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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. I know some will hate hearing this, but that's how the Patriots dynasty was built. Get a franchise QB and build around him. Beane has followed that philosophy, making sure he targeted the QB a year before he had the money to follow the Patriots model. Meanwhile, the Jets decided to follow the Washington model instead of the New England one.
  2. The last time the Bills got a player for a player that appeared to be each team dumping a guy neither team wanted and it worked out was the Jerry Hughes trade. It was about the only significant thing that the Nix/Whaley team did right with long term success.
  3. McDermott praised Bojo in his post game PC today, no way he gets replaced in the bye week.
  4. Too many victory formations instead of trying to score more points in the final minute of a win.
  5. Too bad nobody went there to say "I'd be worried about Allen if I was a Jets fan". Allen vs Darnold reminds me of the 1980s. Marino never got back to the Super Bowl once Jim Kelly arrived in Buffalo. I used to demonstrate that by saying "Jim Kelly would slam the door shut on Marino's Super Bowl hopes every year." Then I would pound my palm on a desk to make a slamming sound.
  6. I was at the Minnesota @ Giants game & from time to time I would turn on the Redzone channel on my phone. It seemed like every time they went to the Bills game, Santos was missing a kick. At one point I thought they were replaying a prior miss. I saw the Duke TD on my phone and started cheering wildly in the stands of Met-Life while the Giants were getting their butts kicked & yelled out "Duke freaking Williams" several times. I came close to not saying freaking, but I was able to maintain my self control. My friend who is Giants fan who I went to the game with tried to calm me down to no avail.
  7. All the members of the media who mock drafted Haskins to the NYG and then attacked Gettleman for choosing Jones are complaining that they're sick of crow for dinner every night.
  8. Harvin "I was high for every game I played" Marcel "Percy, you stole my line"
  9. Here's my take on the people who don't want Josh to play even if he clears protocol: You are the same ones who didn't want Josh to start another game last season after Barkley lit up the Jets. Depending on your age either you, your father or your grandfather: Wanted Frank Reich to continue as the starter after Kelly was deemed healthy enough to play Wanted Marangi to start over Ferguson (at least until you saw Marangi play himself out of the NFL)
  10. The Bills sell some of the club seats at face value + fees. I paid $327.40 for a $292 ticket to the Eagles game-total fees $35.40 from Ticketmaster. The tickets left in the club for Miami are listed for $286 before fees on the Bills website, so the maximum would be a little over $320/ticket. https://www1.ticketmaster.com/event/0000566BD8277523?brand=bills&artistid=805905&landing=s&camefrom=CFC_BILLS_BBC_PIP
  11. Way too much paranoia over a guy having hip surgery. Any surgery gets you eligible for IR. I wouldn't be surprised if they draft a kicker next April & say goodbye to Gostkowski.
  12. Come On Man! Get the facts before posting nonsense. He's having hip surgery. Do you think he's faking surgery? https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/27753227/patriots-kicker-stephen-gostkowski-season-ending-hip-surgery
  13. Did you go to one or both of the 2 games in NJ and turn on the Radio app? I thought the reason I was getting the commercial was because I had their app on while I was in NJ. If you were never there then I guess it's a commercial everyone is getting. I've got a casino 22 miles from my house if I want to bet football, I don't need to go to NJ to bet the games.
  14. Judging from some of the posts today, I'm surprised none of the clowns have chimed in with McDermott.
  15. Petrino & I were at the game together & a bunch of people from our agency were there because they scheduled a regional managers meeting in Batavia that day & the regional manager in Batavia got them group tickets. We were laughing at the beginning saying the managers picked the worst game to go to. Fortunately the D kept us in the game early & then the offense straightened things out.
  16. Like every other inexperienced QB that plays against the Patriots. Maybe you can find 1 or 2 exceptions, but the majority of 1st & 2nd year QBs end up looking like fools when matched up against a Belichick defense.
  17. Against Bill Belichick's defense. Now go to the message board of the Patriots opponents week after week & you'll see someone saying the same thing. That's because nobody does it better than Belichick & week after week, year after year he's made a career of making the opposing QB play the worst or close to the worst game of the QB's career.
  18. Go back & watch Brett Favre at the same point in their careers. Favre played the same way. I'll take a Brett Favre career out of Josh Allen. Neither is a good measure of what's going on on the field.
  19. I've lost faith in fans who don't watch football enough to know every QB looks bad at times & in certain games if you nitpick every throw. I wonder how many Patriots fans are worried that Brady is done because he played lousy yesterday. How about the GB fans who must be giving up on Rodgers because when it came down to the final series he couldn't get the job done. Are Jets fans giving up on Darnold because when Allen marched the bills down the field on the winning drive vs the Jets, Darnold couldn't get the job done? Did all of you who were around during Kelly's prime lose faith when he went into KC or Pittsburgh for what seemed like his annual butt kicking? My point is if you watch only 1 QB regularly, you can pretty much lose faith in him no matter who he is. They all are flawed, make what appears to be stupid decisions and do not always get the job done when needed. Do you know why? It's because they are playing against NFL defenses. Yesterday 2 of the NFL's best Ds faced off against each other & both made the opposing QB look bad. That's what happens in the NFL. We don't get to play bad Ds every week. If you start picking apart your QB when he plays one of the best Ds in the league & don't realize those guys get paid big bucks too, you don't understand the NFL. The worst of the bunch are the stat boys who don't understand why the pros look at & break down film rather than just look at a printed piece of paper.
  20. Jim Kelly once threw 3 pick on the 1st 3 possessions of the game and the Bills won the game. We'll never know what Josh would have done at the end of the game because he was taken out with a dirty hit.
  21. I have 2 entries & that's who I took.
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