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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. I keep track every year of Super Bowl ticket prices and in a typical year the best time to buy tickets at the lowest price is the Sunday before the game through Monday morning. After that the prices rise slightly from their low point. The one exception in recent years was Super Bowl XLVII in Arizona when the marker went crazy for the Seattle/NE game and the get in prices reached around $10,000. The tickets just kept going up all week and a lot of people who bought through "ticket brokers" never got their tickets at the promised price. That also happened in Atlanta for the Bills last Super Bowl (at much lower prices in 1994) where many Bills fans never got their tickets. Still, if the Bills make the Super Bowl I'll be looking to buy my tickets the Sunday before the game. When I checked prices earlier today, the lowest prices were down around $500 to $700 from before the championship games.
  2. Why would Brady go to the Chargers? He'd have to be Tyrod's back-up. ?
  3. OK, he's as qualified to play in the NFL as all the other recent 1st round busts who got to hang on a few years past their expiration dates because at one time they were good in college. He was traded for pennies on the dollar because the other NFL teams realized the odds are he's a bust after watching film of him as a rookie. The closest thing in terms of QB devaluation in recent years was GB cutting 2nd rounder Brian Brohm after 1 season & the Bills eventually signing him off GB's practice squad months after he cleared waivers. Back when the Bills signed Brohm there were plenty of guys like you who said "I saw him play in college" and others saying "he was projected as a high 1st rounder" and proclaimed him to be a steal for the Bills. I warned them that QBs are treated like gold among GMs and for any prospect to flame out that quickly where you're getting him for pennies on the dollar is a very bad sign. They all know now they were wrong about Brohm as you are about Rosen. Face it, once they have NFL film on these QBs, NFL GMs by their actions know more than any of us on a message board. You haven't faced the fact that no matter how he was treated, Rosen was always going to bust. Almost every GM has that figured out by now.
  4. You lost me at the stat thing. When you watch Rosen & Allen play there's a world of difference that stats don't reflect. Keep relying on stats & you'll never understand a game that needs to be seen to be understood. That's why the coaches & players review film instead of burying their heads in a bunch of stat sheets. After seeing film of Rosen vs NFL talent, there was very little demand for Rosen in the trade market, reflected by the fact Miami traded down before trading for Rosen knowing that they were getting back a similar pick, one year removed, to the pick they were giving up for Rosen, making the trade low-risk. Rosen has pocketed money for a job he is not qualified to have. If getting millions for lack of production is getting the shaft, you & I have a different opinion on what that means.
  5. If you read the post you commented on you would know I stated that his teammates in Arizona, who do know him, never said he had a me me me attitude. Since none of the posters, you & I included know what he is like with teammates, the most reliable sources are the guys he actually played with.
  6. I don't buy the attitude stuff. When he was drafted he said the 9 prior teams in the draft were wrong. That wasn't a me me me attitude-there were never any teammates in Arizona who said that about him. Successful athletes are pretty confident in their abilities. Nobody said Brady had a me me me attitude when as a 6th round rookie he told the owner of the team that drafting him was the best decision NE ever made (or words to that effect) He probably will be out of football soon-not because of attitude, just lacked the talent.
  7. There are countless posts in the ashes of message boards where the poster says "I saw him play in college" & "he was screwed" when the true reason the guy flamed out in the NFL is simply he isn't good enough to perform at the next level. Most of the guys he's playing against in college will only get in a NFL game with a ticket. Heisman trophy winners like Leinart, #1 picks like Tim Couch, etc they all couldn't cut it at the next level because they lacked the talent to advance at the next level. Rosen is in the same boat. He wasn't screwed. Arizona spotted that he lacked the goods and was able to get something back, but the lack of interest as pointed out in an earlier post that mentioned Miami was able to trade down & still get him shows the league was on to him. Miami will get little or nothing when they drop him. 1)He lacks the talent to play in the NFL, it's that simple 2) He definitely wasn't screwed-he made millions while lacking the ability to be a NFL QB.
  8. The Mets should fire Beltran today. The Red Sox should fire Cora today. These bums have no business being MLB managers.
  9. Of the under the radar Bills free agents, I'd give Waddle another 1 or 2 year deal at a similar salary as he was paid in 2019. Reasonably priced competition at RT.
  10. Go watch his 60 Minutes interview and then I dare you to question his intelligence.
  11. Rex Ryan. He will promise to build a bully and will guarantee playoffs. His pitch will be so convincing they won't let him leave the building without a contract.
  12. While driving in his car, yes. Nix wanted a bunch of choirboys instead of football p!ayers.
  13. I still blame Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey for trading Lynch for next to nothing. The premise that Lynch didn't want to be here is nonsense. What happened was the Bills drafted Spiller, cut Lynch's playing time, all after they made it quite clear they didn't want him here and were trying to trade him. Lynch is being very diplomatic when he says it was mutual. If any employee was treated as shabily by his boss, he'd want out too. Sure Lynch did some bad stuff off the field but the 1st move was the team against him, not the other way around. Before Gailey and Spiller arrived can anyone find one time Marshawn badmouthed Buffalo? .
  14. Andy Reid is calling Frank Reich for advice on how to come back vs Houston.
  15. I doubt it since Cleveland didn't decide until AFTER he interviewed. The other openings were filled by guys each team wanted badly. Rivera in Washington done ASAP, Rhule in Carolina-he was their top choice and nothing McDaniels could have done would have changed that, NYG-Judge blew them away, like McDermott did years ago with the Pegulas-if they wanted anything to do with McDaniels after interviewing Judge they clearly would have waited. I watched Judge's PC in NJ and he was really impressive. This was an abnormal year for coaches. A lot of coaches on the hot seat were retained. Cleveland was really McDaniels' only hope after Judge interviewed with the NYG. McDaniels is a very flawed candidate. Don't think for a minute that every time a team has Josh McDaniels on their list of candidates they look at his stint in Denver and his screwing over Indianapolis and don't see a lot of red flags. Please let it be Buddy Nix or Doug Whaley.
  16. I don't know why anyone would be interested in McDaniels. He was a disaster in Denver and bailed on Indianapolis. What has he proven other than that Tom Brady likes him? Anybody could be Tom Brady's OC and look good on paper.
  17. My Mercedes is 9 years old. If he damaged it I'd settle with him getting me a 2020 new one. I'd want to keep him alive so he could pay for my new car.
  18. Since neither one of us knows how Singletary was feeling we can't accurately answer that question. I remember when Gailey used to say Spiller was "winded" after a few carries when asked why he didn't have more carries.
  19. We're also missing a complementary RB to split time with Singletary. Preferably a big bruiser like Henry. Singletary is too small to be a bellcow. Even HOF RB Thurman Thomas had Kenneth Davis to give him a break. The coaches know they need more than Singletary and that is why he wasn't carrying much in the end in Houston. Beane will fix this in the offseason , he couldn't do it after Gore was done in the 2nd half of this season. Then the Daboll critics will have to find some other lame thing to complain about, and whatever it is will be just as dumb as wanting a small RB to be a bellcow.
  20. It looks like it's down to Stefanski & Saleh. If they weren't waiting for one of them they would have already hired one of the guys already available. Daboll will have a good shot next year, although the team wanting to sign him will have to wait until after the Super Bowl.
  21. We're 0 for 2 on Mike Williamses. Just thinking of Mike Williams/Buffalo Bills brings back bad memories.
  22. Neither. I don't expect a NE team to make the playoffs without Brady any time soon enough for Brady to face them.
  23. Anything that would guarantee a Bills Super Bowl win, I'll take. Here is an example: In baseball the Cubs traded Gleyber Torres to the Yankees for Aroldis Chapman. Torres will be a star for the next decade or longer. Chapman played a couple of months for the Cubs and re-signed with the Yankees. Looking at the trade long range, it was a steal for the Yankees, but the Cubs won the World Series. Ask most Cubs fans and they would do the trade again, even if Torres ends up in the Hall of Fame. Considering the fact that in all our lifetimes the Bills have never won a Super Bowl, anything that would guarantee a SB win we should all want. The OPs premise is guarantee a SB win. I'll take any guarantee, even if it meant Brady or even a ref totally blowing a call in our favor. The Rams didn't tell NO to go in their place last year.
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