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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Brees wasn't released. His contract was up & he was franchised. Then right before his contract was up again he got injured and the Chargers let him leave via free agency & New Orleans took a chance he'd fully recover & signed him to a big free agent contract. That's not getting released, it's being allowed to go to free agency, the same way Mitch Morse got to the Bills. KC didn't release Morse & the Chargers didn't release Brees.
  2. I'm surprised the writer never mentioned how Eli Manning was thrown in during the 2004 season. The Giants started the season with Kurt Warner, lost their opener then won 4 in a row. They opened the season 5-2, then lost 2 games in a row to go to 5-4 & Coughlin switched to Manning, who started the last 7 games. Manning was pretty awful his 1st 4 games as the starter then on a nationally televised game vs Pittsburgh something clicked. He was better that day even though the Giants lost 33-30. They lost the next week at Cincinnati by a point, 23-22 then won the season finale vs Dallas 28-24. If anything, the Giants should follow the same model they did with Manning-go to Jones the 2nd half of the season & stick with him no matter how bad he looks once they put him in.
  3. Yes. The narrative around NY is that Josh Allen is too inaccurate and not to be taken seriously. There's a lot more NY money than Buffalo money, although I still think as the game gets closer the smart money will pour in on Buffalo. The casual fans who don't know how totally changed the Bills O is from last year haven't caught up with the team yet. They look at what they think was a fluke win or a Jets choke last week without realizing the fluke was the turnovers and the Bills, outside of the scoreboard until the 4th quarter, were the better team throughout the game. The Bills had a ton more yards both passing & running than the Jets. Without the fluke turnovers the Bills dominate the Jets game. When the line came out I rushed to the casino to get the Bills at -2.5 because I wanted to bet it below the break point of a field goal even though I think the Bills will win easily. If I'm right the extra point that the line moved won't matter.
  4. They might be a Mono-Mary cheerleader on the Jets Flight Crew who really got around this weekend.
  5. Best line I heard from WFAN today "Even Joe Namath never got mono, or if he did he played anyway."
  6. OK. I didn't see it was Ieatcrayonz who started this. I wasn't about to read 10 pages. Sorry I didn't get the joke.
  7. I get it completely. If you have the same records tie breakers can go to conference records. But it never helps to lose a game. If a team wins that out of conference game there is no tie breaker-You and your math challenged friends are the ones not getting it.
  8. If you can't figure out 10-6 is better than 9-7 you need to retake math. His replies indicate he really believes this & isn't joking.
  9. Are you really that math challenged ? A 10-6 team involved in a tie breaker with a 9-7 team wins the tie breaker 100% of the time because THERE IS NO TIE BREAKER. The only time the 9-7 gets a playoff spot over a 10-6 team is when they are in different divisions and the tie breakers get the 9-7 team a division title. In that case the 9-7 team is breaking a tie with another 9-7 team in their division, not with the 10-6 team. The 10-6 team still wins any tie breaker with the remaining 9-7 team. It's NEVER better to get into a tie breaker scenario if you can win another game & not be involved in a tie breaker. Come On Man!
  10. Your math doesn't add up. If you don't lose the game there is no tie breaker. WAKE UP! It's pretty simple. A 10-6 team gets in over a 9-7 team EVERY TIME unless you're talking about a team that wins a weaker division & in that case there is no out of division tie breaker.
  11. I just hope he didn't get too close to Josh when they got together at the end of Sunday's game. There's also hope he spread it through the whole Jets locker room.
  12. Here's why that statement is ridiculous: If they had won the out of conference game that they lost, the team in this example wouldn't have needed a tie breaker. Can an out of conference loss hurt you less than an in conference &/or in division loss? Yes, but a loss is a loss when computing W-L records, and the team with more wins & fewer losses is going to be ahead in the standings over teams with fewer wins & more losses regardless of who they beat & lost to. The answer-Limit your losses to fewer than the next best team in your conference & you won't have to worry about tie breakers. A loss by itself NEVER helps your playoff chances or position. You can tank a game & get rid of a rival, by having the team that you let beat you leapfrog a tougher rival, but that can only happen if you've already secured your playoff position. No loss can ever help your own team's playoff spot.
  13. But I have the Bills -2.5, so it's not the same as a 1 point win. I need a FG win or better.
  14. There are still paper tickets, but they are rare. You can go to the ticket office if you're having problems or don't have a cell phone & get a printed ticket, or a season ticket holder can get them printed in advance, as another poster has mentioned. For a scalper to get paper tickets he'd have to go to the ticket office with an explanation as to why he needs multiple tickets in different locations printed. I doubt it would go well. I think some teams still have paper tickets for single game ticket buyers, but not many. I know Buffalo & the 2 NJ teams are using mobile tickets. Last year I went to opening day in Baltimore. I bought the ticket from the Ravens through Ticketmaster the day the schedule came out & the Ravens immediately put the tickets for sale that night. They mailed me a paper ticket & I used it at the game. I don't know if they switched to all mobile yet or still use paper tickets for single game buyers. I went to NJ for the Jets game this week & two people came in late in the row in front of me & had paper tickets. I had mine on my phone.
  15. Here's the problem: There are virtually no paper tickets anymore. Therefore if you want to get a ticket outside the stadium, you have to find someone who is going to transfer their ticket from a phone they have to your phone. I'm guessing this has cut scalping to a minimum because if the league or team is monitoring cellphone transfers they're going to find the scalpers real fast & put them out of business. So finding street scalpers will be rare. The best solution for you is to find someone you know or someone on a site like this who has an extra ticket or 2 & buy it in a small private transaction days before the game. Like it or not, the best way is still a site like Ticketmaster, StubHub!, Vivid etc. The NFL wants to get in on the fees from scalping & wants their share of the take & that's why Ticket Exchange exists & why they figured a way to negate the small street scalper & make scalping a business where they get some of the money.
  16. The Giants didn't have franchise QB ratings on any of the 2018 QBs available at 2, otherwise they would have picked one & sat him a year or 2 behind Manning. They probably had a similar rating on Barkley that most had-potential HOFer. So if you want to get on his case, he chose the most likely Hall of Famer in the draft. He knew if they drafted Allen, Allen wouldn't play as a rookie and possibly not as a sophomore either. Josh was better off going to a team where he could play instead of being a NY Giant still holding a clipboard with nobody knowing if he'd be the answer or not.
  17. This horse was beaten to death on the 1st page. To sum things up, the punt was the right decision, the Bills called time out right before the punt having already milked the clock down, and you can't get a 10 second runoff by creating a penalty to benefit your team-the other team has the option to decline. Now if Gregg Williams was their HC instead of their DC you might have had a chance at that 10 second runoff. I remember when the Bills played Houston when Gregg was coach and the Texans got a penalty with the ball on offense & someone on the Bills sideline accepted the penalty while London Fletcher was on the field waving his hands frantically to decline the penalty because with the extra down by accepting the penalty, it gave Houston enough downs to run out the clock, which wouldn't have happened if the Bills had declined. At that moment I said Gregg should be fired immediately but Donahoe/Ralph let him finish the season.
  18. Sam Ficken real journeyman. Jets fans lament on Monday night: Ficken kicker missed another one.
  19. The Jets had a really good kicker but didn't want to pay him & he left as a free agent. They've mismanaged their kicking game and it was too late for the new GM to fix it in camp, but the fact that of all the kickers out there they chose the worst one doesn't give one much confidence that the new GM knows what he's doing. There are good kickers out there, McLaughlin was much better than the clown the Jets have in preseason. Notice McLaughlin ended up on the Vikings practice squad after he kicked a 50+ yarder vs them and they cut Vedvik who couldn't hit much of anything after seeing both of them kick in the preseason finale.
  20. I'm expecting a blowout win vs the Giants unless the Giants double the time of possession over the Bills by running Barkley until he drops. The Giants have no WRs if Shepard is out (Tate is still suspended) & their D is pretty bad. The only way the Giants stay close is total ball control, trying to make this a carbon copy of Super Bowl XXV. Therefore, I'll take a blowout for what it is, a good win against one of the NFL's worst teams. It won't give me any confidence we can beat NE. In fact, if the Bills don't blowout the Gants, I fear a serious butt kicking by the Patriots. A Giants game blowout will only indicate we're playoff contenders, still not ready to join the elites.
  21. In all fairness, The game would have been a lot different if the Jets had the lead when they got the ball back after the Bills (actual go ahead) TD. They would have been running instead of passing, trying to get the Bills to use their timeouts and trying to leave as little time on the clock as possible for the Bills to try to get into FG range. If the Jets were able to get a 1st down or 2 running, and they do have one of the NFL's top RBs, they might have run out the clock and kept the ball out of the Bills hands. Bottom line is you can't revise one part of a game without changing everything else. A different leader on the scoreboard produces vastly different events on the field near the end of the game.
  22. One line that stuck out to me in the article was when JK said (to paraphrase) that the turnover on the snap fumbled by Allen was nothing more than not converting on 4th down. If the Bills had run the ball & been stuffed, the outcome would have been the same, but the stat sheet would have had one less turnover for the Ignorati* to complain about. * Ignorati =members of the media in NFL cities who never watch anything about the Bills except Sportscenter highlights and make ignorant statement about the Bills with no data to back them up. One of the leading members of the Ignorati is WFAN's Mike Francessa, who has many New Yorkers thinking that Josh Allen is a 20% completion passer.
  23. The rest of the story is there was racism on both sides in 1989. Ronnie Harmon was the leading black racist. I once heard a story where he was passing a ball around for black players to sign and wouldn't let Andre Reed sign it because he's bi-racial. On the white side, Fred Smerlas is a redneck A-hole, even though he's from Massachusetts. Both those players were gone when the Super Bowl teams thrived. They were both locker room cancers & were told to hit the road.
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