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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Here's the other side on that one. If the Bills didn't have 2 picks within 2 slots of the 1st round, odds are since QB is so much more important than TE, the Bills would have drafted Kelly at #12 without pick #14 & never would have drafted bust TE Tony Hunter.
  2. I have a better one: 1989 5th round pick Michael Andrews, who was the 3rd player drafted by the Bills that year since they had no 1st & 2nd round picks. After the Bills drafted him they discovered a medical problem that was bad enough that he couldn't play in the NFL. Andrews NEVER MAKE IT INTO CAMP.
  3. Since none of us know what McDermott said in his long interview I'll take a guess at how he started & why the Pegulas fell in love with him: "Thank you for this interview. The biggest problem with this organization is you have a losing culture. If I owned this team the 1st thing I'd do is fire Doug Whaley. He was part of the team that drafted EJ Manuel and traded an extra #1 and more picks for Sammy Watkins. Heck, you won't even let the guy speak in public anymore, why is he still here? I know a guy down in Carolina named Brandon Beane who is a great public speaker and a great football mind. Hire me and I'll get him here. Now let's talk about my plans for coaching this team..."
  4. Looking back to the draft held 5 years ago, many teams came out disappointed in the results. A 1st round pick is supposed to be a difference maker & be with the team beyond 5 years, yet of the 32 picks, due to injuries, busts & free agents looking to move on, only 7 are still with the team that drafted them. Even worse, of the top 10, only 1 player is still on his drafted team. The 1st 2, QBs Winston & Mariotta fell out of favor & were not wanted back by their teams after 5 seasons. Any QB at the top of the draft who is jettisoned after 5 years is a wasted pick. The Bills, who didn't have a 1st rounder, didn't pick a single player of much consequence and none are still with the team. 2nd rounder Darby was traded after 2 seasons for a 1 year rental of Matthews and a 3rd round pick (H. Phillips). Due to injuries he has been a disappointment and recently signed with his 3rd team as a UFA. 3rd rounder Miller lasted 4 up & down seasons with the Bills and lasted only 1 year with Cincinnati after signing with them. He also is now on his 3rd team. The rest of the picks were JAGs who have bounced around with only 1 of the remaining 4 still (barely) in the league. Ironically, one of the best picks of that draft was Minnesota's 5th rounder, WR Stefon Diggs. While he too is no longer with his original team, Minnesota got a haul of draft choices from the Bills. The players from the 2015 draft currently on the Bills are Diggs, Yeldon, Morse, Feliciano, & undrafted Spain, so the Bills got something out of the class of 2015 .
  5. My point was he usually uses picks where he has multiple picks in the same round when he trades up. He never leaves the cupboard bare. Most of those picks were acquired by jettisoning players the Bills didn't want or who were on the last years of their contracts & weren't going to be re-signed.
  6. Here's something interesting about Beane's trades-most of the picks that were used to trade up were extra picks acquired when the Bills traded players for picks that weren't in their long term plans. Since Beane wasn't here in 2017, let's look only at the drafts he was here for: 2018: Allen trade up: Players traded to acquire the picks needed-Glenn to move up to 12, Watkins, on the final year of his contract for 2nd rounder used in trade. Beane used only 1 of the Bills own original picks(own 2nd rounder) to trade up from 21 to 7. 2018 Edmunds trade up: Beane used none of the Bills own picks to get Edmunds. The 22nd pick was acquired in the trade before he got here & the 3rd rounder was stolen from Cleveland for Tyrod Taylor, a player on the final year of his contract who was not in the Bills 2018 plans. 2019 Ford trade up: Beane used the 5th rounder he acquired from Oakland for AJ McCarron, who was not going to make the 2018 Bills. 2019 Knox trade up: Beane used the 4th from KC in the Ragland trade as well as our own to move up for Knox. 2020 Diggs trade: The 2 picks beyond the 1st this year were acquired for 2 guys who weren't going to make the team-Teller & Bodine. The Bills used next year's 4th for this year's 7th from Minnesota. Conclusion: Beane covets his own draft choices, but is always willing to trade up, but only when he doesn't have to use too many of his original picks. He considers picks he's acquired in trades for players the team had little use for as chips that he can use to move up. In all the trades above, Beane used 8 picks to move up (not including the base pick in that round or the next round if trading back into a round, like the Knox trade). Of those 8 picks, 7 were extra picks acquired in trades for players the Bills felt were expendable to begin with either due to contract status, inability to make the 53 man roster, or just a bad fit. Of those extra picks, the only players still on the teams they were traded to are Ragland & Teller.
  7. You better be careful making that bet. Beane loves trading up in the early rounds choosing quality over quantity.
  8. Miami would trade Rosen in a heartbeat if anyone offered them any pick before the 8th round. Miami isn't afraid of dumping hot garbage on anyone if they offered a pick. Unlike some other posters I have nothing against Rosen, but he's a total bust as a NFL QB.
  9. The only tickets Rosen will help sell is to his family and once he's benched for Tyrod they won't even watch. OC will mold him for the XFL .
  10. It's easy for NE to work around their cap problems. They can either sign him to a long term contract & spread the bonus out, or sign him to a 2 year deal at a low 2020 salary with incentives that include a big roster bonus in March 2021 where if he hits the incentives his contract for 2021, including the March roster bonus, is all guaranteed. Then he can either play on the contract or renegotiate. If Cam is willing to bet on himself, like Sherman did in SF, a deal with NE can be reached.
  11. It looks a lot like the Microsoft Edge logo:
  12. Jags. Minshew goes from hero to zero to hero for getting the Jags the #1 pick. However, it costs Marrone his job.
  13. Just change the face in the middle, same guy.
  14. Clooney was already in Buffalo doing the weather, then he left to host movies.
  15. It had to be Andy Dalton wishing & praying, knowing that's the only way he remains a starter & keeps getting paid the big bucks.
  16. I couldn't believe some of the posts that talked about the late Bob McNair as if he is still alive.
  17. Most of the media is leaving the XFL out when talking about sports closings.
  18. The Golden State Warriors already banned fans from tonight's game in SF vs the Brooklyn Nets. The empty stadiums/arenas has already started in professional sports.
  19. Take the under on the Jags win total. If there's an XFL in 4 years Minshew will be the starting QB for the Tampa Bay Vipers.
  20. Here's why we disagree: You think it's just a crapshoot. I think a competent organization with good scouting can judge players well enough that it's not a crapshoot. The draft becomes a crapshoot the further down you go. Ok, let's look at the QBs traded up for. The jury is still out on most of the 2018 QBs, but of the 2 prior drafts the majority of teams are totally satisfied. The exceptions clearly are Arizona with Rosen & Denver with Lynch. The jury is still out on the Bears choice of Trubisky, but the other 2 QB picks traded up for are their team's franchise QBs. 2016: Goff, Wentz, Lynch. 2017: Trubisky, Mahomes, Watson. 2018: Darnold, Allen, Rosen, Jackson. Of the 10, 7 have led their team to the playoffs, 3 of the teams have already been in the Super Bowl with 1 winning it & another winning it after the QB got hurt and his backup won the game. Note the best organizations traded up for the QBs who have had the best results, while the 2 biggest busts were from questionable organizations (I include Denver since they have failed a few times finding the right QB).
  21. So, what would you have done instead of trading up for Allen, who was the top QB on their board? Keep the picks and end up with Mason Rudolph and be in the QB market this offseason? Don't say draft Jackson, because he wasn't on their board. From 2016 to 2018 all but 1 1st round QB was traded up for, with many satisfied customers. Maybe it's time to admit the GMs around the league know more than you do. I figured that out years ago, but some of you still think you know more than the best GMs in the league.
  22. I totally disagree with the premise trading down is better than trading up. It's true if your organization is run by a bunch of incompetent boobs (insert Nix & Whaley here), because an incompetent boob is like a blind squirrel in a field full of nuts, more nuts, better chance of finding one. If you have a well run organization with scouts you trust, trading up makes a lot of sense. When you trade up, you know exactly who you are getting (like when KC targeted Mahomes & we targeted Josh) SF got Jerry Rice the WR GOAT on a trade up too. When you trade down you are truly the blind squirrel-you have no clue who will be available when you pick. Trade up-sure thing on the player you want, trade down- you just bought a pig in a poke. To the OP: Show us the data proving a competent organization that trades down benefits more than a competent organization that trades up I don't buy your theory & I doubt you have the data to back it up. I'll go with logic-knowing who you are getting in the draft is better than blindly acquiring extra picks.
  23. Like whenever some guy in his mother's basement posts a mock draft on the internet and someone has to post it to either disagree and say what an idiot the author is or agree with the author and claim he's a genius.
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