I heard on Leaf was after he was drafted he went to party in Vegas & when San Diego wanted him to showup for a press conference he told them they'd have to wait until he was done partying. The Leaf story I heard on the radio years ago when a former Charger employee (I forget what title he held or who it was) was asked when did you first get an indication that you made a mistake drafting Leaf. Leaf also showed bad signs at the combine. He came in overweight and blew off interviews with Indy because he didn't want them to draft him. Other guys just don't have the talent to adjust to the speed of the NFL. What makes scouting so tough is that these guys are playing against players who will never play ball again after college. The guys drafted by the NFL are men against boys in college. When it's all men against men they can't get the job done. I place a greater emphasis on games like the Senior Bowl where these players are playing against other players who have a future in the NFL. When all the film on a guy is him playing against future accountants, it's tough to evaluate his pro potential. The best ways to avoid a bust are 1)Talk with the player and those who know him like his coaches before the draft. If he shows any signs of not being totally dedicated to football, don't waste a high pick on him. 2) Don't get too enamored with as physical freak at the combine whose game film doesn't match the athleticism shown there. The best example in draft history is Mike Mamula. 3) Don't draft injury prone players, or guys who project to be so in the NFL. If the guy has missed significant playing time in multiple seasons he may bust in the NFL. The best examples of a player projecting to become injury prone in the NFL are QBs who take a lot of sacks in college because they hold onto the ball too long. A QB who will continuously get sacked more than most other QBs is going to have injury problems in the NFL. The best example is Rob Johnson. When the Bills 1st acquired him I read some scouting reports and one of my 1st posts after the trade was titled "Rob Johnson, The Sacked Man"
  6. You beat me to it. Gregg has a personality that wears thin very quickly, and Gase is no Prince Charming either. Those 2 could be run out of town on a rail, or in the case of being in the NY metro area, on a railroad.
  7. I expect him to do what these 2nd year QBs did Russell Wilson, Tom Brady, Ben Roethlisberger, and Kurt Warner (2nd year inn NFL) did. Win the Super Bowl. Another 2nd year QB, Carson Wentz, helped his team get home field before getting hurt and saw his team win the Super Bowl. Or, at worst get to the Super Bowl like Marino & Kaepernick did. That's the thing that 2nd year QBs do in this era-WIN SUPER BOWLS. I expect nothing less from Josh Allen and every Bills fan should anticipate watching the Bills playing in Miami on Ground Hog Day 2020.
  8. The NFL GMs at the end of the 1st round. Sarcasm aside, a ton of mock drafts had the Bills trading up for Josh Allen, but they all had the trade before pick 7.
  9. You don't know that. If Josh Allen progresses as well as many of the best 2nd year QBs have in the past, we very well could be drafting #32 in the 1st round.
  10. I plan on going to games 1 & 2 in NJ. I'll probably take bus trips from a local Albany bus tour company for both games so I don't have to drive & park at Met Life.
  11. I hope this is wrong because I'm supposed to go to the Giants game but I'll be on the other side of the country on 12/1.
  12. Same reason we didn't sign Gerard Phelen when Flutie was here.
  13. The shortest route from Manhattan to Met Life Stadium is less than 10 miles. The Giants play close enough to Manhattan that any player who wants to live in NYC can do so. Also if he decides to live in NJ, his wife can commute to NYC for any job there she gets. Are you joking or are you that bad in geography?
  14. His first media event with his new team should be can't miss TV/radio. He'll be wise not to unload on Arizona's management until he proves it on the field, but I doubt he'll be able to contain himself.
  15. The 1980 & 1981 seasons on the field don't erase all the blunders & bad decisions made by the Bills until Bill Polian took over and why they were the NFL's laughingstock until Marv showed up in 1986. I'll start one year before the 1980s, also it should be noted that the Bills were a laughingstock in the late 1960s and mid-late 1970s. Most of this caused by Ralph's penny-pinching (I'd like to thank author Sal Maiorana and his book Relentless in aiding in the details of the accounts of some of the events below. I remembered most of them but used his book as a reference to add to the details) : 1979-The Bills become the 1st, and to this date the only, team to ever lose the top pick in the entire NFL draft to the CFL. 1980-Rather than pay him, the Bills trade future HOFer Joe DeLamielleure to Cleveland at age 29, still in his prime. He played 5 seasons with the Browns after the trade. 1981-Let's start with the draft, one of the worst in team history, led by #1 pick Booker Moore who missed his rookie year with Guillain-Barre Syndrome and whether it was the aftereffects of the disease or just that he was a bust, he was a bust. The best picks were in the 9th-11th rounds. In June Jim Haslett got so frustrated with his contract negotiations that he filed unfair labor practice charges against the Bills with the National Labor Relations Board. He later fired his agent & re-signed in August. 1982-The aforementioned Perry Tuttle blunder. Overall another horrible draft with only Eugene Marve in the 3rd round providing any long term contribution. In one of the strangest moments in Bills history the Bills cut rookie kicker Gary Anderson, who went on to a long career in the NFL and kept Nick Mike-Mayer who ended up getting cut in September. For years there have been rumors that Anderson was so upset with being drafted by the Bills that he tanked preseason so that he could get cut & picked up by the Pittsburgh Steelers. In a strike year when no games were played from late September until November 21st Joe Cribbs held out and didn't report until November 24th. 1983-Chuck Knox resigns after the 1982 season, starting the eras of Kay Stephenson & subsequently Hank Bullough. Jim Kelly is in the Bills offices talking contract and the USFL calls to tell him not to sign with the Bills. A secretary takes the call & interrupts the meeting so Kelly can talk with the USFL representative-IN THE BILLS OFFICE! He signs with the USFL and we lose 3 seasons without him before finally signing him in 1986. In July Joe Cribbs has now had enough with the Bills and signs a future contract with the USFL. He plays in 1983 and leaves for the USFL after the season. Losing him and Jim Kelly set the stage for back to back 2-14 seasons although Cribbs does return in midseason 1985. 1984-The Bills are now a laughingstock on the field as well as off it, going 2-14 and having the worst record in the NFL. 1985-In spite of having the worst record in 1984, the Bills retain coach Kay Stephenson. The Bills deal the 1st pick in the supplemental draft to Cleveland so that Cleveland can draft Bernie Kosar. Part of the deal includes sending talented LB Chip Banks to Buffalo. Banks refuses to report & the trade is revised where Banks is allowed to return to Cleveland rather than ever play for the Bills. In October the Kay Stephenson era ends with his firing and the elevation of the man who will go down in history as one of the worst, if not the worst head coaches in Bills history, Hank Bullough. Later in October Joe Cribbs returns from the USFL. Within a month he has become so disgruntled that he put strips of athletic tape on his locker with a sign that read "Buffalo Prison" 1986-The Bills finally started doing things right, signed Jim Kelly and under new GM Bill Polian's urging, got Ralph to loosen his wallet and put together a decent staff off the field. Of course, the Marv Levy era didn't start until after the Bills traded the multi-year disgruntled Joe Cribbs and had the embarrassment of the team's defensive players tanking in Tampa in order to get Hank Bullough fired.
  16. In 1982 the Eagles were drafting 20th & the Bills were drafting 21st. Both teams wanted to draft WRs. The Bills decided they needed to leapfrog over the Eagles so they traded a 3rd round pick & their 1st rounder to Denver to move up from 21 to 19. With that pick the Bills selected WR Perry Tuttle. The Eagles then selected Mike Quick with pick 20 of the 1st round. Tuttle lasted 2 seasons with the Bills, he was traded for a 7th round pick the preseason of his 3rd year in Buffalo. A year later he was permanently out of the NFL & played the rest of his career in Canada. Trading up to leapfrog Philadelphia for a player who lasted 2 seasons was one of many blunders that made the Bills the NFL's laughingstock in the early-mid 1980s.
  17. Time 2 minutes 54 seconds for 100%. I didn't read the questions, just recognized the faces. Way too easy.
  18. The reason for the Eli/Rivers deal was because both teams wanted QBs and Eli was refusing to play for SD. If they want Murray, they're not drafting someone else, the Rivers/Eli situation was unique.
  19. There would be a bidding war which would drive up the price, or one team would make sure to make Arizona an offer they couldn't refuse. If a team totally disagreed with Arizona's thoughts on Rosen, they would make sure they would assure they got him. The only reason Arizona has no leverage is because there is no demand for Rosen as there would be if other teams viewed him as a franchise QB. For proof, I'll use the case of Brett Favre. Favre was a 2nd round pick who barely played his rookie year. Atlanta's coach, Jerry Glanville publicly stated he was not going to play Favre. You would think based on these statements, Favre, a 2nd rounder could not even fetch a 2nd in any trade. GB traded a #1 after Favre's rookie year to Atlanta because their GM viewed Favre as a potential franchise QB. If there was just 1 QB needy GM who views Rosen as a potential franchise QB, they'd be throwing their #1 pick at Arizona just to make sure they locked up a deal. Nobody has done that.
  20. I've read all the stories & nobody has offered Arizona anything higher than a 2nd. The best story is the one about Arizona trying to save face. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/cardinals-reportedly-receive-two-trade-offers-for-josh-rosen-want-to-save-face-in-deal/
  21. What if nobody wants to trade up to #1 who has the draft capital to do so? The top of the draft is loaded with top D players who are all rated pretty equally. Why would a team anywhere near the top want to make a trade up when they can get a player just as good as the one they can get at their spot? If a team further down wants to get to the top, it would be too cost prohibitive to do so. So this just isn't a reply to you, it's a reply to everyone who thinks Arizona can just snap their fingers & find a trade partner who will give them a haul for the top pick-easier said than done.
  22. My thoughts exactly. One thing that can be concluded about Rosen: No GM without a QB who they believe is a long term franchise QB thinks Rosen will ever be a franchise QB. At best, Rosen is viewed as no more than adequate. Obviously Arizona doesn't view Rosen as a potential franchise QB, which is why they are considering drafting Murray. This is similar to the way the Bills viewed Tyrod Taylor-JAG who will never be a franchise QB. If anyone with a QB need thought of Rosen as a franchise QB, they would have offered Arizona a #1 pick. So far, according to rumors, the best offer is a #2.
  23. You can't ruin a QB unless he suffers a career ending or destroying injury. Any QB who was "ruined" never had it to begin with. You can blame all the ruined QBs on 1 thing-bad scouting. The "ruined" guy should have never been drafted where he was. Nobody ruined JP, EJ or any QB who doesn't use his 1st name. Teams reach for QBs, then the coach puts them in when their lack of NFL ability is exposed sooner rather than later. JP sat his rookie year and it didn't work out so good. EJ started his rookie year & the coach saw enough to know he didn't have it. Either way, the Bills reached in both cases just as many GMs have done over the years & then fans blame the coaches instead of the GM & scouts who drafted the bum.
  24. Fans use it a lot more than teams. I doubt when a team is negotiating a trade, a GM is looking at a chart. More likely, the GMs are looking at what picks they have & go from there. Look at the Darnold & Allen trades last year. Indy traded 2,200 to the Jets for 2,540 in last years draft and what turned out to be another 550 in this year's draft. Nobody in the Jets front office was hung out to dry because they traded too many points to Indy. Indy jumped at the deal because it gave them 3 extra #2s and they were still able to get the player they wanted. The Jets knew that in order to assure themselves one of the top 3 QBs, they had to give whatever it took. That tells me the Jets had 3 QBs rated highly enough that it was worth whatever it would take-points be damned. The Bills traded for a spot worth 1,500 points and a 7th rounder not even on the chart because the chart doesn't account for comp picks. They gave up 1,910 points & were glad to keep their other 1st rounder. If necessary, Beane would have traded the 21st pick rather than lose Allen. Once again points be damned. Bottom line is if a team really has zoned in on a player, they don't give a rat's behind about JJ's chart.
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