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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. I don't know where the $5,750 comes from, my guess is that's pre-fees, which range from around 17-25%. I looked at Stubhub minutes ago & the cheapest seats were over $7,300 with fees included. There are virtually no seats less than 7 grand when fees are added. There's no way Stubhub is coming down enough to match their $4,600 prices of last Saturday. Sorry Estro, there's no way prices will come down thousands on Stubhub from the over $7k they are right now. As the game gets closer the number of available tickets diminishes, making it tougher for the price to come down at an internet site. Even the no-fee Tickpick has one pair at $6,500 and the rest are all in the $7,000 & up price. Don't get fooled by pre-fee price quotes. The tickets are up in the $7,000 get in range and are not falling much unless one plans to go outside the stadium & find a scalper with tickets left after the 1st quarter, they're not going down significantly. If the Bills make it, my advice is to buy either the Saturday or Sunday 1 week before the game. I track prices every year and my data stems from years of tracking prices. The only year that went against recent trends was 2015 in Arizona & even that year tickets went through the roof the closer it got to the game with nothing less than $10,000.
  2. I've been to a lot of pizza places that also have a sit down restaurant. You can sit down and be waited on or you can take out pizza. It certainly isn't a KC thing, I ate at one in Albany a couple of months ago and we ordered a pizza pie.
  3. Get in price up to $7,000 3 days before the game. Time to buy was last Saturday.
  4. What kills your premise is that the Bills didn't pick up Watkins 5th year option, a pretty good indication that he was not in their long term plans. It would be impossible for a team to not pick up the option and then turn around and tell the player he's a big part of their future and they want him there long term.
  5. I still have the final edition. 9/19/82. Three months later I moved out of WNY (I was living in Kenmore) for the final time & never lived there again. The death of the Courier and the end of my time in WNY were very close. I've come back many times for Bills game weekends, but it will never be the same. Which paper?
  6. There are ways around that, like staying 2 hours away (or less) & driving in the day of the game, then driving back to your pregame location. That's similar to what I did the year I went to the Kentucky Derby. I found a Rally Bus to the Derby out of Indianapolis, a little more than 100 miles from Louisville, flew into to Indy Friday night, took a cab to a motel a block away from the bus pickup point, got up Saturday morning, took the bus to the Derby, got back to Indy around 11 PM, took a cab to the airport Sunday morning & flew back to NYS Sunday. I flew out of Newburgh rather than Albany since my friend who joined me at the Derby lives in Beacon and flights were cheaper out of Newburgh so he won the airport based on price. After I got back to Beacon, I drove home. I also did something similar when the Super Bowl was 2.5 hours from my house when they played the game at MetLife stadium. I got up in the morning, drove to NJ, parked at Stubhub's parking, took a Stubhub chartered bus 5 miles to the game, got a motel in northern NJ near the NYS line (Holiday Inn, not a cheapie) for $115 and drove home after I got up. Unfortunately, I should have just driven home after the game since after I checked in I watched the news weather forecast & NY/NJ was getting a snowstorm and to beat the snow I got up in the middle of the night & left before 4 AM to beat the snowstorm. Also flying into an airport a couple of hours from the event site will save you hundreds in airfare & car rental $. When I went to SBXXV, I flew into Orlando and rented a car in Orlando then stayed in Orlando motels my 1st & last nights and drove down to the motel in Treasure Island that was included in the Disney package .
  7. I don't know, but today (Tuesday afternoon) there's a $700 difference. Edge has the lowest priced tickets at around $5,500, Chrome at around $6,200 for the same tickets. It looks like Saturday, 8 days before the game, was the best day to buy this year Prices have gone up by $1,000 and more since Saturday. So if the Bills make it next year, I'm buying on Saturday afternoon.
  8. He's saving the owners money by multitasking. Pretty soon the Texans will be the NFL's only team with no assistant coaches.
  9. The Bills & Jets will be taking over the AFC east this season. I'd be surprised if they both don't make the playoffs with NE battling Miami to stay out of last place. We have the advantage with McDermott over Gase in NY, but the Jets are not going to have another season like 2019 where their QB goes down with mono, their top free agent on D has a lost season and their rookie (now 2nd year ) DT is banged up & underachieves. The Jets will be a formidable opponent this upcoming season, with Darnold, Mosley, & Q. Williams at full strength, NE, not so much.
  10. Every time I see a post quoting QB stats I cringe. Eli Manning was one of the best big game clutch players of his generation. Rivers, on the other hand choked away many opportunities. Eli had a lot of mediocre games, but with the game on the line in games that mattered, he was money. The only time I'd use money and Rivers in the same sentence would be : Rivers made a lot of money during his NFL career.
  11. Rosen's future is not in the NFL. Miami will dump him pretty soon. They brought him in on a flyer with minimum risk since in their trade down they got another 2nd round pick. Then in a rebuild year, they thought so little of him that they decided pretty quickly that he was not their QB of the future after seeing him play in a few games and instead of trying to develop him, they benched him in favor of the guy who gave them the best chance of winning a few games. Since the coach had a free pass, he didn't have to win any games to keep his job. If he saw anything that gave him hope of developing Rosen, he would have played him rather than sat him. Instead he went with Fitz & I guarantee Miami takes a QB in the 1st round. That leaves Rosen out the door since there's no way they're keeping the rookie, a veteran (either Fitz or Rivers) & Rosen. I wouldn't be shocked that as soon as Miami drafts the rookie QB, Rosen is either traded for a late round pick, or if there are no takers, released outright before camp.
  12. The Bills have as much of a chance of signing Hill as any one of us has of stealing Giselle away from Brady.
  13. I've been tracking the get in cost of SB tickets this week on StubHub!. Before the championship games the price with fees (which are around 24% higher than the list price) was around $6,000. It dropped to $5,000 shortly after the games were played. I looked today and on 2 browsers I got 2 different answers. On Edge StubHub!'s get in tickets were going around $4,500 to $4,600. On Chrome they were $5,000. So one thing I learned is not only to time the market (Past history predicts tomorrow evening will have the lowest prices), but check on multiple browsers when looking to buy. Since I'm not in the market for tickets this year, all my monitoring is for future reference when the Bills make it.
  14. Guys my age who were around for the old AFL are in the minority. You kids need to stay off my lawn and stop rooting for the NFC team in the Super Bowl.
  15. If the Bills aren't in the Super Bowl and the Patriots are, I'm rooting for the Patriots. Why you ask? The answer is quite simple. The Patriots are our AFL brothers, just like the rest of the old AFL teams are. Old fans like me remember the days of competing leagues when the NFL was always the enemy. Now if I have a chance to root for an old AFL team, now in the AFC against an old NFL team, now in the NFC, I'll be damned if I'm going to root against a former member of "The Foolish Club". We old guys remember the joy every AFL player and fan felt when the Jets won SBIII. Listen to some old AFL players talk about it, the Jets victory was considered an AFL victory for everybody involved in the league. It becomes a little different when an old NFL team that moved to the AFC the Steelers, Colts, and Ravens (since they are the old Browns) are in the game, then it depends on who their opponent is. The only time I'll root for the NFC is if I can win money if they win the game. The last time that happened was when Seattle beat Denver & I was in a post-season pool and needed Seattle to win the game. In the 1990s the AFC, as we Bills fans painfully remember, was getting their butts kicked by the NFC every year. When Denver finally broke the AFC's losing streak I was as happy as if the Bills had won. I remember going to work the next day with a smile nobody could get off my face. So that's why a Bills fan can root for the Patriots in the Super Bowl and a Bills fans should look back in history if that person doesn't understand that rooting for the AFC team in the Super Bowl makes a lot more sense than rooting for the NFC team to win the game. For similar reasons, it's completely understandable that a self respecting Rams fan can root for the 49ers.
  16. You are the 1st one to get it. I was thinking something similar but from a different angle. When I go to a Super Bowl city I want the tourism mixed with the anticipation of a future game and the day I do my sightseeing and do things like the NFL Experience is Saturday, the day before the game. Once the game is over half the fans will be too disappointed to want to do things football related. I know Saturday is when I'm doing my most spending. This is especially true when the tourism is in a different area than the game, like Super Bowl 50 when the big football and non-football big events were in San Francisco. Saturday we went to the NFL Experience in SF, restaurants in SF, etc,Sunday down to Santa Clara. It was a similar thing when the game was in NJ and the big events were in Manhattan for the tourists.
  17. I watched his press conference & the answer is 100% NEVER.
  18. He might be the only coach in the NFL to have a multiple impersonators: https://www.nbcsports.com/philadelphia/the700level/kansas-citys-fake-andy-reid-imposter
  19. If the Bills make a Super Bowl again in my lifetime, until I see them win one, money is no object. I have no problem if it costs me $7,000 to go. Unless you get your ticket in the team lottery, many of the secondary market ticket sellers have a place near the stadium where they hold a party for their Super Bowl ticket buyers, making it better than a tailgate in the parking lot. The last Super Bowl I went to (50) we parked about 20 miles away (Fremont California BART station, basically on the way from Concord)& took a shuttle bus for $20 each. Very easy access in & out of Santa Clara. There was no need to tailgate at the stadium since we had a Stubhub party a few blocks from the stadium where we picked up our tickets the day of the game. I know both Stubhub & NFL On Location had pregame parties. At the Stubhub party Ryan Fitzpatrick was one of the celebrity guests. He was on a stage being interviewed & telling jokes. For the Super Bowl in NJ, I bought parking for $105 at the shopping center about 5 miles away where Stubhub set up their ticket pick up & pregame party. They had shuttle buses to MetLife Stadium. Of the 4 Bills Super Bowls I went to I only parked one time. It cost $10 to park at the Rose Bowl parking near the stadium. We hung out around the stadium & had some good conversations with Bills & Cowboys fans. The other 3 times I had shuttle buses to the game from the travel package I bought. In Tampa & Atlanta they were chartered by the travel agent. In Minnesota all hotels gave us pins that got us on buses going to Minneapolis & St Paul the whole weekend & to the game on Sunday.
  20. No it's not. Ralph was cheap and to deny it is revisionist history-class has nothing to do with stating historical facts. You really need to get that copy of Relentless to see the many things he did that resulted in many losing seasons.
  21. Come on man! Sure you can be grateful to Ralph for keeping the team in Buffalo, but to deny he was a little tight with his money and did some very strange things as owner is just selective memory. For most of the Bills 1st 30 years Ralph was cheap and the typical cycle was the team was bad, attendance suffered, Ralph saw all the empty seats and decided he had to spend money, the team got to be pretty good, Ralph alienated the person most responsible for the team being good, the alienated guy left, the team got bad again and attendance suffered, Ralph realized he had to spend $ and hired new people, the team got good again-rinse & repeat. These are some of the things Ralph did in those 1st 30 years and then some afterwards: In the 1960s there was the whole debacle where Ralph neutered John Rauch to the point Rauch quit in preseason. OJ held out before signing that rich contract. Ralph had little choice but to pay OJ, who was the face of the franchise. The Bills became the 1st & only team in NFL history to lose a bidding war for the services of the #1 overall pick in the NFL draft to the CFL when Tom Cousineau signed with Montreal. This led to Chuck Knox being pretty angry and was the 1st thing that led to Knox's leaving after the 1982 season. Ralph never had success with head coaches in their 1st head coaching job. That's because he was too cheap and for years had coaches at the bottom of the NFL's coaching pay scale. Either the coach was a retread in need of a job or was a guy he could get away paying peanuts to. The exceptions were when the team got really bad and nobody was going to the games, then he'd spend $ for a guy like Chuck Knox. He had a lot of cheap coaches over the years. He got lucky when he hired Polian who was close to Levy, but even Levy originally came at a discounted price. When the USFL was around, he lost his starting RB Joe Cribbs and Jim Kelly because he was outbid. He only made Kelly the highest paid QB because he had to either sign Kelly or stare at 40,000 empty seats on Sundays. The Bills lost 3 years of Kelly's career because of Ralphs miserly ways. Even after the success that the 1990s Bills had, he fired Bill Polian, the unquestioned greatest GM in Bills history, because Polian didn't want to have to listen to "scout" Linda Bogdan, Ralph's daughter. Hiring Marv Levy & Buddy Nix as GMs: come on man! Yes Ralph did a lot of good, but his cheap & meddling ways led to a lot of seasons where the Bills were the NFL's laughingstock, especially in the 1st 30 years of the franchise. I'm sure if I wanted to go through the Bills history I could find a lot more examples than the few I listed. If you have the time get a copy of Relentless and read through it & then come back and tell us that Ralph wasn't cheap & didn't meddle far too much.
  22. I have great neighbors. When I was away Thanksgiving week we had almost 2 feet of snow and my next door neighbor cleared my driveway & walkway. He also had done that when I was sick in the winter of 2017-18 and couldn't clean my driveway until March 2018. My mother told that story the rest of her life and laughed about it, although at the time she was pretty mad at me for not getting their friend's name.
  23. I've got a great story about the original Mad Bomber. I grew up in the NYC metro area. Even though the Mad Bomber was caught in 1957 a lot of people in the area were still afraid of bombs years later. One of them was my mother. In 1959 my parents bought their 1st house, moving from an apt. in the Bronx to a house in Long Island. I was a 5 year old kid & was home one morning after we 1st moved in and one of their friends was on his way to work and in a hurry. He rang the bell, I answered & handed me a little gift wrapped box & said "give this to your mother" and left. I went to my mother & told her some man dropped the box off and told her what he said. I didn't recognize him as one of their friends. My mother's 1st thoughts went to the mad bomber (I don't know if she knew he was captured in 1957) and she called the police & they came over to check out the box. When they opened it they found a little figurine with a note congratulating them on their new homeownership. If you never heard of the Mad Bomber who terrorized NY, here's a link : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Metesky
  24. I've been to 6 Super Bowls. Here's data from my spreadsheet updated to 2019 costs. For Super Bowl 50, I bought too soon after the prices went crazy for XLIX and if I had timed the market I could have saved $1,000-$1,500 per ticket-I bought 2 that year. All amounts are costs for 1 person/1 ticket. Year Transportation Car Rental Ticket Lodging Misc Parking Total Inflation Adj to early 2016 $ ADJ to 2019 Notes 1991 $158.00 $83.73 $1,165.00 $60.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,516.73 1.75 $2,654.28 $2,783.81 Lodging is for 2 motel nights in Orlando, ticket is Disney Package 1992 $919.00 $0.00 $150.00 $0.00 $50.00 $0.00 $1,119.00 1.7 $1,902.30 $1,995.13 Transportation and lodging grouped, includes $779 for flight/motel 1993 $344.50 $52.08 $175.00 $64.42 $100.00 $10.00 $736.00 1.65 $1,214.40 $1,273.66 Lodging & Car Rental represents half total cost. 1994 $60.00 $0.00 $1,248.00 $0.00 $150.00 $0.00 $1,458.00 1.61 $2,347.38 $2,461.93 Ticket includes lodging & flight, transportation includes est. railroad cost to Buffalo 2014 $60.00 $0.00 $1,857.50 $114.99 $125.00 $105.00 $2,157.49 1.02 $2,200.64 $2,308.03 Transportation is for gas & tolls to drive to game 2016 $395.00 $0.00 $4,726.20 $0.00 $125.00 $20.00 $5,246.20 1 $5,246.20 $5,502.21 Parking is shuttle to & from Fremont $15,565.20 $16,324.78 Average cost $3,113.04 $3,264.96
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